Apple in talks to run ads on Apple TV+ shows

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited October 2022
Media agency reports claim that Apple is exploring the addition of ads to Apple TV+ shows, as part of its push to increase its ad revenues.

Apple's privacy efforts have given the impression that the company is against advertising, but that has never been the case. But it is claimed that Apple is exploiting its privacy features to give it an edge against other companies.

That edge is in the form of the company's long-held search advertising service, which has been predicted to grow to a $6 billion business by 2025.

Now according to Digiday, Apple is looking to expand its ad sales with Apple TV+.

Various sources have told the publication that Todd Teresi, Apple vice president of ad platforms, has been meeting with ad network executives. One unnamed media agency source said that they were due another meeting with Teresi in November, and believes it will be concerned with TV ads.

"[Teresi] did express interest in expanding their [ad] business," said the source, "but he also made it very clear that Apple will do nothing unless one, there's a significant opportunity, and two, they would never do anything to jeopardize the relationship they have with their consumers."

"Anything that would open up premium inventory [in connected TV or streaming] would be a positive," continued this unnamed marketing executive. "The last bastion is Apple TV."

"Apple is going to be a very good ad experience with probably a low ad load," the source said. "They're already actually very diversified in terms of revenue streams so there's less pressure to fit lots of ads."

The low ad load means that Apple TV+ would not end up with as many minutes of adverts per hour as network television does. Nonetheless, it would surely mean the most popular shows like "Ted Lasso" being front-loaded with ads instead of the currently common promos for other shows.

Separately, Disney+ has confirmed that it will be introducing a lower-cost tier that is ad-supported, from December. Netflix is reportedly considering the same.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 13
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    So, if true, I can envision the current $4.99/mo tier becoming the ad supported tier and a new $9.99/mo tier being created for ad free viewing. That would suck but it would bring Apple in line with the rest of the streaming services. The ideal would be the ad supported tier would free and the $4.99/mo tier would remain as is. We can dream can’t we?

    But once again, it’s just a ‘claim’, a ‘rumor’, click bait to flame over. I took the bait. Will you?
    edited October 2022 entropyswatto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 13
    byronlbyronl Posts: 371member
    so they want to add ads to maps, podcasts and now this?? okay
  • Reply 3 of 13
    byronl said:
    so they want to add ads to maps, podcasts and now this?? okay
    Hopefully just 'exploring'...

    ...of course some may suggest (correctly) legally that profit is the corporate mandate priority...
    ...and yet I have heard it said 'accountants know the cost of everything and the value of nothing'...?
    Under Steve Jobs I felt far more that 'best' was prioritized for customers as a long(er) view to shareholder profit and 'core value'...
    That included upgradable, repairable hardware and macOS release on merit rather than an annual corporate calendar...
    ...and it makes me sad...

    Patagonia has been in the news of late:

    Should Apple 'explore' trust or alternate ownership structures...?
    Could they legally once the corporate genie is out of the bottle...?
    Are options between corporate profit and open source community closer to a 'bicycle for the mind' core value ...?
    In the broader realm of environmental concerns should corporate law be changed to include 'stakeholders'...?

    edited October 2022 watto_cobrabyronl
  • Reply 4 of 13
    Please, no. 
  • Reply 5 of 13
    I’m using Apple because: good hardware, good software, I pay a little extra to secure my privacy and … add free.
  • Reply 6 of 13
    If ads start appearing here and there in Apple's services, I'm going to drop them. I consider that I pay premiums for the quality of the hardware and software, and am happy to do so, and that ads are completely inappropriate.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,938member
    Well, I don’t subscribe to AppleTV+ and that would be another reason for me to not sign up.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    We pay for ad-free on HBO Max and Hulu. If we have to pay more for ad-free AppleTV+, so be it.

    We have a house rule of no more than three services at once. Might rotate them out for something else when Ted Lasso ends.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    Steve HumistonSteve Humiston Posts: 22unconfirmed, member
    that's fine, i like Ted Lasso a lot.. but not enough to pay to get rid of ads..

  • Reply 10 of 13
    Don't do it Apple! You already have more wealth than Croesus, you don't need to do this. Don't alienate your customers pandering to the demand to fall in line with the rest of them or generate growth constantly. You can grow in other directions than just greedy accumulation to appease the markets and the shareholders (I am a shareholder). Of all the companies who could take the moral high ground...
  • Reply 11 of 13
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,210member
    Cancel if they do………DVD’s are still available.
    edited October 2022 baconstang
  • Reply 12 of 13
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,245member
    lkrupp said:
    So, if true, I can envision the current $4.99/mo tier becoming the ad supported tier and a new $9.99/mo tier being created for ad free viewing. That would suck but it would bring Apple in line with the rest of the streaming services. The ideal would be the ad supported tier would free and the $4.99/mo tier would remain as is. We can dream can’t we?

    But once again, it’s just a ‘claim’, a ‘rumor’, click bait to flame over. I took the bait. Will you?
    Yes I expect so if true. Overall the cost of a subscription would rise so they get us both ways.  The kind of sociopathic MBA weenie that promotes this kind of monetisation (and themselves) as a good idea is the kind that makes people hate large corporations, and suits in general.

    Coincidently I just turned off my ATV+ sub just the other day after realising I hadn’t watched anything there for a couple of months. There just isn’t enough on there to justify a subscription, and far too much if it is very Public TV/establishment northern Californian. Ads would be a definite turn off, particularly with the bulk of the content on the service.

    Watching FTA every now and again I am struck with how incredibly annoying annoying ads are, and how good ad free streaming is.
  • Reply 13 of 13
    Still so much to watch on Apple TV.  So still worth 4.99. But adds are a non starter on any platform - just can’t do it. 

    Might be convinced to subscribe to a higher cost tier Apple TV +, but equally likely to cancel when there are lulls in programming. 
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