Apple worker walkout organizers issue demands, size of strike unclear



  • Reply 41 of 69
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,257member
    sdw2001 said:
    danox said:
    quazze said:
    Benefits for part-time employees? What a joke. What company offers that? Maybe one percent, if that? 
    The joke is on you, Broadway Department stores (now Macy’s) had full benefits in 1978 for their part-time employees which was great for going to school (junior college) and working part time student debt.
    In today’s gig economy that benefit is probably is gone at Macy’s….
    1978 might as will be a different planet. The entire structure of the economy was different.  My grandfather worked for AT&T for over 40 years. People typically don’t do that today, nor do they have pension plans unless they are in the public sector. Your implication is that it’s realistic to expect full-time benefits with part-time employment today. It isn’t.  
    In 1978 America was different (march of dimes different), that America made a effort to do better the current one is sliding into Feudalism where most will gig it, rent it, and borrow what they don’t have…
    edited December 2021 baconstang
  • Reply 42 of 69
    davidw said:
    Actually no. Hiring more part time workers to do the job cost more than hiring fewer full time workers. It doesn't make a bit of sense to hire two part time workers to do the job of one full time worker. 
    Unless you actually work for Apple's HR - indeed, the part of it responsible for retail employees - you just have no clue. To assume that a company like Apple would not know this (supposed) fact is laughable. And a bit arrogant. 
    edited December 2021 asdasd
  • Reply 43 of 69
    robaba said:
    Collective action exists for a reason, and surprise surprise, it’s not to please internet trolls.  I will always support workers standing up to the paternalistic contempt of their employers.  
    Care to share the evidence on Apple's "paternalistic contempt" for these employees?

    Or, far more likely, did you just make that up?
  • Reply 44 of 69
    quazze said:
    Benefits for part-time employees? What a joke. What company offers that? Maybe one percent, if that? 
    Ironically the company I worked for allowed you to get 401k working part time.
  • Reply 45 of 69
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member
    wood1208 said:
    hexclock said:
    I literally had to make an account to type this comment cause all the other comments on here are just… wow! People really don’t give a crap about each other anymore do they? For all those on here calling to “fire every one of them” why don’t y’all do your research before you go on your computer and type out nonsense comments not knowing what you’re talking about or being in their shoes? It seems to me you all are the entitled ones that expect everything to be done for them no matter the cost or consequences to others. That’s what happens when you have a capitalist economy with no oversight or consequences for multi-billion dollar companies that nickel and dime their employees - who by the way, if they didn’t have these employees they wouldn’t continue to be in business or successful. Asking for part-time benefits when the majority of the retail workforce is part-time is not asking for too much, it’s asking for the bare minimum. In fact apple is a multi-trillion dollar company that can easily afford to give all employees some level of benefits. Hell even best buy gives part-time employees PTO - sure it’s not much, but Apple’s profits+revenue far outweigh any other retail or tech company in the world let alone America. So while you continue defending a multi-trillion dollar company that is literally squeezing their workforce dry with ZERO additional benefits, hazard pay, or protections (let’s not forget all the other illegal labor they’re part of in China) just for the sake of the “customer” (see: profits and shareholders) - the people who actually understand these issues and feel for these people will continue to support the movement for EVERY EMPLOYEE at EVERY COMPANY to stand up for their right; cause guess what? People don’t have to settle anymore. There are literally hundreds of other companies that will gladly take anyone who has Apple on their resume. Apple isn’t the Eden of workplaces. It is not the savior of the people. It’s a company. That only cares about their bottom line. And the employees that enable that bottom line deserve more respect and benefits and not fearing for their lives whenever they go to their stores and a customer refuses to wear a mask and causes a scene. I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    So should every employee at the mall get hazard pay? How old are the average Apple retail kids, 20? They have almost ZERO chance of dying from Covid. Like I said, making demands when you have no bargain power is senseless. 

    This country needs recession to let people know what they have vs when they won't have. People in USA and other places who work for company like Apple makes more in salary and benefits than others everywhere at their level of job, responsibility. If USA opens immigration to any qualified person to come into country; than over qualified people will rush into country to take these organize anti-Apple together people's job, Happily.
    Unfortunately the droves of people storming out southern border will most likely end up in poverty despite the promises of free everything that led them here in the first place.
  • Reply 46 of 69
    danox said:
    mcdave said:
    Invoke the abandonment clauses.

    Not sure if it’s related to this article but I love the irony of workers insisting on remote working conditions. Why have an expensive remote worker in California when you can have a cheap remote worker in Argentina?

    These #XXXToo self-entitlement initiatives are deliciously self-defeating.

    You're so brainwashed by corporations and that damned puritan work ethic, you think human beings should be treated like sh*t.
    Working at home will lead to first world workers being replaced with cheaper people overseas…
    Unlikely as the countries with interest that can handle what the US needs either are way outside normal working hours or in nation who are going protective and will favor their businesses over any US company.
  • Reply 47 of 69
    hexclock said:
    wood1208 said:
    hexclock said:
    I literally had to make an account to type this comment cause all the other comments on here are just… wow! People really don’t give a crap about each other anymore do they? For all those on here calling to “fire every one of them” why don’t y’all do your research before you go on your computer and type out nonsense comments not knowing what you’re talking about or being in their shoes? It seems to me you all are the entitled ones that expect everything to be done for them no matter the cost or consequences to others. That’s what happens when you have a capitalist economy with no oversight or consequences for multi-billion dollar companies that nickel and dime their employees - who by the way, if they didn’t have these employees they wouldn’t continue to be in business or successful. Asking for part-time benefits when the majority of the retail workforce is part-time is not asking for too much, it’s asking for the bare minimum. In fact apple is a multi-trillion dollar company that can easily afford to give all employees some level of benefits. Hell even best buy gives part-time employees PTO - sure it’s not much, but Apple’s profits+revenue far outweigh any other retail or tech company in the world let alone America. So while you continue defending a multi-trillion dollar company that is literally squeezing their workforce dry with ZERO additional benefits, hazard pay, or protections (let’s not forget all the other illegal labor they’re part of in China) just for the sake of the “customer” (see: profits and shareholders) - the people who actually understand these issues and feel for these people will continue to support the movement for EVERY EMPLOYEE at EVERY COMPANY to stand up for their right; cause guess what? People don’t have to settle anymore. There are literally hundreds of other companies that will gladly take anyone who has Apple on their resume. Apple isn’t the Eden of workplaces. It is not the savior of the people. It’s a company. That only cares about their bottom line. And the employees that enable that bottom line deserve more respect and benefits and not fearing for their lives whenever they go to their stores and a customer refuses to wear a mask and causes a scene. I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    So should every employee at the mall get hazard pay? How old are the average Apple retail kids, 20? They have almost ZERO chance of dying from Covid. Like I said, making demands when you have no bargain power is senseless. 

    This country needs recession to let people know what they have vs when they won't have. People in USA and other places who work for company like Apple makes more in salary and benefits than others everywhere at their level of job, responsibility. If USA opens immigration to any qualified person to come into country; than over qualified people will rush into country to take these organize anti-Apple together people's job, Happily.
    Unfortunately the droves of people storming out southern border will most likely end up in poverty despite the promises of free everything that led them here in the first place.
    Propaganda works.
  • Reply 48 of 69
    red oak said:
    I literally had to make an account to type this comment cause all the other comments on here are just… wow! People really don’t give a crap about each other anymore do they? For all those on here calling to “fire every one of them” why don’t y’all do your research before you go on your computer and type out nonsense comments not knowing what you’re talking about or being in their shoes? It seems to me you all are the entitled ones that expect everything to be done for them no matter the cost or consequences to others. That’s what happens when you have a capitalist economy with no oversight or consequences for multi-billion dollar companies that nickel and dime their employees - who by the way, if they didn’t have these employees they wouldn’t continue to be in business or successful. Asking for part-time benefits when the majority of the retail workforce is part-time is not asking for too much, it’s asking for the bare minimum. In fact apple is a multi-trillion dollar company that can easily afford to give all employees some level of benefits. Hell even best buy gives part-time employees PTO - sure it’s not much, but Apple’s profits+revenue far outweigh any other retail or tech company in the world let alone America. So while you continue defending a multi-trillion dollar company that is literally squeezing their workforce dry with ZERO additional benefits, hazard pay, or protections (let’s not forget all the other illegal labor they’re part of in China) just for the sake of the “customer” (see: profits and shareholders) - the people who actually understand these issues and feel for these people will continue to support the movement for EVERY EMPLOYEE at EVERY COMPANY to stand up for their right; cause guess what? People don’t have to settle anymore. There are literally hundreds of other companies that will gladly take anyone who has Apple on their resume. Apple isn’t the Eden of workplaces. It is not the savior of the people. It’s a company. That only cares about their bottom line. And the employees that enable that bottom line deserve more respect and benefits and not fearing for their lives whenever they go to their stores and a customer refuses to wear a mask and causes a scene. I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    Cher, be sure to take your meds 
    I think he has missed a few days of his Prozac, things are getting fuzzy in his upstairs. 
  • Reply 49 of 69
    I literally had to make an account to type this comment cause all the other comments on here are just… wow! People really don’t give a crap about each other anymore do they? For all those on here calling to “fire every one of them” why don’t y’all do your research before you go on your computer and type out nonsense comments not knowing what you’re talking about or being in their shoes? It seems to me you all are the entitled ones that expect everything to be done for them no matter the cost or consequences to others. That’s what happens when you have a capitalist economy with no oversight or consequences for multi-billion dollar companies that nickel and dime their employees - who by the way, if they didn’t have these employees they wouldn’t continue to be in business or successful. Asking for part-time benefits when the majority of the retail workforce is part-time is not asking for too much, it’s asking for the bare minimum. In fact apple is a multi-trillion dollar company that can easily afford to give all employees some level of benefits. Hell even best buy gives part-time employees PTO - sure it’s not much, but Apple’s profits+revenue far outweigh any other retail or tech company in the world let alone America. So while you continue defending a multi-trillion dollar company that is literally squeezing their workforce dry with ZERO additional benefits, hazard pay, or protections (let’s not forget all the other illegal labor they’re part of in China) just for the sake of the “customer” (see: profits and shareholders) - the people who actually understand these issues and feel for these people will continue to support the movement for EVERY EMPLOYEE at EVERY COMPANY to stand up for their right; cause guess what? People don’t have to settle anymore. There are literally hundreds of other companies that will gladly take anyone who has Apple on their resume. Apple isn’t the Eden of workplaces. It is not the savior of the people. It’s a company. That only cares about their bottom line. And the employees that enable that bottom line deserve more respect and benefits and not fearing for their lives whenever they go to their stores and a customer refuses to wear a mask and causes a scene. I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    And I had to register just to ask if you’ve ever heard of paragraph breaks. It might make your arguments easier to follow.
  • Reply 50 of 69
    red oak said:
    I literally had to make an account to type this comment cause all the other comments on here are just… wow! People really don’t give a crap about each other anymore do they? For all those on here calling to “fire every one of them” why don’t y’all do your research before you go on your computer and type out nonsense comments not knowing what you’re talking about or being in their shoes? It seems to me you all are the entitled ones that expect everything to be done for them no matter the cost or consequences to others. That’s what happens when you have a capitalist economy with no oversight or consequences for multi-billion dollar companies that nickel and dime their employees - who by the way, if they didn’t have these employees they wouldn’t continue to be in business or successful. Asking for part-time benefits when the majority of the retail workforce is part-time is not asking for too much, it’s asking for the bare minimum. In fact apple is a multi-trillion dollar company that can easily afford to give all employees some level of benefits. Hell even best buy gives part-time employees PTO - sure it’s not much, but Apple’s profits+revenue far outweigh any other retail or tech company in the world let alone America. So while you continue defending a multi-trillion dollar company that is literally squeezing their workforce dry with ZERO additional benefits, hazard pay, or protections (let’s not forget all the other illegal labor they’re part of in China) just for the sake of the “customer” (see: profits and shareholders) - the people who actually understand these issues and feel for these people will continue to support the movement for EVERY EMPLOYEE at EVERY COMPANY to stand up for their right; cause guess what? People don’t have to settle anymore. There are literally hundreds of other companies that will gladly take anyone who has Apple on their resume. Apple isn’t the Eden of workplaces. It is not the savior of the people. It’s a company. That only cares about their bottom line. And the employees that enable that bottom line deserve more respect and benefits and not fearing for their lives whenever they go to their stores and a customer refuses to wear a mask and causes a scene. I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    Cher, be sure to take your meds 
    HAZARD PAY? Do they operate nuke reactor at Apple now a days??
  • Reply 51 of 69
    danox said:
    Working at home will lead to first world workers being replaced with cheaper people overseas…
    Ugh ... please no.

    One of Apple's niceties is online support personnel you can understand.
  • Reply 52 of 69
    In 1976 I was working for an Aluminum extruder when the entire accounting department staff walked out in what they called "a strike".

    Management made a call to a local staffing agency telling them they needed replacements immediately.
    The next morning we had an entirely new accounting staff -- who was actually much better than the old -- and never looked back.
    ... Often it is the less willing and able who are the most discontented.

    edited December 2021
  • Reply 53 of 69
    ... I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    What rights exactly?

    That's the realm of the radical:   non-specific generalizations meant to stir up hate, fear and anger.

  • Reply 54 of 69
    Anilu_777 said:
    I literally had to make an account to type this comment cause all the other comments on here are just… wow! People really don’t give a crap about each other anymore do they? For all those on here calling to “fire every one of them” why don’t y’all do your research before you go on your computer and type out nonsense comments not knowing what you’re talking about or being in their shoes? It seems to me you all are the entitled ones that expect everything to be done for them no matter the cost or consequences to others. That’s what happens when you have a capitalist economy with no oversight or consequences for multi-billion dollar companies that nickel and dime their employees - who by the way, if they didn’t have these employees they wouldn’t continue to be in business or successful. Asking for part-time benefits when the majority of the retail workforce is part-time is not asking for too much, it’s asking for the bare minimum. In fact apple is a multi-trillion dollar company that can easily afford to give all employees some level of benefits. Hell even best buy gives part-time employees PTO - sure it’s not much, but Apple’s profits+revenue far outweigh any other retail or tech company in the world let alone America. So while you continue defending a multi-trillion dollar company that is literally squeezing their workforce dry with ZERO additional benefits, hazard pay, or protections (let’s not forget all the other illegal labor they’re part of in China) just for the sake of the “customer” (see: profits and shareholders) - the people who actually understand these issues and feel for these people will continue to support the movement for EVERY EMPLOYEE at EVERY COMPANY to stand up for their right; cause guess what? People don’t have to settle anymore. There are literally hundreds of other companies that will gladly take anyone who has Apple on their resume. Apple isn’t the Eden of workplaces. It is not the savior of the people. It’s a company. That only cares about their bottom line. And the employees that enable that bottom line deserve more respect and benefits and not fearing for their lives whenever they go to their stores and a customer refuses to wear a mask and causes a scene. I bet none of you commenters on here ever experienced that kind of risk and desperation between needing money and work and standing up for your rights. 
    They’re asking for full-time benefits for part-time workers. That’s a no. No retail worker gets that. Their entitlement is showing. Also N95’s for all?! Healthcare workers on the front line need them. That’s a total joke. 

    Actually, we've had an excess of N95's laying around unsold in warehouses.
    The problem is not availability but the willingness of healthcare systems to pay the premium for the extra protection they offer.*

    It's a result of so much dependency on the private sector in health care.  The "private sector" only cares about profit -- especially in healthcare more so than general industry.

    * I was at a doctor's office earlier this week -- and much of his staff were wearing DIY cloth masks!
    edited December 2021 baconstang
  • Reply 55 of 69
    tedz98 said:
    Apple is a very hypocritical company. They virtue signal about the environment, recycling, LGBTQ equality, diversity, etc. Yet they tend to treat their lower level employees in fairly mediocre ways. For instance Apple should strive to have nothing but full-time workers in their retail stores with a relatively small percentage of part-time workers. This would offer the staff more opportunities for career growth and advancement. It’s certainly easier to manage a smaller number of full-time staff. Apple’s wealth is beyond comprehension. They could set an example of giving part-time staff better benefits. And they should give much stronger consideration to diversifying their supply chain and reduce their reliance on China for manufacturing. China is home to an extremely repressive government and China’s behavior should not be rewarded. And a final thought- Merry Christmas!

    That's a part of the reason why U.S. industry is now Chinese industry:  Chinese workers do more work and less whining.  They do not feel entitled to self-proclaimed "rights" such as this list of "Demands".

    It's how free market capitalism works:  Only the best thrive and survive. 
    China learned that lesson while whiny, entitled western workers forgot it.
  • Reply 56 of 69
    hexclock said:
    Full time benefits for part time workers. Are they nuts? Go f yourselves, seriously. 
    "Full time benefits for part time workers."?
    There is another thing at play here:  A part time worker is not always somebody wishing for a full time job.  Often they are workers who have other commitments and priorities that preclude them from making a full time commitment to a job.  (That commitment goes both ways:  the company commits to the worker and the worker commits to the company.)

    Forcing a company to treat everybody as committed, full time workers eliminates the kind of jobs that some people need -- such as a person caring for a loved one at home but who still needs some income.

  • Reply 57 of 69
    mcdave said:
    Invoke the abandonment clauses.

    Not sure if it’s related to this article but I love the irony of workers insisting on remote working conditions. Why have an expensive remote worker in California when you can have a cheap remote worker in Argentina?

    These #XXXToo self-entitlement initiatives are deliciously self-defeating.

    You're so brainwashed by corporations and that damned puritan work ethic, you think human beings should be treated like sh*t.

    "Treated like shit"?
    You need to study American history to understand what "treated like shit" means:  72 hour of hard, intense work each week in horrendous, dangerous and even deadly conditions.

    Worker rights movements removed those abuses.  But now we seem to be swinging in the opposite direction where entitled workers in cushy jobs (by historical and international standards) are demanding to dictate the conditions they work under.
  • Reply 58 of 69
    Bosa said:
    This is just the same people that organized against Apple before their leader was fired for carelessly leaking inside process info while spending company time and resources on her M. O. - finding ways to besiege the company that hired her. 

    These people may not be far behind if they cost Apple business instead of doing their jobs. 

    Idiots should be fired yesterday. Apple and cook have been way too nice, that is the issue and fosters this type of entitled people.

    I work for TSMC, Taiwanese Company, pays great but they will never take this type of crap from people. You want to work for us, we will pay you but don’t f- around or you leave!

    They're not an American company.  Apple has *PLENTY* of money.  Their margins are plenty high.  They don't pay a living wage in retail.  Do your homework.

    Do your own homework!
    Back in the 70's American steel companies also had "Plenty of money".   But instead of investing in their companies they squandered it on extravagant pay and benefits for workers and shareholders (as well as "diversification").  Today, those companies are mostly gone, part of history. 

    The Mon River used to be lined for mile after mile with massive, hulking steel mills and all the ancillary businesses that supported them (and were a major reason why we won WW-II).  Today it is mostly weeds and shopping malls.

    Corporations serve society by producing the most for the least -- and the ones who do that the best thrive.  The others fade away into oblivian.
  • Reply 59 of 69
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    danox said:
    sdw2001 said:
    danox said:
    quazze said:
    Benefits for part-time employees? What a joke. What company offers that? Maybe one percent, if that? 
    The joke is on you, Broadway Department stores (now Macy’s) had full benefits in 1978 for their part-time employees which was great for going to school (junior college) and working part time student debt.
    In today’s gig economy that benefit is probably is gone at Macy’s….
    1978 might as will be a different planet. The entire structure of the economy was different.  My grandfather worked for AT&T for over 40 years. People typically don’t do that today, nor do they have pension plans unless they are in the public sector. Your implication is that it’s realistic to expect full-time benefits with part-time employment today. It isn’t.  
    In 1978 America was different (march of dimes different), that America made a effort to do better the current one is sliding into Feudalism where most will gig it, rent it, and borrow what they don’t have…
    I’m not sure how old you are or how much you know about the era, but do you know how awful things were in 1978?  We were mired in every crisis imaginable.  Massive inflation with only moderate growth, a surge in crime, the Soviet Union on the march, beginnings of another massive oil spike, approaching the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviets invading Afghanistan.  A weak, failed POTUS in the WH.  How is that an effort to do better?

  • Reply 60 of 69
    sdw2001 said:
    danox said:
    sdw2001 said:
    danox said:
    quazze said:
    Benefits for part-time employees? What a joke. What company offers that? Maybe one percent, if that? 
    The joke is on you, Broadway Department stores (now Macy’s) had full benefits in 1978 for their part-time employees which was great for going to school (junior college) and working part time student debt.
    In today’s gig economy that benefit is probably is gone at Macy’s….
    1978 might as will be a different planet. The entire structure of the economy was different.  My grandfather worked for AT&T for over 40 years. People typically don’t do that today, nor do they have pension plans unless they are in the public sector. Your implication is that it’s realistic to expect full-time benefits with part-time employment today. It isn’t.  
    In 1978 America was different (march of dimes different), that America made a effort to do better the current one is sliding into Feudalism where most will gig it, rent it, and borrow what they don’t have…
    I’m not sure how old you are or how much you know about the era, but do you know how awful things were in 1978?  We were mired in every crisis imaginable.  Massive inflation with only moderate growth, a surge in crime, the Soviet Union on the march, beginnings of another massive oil spike, approaching the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviets invading Afghanistan.  A weak, failed POTUS in the WH.  How is that an effort to do better?

    All true!  But you forgot the big one:  The collapse and export or American basic industry (electronics, steel and cars) had begun.  It wouldn't become clear and obvious till 10 years later.   But it was the beginning of the end for American basic industry.

    But, compared to 10 years earlier -- with the Vietnam War in full swing and nuclear annihilation possible at any moment*, 1978 was a pretty good year.

    But, as for "Doing Better":  We had values and lived up to them to the best of our ability.

    * It was still possible but we had made detente with China and the Russian threat was much reduced.
    edited December 2021 dewme
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