Head EU antitrust regulator wants Apple to allow alternate app stores



  • Reply 41 of 83
    xyzzy-xxx said:
    That's the right thing, users should be able to choose.
    I don't think it would harm Apple really hard, but it would bring freedom to the platform.
    When Apple allows third party app stores, it could be done with maintaining the iOS security model (only app review is done by another company).
    You "don't think" is the most accurate thing you said -- you don't know it would not "harm Apple really hard."

    How do you know "it could be done with maintaining the iOS security model?" Are you an expert on how Apple manages iOS security?

    Who is this other company that would do app review? Why would we trust them? 
    Who pays for their time to review a gazillion apps? 

    Choice may sound good in theory, and as others have said, there already is choice in the marketplace, along with a certain amount of confusion (how to decide what is the best choice for our individual needs is not always so easy for many people). What you are suggesting just puts more confusion into the marketplace.
  • Reply 42 of 83
    CheeseFreezeCheeseFreeze Posts: 1,296member
    I’m all for this to happen and allow for competitors, however they will need to define “gatekeeper” and apply the same demands to other platform owners, like PlayStation, Google, etc. 
  • Reply 43 of 83
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,630member
    darkvader said:

    It's MY iPhone, not Apple's iPhone.  I should be able to load apps from any source I choose.
    Yes !!!!! It's your iPhone !! However it's not your OS. If you want to replace your iOS with Android or whatever, go ahead, Apple won't mind. I've been urging Apple to officially allow people to replace iOS with Android on iPhones for years, since that would shut up all the people who claim iOS is not Apple's product to control, like yourself.
  • Reply 44 of 83
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,107member
    darkvader said:

    It's MY iPhone, not Apple's iPhone.  I should be able to load apps from any source I choose.
    And yet you still refuse to cite your source claiming that Intel Macs are slower than Intel, or are you hoping people just eventually forget to call you out?

    You want choice, you already have it.  Go to Android and side load anything you want.  Android welcome's whiny, entitled people.

    Ignorance is truly strong with you.
    edited June 2021 baconstangmontrosemacsroundaboutnowDogpersonkillroywatto_cobra
  • Reply 45 of 83
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,107member
    darkvader said:

    It's MY iPhone, not Apple's iPhone.  I should be able to load apps from any source I choose.
    Yes !!!!! It's your iPhone !! However it's not your OS. If you want to replace your iOS with Android or whatever, go ahead, Apple won't mind. I've been urging Apple to officially allow people to replace iOS with Android on iPhones for years, since that would shut up all the people who claim iOS is not Apple's product to control, like yourself.
    They can still jailbreak their iPhones but conveniently, they don't talk about it.

    They want to install anything they want on their iPhones, yet still blame Apple when some rogue app they side loaded steals their bank info, messages, etc... 

    I can see plenty of class-action lawsuits and never-ending articles being thrown out there crucifying Apple for letting some rogue app brick iPhones.
  • Reply 46 of 83
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    There’s never a shortage of those. 
  • Reply 47 of 83
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I probably wouldn’t use it, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea, and might give Apple a bit of a kick up the backside in making the App Store more useful, and keeping their comission reasonable.
  • Reply 48 of 83
    jdgazjdgaz Posts: 405member
    This regulator probably had stock in Blackberry. Taking out her frustrations on Apple for changing the game. 
  • Reply 49 of 83
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,770member
    and perhaps in the next 100 years, get some kind of global tax authority in place.”

    s everyone just going to ignore the last line in the article while they complain about their favorite little company being treated unfairly? Because this is the truly horrifying end game in play here. All this “gatekeeper” nonsense is nothing more than a prelude to the ultimate goal of a global socialist utopia. This is nothing more than the Balkanization of an entity deemed large enough to challenge the state. First, it was countries. Now they’re moving on to corporations. There is a reason why they choose Apple to go after first. Because they are the largest of the target corporations, if they are defeated, then everyone else will fall in line out of fear. Apple will not be the last. This is just the beginning. People need to wake the hell up and see what’s really going on instead of believing everything they see on the news.

    My history is a little rusty, but didn’t Europe fight a World War to defeat socialism? How the hell did we get to this point?
  • Reply 50 of 83
    ITGUYINSDITGUYINSD Posts: 521member
    Everyone here with the holier-than-thou attitude that Apple can do what they want and screw anyone who thinks there should be competition, imagine this -- a world where developers stop developing for iOS (and iPadOS) because they're tired of giving up 30% of their revenue.

    Suddenly your precious iOS device doesn't have the apps you want but Android does.  Now what?

    Between Fortnite not on iOS and developers losing revenue from not being allow to track, Apple taking another 30% what is left isn't good for developers.  Nothing is free, yet that seems to be all users want...free apps.

    edited June 2021
  • Reply 51 of 83
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,122member
    The EU talks like the iPhone became what it is in a vacuum.   As if the controlled App Store and the 'walled garden' had nothing to do with its success.

  • Reply 52 of 83
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    escan said:
    As I wrote under another headline, I will start trusting European commission when they do something about Spotify, which is clearly a monopoly that uses its market power to pay artists less than half of what its competitors pay. 
    It total I think I'd read that Spotify pays out as much or more than Apple Music. How's that? As I remember it (IIRC) they have many more users so that while on a per-subscriber basis they are lagging behind some others they end up actually paying out more overall. 
    edited June 2021
  • Reply 53 of 83
    killroykillroy Posts: 278member
    xyzzy-xxx said:
    That's the right thing, users should be able to choose.
    I don't think it would harm Apple really hard, but it would bring freedom to the platform.
    When Apple allows third party app stores, it could be done with maintaining the iOS security model (only app review is done by another company).

    Are you going to indemnify Apple for a bad app review that is done by another company from that store.
    edited June 2021 Dogpersonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 54 of 83
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Apple should do it. But;

    1) As a security measure, switching stores wipes all apps & data from other stores.
    2) Only the App Store carries Apple’s Apps.
    3) iOS updates should only be provided from the App Store.
    4) Apple should launch a huge global campaign on the fallacy of choice and how cognisance (as well as privacy) is a fundamental human right.

  • Reply 55 of 83
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,770member
    mcdave said:
    Apple should do it. But;

    1) As a security measure, switching stores wipes all apps & data from other stores.
    2) Only the App Store carries Apple’s Apps.
    3) iOS updates should only be provided from the App Store.
    4) Apple should launch a huge global campaign on the fallacy of choice and how cognisance (as well as privacy) is a fundamental human right.

    #1 will never happen. Ever. 
  • Reply 56 of 83
    Japhey said:
    and perhaps in the next 100 years, get some kind of global tax authority in place.”

    s everyone just going to ignore the last line in the article while they complain about their favorite little company being treated unfairly? Because this is the truly horrifying end game in play here. All this “gatekeeper” nonsense is nothing more than a prelude to the ultimate goal of a global socialist utopia. This is nothing more than the Balkanization of an entity deemed large enough to challenge the state. First, it was countries. Now they’re moving on to corporations. There is a reason why they choose Apple to go after first. Because they are the largest of the target corporations, if they are defeated, then everyone else will fall in line out of fear. Apple will not be the last. This is just the beginning. People need to wake the hell up and see what’s really going on instead of believing everything they see on the news.

    My history is a little rusty, but didn’t Europe fight a World War to defeat socialism? How the hell did we get to this point?
    You misspelled "fascism."
  • Reply 57 of 83
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    xyzzy-xxx said:
    That's the right thing, users should be able to choose.
    I don't think it would harm Apple really hard, but it would bring freedom to the platform.
    When Apple allows third party app stores, it could be done with maintaining the iOS security model (only app review is done by another company).
    So Apple buyers will be forced to trust a 3rd party to protect us. Really?!!!!
  • Reply 58 of 83
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member

    Kara Swisher is wrong when she says it’s only for security and privacy that Apple has an exclusive App Store. It’s also to get financial compensation for all the products and two dozen services Apple provides related to the App Store. 

    If there are multiple app stores, who don’t give Apple the same 30% cut, then Apple will lose its profit for all of those two dozen services. 

    The only thing I blame Apple for is not putting up a decent fight against these lunatics who want something for nothing. 

    As I’ve been saying all alone here for two years, some jurisdiction will ban Apple’s 30% fee and then Apple will need to remove all app stores from that market. And this will happen because Apple doesn’t want to put up a fight. 
    No profit no available store. If someone wants to create an alternative store make their own platform and access it via web apps. If Microsoft and others can do it with games. They can do it otherwise. 
    barthrh said:
    xyzzy-xxx said:The security of the platform comes from iOS. Apps loaded from alternate app stores would have exactly the same privileges as apps loaded from Apple's app store – just app review is done by a different institution. If you don't trust a institution, you can decide which app stores you trust.
    That would be great if people took personal accountability. Apple does a lot to curate apps, to make sure that they are not trojan horses. In an alternate app store, you can bet that apps that prompt for credit card and other personal information will exist.  When a user installs an app that steals their info or damages their device/data in some way, it's Apple that'll go under the bus. 
    I say sue the politicians who are coming up with this babble for attempting to destroy the user experience we’ve paid good money for. Also, raise the curtain on who is lobbying them and paying big cash to make these comments. 
    edited June 2021 baconstangwatto_cobra
  • Reply 59 of 83
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,770member
    Japhey said:
    and perhaps in the next 100 years, get some kind of global tax authority in place.”

    s everyone just going to ignore the last line in the article while they complain about their favorite little company being treated unfairly? Because this is the truly horrifying end game in play here. All this “gatekeeper” nonsense is nothing more than a prelude to the ultimate goal of a global socialist utopia. This is nothing more than the Balkanization of an entity deemed large enough to challenge the state. First, it was countries. Now they’re moving on to corporations. There is a reason why they choose Apple to go after first. Because they are the largest of the target corporations, if they are defeated, then everyone else will fall in line out of fear. Apple will not be the last. This is just the beginning. People need to wake the hell up and see what’s really going on instead of believing everything they see on the news.

    My history is a little rusty, but didn’t Europe fight a World War to defeat socialism? How the hell did we get to this point?
    You misspelled "fascism."
    Only a Sith deals in absolutes. 

    edited June 2021 killroyDogperson
  • Reply 60 of 83
    KTRKTR Posts: 280member
    Next think you know, people will try to force apple to make iOS run on multiple hardware, then when security goes bad.  Then they gonna complain again.  Apple should charge more for EU. Products
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