NYC Smoking Ban



  • Reply 81 of 103

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    Does anybody know if this new law affects hookah bars (where the main attraction is the large tobacco bongs)? Hookah bars don't offer much aside from tobacco. I think a hookah would cost me too much to purchase outright.

    I have heard that hookah bars will have to close...apparently the legislature forgot about them when they decided to give cigar bars a break.
  • Reply 82 of 103
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Ahh come on Fellowship. Answer me.
  • Reply 83 of 103
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    I personally believe I have a right to non-smoky air. Cigarette smoke is much worse than car exhaust because I'm generally closer to smoking people than I am to car exhaust pipes... I mean, I occupy the same space as people. As a result, the smoke is more concentrated from a cigarette than it is from car fumes.

    By the same token, smokers have a right to smoke I suppose. No, it's not a very smart thing to do, but most people who smoke started back when they were naïve teenagers who didn't know any better.

    Anyway, the problem is that one smoker can ruin the atmosphere inside a building for everyone who's annoyed by it. However, smokers aren't adversely affected by non-smokers in any area.

    I think the way it is now is fine - most restaurants are smoke free, and if I walk into one that is annoyingly smoky, I turn around and walk out. Other buildings don't bother me as much because I usually spend more time in a restuarant than in other buildings.

    I am just glad that I don't live in Europe. When I visited Italy, it seemed like there were lots of smokers, everywhere, in every public place (including every restaurant I went in). It was horrible. By the end of the trip I was angry, frustrated, and very eager to get home. I don't think I could live there for much more than a week because I felt like my lungs were about to collapse. I can stand smoke for a short amount of time but when it's a pervasive smell that never goes away, I get very pissed. I do think the Italians are a bit more pro-active than the French, though... on the Italian trains I rode on, there were usually alternating smoking and non-smoking cars, whereas the French train was not only dirtier and more uncomfortable, but also every car was divided into a smoking half and a non-smoking half... which, of course, meant that every car was a smoking car. Well, at least they're trying.
  • Reply 84 of 103
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    I was in a bar called The Stone Crow, which if you are in New York is a good dive bar in the Village, anyway it was really strange to not have any smoke in it. I could almost see all the way across the bar and it just felt odd. I gave up smoking a few months ago so I guess it's good for me, but I dunno it felt kind of wrong. I have however been really bothered by car exhaust lately. I live in an area near one of the tunnels that connects Manhattan with New Jersey and the traffic and exhaust are awful. Lately I've been going for runs in the morning not far from the West Side Highway and I've just been dying when occasionally suck in a particulary putrid blast of car, truck or worst of all bus fumes. Much worse than any bar I've ever been in.
  • Reply 85 of 103
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Hmm, NYC must be much worse than Minneapolis-St. Paul with regard to fumes. I don't really notice any fumes unless there's a bus pulled up to the curb near me... then it's horrible. But that's not common.
  • Reply 86 of 103
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    I live on the first floor in Manhattan near the theatre district. It's not uncommon for me to have to go outside and ask the tour bus drivers who idle their buses for hours (to run the heat or A/C) to move in front of somone elses window. The fumes literally come in my apartment. Anyway even if they're not directly in front of my window they and many other drivers, cabs etc. are idling not far from me and the fumes hang in the air. Especially on muggy days in the summer.
  • Reply 87 of 103
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    Originally posted by kwondo

    Also, I have a feeling that a lot of the smokers will use this law as a final reason to stop smoking.

    It was part of the reason I quit. LA instituted a smoking ban in restaurants years ago, and the price of cigs kept going up and up. It just became more inconvenient to continue. I wish I could still take a ten minute break every hour to get out of the office, like I could when I smoked, and like some of my co-workers do. I don't notice the difference unless I go to a city that doesn't have the same laws.

    They'd never ban tobacco. Too many states have entire economies dependant upon tobacco revenue.

    As far as exhaust from tour busses, talk to your borough president and write the mayor. I know it is pretty much quixotic in a city as big as New York, but where I live, they actually forced the tour busses to either shut off after ten minutes or move, because of just what you talked about.
  • Reply 88 of 103
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    I hate smoke, and i hate smokers. I decided to react yesterday. I enter in the bar with my gun and i yell : i will shot everybody who smoke here

    But yesterday was the fool day, people thinked that i was kidding. But i was not kidding, i became crazy and i shot, bang , one dead, an another bang, a second dead and so on, until all smokers where shot dead.As I was quite happy to see that nobody was smoking anymore, i smell a terrible flagrance of smoke near me, and in fact coming from me. Damnation !!!, my gun was smoking . I was astonished, me the avenger was guilty of the crime i struggle so hard against. I decided to make my duty, put the gun in my head and press the target .... nothing happens, the gun was empty, and no more bullets where avalaible.

    Morality don't try to suicide yourself with a gun if there is no bullets in it
  • Reply 89 of 103
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member
    yes i think it's a good thing. second hand smoke is a public health hazzard, it's actually worse for you than smoking yourself
  • Reply 90 of 103
    nebulousnebulous Posts: 193member

    Originally posted by burningwheel

    yes i think it's a good thing. second hand smoke is a public health hazzard, it's actually worse for you than smoking yourself

    It's true that second hand smoke is very bad, but are you sure that it's worse than directly inhaling the nasty stuff yourself? I was reading in the New York Times this morning, and they had an article about second hand smoke in the first section. Basically, it stated that second hand smokers have a very, very, very high risk of having heart attacks. When they are taken out of that smoky environment, their health risk goes down dramatically. Now, I ask, if the cancer sticks are doing that to second hand smokers, imagine what they are doing to the intentional smokers...
  • Reply 91 of 103
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    I hate smoke, and i hate smokers. I decided to react yesterday. I enter in the bar with my gun and i yell : i will shot everybody who smoke here

    But yesterday was the fool day, people thinked that i was kidding. But i was not kidding, i became crazy and i shot, bang , one dead, an another bang, a second dead and so on, until all smokers where shot dead.As I was quite happy to see that nobody was smoking anymore, i smell a terrible flagrance of smoke near me, and in fact coming from me. Damnation !!!, my gun was smoking . I was astonished, me the avenger was guilty of the crime i struggle so hard against. I decided to make my duty, put the gun in my head and press the target .... nothing happens, the gun was empty, and no more bullets where avalaible.

    Morality don't try to suicide yourself with a gun if there is no bullets in it

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Powerdoc what have you been drinking?


    I love the sense of humor of Powerdoc!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply 92 of 103
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Powerdoc what have you been drinking?


    I love the sense of humor of Powerdoc!!!!!!!!!


    Fellowship, I really would like a response.


    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    That is a poor argument and here is why..

    I do not think any student in a public school should have to recite a manditory prayer to a Christian God. What if in a given community 85% of the population voted to make it the law of the land to force young students to recite a prayer to a Christian God in school? Would you still stand behind your argument? I am simply saying that while sure people disagree on things it is wrong to ban smoking in a private business. Public place just fine with me but a private business is different and what you say about the city granting the right for a business to run its business is a point but it alone while it may be the rule of law does not also mean it is the right thing to do. Again many disagree over many things.


    Aha! Fighting against tyranny of the masses I see. Just agree to restore our motto to E Pluribus Unum and remove Under God from the pledge and I'll back you 100% on this. Just checking to see if you are consistent.
  • Reply 93 of 103
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by Nebulous

    The far end of town where the Grickle-grass grows


    The Lorax....right? My favorite.

  • Reply 94 of 103
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by BR

    Fellowship, I really would like a response.

    Aha! Fighting against tyranny of the masses I see. Just agree to restore our motto to E Pluribus Unum and remove Under God from the pledge and I'll back you 100% on this. Just checking to see if you are consistent.

    Ahhh BR BR BR,

    "NO" body is forced to say outloud the pledge of the United States.

    I don't see any problem with the pledge as it is not a prayer #1 and #2 nobody is forced to say it.

    What else is a problem for you BR? If they sing "God Bless America" at a public place does that get under your skin?

    I think because we live in a free country we must be a little liberal and allow people to practice their beliefs.

    Become a little more liberal towards Christians BR.

  • Reply 95 of 103
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    If you are the one Orthodox kid in the room, you may feel a little differently.

    "Under God" was added in 1954
  • Reply 96 of 103
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    Ahhh BR BR BR,

    "NO" body is forced to say outloud the pledge of the United States.

    I don't see any problem with the pledge as it is not a prayer #1 and #2 nobody is forced to say it.

    What else is a problem for you BR? If they sing "God Bless America" at a public place does that get under your skin?

    I think because we live in a free country we must be a little liberal and allow people to practice their beliefs.

    Become a little more liberal towards Christians BR.


    I see. You only fight against tyranny of the masses when it doesn't involve YOUR OWN TYRANNY.
  • Reply 97 of 103
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    BR, do you always feel the need to hijack every SINGLE thread you post in?

    we know your isssue. we know FS'es. let it go.

    it's not like you're saying anything new here, let it go. grow up. it's very, very, very tired. it needs to rest a bit.
  • Reply 98 of 103
    The Pledge was a good thread. Who's for resurrecting?
  • Reply 99 of 103
    xionjaxionja Posts: 504member
    No one would mind people smoking tobacco or marijuana if we didnt know it shortened our lives.

    I blame this on modern science.

    About the topic, I dont agree with the ban. I should explain, but i bet its already been said. I agree with Fellowships orginial statement.
  • Reply 100 of 103
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by xionja

    No one would mind people smoking tobacco or marijuana if we didnt know it shortened our lives.

    I blame this on modern science.

    About the topic, I dont agree with the ban. I should explain, but i bet its already been said. I agree with Fellowships orginial statement.

    You would be the first one to call for government intervention on almost any other issue. Yet you let this one go because of....history? I can think of a lot of other issues where the prevailing thought and understand of the time doesn't excuse their actions in your mind. Why is this one so different?

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