Apple releases macOS Big Sur with redesign, Safari updates and more



  • Reply 121 of 124
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member

    mwhite said:
    Best part of Big Sur my mail doesn't pop open all by itself any more, the worst part of Big Sur is you can't move the date and time icon like before but I'll get use to it where it is...
    Check it isn't open in the dock already.
  • Reply 122 of 124
    emoeller said:
    uphill said:
    I am glad someone has had a good result.

    My Software Update has for about 45 minutes been showing "12.18 GB of 12.18 GB" as being downloaded but nothing is happening. The progress bar shows about 85% complete. It looks frozen and/or stalled.

    No point losing sleep over it, so I'll have another look in the morning.
    I had the same problem last night and tried exiting and restarting Update and finally got it to finish up by powering down and then back on and downloading the update again.  Finished up around midnight.

    As others have noted it looks nice and seems to perform faster (late 2018 MBP, loaded).  Little Snitch doesn't work at all and my Mallvad VPN apparently needs to be reinstalled - it just disappeared.  Copied not working.  Microsoft Office works well, as do all of the Apple updates so far (including Messages - although it has a Green icon instead of old Blue one).  iPulse needs to be updated, and GraphicConverter 11 has a new update out today to make it play nice with Big Sur.  

    I always hated Catalina (first upgrade in a long time that degraded my workflow), but so far Big Sur is snappier and smoother.   
    A good night's rest has seemed to fix everything  B)

    No particular trouble installing on two Macs this morning. They did seem to do many more restarts than I am used to, but seeing how much has changed, that's not surprising.

    It is, in my opinion, an even bigger change in the appearance of the User Interface than back in September 2020 when I started using OSX Public Beta. I think Apple tried then to not disorient users of the old System 9 too much. Even then, there was quite a bit of outrage from people who felt forced to change from what was familiar. Apple was a little bolder this time.
  • Reply 123 of 124
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    spice-boy said:
    I think the re-count in Georgia will be done before any of us gets Big Sur.
    At least everybody will be a winner when they get Big Sur!
  • Reply 124 of 124
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,819member
    Oh dear. Syncdefaultsd is broken too, uploaded 600mb then launchd killed it. Seems a full wipe and reinstall is required...

    I have found a fix for Python though for anyone who finds it broken - the error is something along the lines of "ValueError: dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, kIOMasterPortDefault): symbol not found", because Apple has removed system libraries from the filesystem and programs are expected to use the dynamic linker instead.

    You first need to work around another bug and delete the old CommandLineTools in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools, because without this the new Command Line Tools will refuse to update, despite being out of date. I also reinstalled Xcode to be safe. In the terminal do sudo xcode-select --install to install the new version, and afterward sudo xcodebuild -license to accept the new license.

    Then if you don't have it, get Homebrew (at, and do

    brew install --build-from-source python 

    This should then install a non-broken Python, and you'll probably have to add /usr/local/bin/python3 to your $PATH to use it. Hope that helps someone.
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