Moved: New PowerMac specs



  • Reply 101 of 300
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:

    <strong>There is something wrong with that. Why the OLD 1 Gig goes to $2199 and the NEW 1 Gig goes to $2499 at the end of the month... strange if it's the same MB.

    </strong><hr></blockquote>Hmm, good point. What's going on?

    1. Either something is wrong with Macminute's info, or

    2. There are some other advances here that we don't know about yet, like a DDR and/or 166 bus. But even that wouldn't justify the price increase.

    Even though the price increase sucks, I'm holding out hope that there will be some other substantial improvements that Apple is using to justify the price increase.
  • Reply 101 of 300
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    [quote]Originally posted by salty chips:


    I agree, BTW 10.2 is finaly getting where it should have been 1 year ago </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Windows is only barely touching on where it should have been half a decade ago
  • Reply 103 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by Merlion:


    Depressing is an understatement for these lame specs. Apple is losing too much ground.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ... but what a chance to start a cottage industry selling paper shame-bags with Apple logo's on 'em.

    C'mon, Think Different guys!
  • Reply 104 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by Jet Powers:

    <strong>Anyone who won't buy because of MHz rating is the kind of person who obsessively worries about the size of other things in his life, too.

    Yeah, it's a penis joke.


    Thats kind of what I was getting at too, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Thank you for expressing this thought more clearly than I had.

    I'm also tired of people holding the metaphoric gun of "switching to PC cuz apple is a meanie" to thier own heads. I'm inclined to treat them the same way I would treat a person with a real gun to their head - c'est la vie.

    And bring on the new Macs. I think the people who are bitching today will be singing thier praises tomorrow, I can hear it now....

    "Oh, I was sooooo pleased to see the new PowerMacs. I was a little dissaponted at first when I saw the CPU speeds on AI, but that two button mouse really won me over! now I see what a great deal this is...."

  • Reply 105 of 300
    rampancyrampancy Posts: 363member
    Amen to that, Jet Powers.

    If people are so pissed off at SJ & Co., why are they still using a Mac? There's nothing stopping you from using the latest and greatest P4-based wintel box.

    The evidence is too strong to refute: we WILL be seeing Macs that will close the percieved performance gap between Macs and PC's. We WILL be seeing Macs released soon (Tomorrow? the 24th? Seybold?) that will be superior in performance and value to today's Macs. Smart consumers will see that it's ease-of-use, not Mhz/Ghz that really matters in a computer.

    Good things come to those who wait.

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: rampancy ]</p>
  • Reply 106 of 300
    Any of you who consider this "speed increase" as much of a disgrace as I do really should check out the Dell Perfomance Workstation range. Dual 2.4 ghz Xeon for around GBP 2500. Windows XP is a fine operating system and I have had no trouble with it whatsoever, be it "hardware compatibility", "crashing for no reason", "only allowing 8.3 names" or any of the other Windows 95 bollocks that are the sacred cows around here. (By the way, if you weren't there, System 7 really sucked as well...) In fact I had way more problems with a dual 533 G4 and OsX.

    It's what I "switched" to, and I have had no regrets whatsoever. And if Apple keep going the way they are, I won't be switching back anytime soon.

    Thank you and goodnight. Flame me, stop my posting priveledges, whatever, I don't give a shit.
  • Reply 107 of 300
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    [quote]Originally posted by BRussell:

    <strong>This post deserves repeating.

    Here's a question that may bear on the 133/166 issue: why does Macminute say the dual 1ghz model won't be shipping yet? Maybe they're moving to a new mobo for that machine and the 1.25, while the 867 will stay at 133.

    I honestly doubt it, because I'm guessing this is still Apollo, and Mot's specs say Apollo uses a 133 bus, not 166. But maybe...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    But Skullmac's analysis is right on. IF, IF the 1.25 gHz speed is correct, and not 1.20 gHz, then the dual-1.25 and the dual-1000 MUST have DDR-333. Because there isn't any SDR-166 RAM.
  • Reply 108 of 300
    OK, that wasn't very nice....

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: Agent Cooper ]</p>
  • Reply 109 of 300
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    You all know I like to flame Apple harder than anyone, but a Superdrive DP867 for 1699 seems fairly OK to me. The high end? Forget it, but the low end seems decent.
  • Reply 110 of 300
    [quote] quote: Originally posted by Agent Cooper


    Originally posted by shannyla:

    I have a small penis and I'm angry about it.


    Case Closed.


    But almost certainly larger than yours, you sad masochistic, apologistic loser. Plus I'm not angry, I'm beatifically happy... I can go home at night when my rendering is actually finished...

    Case still open.

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: shannyla ]</p>
  • Reply 111 of 300
    rampancyrampancy Posts: 363member
    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:

    <strong> "It's what I "switched" to, and I have had no regrets whatsoever. And if Apple keep going the way they are, I won't be switching back anytime soon. Thank you and goodnight. Flame me, stop my posting priveledges, whatever, I don't give a shit."</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You should have read the posting guidelines for this forum, shannyla.
  • Reply 112 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:


    But almost certainly larger than yours, you sad masochistic, apologistic loser.

    Case still open.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I thought you said you didn't give a poo if people flamed you?
  • Reply 112 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by Agent Cooper:


    All these specs show are the CPU SPEED!!!! For all you know the new PowerMacs could hold a whole crapload of suprises yet to be revealed - faster system bus, faster ram, on chip memory controller... the possibilities are limitless. I think you WANT to be dissapointed, becuase you've jumped on this first rumor that doesn't say what you want to hear and begun to pout... pout away.

    FACT - My G3 350 is till fast enough to keep me happy. the only reason I'm buying one of the new PowerMacs is so that I can run DVDSP.

    FACT - Even if the speeds DON'T GO UP, they're still great machines.

    FACT - NO ONE CARES if you want to switch to PCs because the G4s haven't breached the 3Ghz barrier. Switch - no one will miss you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yeah, you don't need a supersonic plane in order to get to new york from san francisco. you could walk. the better side of it is that it does your body good and maybe safer.

    i am kind always amazed to hear people kept saying the their old g1, g2 or g3 are working fine. i am sure that peolpe are still using mac plus. then does it mean that apple should stick to mac plus?

    if speed does not go up, it _IS_NOT_ a good machine, no matter how elegant the internal is. you could have the finest and fastest horses on this planet, yet they could outrun a decent modern combustion engine metal block - usually called automobile.

    yes, you could upgrade the internal interconnect on the motherboard. but yet, the easiest is still the clocking cpu up.

    if apple will not put out a g5 base machine tomorrow, they will show people that there is something wrong with their plan. maybe they really should have switched to intel chip long time ago.

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: anakin1992 ]</p>
  • Reply 114 of 300
    [quote]I thought you said you didn't give a poo if people flamed you? <hr></blockquote>

    I'm merely amusing myself until I get banned...
  • Reply 115 of 300
    B8tch b8tch b8tch whine whine whine whine yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn.....

    Apple's machines faster than PCs PFFFFFFFT AHAHAHAHA <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    No doubt a P4 2 GHz isn't anything to write home about (I've used one), but I'm sure the 3 GHz P4 these Macs will go up against will mean something. And the Athlon Xp are fast. I've seen my friends.

    Do you people ever get tired of not letting anyone criticize Apple? We are talking about a business here, one that must produce not only for Mac users, but for share holder & those they want to so eagerly steal away from the Wintel platform.

    Some people are also power-crazed....give them a little, they like to take a lot. Go figure
  • Reply 116 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by anakin1992:


    yes, you could upgrade the internal interconnect on the motherboard. but yet, the easiest is still the clocking cpu up.

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: anakin1992 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If the Mainboard is the bottleneck, cranking up the CPU won't do anything significant to the real processing power of the unit.

    The MLB Bus speed is the limiting factor of the current G4s, its worth waiting through a few minor chip updates if they offer significan MLB updates - which I think is what we're looking at in the very near future.

    and on another subject:

    If PC users are so happy with their wintel boxes, why are they speding so much time on Apple discussion boards?
  • Reply 117 of 300
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    I don't know what your talking about cheap dual xeons from dell shannyla, I mean they are fricken expensive, a comparibly equiped mac is going to be about under $4,000. And why the hell do you render on dell in windows XP, you can gain about 33% more speed in opengl in linux at the least. OS X still mops the floor with XP, I've sat and ran shake and maya on different platforms and on windoze it blows. hehe give it till MWSF you'll be sad you bought that dell its just too sad I'm so sorry for you. Weren't you the person that said that insane post about how every one is switching to digital domain's nuke? HAHA thats a laugh.
  • Reply 118 of 300
    blizaineblizaine Posts: 239member
    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:

    <strong>Any of you who consider this "speed increase" as much of a disgrace as I do really should check out the Dell Perfomance Workstation range. Dual 2.4 ghz Xeon for around GBP 2500. Windows XP is a fine operating system and I have had no trouble with it whatsoever, be it "hardware compatibility", "crashing for no reason", "only allowing 8.3 names" or any of the other Windows 95 bollocks that are the sacred cows around here. (By the way, if you weren't there, System 7 really sucked as well...) In fact I had way more problems with a dual 533 G4 and OsX.

    It's what I "switched" to, and I have had no regrets whatsoever. And if Apple keep going the way they are, I won't be switching back anytime soon.

    Thank you and goodnight. Flame me, stop my posting priveledges, whatever, I don't give a shit.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Have fun

    Why are you even in this forum?

    Those "fast" processors should come in handy when you are reformatting XP every 3-6 months <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    (BTW- I have my MCSE, so I would love to get into a "Wintel Knowledge" pissing contest with you... )

    I spend all day fixing Dell?s and Compaq?s (with XP Pro)? This is precisely why I choose to have a Mac at home. You clearly have not used your XP box long enough <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 119 of 300
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    We must also note that while we have CPU speeds we do not know what version the CPU is or what the particulars are if it is a new rev.

    That, along with improved bus, could make this the most significant increase in PMAC speed since the original G4.

    And even after tomorrow we will need to wait a week or more to get benchmarks.

    I have a DP 533 and I am more than certain the 1699 entry model will mop the floor with my 1 year old machine. And my DP is fast enough for damn near anything.

    In all reason apple may score a coup with the DP 867 in the consumer marketplace.
  • Reply 120 of 300
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Starting today. Steve Jobs will not have any decent night of sleep until IBM comes for the rescue <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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