Apple getting sued over App Store user data collection

in iPhone edited November 2022
In the wake of a report about App Store data collection by Apple, a suit has emerged alleging that the company is willfully violating user privacy and monetizing user data without permission.

Plaintiff Elliot Libman has filed what he hopes will become a class action suit against Apple. The lawsuit alleges that since Apple has some knowledge of what a user is browsing on the App Store, it is violating a right to privacy that the user holds.

The suit alleges that research published in November has exposed Apple in that it "records, tracks, collects and monetizes analytics data - including browsing history and activity information - regardless of what safeguards or "privacy settings" consumers undertake to protect their privacy."

Specifically, the suit cites "Allow Apps to Request to Track" and "Share Analytics" settings as the main issues that they have with Apple.
"Apple's practices infringe upon consumers' privacy; intentionally deceive consumers; give Apple and its employees power to learn intimate details about individuals' lives, interests, and app usage; and make Apple a potential target for "one-stop shopping" by any government, private, or criminal actor who wants to undermine individuals' privacy, security, or freedom. Through its pervasive and unlawful data tracking and collection business, Apple knows even the most intimate and potentially embarrassing aspects of the user's app usage-- regardless of whether the user accepts Apple's illusory offer to keep such activities private."
Attorneys we spoke with on Friday evening believe that the filer has a tough hill to climb to win the suit. It's unclear if the complainant or lawyers who filed the suit understand the distinction between server-side data collection, and how the settings at the core of the suit work.

It's also likely that this data that is cited in the suit is collected server-side. For example, video streamer Netflix view history is stored server-side and tied to an account, and collected on the server, where the setting for the request not to track does not apply.

In the case of server-side data, "Allow Apps to Request to Track" and "Share Analytics" settings are irrelevant. The part about "Share Analytics" is also likely not relevant on its own, because app browsing history is user behavior, and is not tied to device analytics which are used to determine the state of a device and its internet service when a problem develops.

And there is prior precedent that "app developers" and an App Store hosting company, in this case, Apple, are not one and the same, despite the App Store being an app.

The research by Mysk that inspired the suit says under iOS 14.6 "detailed usage data is sent to Apple" from the App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV, and Books. Stocks sent less identifiable information than the other apps, the researchers claim.

The data sent is reportedly associated with an identifier that could identify a user. The behavior reportedly persists in iOS 16, but the researchers could not examine what data was sent because it was all sent encrypted.

The researchers did say to Gizmodo that similar data was not sent from Health and Wallet with any combination of privacy settings. All data is sent to different servers than iCloud's array.

The suit says there is a cash value to consumers' personal information. The study cited in the suit is based on sales of data, some gathered by hacks and data thefts. Apple says it does not sell user data, and there is no evidence that it does.

Apple is also explicit about how it uses data in its advertising platforms. The company is on record saying that its ad platform does not connect user or device data with that data collected from third parties for targeted advertising. They also say they do not share user device or device identification with data collection firms.

The suit alleges that Apple has "invaded a zone of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment" and "violated dozens of state criminal laws on wiretapping and invasion of privacy." The Fourth Amendment does not seem to apply here.

It's not clear why data collection by a company that you are doing business with and agreed to data collection in the terms of service of a product, in this case, both the App Store, and the iPhone itself, is a violation of wiretapping laws, especially if Apple anonymizes or aggregates any data collected by the App Store.

It goes on to cite "highly offensive" behavior as it pertains to "intentional intrusion" into internet communications and "secret monitoring of private app browsing." For Apple or any app store to serve data across the internet to a customer as it pertains to App Store browsing and purchasing requires, at some level, the company to know what's being browsed and what's been purchased by any given user.

Much of this comes down to which tech or Internet company users trust. Apple's technology, for instance, has prevented the filer's ISP or wireless carrier from knowing what they're browsing.

Identifiable user data is required for not just the internet to work but paid services like the App Store, Books, and Music to authenticate and function, and support to be given for said services. It's clear that the filer does not trust Apple in this regard, based on the "highly offensive" color about Apple's behavior in the filing.

As always, the suit seeks "restitution and all other forms of equitable monetary relief," and injunctive relief as the court may see proper. A jury trial is demanded.

It's not clear when or if the case will get heard.

Libman v. Apple, Inc is case number 5:2022cv07069 in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Fisher & Fisher of Northeastern Pennsylvania filed the suit.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 18
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
  • Reply 2 of 18
    JP234 said:
    As long as Apple isn't selling it to third parties (they aren't), I fail to see the harm Elliot Libman has incurred, nor what compensatory and punitive damages to which he's entitled.
    A man can dream to make some quick cash, right?
  • Reply 3 of 18
    This finally seems relevant:
  • Reply 4 of 18
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,499member
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
    True, marginally relevant ads are better than completely irrelevant ads, but I think the issue many people have is that it has become obvious that Google has gone far, far beyond collecting “what ads did this person click on in the past” and has an unquenchable in its quest to know more about you than you yourself do. And sell it to literally anybody, from potential employers to countries and other entities who manipulate elections with misinformation.

    Even the coverage sites like this one have done on Google’s pervasiveness barely scratches the surface of the depth of info collected through invasive techniques like web tracking (which follows you all around the web), map and location data, requests given to Google Assistant, email content if you use Gmail, and by extension a lot of incredibly personal information. It’s as hard to assess the full damage this has caused as it is to make most people understand how invasive this company is.

    If Google had stuck to their original idea of collecting search queries to form a simple profile of what users were interested in, I think your point would be valid. But they didn’t, and the consequences of selling the deep levels of information they have acquired without permission or a warrant regarding pretty much everyone are at best pernicious and intrusive, and give bad actors tremendous leverage over basically everyone and society as a whole.
  • Reply 5 of 18
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,577member
    chasm said:
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
    True, marginally relevant ads are better than completely irrelevant ads, but I think the issue many people have is that it has become obvious that Google has gone far, far beyond collecting “what ads did this person click on in the past” and has an unquenchable in its quest to know more about you than you yourself do. And sell it to literally anybody, from potential employers to countries and other entities who manipulate elections with misinformation.
    You've claimed before, often as a matter of fact, that Google sells personal data to other countries, companies, and organizations, yet never offered any evidence of it. Do you have any, or just spitballing and hoping someone believes you? AFAIK Google doesn't sell personal information to anyone, no exception. I'll challenge you to prove me wrong. Your silence will be proof enough who's right. 
    edited November 2022 ctt_zhmuthuk_vanalingamjony0
  • Reply 6 of 18
    JP234 said:
    As long as Apple isn't selling it to third parties (they aren't), I fail to see the harm Elliot Libman has incurred, nor what compensatory and punitive damages to which he's entitled.
    Sounds like that guy on 60 Minutes back in the 70s or 80s who practically lived on nuisance suits — just enough that fighting it wasn't worth the defendant's money to fight (ie they would spend more to fight than pay).
  • Reply 7 of 18
    gatorguy said:
    chasm said:
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
    True, marginally relevant ads are better than completely irrelevant ads, but I think the issue many people have is that it has become obvious that Google has gone far, far beyond collecting “what ads did this person click on in the past” and has an unquenchable in its quest to know more about you than you yourself do. And sell it to literally anybody, from potential employers to countries and other entities who manipulate elections with misinformation.
    You've claimed before, often as a matter of fact, that Google sells personal data to other countries, companies, and organizations, yet never offered any evidence of it. Do you have any, or just spitballing and hoping someone believes you? AFAIK Google doesn't sell personal information to anyone, no exception. I'll challenge you to prove me wrong. Your silence will be proof enough who's right. 
    That’s some unbelievably sloppy reasoning. If he doesn’t respond, he’s wrong? Go back to logic school kid.

    I’m assuming, based on the lazy critical thinking skills presented here, that’s the reason you were also too lazy to do more than make an affirmative statement, sans any legitimate evidence. 
  • Reply 8 of 18
    Apple is recording and using their customers data, even if their customers went into the settings and didn't allow Apple any data.   Even Apples own Apps are recording their customers keystrokes.   So privacy, what privacy?   That is what happens behind Apple's closed doors, and when a company just uses words to say we care about our customers privacy and security.    Sure Apple cares about getting your private and secure information, or data, and using it for their own purposes.

    Plus Apple now wants to create their own search engine to rival Google's search engine.   How biased would Apple's search engine become towards just Apple and their own products.  Damn, I can see why its now a federal lawsuit in Apples home turf in California.   Apple has too much control of every Apple users life.
  • Reply 9 of 18
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
    Relegant?  Is that elegantly relevant, or relevantly elegant?  Whatever, I don't want to see any ads, relevant or not.  That's why I use ad blockers.  The few that get through are never clicked on.  And since when are ads for something you just bought relevant?
  • Reply 10 of 18
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,577member
    gatorguy said:
    chasm said:
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
    True, marginally relevant ads are better than completely irrelevant ads, but I think the issue many people have is that it has become obvious that Google has gone far, far beyond collecting “what ads did this person click on in the past” and has an unquenchable in its quest to know more about you than you yourself do. And sell it to literally anybody, from potential employers to countries and other entities who manipulate elections with misinformation.
    You've claimed before, often as a matter of fact, that Google sells personal data to other countries, companies, and organizations, yet never offered any evidence of it. Do you have any, or just spitballing and hoping someone believes you? AFAIK Google doesn't sell personal information to anyone, no exception. I'll challenge you to prove me wrong. Your silence will be proof enough who's right. 
    That’s some unbelievably sloppy reasoning. If he doesn’t respond, he’s wrong? Go back to logic school kid.

    I’m assuming, based on the lazy critical thinking skills presented here, that’s the reason you were also too lazy to do more than make an affirmative statement, sans any legitimate evidence. 
    I never have claimed Google sells personal information. Thar was the claim the OP made. He could probably use your help in proving they do. 
  • Reply 11 of 18
    JP234 said:
    Apple is recording and using their customers data, even if their customers went into the settings and didn't allow Apple any data.   Even Apples own Apps are recording their customers keystrokes.   So privacy, what privacy?   That is what happens behind Apple's closed doors, and when a company just uses words to say we care about our customers privacy and security.    Sure Apple cares about getting your private and secure information, or data, and using it for their own purposes.

    Plus Apple now wants to create their own search engine to rival Google's search engine.   How biased would Apple's search engine become towards just Apple and their own products.  Damn, I can see why its now a federal lawsuit in Apples home turf in California.   Apple has too much control of every Apple users life.
    Every federal judge to Rudy, "Show us the proof."
    Rudy: "We don't have proof. We have lots of theories."
    And that is just fine. If Apple is collecting user data, the burden of proof they are NOT abusing it is on them, not on people like you and me proving Apple is abusing it.
    We have seen this with NSA and countless other companies/entities who are completely opaque in how they act VS how they say they act.
    This is why privacy laws today have instruments in place to empower the accuser.

  • Reply 12 of 18
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,577member
    The Apple Analytics data collection issue more clearly worded:

    "Every time you setup a new iPhone, you are asked whether or not you consent to Apple collecting analytics data. If you decline consent, you’d of course expect no analytics data to be sent to Apple."

    However, it has been determined that Apple apps are collecting and sending "anonymized" data regardless of this setting. There is no difference in the level of data sent whether you have approved it to do so or not. The toggle means nothing apparently so is it just a feel-good setting, a way of Apple saying "oh look how private we are to let you turn off ALL our data collection"? 

    But in addition, is analytics data truly 100% anonymized anyway? 

    "... both the volume and detail of data would be excessive even with consent, as it included everything needed for device fingerprinting - a technique used by companies like Meta as a workaround to Apple Tracking Transparency. It should be noted that Apple explicitly forbids such workarounds..."

    “The way to disable sharing analytics with Apple is unclear,... There are personalized ads, personalized recommendations, and sharing iPhone analytics. Switching all these options off is not trivial. When we switched them all off, we didn’t notice any change in quantity or detail of data synced with Apple.... the same was true of Apple Music, Apple TV, Books, and Stocks. For example, the Stocks app shared with Apple your watched stocks, as well as the names of other stocks you searched for or viewed – together with the news articles you read in the app.

    The odd claim Apple makes is that it's OK because they don't sell user data. Well, neither does Google. 

    And Apple says that tracking really isn't tracking unless it's combined with outside 3rd party data? What a weird definition of user tracking, a special carve-out that's certainly not what we as users think of when we hear the word "tracking". As long as Google wouldn't be combining what they "collected" about you with outside data they wouldn't be tracking users either, making it OK? I doubt anyone here would agree with that definition.

    edited November 2022 muthuk_vanalingamctt_zhjony0
  • Reply 13 of 18
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    JP234 said:
    Apple is recording and using their customers data, even if their customers went into the settings and didn't allow Apple any data.   Even Apples own Apps are recording their customers keystrokes.   So privacy, what privacy?   That is what happens behind Apple's closed doors, and when a company just uses words to say we care about our customers privacy and security.    Sure Apple cares about getting your private and secure information, or data, and using it for their own purposes.

    Plus Apple now wants to create their own search engine to rival Google's search engine.   How biased would Apple's search engine become towards just Apple and their own products.  Damn, I can see why its now a federal lawsuit in Apples home turf in California.   Apple has too much control of every Apple users life.
    Every federal judge to Rudy, "Show us the proof."
    Rudy: "We don't have proof. We have lots of theories."
    And that is just fine. If Apple is collecting user data, the burden of proof they are NOT abusing it is on them, not on people like you and me proving Apple is abusing it.
    We have seen this with NSA and countless other companies/entities who are completely opaque in how they act VS how they say they act.
    This is why privacy laws today have instruments in place to empower the accuser.

    In the case of this suit, at least, the burden is on the filer for proving that he's been injured in any way.
  • Reply 14 of 18
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,400member
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 

    Because it's just downright creepy. That's why.
  • Reply 15 of 18
    JFC_PAJFC_PA Posts: 946member
    And; “iOS 14”? That’s ancient history. 
  • Reply 16 of 18
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,577member
    JFC_PA said:
    And; “iOS 14”? That’s ancient history. 
    Later investigation proves nothing changed under iOS16. Apple still collects analytics data from your personal iPhone even if you've denied Apple that permission in settings. 
    edited November 2022 jony0
  • Reply 17 of 18
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,577member
    gatorguy said:
    chasm said:
    jbtuckr said:
    Why does everybody want less relegant ads? Like bitch, I want to be shown things I’m actually interested in rather than shown some Dora the Explorer game or something 
    True, marginally relevant ads are better than completely irrelevant ads, but I think the issue many people have is that it has become obvious that Google has gone far, far beyond collecting “what ads did this person click on in the past” and has an unquenchable in its quest to know more about you than you yourself do. And sell it to literally anybody, from potential employers to countries and other entities who manipulate elections with misinformation.
    You've claimed before, often as a matter of fact, that Google sells personal data to other countries, companies, and organizations, yet never offered any evidence of it. Do you have any, or just spitballing and hoping someone believes you? AFAIK Google doesn't sell personal information to anyone, no exception. I'll challenge you to prove me wrong. Your silence will be proof enough who's right. 
    That’s some unbelievably sloppy reasoning. If he doesn’t respond, he’s wrong? Go back to logic school kid.

    I’m assuming, based on the lazy critical thinking skills presented here, that’s the reason you were also too lazy to do more than make an affirmative statement, sans any legitimate evidence. 
    Evidence? Here you go son.

    So have you been attempting to more helpful to Chasm and find evidence that, despite this clarification, Google really does sell your personal information as he claims? How's that going?

    edited November 2022 jony0
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