House Judiciary says Apple enjoys monopoly power with App Store



  • Reply 41 of 87
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    Apple enjoys monopoly of it's hard work and inventions.

    House judiciary also says:

    Wal-Mart enjoys their monopoly of Wal-Mart.

    Nintendo enjoys their monopoly of Switch consoles.

    Tesla enjoys their monopoly of Tesla software.
  • Reply 42 of 87
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    They  appear to be saying that if you reach a certain level of success then you should be penalised. 

    Google having a monopoly in online searches may be true (though I doubt these morons know) but they don’t do anything to prevent from customers from using alternatives, so what’s the problem?
  • Reply 43 of 87
    This is great news. I can only imagine what the European antitrust investigations will bring.

    The “App Store” is a misleading brand name to something that in 2020 really should be named “The Content Gatekeeper to Any Content Published for One of the Two World Dominant Mobile Hardware Platforms”.

    It’s not a store. If I don’t want to SELL anything but just DEPLOY I still have to go through the App Store. It’s completely nuts.
    edited October 2020 gc_uk
  • Reply 44 of 87
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    gc_uk said:
    ericesque said:
    Forcing Apple to allow competing stores on iOS is not as terrible as many are making it out to be. 
    I prefer the peace of mind I get from downloading apps from the App Store. If other stores are made available I will simply not download apps from them. If a developer wants to reach me as a user they will need to submit their app to the App Store. 
    Exactly, and if other stores existed then other people would have the choice to download from those stores, and you can choose to download from the Apple App Store.

    What a stupid idea.
  • Reply 45 of 87
    qwerty52qwerty52 Posts: 367member
    gc_uk said:

    qwerty52 said:

    2. You can buy accessories for your Apple devices everywhere, not only in the AppStore 

    Please give one example of software you can buy for an Apple mobile device outside the Apple App Store.

    I don’t consider “software” as accessories, and I will never buy software for my mobile devices outside the Apple AppStore, even if I can.
  • Reply 46 of 87
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator
    So there’s this retired filmmaker, David Hoffman, on YouTube, who posts videos from his lifetime archive.  Some really interesting stuff; interview with a Vietnam vet, a civil rights activist, etc.  Heres a simple video of people in a computer store in 1995.  I’d like to submit this to Congress with the caption:

    “iPhone, we rest our case.”
    edited October 2020 watto_cobra
  • Reply 47 of 87
    gc_uk said
    Please give one example of software you can buy for an Apple mobile device outside the Apple App Store.
    I guess you’ve never heard of Progressive Web Apps. I was told recently that even Microsoft Office Suite is available as PWA.

    Companies generally don’t want to develop software for delivery outside the app store as they would then have to market and distribute without Apple.

    The new streaming gaming service by Amazon that won’t use the app store can’t come soon enough to shut the clueless up.
  • Reply 48 of 87
    I would suggest that people read the entire summary from the report. The summation of findings per Apple is entirely centered around the App Store, so it seems like a more defensible position vs broader findings regarding Facebook, Google, and Amazon. 
  • Reply 49 of 87
    DaRevDaRev Posts: 29member
    Anilu_777 said:
    Google, Microsoft and all the others ALSO charge 30% fees. How is it highway robbery for Apple and not the rest?!
    First you take out the 1ton gorilla, set legal precedent, then you go after the rest.
  • Reply 50 of 87
    DaRevDaRev Posts: 29member
    If this doesn’t go Apples way I wonder how Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo will feel once precedence is set and they have to allow third party app stores.
  • Reply 51 of 87
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    castcore said:
    I don’t care much for Trump but I swear these Democrat House people are so anti America and American business it’s getting really old. You have Huawei and China  out there and all they can do is beat on a great American company like Apple who is the first to donate to wild fires and first to make masks for Covid? 

    As for App Store, so I can walk into Safeway and say I want to sell my lemonade there and you cannot charge me? 

    Are these Democrats retarded?
    Politics is all about power, control, and deciding who gets to call the shots. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to present original arguments/comments for or against politically influenced issues such as this one related to the governmental oversight of private companies like Apple and Google, but only as it applies to power and control, and without resorting to political name calling or party politics. Using AppleInsider articles that have a political undertone as a springboard for launching political attacks or megaphoning party politics is abusive to the forum and its readers.

    Comments that specifically target a political party or person unfortunately run the risk of turning the AppleInsider forum into yet a political mud pit. There are far too many of those already and I’d personally hate to see AppleInsider devolve into being yet another one. A little bit of self control and self moderation would go a long way towards keeping AppleInsider interesting and insightful. 
  • Reply 52 of 87
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    dewme said:
    castcore said:
    I don’t care much for Trump but I swear these Democrat House people are so anti America and American business it’s getting really old. You have Huawei and China  out there and all they can do is beat on a great American company like Apple who is the first to donate to wild fires and first to make masks for Covid? 

    As for App Store, so I can walk into Safeway and say I want to sell my lemonade there and you cannot charge me? 

    Are these Democrats retarded?
    Politics is all about power, control, and deciding who gets to call the shots. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to present original arguments/comments for or against politically influenced issues such as this one related to the governmental oversight of private companies like Apple and Google, but only as it applies to power and control, and without resorting to political name calling or party politics. Using AppleInsider articles that have a political undertone as a springboard for launching political attacks or megaphoning party politics is abusive to the forum and its readers.

    Comments that specifically target a political party or person unfortunately run the risk of turning the AppleInsider forum into yet a political mud pit. There are far too many of those already and I’d personally hate to see AppleInsider devolve into being yet another one. A little bit of self control and self moderation would go a long way towards keeping AppleInsider interesting and insightful. 
  • Reply 53 of 87
    dewme said: Politics is all about power, control, and deciding who gets to call the shots.
    Business world isn't any different. The thing to remember is that one is supposed to serve the interests of the public at large and the other is supposed to serve private self-interest. Having a healthy check/balance between the two is better than having one act like a subsidiary of the other.
  • Reply 54 of 87
    nicholfdnicholfd Posts: 826member
    gc_uk said:
    iMacabre said:
    |Apple's gaming service, Apple Arcade, is a type of app that was 'consistently disallowed from the store," when offered by third-party developers

    yeah and Netflix is a type of movie, Spotify a type of song...

    Yep, so why do Apple treat third party games stores differently?
    Guess you (like the politician) don't understand that Apple Arcade is not an app & not a game store! It's a subscription service, and every game included in the service is listed in the app store as separate apps.  Apple allows this for Stadia, Xbox streaming, etc. - every game must be listed in the App Store as separate apps.  

    Sounds like you're qualified to run for office as a US politician...
  • Reply 55 of 87
    nicholfdnicholfd Posts: 826member

    gc_uk said:
    Anilu_777 said:
    Google, Microsoft and all the others ALSO charge 30% fees. How is it highway robbery for Apple and not the rest?!
    Those other companies don't force a developer to only use their App Stores.  If someone started a store that didn't charge those fees developers could choose to list their software on that store instead.  Your argument points more to a cartel than anything else.
    Microsoft, Sony & Nintendo forces all developers to use only their App Store for their console platforms.  They all charge 30%.  These are facts in public knowledge (maybe not in your knowledge...)
  • Reply 56 of 87
    johnbearjohnbear Posts: 160member
    Time to slap apple with some fines and force it to make serious changes to AppStore 
  • Reply 57 of 87
    Anilu_777 said:
    Google, Microsoft and all the others ALSO charge 30% fees. How is it highway robbery for Apple and not the rest?!
    Google allows 3rd party app stores, Microsoft charges 5% (30% is Xbox which is a small business in comparison)
  • Reply 58 of 87
    castcore said:
    What kind of moron believes a company's control OVER ITS OWN PRODUCTS/PLATFORM constitutes a monopoly???
    Democrats in the US House.
    And the EU.

    So maybe the “Republicans” are the one odd out huh?
  • Reply 59 of 87
    ericesque said:
    Forcing Apple to allow competing stores on iOS is not as terrible as many are making it out to be. 
    I prefer the peace of mind I get from downloading apps from the App Store. If other stores are made available I will simply not download apps from them. If a developer wants to reach me as a user they will need to submit their app to the App Store. 
    If that’s the solution that’ll make Congress happy I’m sure Apple is thinking about it. As a matter of a fact they could just use the same model for Mac, the Mac App Store. They could add the same security settings the Mac has in Gatekeeper. Mac Apps only, Apple Certified and Open. 
  • Reply 60 of 87

    gc_uk said:

    qwerty52 said:

    2. You can buy accessories for your Apple devices everywhere, not only in the AppStore 

    Please give one example of software you can buy for an Apple mobile device outside the Apple App Store.
    Mmmm. Interesting. In theory on the ARM Macs one could write an iOS app and sell as a Mac app. They’re supposed to run natively on the Mac. Then all is needed is a way to get on a the phone. 

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