Moved: New PowerMac specs



  • Reply 141 of 300
    [quote] and "you're only fixing them because you're got an MCSE" is good English I suppose? <hr></blockquote>

    Eh, correct. I'd like to say "it ain't so" but, sorry, it is.
  • Reply 141 of 300
    The question here is not whether a bus utilizes SDRAM or DDR. Nor is it relevant how many processors a given machine may utilize. The question ultimately is: will Apple?s new hardware convince PC users to switch to a Macintosh?

    Let?s take a look at the RUMORED Apple hardware for US $1699:
    • 2 Motorola Processors

    • Memory

    • Hard Drive

    • Keyboard

    • Mouse

    • Macintosh OSX

    • Video Card

    • SuperDrive (DVD-RW)

    • Modem

    • Ethernet

    Now, let?s take a look at a DELL Dimension 4500 for US $1247:
    • 1 Intel Processor

    • Memory

    • Hard Drive

    • Keyboard

    • Mouse

    • Windows XP Home Edition

    • 17? CRT Monitor

    • Video Card

    • DVD-RW Drive

    • Harmon Kardon speakers

    • Modem

    • Ethernet

    • 6 Months Free Internet

    Because of certain AMBIGUITIES regarding processor speeds and RAM types/speeds, I?ve eliminated any hardware references to SDRAM, DDR, MHz, etc. It?s also assumed that the video cards and Hard Drives are equivalent in both cases (pending tomorrow?s announcement).

    Now, looking at these numbers, can someone tell me how Apple is going to convince a potential ?switcher? to pay US $452 more for Macintosh tower that does NOT include a CRT, speakers and internet?


  • Reply 141 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:


    Dead for Windows after version 2.5, Linux is way too much of a pain in the butt for anyone that's actually got work to do.

    I love the way mac users talk about linux, don't you realise it makes windows 3.1 look user-friendly... which is why you bought a mac I guess, as it certainly wasn't for the scintilating performance.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Acctually you're close to right there - the main reason I bought the Mac was the user friendly aspect - which M$ hasn't come anywhere near matching. Even MacOSX, which i find less User friendly than OS 9, is more freindly than XP.

    However, you're not totally right, as the G3 I bought still performs fine. Mac Users ugprade their machines on average every 4 to 5 years - PC users upgrade on average every 2 years. Performance over time seems to be better for mac users, I don't know why.

    No one is asking you to drop your PC, dude, no one cares. If you want to justify your purchase, i'm sure there are support groups for insecure PC users. As for linux, its not so bad, you do need some programming experience to get it to run really well, but some installers take care of all the work for you.

    I keep coming back to the fact that no one missed you when you switched to PC. I'm sorry no one threw together an intervention party for you, but you can stay there.
  • Reply 144 of 300
    It's really looking like we're headed towards DDR 166 on the high end models me thinks. This could be somewhat awkward.

    And BTW, speed is important to me as well, and no it's not a penis thing, K? K. I can assure anyone here who claims that "speed doesn't matter" that apple doesn't feel the same. Just take a look around to find a ludicrous amount of words like "fast," "blazing," and "speed."

    I'm probaly going to buy the dual 1.25 if it happens tomorrow, but I'd certainly feel a lot better about the purchase if it was faster for $3300. And it sure as fek better not howl like a banshee like the previous El Capitains (I've suspected that the new case designs have more to do with keeping quiet then cooling a monster.)
  • Reply 145 of 300
    [quote] I'm sorry no one threw together an intervention party for you, but you can stay there. <hr></blockquote>

    Aw, gee, thanks. Ok then, I will.

    Night night all.
  • Reply 146 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by anakin1992:


    by increasing the clock, you _have_ to upgrade the interconnect interfaces, such as memory bus, or peripheral bus. it is a given, otherwise, it does not make any sense to upgrade clock.


    This is exactly the point I am trying to make. They've been moving the proccessor speed up but doing nothing - or very little - to boost the FSB speed. Now they have to play catch up with the MLB, bring the bus speed up so that the faster cpus will have somewhere to put all that data they crunch
  • Reply 146 of 300
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Why do people complain about the speed of CURRENT HARDWARE\tin the FUTURE HARDWARE forum? Specifically the day before new FUTURE HARDWARE is rumored to become CURRENT HARDWARE?

    I mean, who cares if the current Dual GHZ machine is too slow for you if a new machine is supposed to arrive tomorrow?

    And how can anyone complain about FUTURE HARDWARE if it hasn't yet become CURRENT HARDWARE?

    In reality a Dual 800 MHZ machine could run faster than a Dual GHZ if the 800 MHZ machine had significantly greater bandwidth. Or a different processor. Or whatever the hell you care to think about.

    Anyone complaining about tomorrow supposed offerings is just being idiotic. No offense intended.
  • Reply 148 of 300
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    [quote]Originally posted by BrunoBruin:

    <strong>(will the chip even support it? or are the PowerBooks going to the 7470 </strong><hr></blockquote>

    The 7470 was a product of MOSR, not Motorola...

  • Reply 149 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by Bioflavonoid:

    <strong>Why must our precious little machines be cursed with the Mhz myth? It's numero uno on my hate list. And, besides, if they were crappy like people think; hey baby, it's not the Mhz count, it's how you use it. I think a cheap dual powermac would kick---I may change my iMac plans and get a dual 867...hehe.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I've long been an advocate of changing apple's motto to "Its not the meat, its the motion..."

  • Reply 150 of 300
    [quote]6 Months Free Internet <hr></blockquote>

    Umm, one little should appear like this: "6 months of selling your soul to MSN."

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: Bioflavonoid ]</p>
  • Reply 151 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by Agent Cooper:


    I've long been an advocate of changing apple's motto to "Its not the meat, its the motion..."


    hehe, that's better.
  • Reply 151 of 300
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:

    <strong>Aw, you'll be fixing those "Dell's and Compaq's" all day till you learn the correct use of apostrophes...[ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: shannyla ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I would propose that you fault the grammar of others' if you can do better yourself:

    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:

    <strong>In my case, because Apple bought Shake, killed it for Windows, and I want to see what their going to offer in exchange...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think you mean "they're".
  • Reply 151 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by theMagius:

    <strong>The question here is not whether a bus utilizes SDRAM or DDR. Nor is it relevant how many processors a given machine may utilize. The question ultimately is: will Apple?s new hardware convince PC users to switch to a Macintosh?

    Let?s take a look at the RUMORED Apple hardware for US $1699:
    • 2 Motorola Processors

    • Memory

    • Hard Drive

    • Keyboard

    • Mouse

    • Macintosh OSX

    • Video Card

    • SuperDrive (DVD-RW)

    • Modem

    • Ethernet

    Now, let?s take a look at a DELL Dimension 4500 for US $1247:
    • 1 Intel Processor

    • Memory

    • Hard Drive

    • Keyboard

    • Mouse

    • Windows XP Home Edition

    • 17? CRT Monitor

    • Video Card

    • DVD-RW Drive

    • Harmon Kardon speakers

    • Modem

    • Ethernet

    • 6 Months Free Internet

    Because of certain AMBIGUITIES regarding processor speeds and RAM types/speeds, I?ve eliminated any hardware references to SDRAM, DDR, MHz, etc. It?s also assumed that the video cards and Hard Drives are equivalent in both cases (pending tomorrow?s announcement).

    Now, looking at these numbers, can someone tell me how Apple is going to convince a potential ?switcher? to pay US $452 more for Macintosh tower that does NOT include a CRT, speakers and internet?



    Well, a truly similar Dell costs $1658. Seems good at first, but Apple gives you a DVD-RW drive instead of an inferior DVD+RW drive, all of the iApps, far better tech support (believe it or not, Dell's US consumer tech support is from INDIA and keeps you on hold for HOURS), a faster processor, a superior OS, gigabit Ethernet, 4 FREE expansion slots (the Dell only has 1), 64-bit PCI instead of 32-bit PCI, and much more extras that Dell can't match.
  • Reply 151 of 300
    nervnerv Posts: 26member
    [quote]Originally posted by anakin1992:

    <strong>yeah, you don't need a supersonic plane in order to get to new york from san francisco. you could walk. the better side of it is that it does your body good and maybe safer.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Then you've never driven through Scary, Indiana. It's much safer to be 35,000 feet over that place.
  • Reply 151 of 300
    rampancyrampancy Posts: 363member
    [quote]Originally posted by gar:

    <strong> and they stick to thier G4 400 for a couple of years.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey! Don't knock the G4/400, man. I love my 3 year old Sawtooth!
  • Reply 156 of 300
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member
    [quote]Originally posted by shannyla:


    Because some of us "think differently" enough to consider all the possible options for doing their jobs better, faster, cheaper, whatever, rather than sticking blindly to dogma and ideology...

    In my case, because Apple bought Shake, killed it for Windows, and I want to see what their going to offer in exchange... At the moment, it seems to be a slap in the face and a kick in the b*llocks.

    Were I to consider buying some Macs for my company to run shake on, the performance Apple offers simply doesn't make it viable. And I know all about the two for one offer, still not worth it...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Great post! This means you must have seen how Shake performs on Apple's new G4s, right? Of course you have, because you wouldn't just be making up nonsense like everybody else in here!
  • Reply 157 of 300
    [quote]6 Months Free Internet <hr></blockquote>

    Umm, one little should appear like this: "6 months of selling your soul to Microsoft."
  • Reply 158 of 300
    Dangit, why does this keep happening to me, I keep listing numerous postings without knowing it.
  • Reply 158 of 300
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    Could the new Power Macs have 200 mhz bus (400 DDR)? That would be:

    200*5 = 1000

    200*6 = 1200

    That would work very well accept for the 867 mhz model which will probably be only 133 mhz ram.

    With that bus speed the Power Macs would be extremely fast and be able to compete with PC's, and maybe over take them.
  • Reply 160 of 300
    [quote]Dudes, do you notice on how these are all duals? I mean its a deal<hr></blockquote>

    I agree. From an ordinary buyer's perspective this is good news. The base model goes up $100 but for that you go from a single 800 to dual 867s?! I'll take five! Seriously, unless Apple does something stupid like ship them with no L3 cache or something, I can make the case that these are at least twice as fast as the DP450s in my office. They'll probably run about $1,500 educational, and that's $1,000 less than those 450s cost two years ago.
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