Tesla design chief takes shot at Apple, claims there's 'nothing to look forward to'



  • Reply 21 of 72
    He’s not wrong. 
  • Reply 22 of 72
    Just waiting for karma to hit back this guy.
  • Reply 23 of 72
    XedXed Posts: 2,692member
    He’s not wrong. 
    You think Apple products offer "nothing to look forward to"? I'm curious why you think that because I certainly look forward to Apple's products. I'm loving the new 16" MBP, looking forward to their March even as the SO needs a MBA and I want to wait for the M2, and look forward to getting a new iPhone since mine is atypically old for me.
  • Reply 24 of 72
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Tesla execs shitting on Apple is nothing new. They've realized it gets them attention, makes them seem like they've above Apple, and some gullible people who don't know any better might actually believe them. It's petty, pathetic, sad, and classless, and trashy - but this is kind of the norm coming from Tesla execs and spokespeople. I wouldn't trust anyone who confidently claims that Apple products are not inspiring, and that they're "nothing to look forward to" as if he has the faintest clue in the world of what he's talking about. Yep, the M1, M1 Pro, new MacBooks, new iMac, new Mac Pros, etc etc - just "slight refinements". Also, Tesla has the luxury of making minor updates to their line (which is 3 products) every several years, while annual needs to make annual updates to dozens of products, and maintain everything from the hardware, to the software, apps, ecosystem, cloud services, etc. Telsa is doing some good things, but they need to STFU sometimes. 
  • Reply 25 of 72
    Well he is correct - Apple has been iterating its products to the point where they are the finest in the world.   This justifies Apple's extraordinary market cap of nearly $3T!

    But let's see is there any other company that has done almost nothing but iterate their products to perfection?  Let's start with Porsche a nearly 75 year old company.   Their cars have the highest margins in the industry, and hold their value over time providing superior joy and happiness to their customers.   Today over 70% of ALL Porsches ever made are still operating.

    I can think of at least a half a dozen other companies across many sectors - every one of them are tops in their respective markets with excellent cash flow and growth.

    So congratulations Apple for striving for perfection through iteration...
  • Reply 26 of 72
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    He’s not wrong. 
    My thoughts exactly. 
    The thing is that personal computing devices and software are so advanced at this point that 'refinements' is as good as it gets. I do get excited about some refinements - hello universal control - but one of my main computers is a 2013 iMac that is really pared down in terms of the software I have loaded into it - I don't log into iCloud on it - and the thing is 100% functional for its purpose. 
    I run a much more recent model next to it but in terms of basic functionality they are pretty equal. 

    There are major milestones but they don't happen often. What was the last incredible milestone that happen in the auto design industry? Electrification was pretty huge but we are already at a refinement stage there, too.  Autonomous vehicles is major. Other than that it has basically been refinements since the model T :smiley: 

  • Reply 27 of 72
    XedXed Posts: 2,692member
    paxman said:
    He’s not wrong. 
    My thoughts exactly. 
    The thing is that personal computing devices and software are so advanced at this point that 'refinements' is as good as it gets. I do get excited about some refinements - hello universal control - but one of my main computers is a 2013 iMac that is really pared down in terms of the software I have loaded into it - I don't log into iCloud on it - and the thing is 100% functional for its purpose. 
    I run a much more recent model next to it but in terms of basic functionality they are pretty equal. 

    There are major milestones but they don't happen often. What was the last incredible milestone that happen in the auto design industry? Electrification was pretty huge but we are already at a refinement stage there, too.  Autonomous vehicles is major. Other than that it has basically been refinements since the model T :smiley: 

    By your own statement of "I do get excited about some refinements" it can't be your "thoughts exactly" since Holzhausen said that Apple products offer nothing to look forward to.

    So, your thoughts selectively, do you agree with that title statement or not?
    edited February 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 72
    KTRKTR Posts: 280member
    maybe apple should have bought the company and get rid of him
  • Reply 29 of 72
    tyler82 said:
    Xed said:
    This from a company that has been filing the Model S design for a decade?
    Don’t be so unfair. They also copied the Lotus design. 
    Untrue. The roadster body was designed by Barney Hatt of Lotus. The car was contract manufactured by Lotus.  
  • Reply 30 of 72
    I guess this guy isn't responsible for the touch-screen interface abomination.

    "I have to acknowledge that I used to wear a non-smart watch, but only did so "because of the timekeeping thing side to it."

  • Reply 31 of 72
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    Xed said:
    This from a company that has been milking the Model S design with a "slight refinement on the same thing" for a decade? It's a testament to a great design from the start… but fucking odd for Holzhausen to say.
    I’m a Tesla fan and shareholder as well
    as an Apple fan and shareholder, so I closely follow both companies.  What you are saying is echoed over on Teslarati about the Model S.  And the defense of the Model S design is two fold:

    First, that the company doesn’t need to dramatically refresh the exterior design because they’re selling every car they can produce.  That sounds just like Apple.  


    Second, that although the exterior design hasn’t radically changed the internals have, most definitely, changed radically over the years.  And this too sounds just like Apple.  

    Strange that a Tesla “design chief” would attack another company for doing exactly what Tesla is doing.  Tesla shouldn’t refresh the Model S design because that would increase demand, which they already can’t meet without months of waiting.  Hasn’t Apple been in about that same position for the entire iPhone era?  Yup.  

    Your point is well taken.  
  • Reply 32 of 72
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    Historically speaking this is a typical sentiment right before Apple disrupts the shit out of an industry. Just makes their fall from grace that much funnier. 
  • Reply 33 of 72
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    slurpy said:
    Tesla execs shitting on Apple is nothing new. They've realized it gets them attention, makes them seem like they've above Apple, and some gullible people who don't know any better might actually believe them. It's petty, pathetic, sad, and classless, and trashy - but this is kind of the norm coming from Tesla execs and spokespeople. I wouldn't trust anyone who confidently claims that Apple products are not inspiring, and that they're "nothing to look forward to" as if he has the faintest clue in the world of what he's talking about. Yep, the M1, M1 Pro, new MacBooks, new iMac, new Mac Pros, etc etc - just "slight refinements". Also, Tesla has the luxury of making minor updates to their line (which is 3 products) every several years, while annual needs to make annual updates to dozens of products, and maintain everything from the hardware, to the software, apps, ecosystem, cloud services, etc. Telsa is doing some good things, but they need to STFU sometimes. 
    Also, if Apple has taught us anything over the decades it’s that those who mention their competition have competition.  You’ll notice that Apple never strikes out against anyone, with the except only of those who steal  Apple’s IP.   They are too busy raking in the largest pile of quarterly profits of any company, four times each and every year. 
  • Reply 34 of 72
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    Oh, and that Apple Watch he wears only because of the fitness thing?  That watch has proceeded to absorb the majority of profits in the global watch industry.  It’s sort of an Apple habit.  
  • Reply 35 of 72
    Ah, Tesla. You 'thing' is so connected that they know everything about you, where you go, how many people you have in your car, and how you drive. 
    Fail to pay homage to Emperor Elon I then they can stop your car dead in its tracks. They can even stop the car from DC charging at will.

    Some say that Apple is a cult. You ain't seen nothing when compared to the devotion that many Tesla fans have towards their savior (Elon)

    I do drive an EV but it isn't one of his designs. I did look at a Model 3 (the Y is just becoming available here...) but the build quality was very poor when compared to other EV's in the same price range.

  • Reply 36 of 72
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,090member
    Xed said:
    This from a company that has been milking the Model S design with a "slight refinement on the same thing" for a decade? It's a testament to a great design from the start… but fucking odd for Holzhausen to say.
    I’m a Tesla fan and shareholder as well
    as an Apple fan and shareholder, so I closely follow both companies.  What you are saying is echoed over on Teslarati about the Model S.  And the defense of the Model S design is two fold:

    First, that the company doesn’t need to dramatically refresh the exterior design because they’re selling every car they can produce.  That sounds just like Apple.  


    Second, that although the exterior design hasn’t radically changed the internals have, most definitely, changed radically over the years.  And this too sounds just like Apple.  

    Strange that a Tesla “design chief” would attack another company for doing exactly what Tesla is doing.  Tesla shouldn’t refresh the Model S design because that would increase demand, which they already can’t meet without months of waiting.  Hasn’t Apple been in about that same position for the entire iPhone era?  Yup.  

    Your point is well taken.  

    The fit and finish on Tesla’s need to get better a lot better, with more EV choices coming from Korea, Germany, and Japan, bad paint jobs, handling, and brakes won’t do…. not at the prices they are charging. Note the fit and finish of Apples products are at the top of class and so is the actual profit.
  • Reply 37 of 72
    If he’s not excited, he’s not paying attention. The m1 was SUPER exciting. Changed the industry. The m1 pro and Mac also just came out. That’s new and innovative and causing many of apples competitors to follow suite. 
    Did he miss that?
  • Reply 38 of 72
    Xed said:
    paxman said:
    He’s not wrong. 
    My thoughts exactly. 
    The thing is that personal computing devices and software are so advanced at this point that 'refinements' is as good as it gets. I do get excited about some refinements - hello universal control - but one of my main computers is a 2013 iMac that is really pared down in terms of the software I have loaded into it - I don't log into iCloud on it - and the thing is 100% functional for its purpose. 
    I run a much more recent model next to it but in terms of basic functionality they are pretty equal. 

    There are major milestones but they don't happen often. What was the last incredible milestone that happen in the auto design industry? Electrification was pretty huge but we are already at a refinement stage there, too.  Autonomous vehicles is major. Other than that it has basically been refinements since the model T :smiley: 

    By your own statement of "I do get excited about some refinements" it can't be your "thoughts exactly" since Holzhausen said that Apple products offer nothing to look forward to.

    So, your thoughts selectively, do you agree with that title statement or not?
    The devil confuses undisciplined minds by mixing some truth in with the lies. 
  • Reply 39 of 72
    I feel like he has a point. Tesla are an incredibly innovative company and I'm constantly checking in to see what new stuff is coming. Their UI design and software is extremely good.

    Apple make great products and Apple Silicon was a huge innovation. But I don't bother with their launch events any more.

  • Reply 40 of 72

    The Tesla design chief did acknowledge that he wears an Apple Watch, but said he only does so "because of the fitness thing side to it."

    "Otherwise I haven't really found much purpose to [the Apple Watch], other than the fitness part," he said.

    Read on AppleInsider
    That's weird:  Most of the people I know who are only concerned about tracking fitness wear Garmins -- because that's what Garmin specializes in -- and they are very good at it.  Pretty much the gold standard.

    The Apple Watch offers good fitness (not great) plus a host of other functions.
    I just set up HomeKit for my grandson's Apple Watch so he can control the brightness and color of his overhead lights with it -- plus of course he can stream music and get messages and FaceTime & regular calls from his friends on it.  Even though he (sadly) is uninterested in fitness, he loves his watch.

    edited February 2022 radarthekatwatto_cobra
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