Early macOS Big Sur adopters running into teething issues



  • Reply 41 of 54
    Since the upgrade to Bug Sir, my Music app crashes constantly! Right now it quits as soon as it starts! 
    Apple spent eons beta testing this upgrade, I guess they missed one of the apps that people enjoy the most, Music. 
    If rebooting doesn't work, try booting into safe mode in MacOS (hold down shift while booting). If it works in safe mode, that could indicate that some other software that is running is interfering, which at least is a lead for you in terms of fixing this.
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  • Reply 42 of 54
    Rayz2016 said:
    viclauyyc said:
    spheric said:
    AniMill said:

    There are “content creators” who upgrade their OS main work machine without ensuring that their primary tools are certified for the update? 

    Are they new in the business? 
    Shouldn’t apple to do enough testing to make sure their latest and greatest major OS release is safe enough and good enough?

    Should Apple test every single app in existence to make sure it runs, then release the OS eight hundred years from now?

    We are talking about Apple here, not Microsoft’s Windows.

    we pay more and expect more. If it is not ready, just delay the release. Also, some of the problems we mentioned here are native Apple app. And you think my charger/battery problem is because I use third party hardware?

    Now, I can’t even sync my iPhone with my MBP.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 43 of 54
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,325member
    Running on a 2013 Mac Pro, no issues so far. 
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  • Reply 44 of 54
    jabohn said:
    „There was a problem connecting to the server ...” via afp
    AFP is gone from Big Sur. It has been deprecated for over 6 years (since macOS 10.9) and Big Sur has finally removed it entirely.
    AFP is not gone.  Using it right here & now from Mac mini upgraded to Big Sur, connecting to my FreeBSD server running NetATalk.

    From the terminal, I type "open afp://skinner" and Finder opens a window, showing all my AFP shares on that server.  

    From Finder, I hit Cmd-K (Connect to server) and type in "afp://skinner" and Finder shows me a list of my shares on that server.

    All of my Macs are backing up with Time Machine to these AFP shares.  Has worked for years, and still works with Big Sur.
    edited November 2020
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  • Reply 45 of 54
    I see two issues, not related to any specific Mac model (happens on all my Macs):
    1. Automount is broken.  Normally edit /etc/auto_master and uncomment the "/net" line.  Find the "autofsd" process and restart it.  Then I can browse NFS network shares by just going to the "/net/server/share" name, and they are automatically mounted.  I've done this for years, from both the terminal and Finder.  In the terminal when I hit the top level of a share, I get an unintelligible error:  "cd: rPC prog. not avail: /net/skinner/Data". When going to the share in Finder, it just shows empty (no files or directories) - no error message.
    2. Unlock with S6 watch stopped working.  Disabled it, and can't re-enable - Mac states it can't talk to the watch.  This was working well, consistently with all my Macs (minis & MacBook Pros) until Big Sur.
    No issues with my VPN client:  Viscosity.

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  • Reply 46 of 54
    Just want to be able to snooze calendar reminders for a selectable time (10 mins, 1 hour etc) like before. My only gripe at the moment. 
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  • Reply 47 of 54
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Just want to be able to snooze calendar reminders for a selectable time (10 mins, 1 hour etc) like before. My only gripe at the moment. 
    Cracks me up when they take away small things like that. I always ask myself what manager thought that feature needed to go away and why?
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 48 of 54
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,857member

    dewme said:
    dewme said:
    Several apps show as Update available in App Store, but when I click on Update, nothing happens. 
    We're finding that this means that there is a sub-point update after an initial Big Sur or Apple Silicon update. Closing and re-opening Software Update and letting it do its thing for a few minutes should clear this up.
    I’ve tried that, tried rebooting, tried logging out then logging back in to my App Store account, tried downloading an app I previously purchased that was not on the machine, etc. Nothing makes a difference. Nothing strange looking in Activity Monitor in terms of CPU or memory use. I’ll keep trying other things.
    Huh. We haven't seen this one in our patrols, then. Let me know how it goes.
    Well Mike, I think this is a server side problem. After leaving my Mac sitting overnight 3 of the 4 pending updates completed successfully. These were all reasonably small, specifically BetterSnapTool, Outlook, and OneNote. The last one is XCode 12.2, which is a 11.4 GB update, so it'll take a while to show any progress on the blue progress ring.   Currently it shows no progress. For some reason, the App Store updates on this machine are probably downloading at milli-bit-per-second (mbps) rates so the new XCode version should arrive on my machine somewhere around Thanksgiving, more or less. XCode versions seem to have macOS version dependencies so I'm not sure if I could download the installation image on a Catalina machine and install it manually. The affected computer is used primarily for testing, so I'll just wait and see until I can smell the roast turkey before seeing what's happening with the update. Seriously, I expect that there's a logjam somewhere in the pipeline and once it's cleared the updates will quickly complete.

    Update: The logjam broke and XCode 12.2 completed its update in a few minutes. Yay. 
    edited November 2020
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  • Reply 49 of 54
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    I've upgraded two computers so far, a 13" 2015 MacBook Pro, and a 27" 2020 iMac. The iMac upgrade went smoothly, and I've experienced no problems so far, but I did run into a small "glitch" when upgrading the 13" MBP.

    During install, on the black screen that shows the progress indicator, it stopped at about 1/3 of the way to completion. I had to leave, so I left it running. I didn't return until the next day, and when I checked the MBP, it was still stuck at that 1/3 point. It wouldn't respond to anything I tried, so I held down the power button, and shut down the machine. At this point, I was expecting a hosed install. To my surprise, when I restarted the machine, the Big Sur login screen came up, and everything seems to work fine so far. 

    I have an install of Microsoft Office on the MBP, and it's running fine so far. I also have VLC and a handful of apps from the App Store, and they too are stable. I don't have an Apple Watch, so can't confirm that problem, and I haven't experienced any of the issues listed either.
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  • Reply 50 of 54
    My Automount issue is probably an NFS issue.  NFS URL's are no longer recognized - NFS://Server/Share fails, and treats the NFS:// as part of the path.  I see lots of discussion of NFS server issues in betas, even causing kernel panics.  Seems like the whole NFS subsystem may have issues... :(
    edited November 2020
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  • Reply 51 of 54
    My Mac mini 2018 is stable. The only issue I have on this list, is that unlocking with Apple Watch no longer works.
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  • Reply 52 of 54
    secondary screen is no longer properly supported: upon unplugging / replugging a 2nd screen to a 2016 Mac Book Pro, google chrome & zoom windows disappear into oblivion (sound stays on though); other programs/apps won't open at all on the 2nd screen. All of this was fine with Catalina
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  • Reply 53 of 54
    Rayz2016rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    viclauyyc said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    viclauyyc said:
    spheric said:
    AniMill said:

    There are “content creators” who upgrade their OS main work machine without ensuring that their primary tools are certified for the update? 

    Are they new in the business? 
    Shouldn’t apple to do enough testing to make sure their latest and greatest major OS release is safe enough and good enough?

    Should Apple test every single app in existence to make sure it runs, then release the OS eight hundred years from now?

    We are talking about Apple here, not Microsoft’s Windows.

    we pay more and expect more. If it is not ready, just delay the release. Also, some of the problems we mentioned here are native Apple app. And you think my charger/battery problem is because I use third party hardware?

    Now, I can’t even sync my iPhone with my MBP.

    We’re talking about third-party apps and content creators who upgrade their main machine without doing any research. If you have a different complaint then take a ticket and get in line. 
    edited November 2020
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  • Reply 54 of 54
    Rayz2016rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member

    razorpit said:
    Just want to be able to snooze calendar reminders for a selectable time (10 mins, 1 hour etc) like before. My only gripe at the moment. 
    Cracks me up when they take away small things like that. I always ask myself what manager thought that feature needed to go away and why?
    Apparently, Apple likes to remove stuff when their diagnostics come back showing that no one is using a particular function. “No one” in this case could mean thousands of people. 
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