Head EU antitrust regulator wants Apple to allow alternate app stores



  • Reply 81 of 83
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    davidw said:
    gatorguy said:
    davidw said:
    Zeebler said:
    rob53 said:
    xyzzy-xxx said:
    That's the right thing, users should be able to choose.
    I don't think it would harm Apple really hard, but it would bring freedom to the platform.
    When Apple allows third party app stores, it could be done with maintaining the iOS security model (only app review is done by another company).
    Wrong on so many counts. No other iOS App Store would be as secure as Apple’s, plain and simple. 99% of Apple product users want consistency which would not be there with third-party app stores. Think about them instead of yourself. People who visit this forum generally aren’t normal users and it’s our responsibility to look out for them. 
    I rolled my eyes so hard on your post they nearly fell out. 
    Please explain how my Adobe software, Extensis, and myriad of other software on my Macs aren't safe or secure? I didn't buy them from the App Store. No problems 30 years running. Please, I look forward to your explanation? 
    Are you saying that iOS is extremely vulnerable and not capable of any security?
    Are you saying Apple doesn't know how to write a proper OS? 

    It's called choice and free-market. They aren't asking Apple to close down their App Store. They are proposing alternative app stores - like how things have always been without monopolies. 

    I don't think you have an argument and you know it. 

    You know not what you are talking about.

    Safe and secure software might not be so much a matter of the software you downloaded but where you downloaded the software from. If you download software from the Adobe website or installed from a retail disc, then it's safe and secure. But one can download Adobe software that is full of malware if one were to download it from websites that are known for offering free pirated software, using a Mac (or PC). 

     That can not be done on iOS. Not even if you were to accidentally or purposely, click on a link that will download malware into your device. But it can be done on Android. 

    Not as easily as you present it.

    It requires actively opting out (turning off) certain security settings, and clicking thru warnings of the ramifications of doing so. The typical user cannot easily sideload apps that did not originate from the official Google Play Store.

    But yes a more atypical one, presumably having more experience in the ecosystem and awareness of potential malware, certainly can if that's what they choose to do. Even then Google has their backs with Play Protect which is active by default. It not only scans an official Play Store app before downloading, but it also scans your installed sideloaded apps from outside the Play Store, too. Apple could certainly something similar and probably more easily. 

    Maybe it's a lot easier that you want to believe.


    Evidently, the Android user don't even have to go to settings and  turn on "allow from unknown sources" for this malware to download into your device. And since it's not an app, Google "Play Protect" don't come into play. 
    While iPhones could be hacked in much the same way just a few months earlier, (Google discovered it and reported the malware entry point to Apple to close) this still needs the user to actively change security settings to allow installation. Android phones won't allow an APK to run itself with no user input. What you think happens does not. The user still has to choose to turn off Android security settings and click thru warnings not to do so. 

    Yeh no, it's not easier than I thought or posted, but it is DEFINITELY more involved to do so than YOU thought. 
    When Apple chooses/is compelled to allow alternate app stores they can mitigate the potential security issues by following the same general practices as Google has. It won't be the end of app security on iPhones.
    edited June 2021
  • Reply 82 of 83
    IreneWIreneW Posts: 305member
    briceio said:
    As a European, sometime I'm disgusted by all those politicians trying to regulate our lives the way they want without caring or even understanding what the people wants. The worst thing is that there is no legal way to make them stop or to tell them we don't want this!  
    Well, there is an obvious way: vote and get involved. It is something we in Europe have practiced for a long time, called "democracy".
  • Reply 83 of 83
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,628member
    ITGUYINSD said:
    Everyone here with the holier-than-thou attitude that Apple can do what they want and screw anyone who thinks there should be competition, imagine this -- a world where developers stop developing for iOS (and iPadOS) because they're tired of giving up 30% of their revenue.

    Suddenly your precious iOS device doesn't have the apps you want but Android does.  Now what?

    Between Fortnite not on iOS and developers losing revenue from not being allow to track, Apple taking another 30% what is left isn't good for developers.  Nothing is free, yet that seems to be all users want...free apps.
    Thats a truly wonderful spin you did there, saying that we people who support Apple's right to take a cut of 30% are the ones demanding "free apps" because we also support Apple's right to prevent users from tracking us, which may impact a developer's income. Seriously, that's a nice spin. I'm proud of you. I'm not joking.

    The main flaw in most of your logic is that developers are actually benficiaries of the free services that Apple can provide to them through that 30% fee. Especially the developers who don't charge for their apps.
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