PDA/tablet confirmation from macwhispers

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

pop the champagne. The newton is back !


  • Reply 1 of 47
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member

    Originally posted by little dude


    pop the champagne. The newton is back !

    It could also be some other specific function device like the iPod. If the rumour is true.
  • Reply 2 of 47
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Well maybe kormac wasn't crazy afterall. We'll soon find out...if this thing is being produced in 'large quantities' now, we'll probably see it at the WWDC.

    I suppose the real kim kap sol would say "i'm building plastics for apple pda now."
  • Reply 3 of 47
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    or a low key review, press and small group demo a la the ipod and NAB?

    they could show it and say its shipping in X weeks...
  • Reply 4 of 47
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Quick...someone hide this thread before Francis creams his pants.
  • Reply 5 of 47
    Somebody build a mock up based on those numbers and place it next to an iPod so we can compare. Thx!
  • Reply 6 of 47
    protodadaprotodada Posts: 125member

    maybe it's like one of those sony pda that has a built in camera.... so you can videoconference with ichat, make phone calls, organize life too (ical), etc.? i hope it's pretty... i still have my newton 130... it's very nice looking still, a bit too big.
  • Reply 7 of 47

    based on a quick, actual sized, sketch i just did using the given specs, it is wayyyy too big for an ipod, its about 3 times bigger. itll post the sxetch in a minute

  • Reply 8 of 47
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    If Apple releases such a thing at the quoted size they will have prooven once and for all the infinite wisdom of coming to AI to hear my take on the way a product ought to be made.

    A PDA IS WAY TOO SMALL, a tablet is WAY TOO Big, this size, I folded up a piece of paper just to check, is just about right for a rational PDA/notetaking device.

    Bring it on. I sold my Newton after only a couple of months, partly to finance this PB and partly because I didn't really trust it (being old and lacking support, I know, newton community, but they're rather a bit like displaced Kurds, forgotten.

    A piece of letter size is about 279x215, this device is supposed to be 188x132, just slightly under half the size of a letter size sheet, or slightly under half A5 size. What I've been preaching since way back, way way way back.

    Apple should just hire me.

    As for Kormac, i/e**** v.1/2 were over two years ago, and nothing like what's being described now, gimme a break.
  • Reply 9 of 47
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    So this thing is probably going to run OS X? Or a slightly modified version of it? I'm curious to see if this thing could just simply run the full blown OS X. Maybe that's why Apple is making most of their metal apps single-window interfaces?
  • Reply 10 of 47
    here's the sketch, i know its rough, sorry:

  • Reply 11 of 47
    alexanderalexander Posts: 206member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    So this thing is probably going to run OS X? Or a slightly modified version of it? I'm curious to see if this thing could just simply run the full blown OS X. Maybe that's why Apple is making most of their metal apps single-window interfaces?

    Take 12" PowerBook.

    Remove CD-ROM drive

    Remove keyboard

    Remove trackpad

    Remove many ports & their electronics

    Remove clamshell stuff

    Remove fan? speakers?

    Replace hard drive with iPod form factor hard drive (much smaller)

    Replace LCD with smaller one

    Replace battery with smaller one

    Replace G4 with lower-power, cooler G3

    Replace Airport slot with integrated Airport card (or remove?)

    Add Stylus & sensing mechanism

    Yeah, I'll bet it can be done.

    But if this is the case, I'm surprised it's white plastic and not metal.

    On the other hand, this would actually be USEFUL, whereas a "video-on-the-go" iPod would be...kinda useless without some TiVo functionality somewhere. And that just doesn't sound very Apple. I also think they've stated pretty clearly that they don't want to do a PDA. I feel like the bit on the end there is "...unless it runs full-blown OS X."
  • Reply 12 of 47
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    and lo and behold it came to pass....

    I hope this thing has a vga or video output...I can make a living out of if it does.
  • Reply 13 of 47
    keshkesh Posts: 621member
    Personally, I put zero faith in anything coming from MacWhispers, considering the owner has been involved in several apparent frauds in the past.
  • Reply 14 of 47
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by Kesh

    Personally, I put zero faith in anything coming from MacWhispers, considering the owner has been involved in several apparent frauds in the past.

    Ah, an element of intrigue is added to the rumor stew.
  • Reply 15 of 47
    Thanks ShallowThroat for the great drawing.

    Next order of busines... whomever has a clever 3-D modeling program get to work and make me a 3-D image of the sucker.
  • Reply 16 of 47
    Here is a model I made... enjoy! http://www.spymac.com/gallery/showph...t=2&thecat=998

    It's not perfect, but it has the exact dimensions of the thing taken from Macwhispers.
  • Reply 17 of 47
    salmonstksalmonstk Posts: 568member
    Ok guys... Sketch out the dimentions of this thing. Its like a Klondike bar.

    I dont believe Apple will come out with anything with these dimentions.
  • Reply 18 of 47
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Klondike bar?

    The things the perfect size for your palm. I say videoPod.
  • Reply 19 of 47
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    hey bio,

    when i put in 188mm wide, 131mm height in photoshop my "tablet" looks smaller than yours?

    is your size correct or i did i miss something?

    i'm going by the macwhispers dimensions...
  • Reply 20 of 47
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    A lil mockup I made. Not a 3d artist here, but the dimensions are accurate. Done in Carrara 2.1 (25kb)

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