Apple denied Parler re-entry to the App Store despite guideline revision



  • Reply 81 of 103
    longfanglongfang Posts: 491member
    sdw2001 said:
    Another poster who has no idea what he is talking about.  Parler has such guidance and does have moderation. They don’t allow illegal activity, threats, etc.  The difference is they don’t ban people who make comments that leftists twist into “Nazi propaganda.”    

    xbit said:
    As has been said often (not sure who the original author is): "The tech industry needs to learn to distinguish between hate speech and speech they hate." This is clearly the latter.
    Apologises for Godwinning this thread but Apple has specifically called out Nazi symbols in its rejection. If you don’t think neo-Nazis are engaging in hate speech then I really wonder where you draw the line.

    And, yes, dig deep enough and you’ll find the same content on the other social media platforms. The difference being that the other social media platforms on iOS have guidance banning such groups - even if their enforcement of the rules is inconsistent.

    Sure if by twist you mean repeating ad nauseam.
  • Reply 82 of 103
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    sdw2001 said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Twitter and Facebook are FAR worse.  Both were more involved in Jan 6.  
    Twitter and Facebook have removed accounts that were instrumental in what happened on Jan 6.  Parler's policies would not remove them.  That's the difference.
  • Reply 83 of 103
    longfanglongfang Posts: 491member
    hexclock said:
    stevenoz said:
    n2macs said:
    I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Apple tries to protect their customers.

    Thank you, Tim Cook.

    I’m an adult, and I can make that choice for myself. I don’t need Apple, or anyone else, to protect me. 
    So go somewhere else then. Apple made a choice. You don’t like that choice go find another, but you do not get to dictate to Apple what their choice should be.
  • Reply 84 of 103
    n2macs said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Parler is no different than facebook or twitter.

    I have accounts on Parler and Twitter. On Parler I have literally called for the execution of specific politicians BY NAME and not even a warning. Dozens of times. On Twitter I’ve made vague threats like “Those 2nd Amendment folks could help us deal with some corrupt politicians” with nobody mentioned by name and received 24 hour suspensions. I stopped after my 2nd suspension as I didn’t want to get permanently banned.

    Anyone who claims Parler is no different from Twitter is a straight up liar.
  • Reply 85 of 103
    n2macs said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Parler is no different than facebook or twitter.
    Difference is Parler is a mostly a conservative right wing platform that is despised by the left and the powers that be at big tech.  Whereas Left wing, socialist, Marxist intolerance is fully embraced by big tech and Apple.   You either allow all of it on both sides or none of it.  It’s much easier and proper to allow all of it then let the end user decide what they want to read and end the censorship.  

    We know liberals hated Hollywood being censored when they push bad behaviour, insane violence, rapes, racism, intolerance, child abuse etc. And to this day this is fully embraced.   But words written and posted on a web app discussing less offensive material is somehow intolerable by these same people.  
  • Reply 86 of 103
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    libertyandfree said:

    You either allow all of it on both sides or none of it.  
    Nope.  Not a rule.
  • Reply 87 of 103
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    Kuyangkoh said:
    sdw2001 said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Twitter and Facebook are FAR worse.  Both were more involved in Jan 6.  
    Come on your thing
    Which regulators? The first amendment says the US government may not pass laws that restrict anyone's free speech, but the first amendment doesn't apply to companies like Apple or Facebook. If you want to amend the constitution, propose an amendment and I'll consider it. Forcing companies like Apple or Facebook or booksellers or newspapers to allow anyone to say anything seems to go against the first amendment which says Congress shall pass no law prohibiting free speech. If Congress can't prohibit free speech then it very likely cannot enforce free speech either. Same thing. I'm not saying I like it, but what's the alternative? You would have to introduce a new amendment to override or supplement the first amendment.
    edited March 2021
  • Reply 88 of 103
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,085member
    A web address is all the access Parler should have on iOS or Mac OS, similar to porn sites....
  • Reply 89 of 103
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    n2macs said:
    I’m a long time Apple user and stockholder. I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Their products & services have become so full of bugs that never get fixed (it started being egregious at iOS 7), as well as some appalling design stupidity... at this point, being less bad than the competition, and having progressive sociopolitical stances, is all that keeps me with them.
  • Reply 90 of 103
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    danox said:
    A web address is all the access Parler should have on iOS or Mac OS, similar to porn sites....
    Are you also in support of Democrats who want Rush Limbaugh's radio program blocked?
  • Reply 91 of 103
    n2macsn2macs Posts: 87member
    DAalseth said:
    OK let's get a few things straight here
    For those who are calling out Apple for hypocrisy. Get over it. It's their store and they can reject your app if they don't like the length of your hair. Don't like it FU.
    For those that are playing the 'whattabout' card. Get over it. It's their store and they can play favourites if they want. Don't like it, FU.
    I am always amazed how many people hold up private property as an absolute right until they see the no trespassing sign. Then they want some higher standard used to force the issue. But don't dare try to use the same rational on something they own or like. THAT is hypocrisy.
    It's Apple's store. If you don't like how they run it, get an Android and use their store. If enough people agree Apple will change. But if they don't, that's tough there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do I like everything about how Apple runs their store? No, they do some things that really p*ss me off. But it's not my store so there isn't a bloody thing I can do about it. That's the way it is. 
    I don't lose sleep over it, I don't get angry about it. I suggest you do the same.
    There are many politicians that don’t agree with you. Apple is a public not a private company. I don’t agree with some of the allegations against Apple, but the App Store is currently being investigated around the world.
  • Reply 92 of 103
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    n2macs said:
    DAalseth said:
    OK let's get a few things straight here
    For those who are calling out Apple for hypocrisy. Get over it. It's their store and they can reject your app if they don't like the length of your hair. Don't like it FU.
    For those that are playing the 'whattabout' card. Get over it. It's their store and they can play favourites if they want. Don't like it, FU.
    I am always amazed how many people hold up private property as an absolute right until they see the no trespassing sign. Then they want some higher standard used to force the issue. But don't dare try to use the same rational on something they own or like. THAT is hypocrisy.
    It's Apple's store. If you don't like how they run it, get an Android and use their store. If enough people agree Apple will change. But if they don't, that's tough there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do I like everything about how Apple runs their store? No, they do some things that really p*ss me off. But it's not my store so there isn't a bloody thing I can do about it. That's the way it is. 
    I don't lose sleep over it, I don't get angry about it. I suggest you do the same.
    There are many politicians that don’t agree with you. Apple is a public not a private company. I don’t agree with some of the allegations against Apple, but the App Store is currently being investigated around the world.
    He didn't say "Apple is a private company." Don't misquote him. I'd like to know what you think but I don't follow your logic. What does being a private vs a public company have to do with anything? Do public companies have different legal obligations?

    Yes, the app store is being investigated. So far, it's still legal. Do you think that if some jurisdiction placed a heavy burden on Apple, like taking no cut on any sales, do you think Apple would continue supporting the App Store in that jurisdiction?
  • Reply 93 of 103
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,623member
    DAalseth said:
    Apple's party, you get invited or not at Apple's choice. 
    Apple’s choice, indeed. 

    Apple gets invited to the anticompetitive behavior investigation party. 
    Because they refuse to host an accessory to FUCKING INSURRECTION, after they claim to have learned their lesson and come crawling back? 

    Apple isn't the GOP. They don't need to pander to fascists. 
  • Reply 94 of 103
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    spheric said:
    DAalseth said:
    Apple's party, you get invited or not at Apple's choice. 
    Apple’s choice, indeed. 

    Apple gets invited to the anticompetitive behavior investigation party. 
    Because they refuse to host an accessory to FUCKING INSURRECTION, after they claim to have learned their lesson and come crawling back? 

    Apple isn't the GOP. They don't need to pander to fascists. 
    Your post is one of the few posts I've seen that actually doesn't require a refutation.
  • Reply 95 of 103
    n2macsn2macs Posts: 87member
    n2macs said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Parler is no different than facebook or twitter.

    I have accounts on Parler and Twitter. On Parler I have literally called for the execution of specific politicians BY NAME and not even a warning. Dozens of times. On Twitter I’ve made vague threats like “Those 2nd Amendment folks could help us deal with some corrupt politicians” with nobody mentioned by name and received 24 hour suspensions. I stopped after my 2nd suspension as I didn’t want to get permanently banned.

    Anyone who claims Parler is no different from Twitter is a straight up liar.
    You must be very proud of yourself.
  • Reply 96 of 103
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    DAalseth said:
    OK let's get a few things straight here
    For those who are calling out Apple for hypocrisy. Get over it. It's their store and they can reject your app if they don't like the length of your hair. Don't like it FU.
    For those that are playing the 'whattabout' card. Get over it. It's their store and they can play favourites if they want. Don't like it, FU.
    I am always amazed how many people hold up private property as an absolute right until they see the no trespassing sign. Then they want some higher standard used to force the issue. But don't dare try to use the same rational on something they own or like. THAT is hypocrisy.
    It's Apple's store. If you don't like how they run it, get an Android and use their store. If enough people agree Apple will change. But if they don't, that's tough there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do I like everything about how Apple runs their store? No, they do some things that really p*ss me off. But it's not my store so there isn't a bloody thing I can do about it. That's the way it is. 
    I don't lose sleep over it, I don't get angry about it. I suggest you do the same.

    I would suggest that you maybe you should lose some sleep over it.   We, as a nation are in conundrum:
    Domestic and foreign actors have been hiding behind our free speech laws using them against us by using skilled and professionally produced propaganda to gather and radicalize followers and undermine our democracy in favor of their ideology and agenda.  It is an attack on our nation.

    Do we want to leave it up to government to decide what crosses the line?
    Do we want to leave it up to private industry to decide what crosses the line?
    Or, do we just not have any lines?

    Remember:  Propaganda can and has been used to shape people's thinking -- the U.S. has used it to rally support for every war.  But, likewise, ISIS used it to recruit and radicalize its adherents.  Putin showed us that it can be used to attack other nations.  Likewise, we have used it to propagate our ideology and agenda in other nations.   Now we see it being used by domestic terrorists to promote themselves and their agenda.

    Propaganda is a powerful weapon.
    It can be used for good or for evil.
    And, so far, we have had no defense against it even though it has been used against us effectively,

    So far, we have blamed the people who have fallen victim to its spell.  But, that simply obscures the problem.   Propaganda can shape minds and thinking on a massive, national scale.
    edited March 2021
  • Reply 97 of 103
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    DAalseth said:
    OK let's get a few things straight here
    For those who are calling out Apple for hypocrisy. Get over it. It's their store and they can reject your app if they don't like the length of your hair. Don't like it FU.
    For those that are playing the 'whattabout' card. Get over it. It's their store and they can play favourites if they want. Don't like it, FU.
    I am always amazed how many people hold up private property as an absolute right until they see the no trespassing sign. Then they want some higher standard used to force the issue. But don't dare try to use the same rational on something they own or like. THAT is hypocrisy.
    It's Apple's store. If you don't like how they run it, get an Android and use their store. If enough people agree Apple will change. But if they don't, that's tough there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do I like everything about how Apple runs their store? No, they do some things that really p*ss me off. But it's not my store so there isn't a bloody thing I can do about it. That's the way it is. 
    I don't lose sleep over it, I don't get angry about it. I suggest you do the same.
    I would suggest that you maybe you should lose some sleep over it.   We, as a nation are in conundrum:
    Domestic and foreign actors have been hiding behind our free speech laws using them against us by using skilled and professionally produced propaganda to gather and radicalize followers and undermine our democracy in favor of their ideology and agenda.  It is an attack on our nation.
    No, foreigners haven't been hiding behind any LAWS, they have been hiding behind the CONSTITUTION. It is the US First Amendment that gives foreigners free speech RIGHTS inside the US.

    Since 1886, the US Supreme Court has recognized that the Equal Protection Clause is "universal in [its] application, to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to differences of ... nationality." Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 369 (1886).

    If you want to remove free speech rights from foreigners, you have to amend the US Constitution. I'd be happy to hear your proposal if you draft up a new amendment. Alternatively, you could appoint a bunch of liberal justices who use their feelings about what the Constitution should mean instead of what it meant to its authors.
  • Reply 98 of 103
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    n2macs said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    Parler is no different than facebook or twitter.
    Difference is Parler is a mostly a conservative right wing platform that is despised by the left and the powers that be at big tech.  Whereas Left wing, socialist, Marxist intolerance is fully embraced by big tech and Apple.   You either allow all of it on both sides or none of it.  It’s much easier and proper to allow all of it then let the end user decide what they want to read and end the censorship.  

    We know liberals hated Hollywood being censored when they push bad behaviour, insane violence, rapes, racism, intolerance, child abuse etc. And to this day this is fully embraced.   But words written and posted on a web app discussing less offensive material is somehow intolerable by these same people.  

    That post would fit well on Parler.
    It looks stupid on a legitimate site populated by sane people.
  • Reply 99 of 103
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    DAalseth said:
    OK let's get a few things straight here
    For those who are calling out Apple for hypocrisy. Get over it. It's their store and they can reject your app if they don't like the length of your hair. Don't like it FU.
    For those that are playing the 'whattabout' card. Get over it. It's their store and they can play favourites if they want. Don't like it, FU.
    I am always amazed how many people hold up private property as an absolute right until they see the no trespassing sign. Then they want some higher standard used to force the issue. But don't dare try to use the same rational on something they own or like. THAT is hypocrisy.
    It's Apple's store. If you don't like how they run it, get an Android and use their store. If enough people agree Apple will change. But if they don't, that's tough there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do I like everything about how Apple runs their store? No, they do some things that really p*ss me off. But it's not my store so there isn't a bloody thing I can do about it. That's the way it is. 
    I don't lose sleep over it, I don't get angry about it. I suggest you do the same.
    I would suggest that you maybe you should lose some sleep over it.   We, as a nation are in conundrum:
    Domestic and foreign actors have been hiding behind our free speech laws using them against us by using skilled and professionally produced propaganda to gather and radicalize followers and undermine our democracy in favor of their ideology and agenda.  It is an attack on our nation.
    No, foreigners haven't been hiding behind any LAWS, they have been hiding behind the CONSTITUTION. It is the US First Amendment that gives foreigners free speech RIGHTS inside the US.

    Since 1886, the US Supreme Court has recognized that the Equal Protection Clause is "universal in [its] application, to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to differences of ... nationality." Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 369 (1886).

    If you want to remove free speech rights from foreigners, you have to amend the US Constitution. I'd be happy to hear your proposal if you draft up a new amendment. Alternatively, you could appoint a bunch of liberal justices who use their feelings about what the Constitution should mean instead of what it meant to its authors.

    That's the typical nonsense excuse used by right wing insurrectionists to justify their insurrection and attempted murder.
    Sane people know it ludicrous.

    There is no completely free speech guaranteed by anything anywhere.   Never has been and never will be.

    I would love to hear you defend a black man's right to threaten to blow up the Georgia capital and kill its law makers because they are trying to take away his right to vote.

    Please move on.
  • Reply 100 of 103
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    DAalseth said:
    OK let's get a few things straight here
    For those who are calling out Apple for hypocrisy. Get over it. It's their store and they can reject your app if they don't like the length of your hair. Don't like it FU.
    For those that are playing the 'whattabout' card. Get over it. It's their store and they can play favourites if they want. Don't like it, FU.
    I am always amazed how many people hold up private property as an absolute right until they see the no trespassing sign. Then they want some higher standard used to force the issue. But don't dare try to use the same rational on something they own or like. THAT is hypocrisy.
    It's Apple's store. If you don't like how they run it, get an Android and use their store. If enough people agree Apple will change. But if they don't, that's tough there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do I like everything about how Apple runs their store? No, they do some things that really p*ss me off. But it's not my store so there isn't a bloody thing I can do about it. That's the way it is. 
    I don't lose sleep over it, I don't get angry about it. I suggest you do the same.
    I would suggest that you maybe you should lose some sleep over it.   We, as a nation are in conundrum:
    Domestic and foreign actors have been hiding behind our free speech laws using them against us by using skilled and professionally produced propaganda to gather and radicalize followers and undermine our democracy in favor of their ideology and agenda.  It is an attack on our nation.
    No, foreigners haven't been hiding behind any LAWS, they have been hiding behind the CONSTITUTION. It is the US First Amendment that gives foreigners free speech RIGHTS inside the US.

    Since 1886, the US Supreme Court has recognized that the Equal Protection Clause is "universal in [its] application, to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to differences of ... nationality." Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 369 (1886).

    If you want to remove free speech rights from foreigners, you have to amend the US Constitution. I'd be happy to hear your proposal if you draft up a new amendment. Alternatively, you could appoint a bunch of liberal justices who use their feelings about what the Constitution should mean instead of what it meant to its authors.

    That's the typical nonsense excuse used by right wing insurrectionists to justify their insurrection and attempted murder.
    Sane people know it ludicrous.

    There is no completely free speech guaranteed by anything anywhere.   Never has been and never will be.

    I would love to hear you defend a black man's right to threaten to blow up the Georgia capital and kill its law makers because they are trying to take away his right to vote.

    Please move on.
    I cited a US Supreme Court ruling by name to make my case. You cited nothing. You also changed the subject from foreigners to non-foreigners. When you can't win an argument, you change the subject.
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