iPhone users drawn to iPad but not Mac or Apple's home devices, study finds

in General Discussion edited August 2021
With a sticky software and services ecosystem, iPhone has proven to be an effective gateway device to other Apple products, but that pull has its limits, a new study shows.

Source: CIRP

According to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, Apple has successfully leveraged iPhone to sell a range of mobile products like iPad, Apple Watch and AirPods, but the company is struggling to convert on Mac, Apple TV and HomePod.

The research firm surveyed about 900 Apple product owners in the U.S. who bought an iPhone in the 12 month period ending in June 2021 to find out what other devices iPhone they own.

Unsurprisingly, about 90% of iPhone buyers have a desktop or laptop, but only 41% of those are Mac, with a healthy portion using some ilk of MacBook. Tablet ownership, the next-largest device category reported by iPhone owners, stands at 79%, with Apple's iPad taking a more significant 84% chunk of the whole.

About 65% of iPhone owners surveyed also use a smartwatch. As can be expected, Apple Watch accounts for three-quarters of those devices, on par with iPad penetration. AirPods are also seeing relatively high rates of adoption, with half of the 40% of iPhone buyers who own a wireless headset opting for Apple's solution.

While Apple enjoys success in most markets in which it competes, the home products sector has been a tough nut to crack. A large portion of iPhone buyers own a streaming TV device at 69%, but Apple TV makes up only about a quarter of that segment, with the rest going to devices like Google Chromecast, Roku and Amazon Fire TV. Similarly, 45% of iPhone buyers own a smart speakers, though only 10% chose HomePod or HomePod mini.

"In short, iPhone buyers mostly own iPads, as well as iPhone accessories, principally Apple Watches and AirPods," the report said. "Thus, to the extent iPhone buyers have other mobile electronics or smartphone accessories, they tend to own Apple products."

Apple is rumored to be working on new products for the living room, but those devices are a long way out, if they materialize at all. A report earlier in August claimed Apple's own engineers are questioning the company's home device strategy.

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  • Reply 1 of 27
    darkvaderdarkvader Posts: 1,146member
    Maybe if Apple didn't actively try to make Mac OS worse with every release... oh, and maybe if Apple didn't decide to turn from being the privacy company into being the spyware company....

    The spyware is more recent, of course.  But Apple's continuous quest to break backward compatibility and destroy functioning workflows has had a major impact on their ability to sell the Macintosh.  Want to play a game you used to love?  Not on the Mac.  Want to use a bit of brilliant inter-office communication software like SnapMail that hasn't been updated in a few years?  You're screwed.  Meanwhile the other two major desktop OS platforms maintain backward compatibility for decades.
  • Reply 2 of 27
    I can see it happening with my son who has an iPad, iPhone and iMac; all second hand devices from me.

    He loves iPad and iPhone but wants a PC, despite using his iMac;

    * he is seeking content on Steam and direct downloads; the offerings on Mac are poor in comparison
    * his favorite games are often not available on Mac
    * his favorite games are often running much better with better graphics fidelity on PC
    * his friends are using PC
  • Reply 3 of 27
    boboliciousbobolicious Posts: 1,163member
    darkvader said:
    Maybe if Apple didn't actively try to make Mac OS worse with every release... oh, and maybe if Apple didn't decide to turn from being the privacy company into being the spyware company....

    The spyware is more recent, of course.  But Apple's continuous quest to break backward compatibility and destroy functioning workflows has had a major impact on their ability to sell the Macintosh.  Want to play a game you used to love?  Not on the Mac.  Want to use a bit of brilliant inter-office communication software like SnapMail that hasn't been updated in a few years?  You're screwed.  Meanwhile the other two major desktop OS platforms maintain backward compatibility for decades.
    ... my radar went to high alert when photos replaced iphoto implementing auto tagging with no off option in 2014, with iCloud backup of course...
    For consideration to anyone using iCloud email - unencrypted on Apple servers still: support.apple.com/en-us/HT202303 (S/MIME seems to work for those inclined)
    Desired apps may be possible in virtualization on other OS, including <2011 non T2 macs... Does W10 still supprts 32bit?
    For most do the open source options including Linux virtualized offer more private alternatives for the '20% needed 80% of the time'...?
    Would what I understand as Elizabeth Warren's suggestion of changing a single word in corporate law from shareholder to stakeholder address so, so much...?
    edited August 2021
  • Reply 4 of 27
    Of course this is true. PC is still the major computing device. And Microsoft computers are not compatible with Mac. After over thirty years every one has a PC. Why would anyone give up his/her PC to switch to a Mac? What Apple needs is to make the iPad a real computing device. If PC users can do every thing on iPad, they will stop upgrading their PCs. 
  • Reply 5 of 27
    darkvader said:
    Maybe if Apple didn't actively try to make Mac OS worse with every release... oh, and maybe if Apple didn't decide to turn from being the privacy company into being the spyware company....

    The spyware is more recent, of course.  But Apple's continuous quest to break backward compatibility and destroy functioning workflows has had a major impact on their ability to sell the Macintosh.  Want to play a game you used to love?  Not on the Mac.  Want to use a bit of brilliant inter-office communication software like SnapMail that hasn't been updated in a few years?  You're screwed.  Meanwhile the other two major desktop OS platforms maintain backward compatibility for decades.
    I’m still on Mojave and probably won’t upgrade until I buy a new computer. I really don’t like change unless it’s clearly better. I’m happy with iTunes and don’t feel ready to let it go yet. I also never downloaded iOS 7. I went straight from iOS 6 to iOS 8. I know that most people wanted a change but not me.
  • Reply 6 of 27
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    I can see it happening with my son who has an iPad, iPhone and iMac; all second hand devices from me.

    He loves iPad and iPhone but wants a PC, despite using his iMac;

    * he is seeking content on Steam and direct downloads; the offerings on Mac are poor in comparison
    * his favorite games are often not available on Mac
    * his favorite games are often running much better with better graphics fidelity on PC
    * his friends are using PC
    When it comes to home use, most people don't need a PC or a Mac.  They can get by with a smartphone and / or tablet just fine.  That said, it's obvious that Apple is trying to keep the Mac relevant by allow it run iOS and iPadOS apps hence making it more appealing to the broader Apple user base.
  • Reply 7 of 27
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    Of course this is true. PC is still the major computing device. And Microsoft computers are not compatible with Mac. After over thirty years every one has a PC. Why would anyone give up his/her PC to switch to a Mac? What Apple needs is to make the iPad a real computing device. If PC users can do every thing on iPad, they will stop upgrading their PCs. 
    I agree that Apple should let iPadOS really spread its wings.  
  • Reply 8 of 27
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    darkvader said:
    Maybe if Apple didn't actively try to make Mac OS worse with every release... oh, and maybe if Apple didn't decide to turn from being the privacy company into being the spyware company....

    The spyware is more recent, of course.  But Apple's continuous quest to break backward compatibility and destroy functioning workflows has had a major impact on their ability to sell the Macintosh.  Want to play a game you used to love?  Not on the Mac.  Want to use a bit of brilliant inter-office communication software like SnapMail that hasn't been updated in a few years?  You're screwed.  Meanwhile the other two major desktop OS platforms maintain backward compatibility for decades.
    That can be a blessing and a curse.
  • Reply 9 of 27
    opinionopinion Posts: 108member
    Why are iPhones and iPads widely allowed, used and supported at many companies and organisations but Macs are not (rather forbidden via no Mac policies)?
  • Reply 10 of 27
    applguyapplguy Posts: 235member
    I guess it’s good services is becoming a great mix of their revenue. 
  • Reply 11 of 27
    Our AppleTV box is, ultimately, our favourite piece of Apple kit and the only one that would be a non-negotiable in terms of using a different brand. 

    But there is zero marketing for it here in Australia. Nothing. Zip. I’ve never heard, seen or read a single ad for AppleTV boxes. Unlike Google bleedin dongles. Those ads are EVERYWHERE. Now either Apple doesn’t care about the Australian market (big mistake as we produce some of Techs biggest success stories) or this is the same in other countries - which begs the question… why?
  • Reply 12 of 27
    They have fallen so far behind in laptops.  No touch screen, no face recognition… the competition offers that and for half the price. 
  • Reply 13 of 27
    jdnyus said:
    They have fallen so far behind in laptops.  No touch screen, no face recognition… the competition offers that and for half the price. 
    For some of us, not having a touch screen or face recognition is a big... no make that a huge plus. 
    The biggest thing for me is not having to deal with Microsoft. After 20+ years of developing for the Windows platform, I threw in the towel with W10. The writing was on the wall with W8/8.1.
    No more having printers not working after an update. Mostly no issues with an update throwing all my customizations out with the bathwater. etc etc etc
    The problems that my family has on a regular basis with Windows usually after an update, are gradually persuading them to come on over to the Mac world. I refuse to get involved with any of their borked laptops. They are on their own.

    See... swings and roundabouts.

  • Reply 14 of 27
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Well yeh, that makes sense:
    The Mac has maintained itself well outside of the Apple's core ecosystem (despite integrating with iOS messages, Facetime, music, etc...).   So, why would an iPhone user want one?   It's not only more expensive than the competition, it has fewer features -- mostly a touch screen or ability to work in tablet mode with a pencil.

    Home Products have mostly been a side line, after thought business for Apple.   And, one of their best products, the HomePod, got scrapped after only a couple years.

    So why would iPhone users want to venture into either territory?
  • Reply 15 of 27
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    jdnyus said:
    They have fallen so far behind in laptops.  No touch screen, no face recognition… the competition offers that and for half the price. 

    And no pencil support.   How's a kid going to do his math homework or graph an assignment for science?
  • Reply 16 of 27
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Of course this is true. PC is still the major computing device. And Microsoft computers are not compatible with Mac. After over thirty years every one has a PC. Why would anyone give up his/her PC to switch to a Mac? What Apple needs is to make the iPad a real computing device. If PC users can do every thing on iPad, they will stop upgrading their PCs. 

    They've been dragging their feet on that for years now.   When they finally introduced a cursor they tried to hide it as an "accessibiity" option  for the handicapped!

    My guess is that there is a faction in Apple who wants a "tablet to stay a tablet and only a tablet".  But, reality keeps kicking them in the butt.
    edited August 2021
  • Reply 17 of 27
    darkvader said:
    Maybe if Apple didn't actively try to make Mac OS worse with every release... oh, and maybe if Apple didn't decide to turn from being the privacy company into being the spyware company....

    The spyware is more recent, of course.  But Apple's continuous quest to break backward compatibility and destroy functioning workflows has had a major impact on their ability to sell the Macintosh.  Want to play a game you used to love?  Not on the Mac.  Want to use a bit of brilliant inter-office communication software like SnapMail that hasn't been updated in a few years?  You're screwed.  Meanwhile the other two major desktop OS platforms maintain backward compatibility for decades.
    I’m still on Mojave and probably won’t upgrade until I buy a new computer. I really don’t like change unless it’s clearly better. I’m happy with iTunes and don’t feel ready to let it go yet. I also never downloaded iOS 7. I went straight from iOS 6 to iOS 8. I know that most people wanted a change but not me.
    I upgraded to Mojave from Sierra to use some software that no longer supported Sierra and I regret doing so. Just mainly nuisance stuff like not downloading my icloud mail unless I switch back and forth between mailboxes trying to get it to refresh. Constantly getting warnings that I cannot install Mojave on my Mini even though it is already installed. Much preferred coverflow over the gallery.
  • Reply 18 of 27
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
    40% of 90% is seen as “struggling to convert” iPhone users to Mac, yet 50% of 40% is seen as a “high rate of adoption” for AirPods? I haven’t had my coffee yet, but this logic seems flawed to me. Could there be a typo in there somewhere, or is this just more clickbait nonsense? And am I really the only one to pick up on this?
  • Reply 19 of 27
    Japhey said:
    40% of 90% is seen as “struggling to convert” iPhone users to Mac, yet 50% of 40% is seen as a “high rate of adoption” for AirPods? I haven’t had my coffee yet, but this logic seems flawed to me. Could there be a typo in there somewhere, or is this just more clickbait nonsense? And am I really the only one to pick up on this?
    Apparently that 4% is a huge 4%.
  • Reply 20 of 27
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    That report simply shows how iPhones have been successful in carrying the society to the post-PC era. This is exactly what Steve Jobs had predicted. We must also thank Tim Cook for being loyal to Steve Jobs’ that vision and turning it into a reality by committing so much to the iPad. Just as Steve Jobs predicted, the Macbooks have become trucks. You don’t buy a truck for casual use while you can buy a car. You buy a truck if and only if you absolutely need to. The same is valid for today’s computers. Kids have intuitively got that and they wisely stick to their iPhones and iPads and their desktop gaming PCs. Kids cannot be fooled by 360 degree swiveling laptop displays, jumpy 1080p touch screen displays and all other toaster-fridge phantasmagoria.
    edited August 2021
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