What to do about the French



  • Reply 21 of 56
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    You know, I usually ignore threads like this. I jump into ones where I care about the topic, but I'm beginning to think it's making my political/social/economic views more "conservative"so I'll just say that this whole hate-the-French thing is silly. Not evil, not reactionary, not serious, just silly.
  • Reply 22 of 56
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    You know, I usually ignore threads like this. I jump into ones where I care about the topic, but I'm beginning to think it's making my political/social/economic views more "conservative"so I'll just say that this whole hate-the-French thing is silly. Not evil, not reactionary, not serious, just silly.

    I think it's beyond silly. I think it's utterly retarded. I think that anyone that truly believes in this should simply be put out of our misery. I mean, this is beyond the normal stupidity that I have to put up with every day of my life. This is mind-blowing, pound your head against the wall until it is a bloody pulp of brains and bones, kill me now idiocy. I want those damn senators ousted from congress and stoned.
  • Reply 23 of 56
    Guys this is the Bash and Make fun of France thread.

    The "I'm tired of all the French bashing" thread is down the hall.

    A few memorable qoutes:

    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."

    -- General George S. Patton

    "How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?

    One, he holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him."

    -- Unknown

    "We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it."

    --Marge Simpson
  • Reply 24 of 56
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    Of course it's silly. It's as silly as samshing Dixie Chicks CD's because of the lead singers comments in London last week. You should smash the Dixie Chicks CD's 'cause they suck.

    I mean, it's not like the people who poured all that wine into the gutter didn't pay for it, didn't they? It didn't get in their hands from the gracious donations of the vintners, and last time I checked wine was not sold on consignment.

    The ba$tards who are making individual French people in this country fear for their safety (if they exist) are not Americans- they may have been born and bred here, but they have no idea what "liberty and justice for all" means.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Well, I tried to talk about something instead, but I guess this is the wrong thread. Funny, because if in jest, that first comment is more a bit of apt sarcasm against some of the less than bright gringos out there.

    Liberty and justice for all, sounds a bit like some French ideas from a while back.

    Still, haven't we all become a bit too sensitive on either side?
  • Reply 26 of 56
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by MrBillData

    Guys this is the Bash and Make fun of France thread.

    The "I'm tired of all the French bashing" thread is down the hall.

    A few memorable qoutes:

    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."

    -- General George S. Patton

    "How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?

    One, he holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him."

    -- Unknown

    "We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it."

    --Marge Simpson

    Are we entitled to start a "Bash the Moronic Fat-ass Americans" thread, or would that be 'not-funny'?
  • Reply 27 of 56
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by BR

    I want those damn senators ousted from congress and stoned.

    Uh, it's not that bad in here. Besides, they're not the ones posting.
  • Reply 28 of 56

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Are we entitled to start a "Bash the Moronic Fat-ass Americans" thread, or would that be 'not-funny'?

    Yup, that's why we have a 21000 pound bomb...

    even one of the first H-bombs was called Fat Man.

    Of course if that logic was applied to the other H-Bomb we would like Little boys too.

    The nicest people are the ones able to laugh at them selves. Sadly that is one thing that many Americans lost on 9/11. We seem to take everything much too seriously now.
  • Reply 29 of 56
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Are we entitled to start a "Bash the Moronic Fat-ass Americans" thread, or would that be 'not-funny'?

    Well, if it wasn't for all those freakin French Fries......
  • Reply 30 of 56

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Just to let you know that all of this regarding the French and the Americans is having a deeply negative effect on the personal and individual level.

    I know a married couple living in the United States who come, respectively, from France and Quebec. They are finding it very difficult to stay in the U.S. due to the insults and quasi-racist comments to which they are subjected because of France's stand on this international issue. They have decided to move.

    Perhaps it is the same thing for Americans living in France.

    If this is true, it's a shame. Iraqi people seem to be a very personable bunch. They don't have a beef with westerners: they'll invite you supper at the drop of a hat, even while our leaders bomb the shit out of them.

    Americans can distinguish between a people (say, the French) and their leaders (say, Chirac), surely?
  • Reply 31 of 56
    How about if we toss a cruise missile off at Chiraq and then toast his demise with a fine Burgundy to wash down that souffle from McDonald's?
  • Reply 32 of 56

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    How about if we toss a cruise missile off at Chiraq and then toast his demise with a fine Burgundy to wash down that souffle from McDonald's?

    I just pressed the 'Buddy' button for the first time.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    Hassan, you wouldn't happen to be a sex crazed female underwear model would you?
  • Reply 34 of 56
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Does that mean a female model or a model for female underwear? It's an important distinction.
  • Reply 35 of 56
    You and your transvestite propaganda sicken me groverat. Let it be known that if Hassan is masquerading as a female and is in fact a man inspite of his taut creamy thighs which merge- like Daimler and Chrysler- into that magnetic Bermuda triangle of infinite intimacy and a sinfully rounded bust that is virtually overflowing with flesh that desires the soft touch of a strong man like myself than I have no interest in him. But if he is not a he but in fact a she then I'm down for fornicating like, uh, mammals or something.
  • Reply 36 of 56
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Hassan i_Sabbah

    If this is true, it's a shame. [...] Americans can distinguish between a people (say, the French) and their leaders (say, Chirac), surely?

    Not only can they not distinguish between a people and their leaders, they cannot even distinguish between a country advocating a political position with which they disagree and a food that - quite arbitrarily - shares a name with the people of that country.

    They also seem to have a problem with the commercial names of cleaners. Check out this story in the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/s...496811,00.html

    I am glad that the Americans are saving the world for their brand of "civilization".
  • Reply 37 of 56
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Not only can they not distinguish between a people and their leaders, they cannot even distinguish between a country advocating a political position with which they disagree and a food that - quite arbitrarily - shares a name with the people of that country.

  • Reply 38 of 56
    Colander de la mort:

    The 'Buddy Button' I was referred to was that cute little smilie thing and not the wonderful but oh-so-difficult-to-find 'love button' in a woman's nether regions.

    Besides, I have a girlfriend

    And I make my own coffee and drink it from a nice yellow bowl every morning, comme les français, rather than buy it from Starbucks.

    But I would love to make you breakfast sometime. Today I'm having poached eggs on toast.
  • Reply 39 of 56

    The 'Buddy Button' I was referred to was that cute little smilie thing and not the wonderful but oh-so-difficult-to-find 'love button' in a woman's nether regions.

    I don't really have anything to add to this except to say that Clitorgasms are our friends.


    Besides, I have a girlfriend

    Are you a lesbian? Cause I'm down with a threesome with two girls.

    If not then I'll just have to fall back to groverat as my auxiliary lover.


    And I make my own coffee and drink it from a nice yellow bowl every morning, comme les français, rather than buy it from Starbucks.

    Are you suggesting that coffee doesn't necessarily come from Starbucks? I doubt that.


    But I would love to make you breakfast sometime. Today I'm having poached eggs on toast.

    It's a bit early for breakfast. Only 12:39AM here. Muchos Gracias for the offer but as a multilateral breakfast eater I prefer incorporating other countries into my morning for the sake of global harmony via such tasty treats as Belgian Waffles, French Toast, and uh Toaster Strudel (got to be a Hungary pun to be had somewhere around here...). But next time I drop into London I'll take you out for tea and scones or better yet some fajitas con pollo.
  • Reply 40 of 56
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    I'll just say that this whole hate-the-French thing is silly. Not evil, not reactionary, not serious, just silly.

    In the beginning of the World War II many people said the whole thing about superiority of Germans was silly, not evil, too. You know what that ended with. In every joke there is a share of joke. In the meantime the White House's propaganda machine is already encouraging racism and chauvinism on the ground of patriotism. Will it still all be silly when American troops attack France?
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