Facebook-owned Instagram also chafing at Apple's App Store control



  • Reply 21 of 29
    Ad-revenue-dependent company complains about not being able to track users without their consent -- film at 11!
  • Reply 22 of 29
    It's stunning what these people think they are entitled to in terms of data.  What Facebook, Google and so on believe they should be able to gather, use and sell on us would be like if you went to the mall and the sales person in the department store started following you around with a notepad.  They'd write down every item you stopped to look at, note how long you looked at it, whether you picked it up or tried it on, then record all your purchases and what kind of payment you used.  Then to boot, they follow you out of their store into the mall and do the same thing in every other store you go to.  They note how much time you spent sitting in a common area just watching people.

    Then after it's all done, they compile that gathered information and not only use it for their own internal marketing purposes, but they will sell it to third parties so they can market stuff to you as well.
  • Reply 23 of 29
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,381member
    It's stunning what these people think they are entitled to in terms of data.  What Facebook, Google and so on believe they should be able to gather, use and sell on us would be like if you went to the mall and the sales person in the department store started following you around with a notepad.  They'd write down every item you stopped to look at, note how long you looked at it, whether you picked it up or tried it on, then record all your purchases and what kind of payment you used.  Then to boot, they follow you out of their store into the mall and do the same thing in every other store you go to.  They note how much time you spent sitting in a common area just watching people.

    Then after it's all done, they compile that gathered information and not only use it for their own internal marketing purposes, but they will sell it to third parties so they can market stuff to you as well.
    Some retailers do, for example Walgreens. That's what bluetooth beacons are for (remember those?), and if you use a rewards or club card too then you get tracked from the door to the checkout. When you arrived and when you left. Every aisle you went down, every shelf you paused at, and what you purchased.  Some sell that data too. At one point the aforementioned Walgreens sold your prescription information. 

    FWIW Google does not sell your data despite popular belief.
    edited September 2020
  • Reply 24 of 29
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,318member
    Yes, it is time for the Facebook pile-on which means that Apple is doing right by me personally.  I deleted my FB account but god I have not been able to delete IG.

    A few weeks ago I posted that I was convinced that the iOS IG app was listening to my conversations for keywords and than targeting advertisements to me.

    Examples- a told a coworker that a few years ago I contemplated buying a miniCooper and how I hated having miniCooper ads chase me around the internet for the next six months.

    After that conversation, the ads resumed on my IG app the next day even though they had stopped for the previous year.

    A few days later, a coworker told me a joke involving jigsaw puzzles and the next day I was seeing ads on IG for jigsaw puzzles. (I hate jigsaw puzzles and have never searched for them online).

    On both occasions the IG app had been in use shortly before the conversation.  I have since turned off access to the microphone for the app.

    I don’t trust FB /IG.  In deference to GatorGuy I do think that FB/IG, is qualitatively much worse than Google (which is doing much better it seems).
  • Reply 25 of 29
    Instagram cant even keep PORN SPAM BOTS out of my DMs. Zero credibility.
  • Reply 26 of 29
    chadbag said:
    But Facebook and Instagram would never terminate a business's or Individual's  accounts without warning and without good explanation?  Destroying that business or organization?  Causing that individual to lose all their contacts (on messenger), contact  points for others, etc?

    Nah. They would never do that. 

    Of wait.  Happens probably daily.  Most recent is the Facebook page for "Tactical Sh!t".  All their related sites and anyone who is affiliated with them also lost  their personal Facebook account.  And it seems this is permanent.  The reason  given is totally bogus and made up and without warning.  (It appears to be politically related).  
    Oh that poor armed militia wanting to play military and fight those protesting the police disproportionate killing black people.

    That's not some lil business being hurt by a big evil corporation, that's the government not looking kindly on people arming themselves and advocating violence towards the public; it's ducking selfdefence that Facebook shut them down before the government came and wanted to more control of what the heck's going on on Facebook.
  • Reply 27 of 29

    jungmark said:
    My personal info (access to or actual) is not for sale. You don’t have a right to see it without my consent. 
    It is for sale (by you), and you gave your consent every time you (probably without reading it first) agreed to a website's conditions as you signed up (or accepted cookies).

    Also there's a lot of information about you that a lot of other people have that they have the legal right to cluelessly sell in a similar way; for instance by uploading their address books, or by connecting different accounts/services (and that way sharing friendlists etc).

    Also there are a lot of businesses selling your data in an anonymised, but often easy to de-anonymise, format; for instance membership and loyalty programs, as well as banks.

    So, yes, your personal information is very much for sale, and you have agreed to that by using about a gazillion different services without understanding the consequences of agreeing to their terms and conditions.
  • Reply 28 of 29
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,510member
    This backlash against Apple for doing right by their customers is astounding. Somehow Apple figured out a way to reap massive profits without exploiting its customers or turning their customers into resources ripe for harvesting. Apple builds real products and charges customers real money to buy and use them. As much as we all like to complain about Apple’s prices, at least it’s a WYSIWYG transaction, you know exactly what you are paying for, and you’re paying with your money, not your soul, your time, or your gullibility.

    The only thing Facebook and its affiliates are selling you are false promises and lies, all the while fattening you up for harvest by Facebook’s real paying customers.

    You are simply the pigs and chickens on Facebook’s Farm. Squeal little piggy ... farmer Zucky is coming to get you.
    edited September 2020 williamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 29 of 29
    I certainly see a lot of problems with the App store model as it is today. Blocking progress based on fear of revenue loss - e.g. "sorry, you can't have working gaming streaming on this platform because we have revenue on games in the app store" - is one of them. That a 30% cut for services where  iOS app is just one of the possible front ends is another problem.

    However, the "we can't spy on people" is not a problem. It might even not be necessary to have the app store for this... this could and should be enforced at the OS layer.
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