Apple denied Parler re-entry to the App Store despite guideline revision



  • Reply 21 of 103
    yojimbo007yojimbo007 Posts: 1,165member

    Given how ridiculous their user base behaved when they were first kicked off, I hope Apple is careful not to allow them back. Because as soon as they get back on they’ll start allowing insane content again and they’ll freak out if Apple gives them the boot again. 
    I can actually see some of these wack jobs targeting one of Apple’s buildings or stores in a domestic attack. It’s best for Apple to just keep saying that their moderation policies aren’t good enough. 
    Talking about wack jobs!......You object to hate speech yet you speculate on something that has not happened  and project your own hate on someone else... followed by insults.. and you are the nice guy?     You are completely oblivious to that .. arent u?  🤦🏼‍♂️
    You speculation is more telling of your own persona! 
  • Reply 22 of 103
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    What’s your definition of “cesspool?”

    Mine is pornography, foul language and threats, especially to children. I hope our definitions have some intersection.
    I don't maintain a static definition, not sure what your point is. Pornography and foul language have their place, as long as they're signposted. Threats to children are obviously reprehensible.
  • Reply 23 of 103
    yojimbo007yojimbo007 Posts: 1,165member

    Yeah, this is a bad look for Apple. I have no desire to download Parler (other than the obvious "this is forbidden, I must have it" draw) but to say it's due to hate speech when you can find exactly that on several currently approved apps (as has been mentioned above: Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc) is disingenuous at best.
    As has been said often (not sure who the original author is): "The tech industry needs to learn to distinguish between hate speech and speech they hate." This is clearly the latter.
    Ban FB, Twitter, and Reddit as well and I'll believe it.

    I do not condone hate speech in any shape or form....even more so i do not condone Hypocrisy and Tyrannical behavior! 

    Hypocrisy  is what this is!

    ..And as far as Tim himself …. a very un-fiduciary position to take… as his main responsibility is to the shareholders ....and polarizing Apple against half of the population is not in shareholders interest.

    I’d even argue there may be grounds to sue him if he continues this politicly motivated polarization and alienation of potential customers.. who may simply turn away from Apple because of Apples blatant partisanship.

  • Reply 24 of 103
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    crowley said:
    n2macs said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Parler is no different than facebook or twitter.
    Insufficient moderation is still better than no moderation.
    They have moderation.  What they don’t have is Twitter and Facebook’s ideological gestapo.  
  • Reply 25 of 103
    You have got to be kidding. Apple, seriously, putting out this statement and yet they allow facebook, twitter, reddit and just take a look at the top hip hop songs on Apple Music. Disgusting. Apple is spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. 
    The other platforms actively moderate their content, even if they’re not perfect at it. I’m going to wager that Parler’s claims about their moderation are disingenuous at best, and Apple’s not stupid enough to fall for that. 
    Hip hop? LOL
    “Moderation” largely comes down to censoring views they don’t like FAR MORE than those they do that violate TOS by a huge margin.

    If you haven’t been aware of that, at best, you’ve not remotely paid attention.
  • Reply 26 of 103
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Another poster who has no idea what he is talking about.  Parler has such guidance and does have moderation. They don’t allow illegal activity, threats, etc.  The difference is they don’t ban people who make comments that leftists twist into “Nazi propaganda.”    

    xbit said:
    As has been said often (not sure who the original author is): "The tech industry needs to learn to distinguish between hate speech and speech they hate." This is clearly the latter.
    Apologises for Godwinning this thread but Apple has specifically called out Nazi symbols in its rejection. If you don’t think neo-Nazis are engaging in hate speech then I really wonder where you draw the line.

    And, yes, dig deep enough and you’ll find the same content on the other social media platforms. The difference being that the other social media platforms on iOS have guidance banning such groups - even if their enforcement of the rules is inconsistent.

  • Reply 27 of 103
    For a very long time I’ve had thoughts of an app that relies on network effects with user-provided content, with the understanding that Apple’s absurd policies would almost certainly make it impossible to do anything other than lose time/money/effort on it because invariably Apple would find what users post beyond their guidelines, never mind all the stuff they sell on iTunes is at least as bad, but hey, they make money off each bit of THAT media sold!
  • Reply 28 of 103
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Yeah, this is a bad look for Apple. I have no desire to download Parler (other than the obvious "this is forbidden, I must have it" draw) but to say it's due to hate speech when you can find exactly that on several currently approved apps (as has been mentioned above: Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc) is disingenuous at best.
    As has been said often (not sure who the original author is): "The tech industry needs to learn to distinguish between hate speech and speech they hate." This is clearly the latter.
    Ban FB, Twitter, and Reddit as well and I'll believe it.

    I do not condone hate speech in any shape or form....even more so i do not condone Hypocrisy and Tyrannical behavior! 

    Hypocrisy  is what this is!

    ..And as far as Tim himself …. a very un-fiduciary position to take… as his main responsibility is to the shareholders ....and polarizing Apple against half of the population is not in shareholders interest.

    I’d even argue there may be grounds to sue him if he continues this politicly motivated polarization and alienation of potential customers.. who may simply turn away from Apple because of Apples blatant partisanship.

    No one is going to get anywhere suing Tim Cook because a few nut jobs got their panties in a twist. 
  • Reply 29 of 103
    DAalseth said:
    Apple's party, you get invited or not at Apple's choice. 
    Apple’s choice, indeed. 

    Apple gets invited to the anticompetitive behavior investigation party. 
  • Reply 30 of 103
    n2itivguyn2itivguy Posts: 103member
    You have got to be kidding. Apple, seriously, putting out this statement and yet they allow facebook, twitter, reddit and just take a look at the top hip hop songs on Apple Music. Disgusting. Apple is spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. 
    Woah, woah, woah… hol’ up, bro. Hip Hop, art, and by those that understand and are in the minority using it as a term of endearment or are within the cultural atmosphere where the lingo used is more deeply understood and accepted is far, FAR different than people not in the loop or using it to demean a set of folks. If you understood Hip Hop, you’d’ve saved yourself a bit. 

    FB, Twitter and Reddit? I’m in agreement there. 
  • Reply 31 of 103
    stevenozstevenoz Posts: 315member
    n2macs said:
    I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Apple tries to protect their customers.

    Thank you, Tim Cook.

  • Reply 32 of 103
    Perhaps it's worth remembering that the right to say what you want does not include the right to force other people to propagate what you say.
  • Reply 33 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    You have got to be kidding. Apple, seriously, putting out this statement and yet they allow facebook, twitter, reddit and just take a look at the top hip hop songs on Apple Music. Disgusting. Apple is spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. 
    The other platforms actively moderate their content, even if they’re not perfect at it. I’m going to wager that Parler’s claims about their moderation are disingenuous at best, and Apple’s not stupid enough to fall for that. 
    Hip hop? LOL
    Evidently Twitter et al doesn't do a very good job, since people have come up with lists of Nazi supporters that you can block. If a hand-curated list by volunteers can be maintained like this, why can't Twitter/FB do so too? Evidently their moderation is far less than "not perfect". Either way, Apple would never boot FB or Twitter from the App Store because there would be too much backlash; there'd be even more calls for anti-trust investigations.

    As @bakerzdosen quoted - a statement that couldn't be more accurate: "the tech industry needs to learn to distinguish between hate speech and speech they hate." Apple doesn't like Parler's conservative leanings, so they apply much stricter rules to them. FB and Twitter are quite left-leaning so they get a free pass. This only adds yet more fire to the investigators who think Apple has too much control of the App Store.

    Oh, and a lot of the lyrics in Hip Hop are utterly abhorrent. Misogynistic, racist, glorifying violence and drugs. But that's apparently fine, because it's "art".
    edited March 2021 fahlmanGG1
  • Reply 34 of 103
    zeus423zeus423 Posts: 251member
    Perhaps it's worth remembering that the right to say what you want does not include the right to force other people to propagate what you say.
    I believe it was George Carlin who said it best years ago when talking about TV and radio: If you don't like what's on, turn the dial. If you don't like what's on social media, don't read it. No one forces you to read anything. Are you done reading my post, yet? =)
  • Reply 35 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    n2itivguy said:
    You have got to be kidding. Apple, seriously, putting out this statement and yet they allow facebook, twitter, reddit and just take a look at the top hip hop songs on Apple Music. Disgusting. Apple is spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. 
    Woah, woah, woah… hol’ up, bro. Hip Hop, art, and by those that understand and are in the minority using it as a term of endearment or are within the cultural atmosphere where the lingo used is more deeply understood and accepted is far, FAR different than people not in the loop or using it to demean a set of folks. If you understood Hip Hop, you’d’ve saved yourself a bit. 

    FB, Twitter and Reddit? I’m in agreement there. 
    So you're saying it's fine to be racist, misogynistic or to glorify violence because the people "in the loop" supposedly know the words have different meaning? That makes it ok to use language offensive to others who are not "in the loop", then? What if someone that isn't "in the loop" - i.e. 95% of the world, is offended by the bile a lot of hip-hop "artists" spew? That apparently doesn't matter because people "in the loop" aren't offended. Calling someone the N word and then saying "I think it means something else so you're not allowed to be offended" is not how it works. Sorry.
    edited March 2021 fahlmanGG1
  • Reply 36 of 103
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,283member
    stevenoz said:
    n2macs said:
    I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Apple tries to protect their customers.

    Thank you, Tim Cook.

    I’m an adult, and I can make that choice for myself. I don’t need Apple, or anyone else, to protect me. 
  • Reply 37 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member

    DAalseth said:
    Apple's party, you get invited or not at Apple's choice. 
    Apple’s choice, indeed. 

    Apple gets invited to the anticompetitive behavior investigation party. 
    With only one available choice on the RSVP, much like an iOS developer.
  • Reply 38 of 103
    hexclock said:
    Apple tries to protect their customers.

    Thank you, Tim Cook.

    I’m an adult, and I can make that choice for myself. I don’t need Apple, or anyone else, to protect me. 
    And since you know you have the power of Choice, being an Adult an all,   ...and so very aware,
    are you still Choosing Apple?    ....Or will you choose other platforms, say Android, where they Don't try to protect you?    ....I mean since you don't want protection.

    So, ....Which platform will you choose now?
    edited March 2021 baconstang
  • Reply 39 of 103
    Perhaps it's worth remembering that the right to say what you want does not include the right to force other people to propagate what you say.

    Not taking a position here, but in terms of logic, you lost me...
  • Reply 40 of 103
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Perhaps it's worth remembering that the right to say what you want does not include the right to force other people to propagate what you say.

    Not taking a position here, but in terms of logic, you lost me...
    Seems pretty obvious to me.  You can be guaranteed certain freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean you have guaranteed access to Twitter or Parler to make that speech.  And Twitter and Parler in turn don't have guaranteed access to app platforms to publish their customers speech if they don't obey moderation rules.

    Your freedom of speech, my freedom to put ear plugs in or tell you to take a hike.
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