Apple's $111.4B Q1 shatters quarterly record with massive growth across all categories



  • Reply 41 of 75
    I would like to see Apple invest some of that profit into better built, better quality products. They charge a significant premium. 
    This has been my experience with Apple:
    Bluetooth issues constantly with MacBook Pro 16 and AirPods Pro Max - still unresolved after weeks 
    MacBook Pro 16 with 5500m 8gb, fans pegged at 5600rpm and jet engine noise with external monitors plugged in with cpu at 10% load!
    3 months later Apple released the 5600M which does not have this problem - the timing of releasing a GPU upgrade so quickly after is telling
    2nd gen (ecosystem lock in sucks) MacBook Pro 15 with butterfly keyboard issues - serviced twice
    1st gen MacBook Pro 15, butterfly keyboard issues, Apple replaced it, also made clicking sounds, repaired
    Airpods battery issues, had them replaced twice

    There are thousands of users who have posted about the above. When you contact Apple they either deny or obfuscate. In some cases eventually they acknowledge problems, albeit years later at which point live already offloaded the offending equipment. 

    This company will never change its ways unless we consumers hold them to the fire. 
    I fracking love my Apple gear. But boy do they make it tough
  • Reply 42 of 75
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Tim just aped the administration’s nonsensical “build back better” line. Major eyeroll. 

    Since Tim is so committed to giving away Apple’s money maybe he should go work in government.
    You lost. Time to move on, apparently. 
  • Reply 43 of 75
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Tim just aped the administration’s nonsensical “build back better” line. Major eyeroll. 

    Since Tim is so committed to giving away Apple’s money maybe he should go work in government.
    Build Back Better makes more sense than Be Best. 😆

    They literally cannot spend their cash fast enough. Who gives a fuck if they give a tiny percentage of it away? Tim probably loses a million just using a leaf blower to clear piles or cash to get to his car in the morning. 
    Love that image …

    Cook waking up at five in the morning, heading to the pool …

    ”Goddamit …”
  • Reply 44 of 75
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.
    Because the value of cash falls over time, which means you have less real buying power as time goes in. Apple plans to keep enough cash to cover its debts and the rest they’ll tie up in longer term investments. 

    Not keeping huge amounts of cash lying around will also discourage Wall Street hacks from speculating on massively useless takeovers. 
    edited January 2021 aderutterwatto_cobra
  • Reply 45 of 75
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member

    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.
    I think it’s a position Wall Street likes because it would mean Apple was no longer in control. I think it’s a really dumb pursuit to attempt to hold no cash. If they really want to, they should be using their cash to buy Bitcoin.

    Yes, the problem is that you don’t know what “cash neutral” means. 

    It doesn’t mean to “hold no cash”.   
  • Reply 46 of 75
    Up/down?  This looks like a missed edit -- 

    "while operating expenses are up/down year-on-year to $10.8 billion from $9.6 billion."
  • Reply 47 of 75
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.

    By removing unproductive cash from the balance sheet and using it to reduce the share count, a business increases the percentage of each dollar invested representing the operating business.  And at the same time increases the ownership percentage represented by each remaining outstanding share.  As a potential investor you want your invested dollars [capital] to purchase an operating business that produces outsized returns, not static and unproductive cash.  

    There was a time a few years ago, back when Icahn was carping, that each dollar invested in Apple shares represented only 75 cents invested in the operating business and 25 cents invested to buy a bit of Apple’s cash hoard.  Most casual investors don’t think about that.  But what if you said to your broker, “please invest $100,000 from my account in this company I feel is a good business” and your broker replied, “sure, but I’m going to invest only $75,000 in the company’s shares and let the other $25,000 sit and do nothing for you.”  You’d question his action, and yet that’s exactly the decision that all of us investors faced, and made, when we bought Apple shares back in those days.  Get unproductive cash off the balance sheet, and put it to good use. 

  • Reply 48 of 75
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    Up/down?  This looks like a missed edit -- 

    "while operating expenses are up/down year-on-year to $10.8 billion from $9.6 billion."

  • Reply 49 of 75
    cg27cg27 Posts: 214member
    Rayz2016 said:
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.
    Because the value of cash falls over time, which means you have less real buying power as time goes in. Apple plans to keep enough cash to cover its debts and the rest they’ll tie up in longer term investments. 

    Not keeping huge amounts of cash lying around will also discourage Wall Street hacks from speculating on massively useless takeovers. 
    So Apple has $83B net cash laying around that they’d like to invest in longer term investments but can’t find such suitable investments, quarter after quarter?
  • Reply 50 of 75
    cg27cg27 Posts: 214member
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.

    By removing unproductive cash from the balance sheet and using it to reduce the share count, a business increases the percentage of each dollar invested representing the operating business.  And at the same time increases the ownership percentage represented by each remaining outstanding share.  As a potential investor you want your invested dollars [capital] to purchase an operating business that produces outsized returns, not static and unproductive cash.  

    There was a time a few years ago, back when Icahn was carping, that each dollar invested in Apple shares represented only 75 cents invested in the operating business and 25 cents invested to buy a bit of Apple’s cash hoard.  Most casual investors don’t think about that.  But what if you said to your broker, “please invest $100,000 from my account in this company I feel is a good business” and your broker replied, “sure, but I’m going to invest only $75,000 in the company’s shares and let the other $25,000 sit and do nothing for you.”  You’d question his action, and yet that’s exactly the decision that all of us investors faced, and made, when we bought Apple shares back in those days.  Get unproductive cash off the balance sheet, and put it to good use. 

    Ok so why doesn’t Apple substantially increase their already considerable share buy backs to bring net cash to zero sooner rather than later, if that is their stated goal?
  • Reply 51 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    lkrupp said:
    Apple, proudly failing and racing toward bankruptcy since April 1, 1976!

    What will Apple’s profit look like after the new administration breaks Apple up into little pieces. 
    Be assured. They won’t do that.
  • Reply 52 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Tim just aped the administration’s nonsensical “build back better” line. Major eyeroll. 

    Since Tim is so committed to giving away Apple’s money maybe he should go work in government.
    Build Back Better makes more sense than Be Best. 😆

    They literally cannot spend their cash fast enough. Who gives a fuck if they give a tiny percentage of it away? Tim probably loses a million just using a leaf blower to clear piles or cash to get to his car in the morning. 
    Conservatives don’t understand that social responsibility is something that corporations need to have as part of their business plan. Historically, those that do, perform better in the long run, than these that don’t.

    but conservatism is about greed, really. You know, from the album “The Wall” where there’s the line about “my pie”? They don’t get that the abhorrent greed they display that hurts others is hurting society, and therefor the economy, that powers their own income.
  • Reply 53 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    Apple stock down $4.00 in after hours, so a little profit taking, as usual after Apple earnings announcements.
    This isn’t usual. That’s a myth. Most of the time the stock goes up when they have a good report. But it’s like weather forecasting. People only seem to remember the few times when it’s wrong.
  • Reply 54 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    zeus423 said:

    lkrupp said:
    Apple, proudly failing and racing toward bankruptcy since April 1, 1976!
    Love the profitability, hate the current Apple regime’s preaching.
    We get it. You hate equality. You don’t have to keep reminding us all. 
    Equality. What a nice word for some people working hard and others getting a cut for not working as hard. Is it equality or socialism?
    You obviously don’t know what socialism is. Conservatives don’t. To them everything is socialism if it isn’t hard right.
  • Reply 55 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.

    By removing unproductive cash from the balance sheet and using it to reduce the share count, a business increases the percentage of each dollar invested representing the operating business.  And at the same time increases the ownership percentage represented by each remaining outstanding share.  As a potential investor you want your invested dollars [capital] to purchase an operating business that produces outsized returns, not static and unproductive cash.  

    There was a time a few years ago, back when Icahn was carping, that each dollar invested in Apple shares represented only 75 cents invested in the operating business and 25 cents invested to buy a bit of Apple’s cash hoard.  Most casual investors don’t think about that.  But what if you said to your broker, “please invest $100,000 from my account in this company I feel is a good business” and your broker replied, “sure, but I’m going to invest only $75,000 in the company’s shares and let the other $25,000 sit and do nothing for you.”  You’d question his action, and yet that’s exactly the decision that all of us investors faced, and made, when we bought Apple shares back in those days.  Get unproductive cash off the balance sheet, and put it to good use. 

    That’s all nonsense! There are never proven theories about that. But none of them works in the real world.

    as long as cash is earning enough to maintain a small positive direction, it’s not non productive. But buying massive amounts of shares back, and then cancelling them is destructive. The company has literally thrown well over $100 billion in the garbage over the years, and accumulated over $110 billion in debt, which is subject to interest.
  • Reply 56 of 75
    melgross said:
    Tim just aped the administration’s nonsensical “build back better” line. Major eyeroll. 

    Since Tim is so committed to giving away Apple’s money maybe he should go work in government.
    Build Back Better makes more sense than Be Best. 😆

    They literally cannot spend their cash fast enough. Who gives a fuck if they give a tiny percentage of it away? Tim probably loses a million just using a leaf blower to clear piles or cash to get to his car in the morning. 
    Conservatives don’t understand that social responsibility is something that corporations need to have as part of their business plan. Historically, those that do, perform better in the long run, than these that don’t.

    but conservatism is about greed, really. You know, from the album “The Wall” where there’s the line about “my pie”? They don’t get that the abhorrent greed they display that hurts others is hurting society, and therefor the economy, that powers their own income.
    Oh, come on Mel. Don’t use that tired old cliché about conservatives. Conservatives tend to be quite generous when it comes to donating money or time. What conservatives don’t abide is government or businesses wasting the money of others on their own private causes, as Tim is clearly doing. Tim should be as generous as he wants with his own salary or stock, not with the stock and cash of the company he works for. Tim does not own Apple. I own Apple. You own Apple. Millions of others own Apple. And if my opinion about Apple doesn’t matter, then neither does yours.
  • Reply 57 of 75
    melgross said:
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.

    By removing unproductive cash from the balance sheet and using it to reduce the share count, a business increases the percentage of each dollar invested representing the operating business.  And at the same time increases the ownership percentage represented by each remaining outstanding share.  As a potential investor you want your invested dollars [capital] to purchase an operating business that produces outsized returns, not static and unproductive cash.  

    There was a time a few years ago, back when Icahn was carping, that each dollar invested in Apple shares represented only 75 cents invested in the operating business and 25 cents invested to buy a bit of Apple’s cash hoard.  Most casual investors don’t think about that.  But what if you said to your broker, “please invest $100,000 from my account in this company I feel is a good business” and your broker replied, “sure, but I’m going to invest only $75,000 in the company’s shares and let the other $25,000 sit and do nothing for you.”  You’d question his action, and yet that’s exactly the decision that all of us investors faced, and made, when we bought Apple shares back in those days.  Get unproductive cash off the balance sheet, and put it to good use. 

    That’s all nonsense! There are never proven theories about that. But none of them works in the real world.

    as long as cash is earning enough to maintain a small positive direction, it’s not non productive. But buying massive amounts of shares back, and then cancelling them is destructive. The company has literally thrown well over $100 billion in the garbage over the years, and accumulated over $110 billion in debt, which is subject to interest.
    There’s another point to be made about holding cash. The unchecked spending by the current AND prior administrations (yes, I’m including the recently voted out administration here also) and the Federal Reserve’s mandate for promoting full employment continue to wreak havoc on the US Dollar. And the COVID cash being sent out as a remedy for stagnant and collapsing consumer earning and spending will only hasten the devaluation of that cash on hand for Apple.
  • Reply 58 of 75
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    I'm sure, now that Tim has shared with us his new concerns that "We lose the freedom to be human," in regards to Facebook that they will be dramatically increasing the salary of their slave labors in China.   I mean if $15 minimum wage is important for Americans, why shouldn't it be important for our overseas workers too?  

    I'm sure it will happen at any time now.  Just a mere formality at this point.  

  • Reply 59 of 75
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    Do you believe either AMC or GameStop “deserve” their current heady stock prices? It’s all a game.
    At least with AMC/Gamestop it's a game by the little guys that will probably take out at least one hedge fund.   If they managed to nab more than one I won't be sad.  

    Fun times when the tables get turned.  The screeching from Wall Street is hysterical.  It's all find and dandy when they are the ones doing the raping and pillaging.  But if anyone else dare have the temerity to do the same?  There aren't enough pearls or fainting couches!  Ha!  
    edited January 2021
  • Reply 60 of 75
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    This company will never change its ways unless we consumers hold them to the fire. 
    Actually, they did change their ways.  They did finally ditch the butterfly keyboard.  Should have taken 4 years?  Absolutely not!  But at least they did FINALLY ditch it.
    The other heat/reliability issues were due to Intel not keeping up their end of the bargain, which they have addressed with the M1 and future Apple Silicon Mac's.  

    Indeed, I just picked up an M1 MacBook Air to replace my 2015 MBA and good grief - it doesn't even feel like it's a computer from the same company. The keyboard on this computer is far crisper and more precise.  The display is fantastic.  The speakers are also amazing.  And that's before I even talk about the CPU performance or utterly bonkers battery life.  Or that if they hadn't bumped up the max RAM to 16GB how I would have been forced off of the Air - which is a form factor I love.  

    While far from perfect (ha - sat out the whole performa infested 90's) Apple does tend to get back on track and correct mistakes.  Never as quickly as one would like, but at least they keep pushing the envelope.  With the M1 Mac's I can honestly say this is the most excited I have been about the state of the Mac since the intro of the Intel Mac's and the promise of the then new Mac OS X.  We are finally getting significantly new and exciting functionality delivered with even more wild and crazy stuff down the line as well.  If the rumors are true and the deliver the much vaunted X Mac mini tower....  I won't know what to do with myself :)
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