Anti-union talks continue at Apple Store in Reston, VA
Anti-union messages are being promoted during daily meetings at the Apple Reston store in Virginia, in what seems to be a bid to try and prevent further unionization from taking place.

Apple Reston
As Apple Store employees continue discussing the possibility of unionizing, and with a few stores unionizing or taking steps in that direction, Apple is keen to fend off other efforts to do the same. In one case, this seemingly includes attempts to dissuade workers from unionizing in the daily download meetings.
In emails sent from an employee to AppleInsider, Apple is said to have used the mandatory daily download from Saturday morning to promote the idea that unions aren't the way forward. The meeting was required and for any employees clocked in at the time it occurred.
The talk was described as "shaming" store workers for talking about unions in the first place. "If you are having secret talks about things, it's probably not a good thing to be doing," store management allegedly told workers.
There was also a discussion on how collective bargaining made it tougher for workers to get benefits, and warned that promotions would become seniority-based rather than performance or merit-based. One supposed analogy claimed "It's like trying to get dinner with a group of 30 people. It's hard to make a decision and nothing gets done."
The store leader is also said to have declared "it's legal for union reps to like to you about what unions can do to get you to join."
It is also claimed workers were told they could be forced to join the union even if they voted against it, which is false for states like Virginia. There are allegations that staff are also warned that talk about some laws are apparently lies to trick workers into joining the union.
This would not be the first time that Apple went after unionization attempts at the Apple Reston store. In August, Apple Market Leaders visited the outlet and used the closure of Starbucks stores that had recently unionized as negative examples.
Elsewhere in the empire, Apple had previously circulated anti-union talking points to store managers in May, while in April, it hired lawyers known for busting unions.
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Apple Reston
As Apple Store employees continue discussing the possibility of unionizing, and with a few stores unionizing or taking steps in that direction, Apple is keen to fend off other efforts to do the same. In one case, this seemingly includes attempts to dissuade workers from unionizing in the daily download meetings.
In emails sent from an employee to AppleInsider, Apple is said to have used the mandatory daily download from Saturday morning to promote the idea that unions aren't the way forward. The meeting was required and for any employees clocked in at the time it occurred.
The talk was described as "shaming" store workers for talking about unions in the first place. "If you are having secret talks about things, it's probably not a good thing to be doing," store management allegedly told workers.
There was also a discussion on how collective bargaining made it tougher for workers to get benefits, and warned that promotions would become seniority-based rather than performance or merit-based. One supposed analogy claimed "It's like trying to get dinner with a group of 30 people. It's hard to make a decision and nothing gets done."
The store leader is also said to have declared "it's legal for union reps to like to you about what unions can do to get you to join."
It is also claimed workers were told they could be forced to join the union even if they voted against it, which is false for states like Virginia. There are allegations that staff are also warned that talk about some laws are apparently lies to trick workers into joining the union.
This would not be the first time that Apple went after unionization attempts at the Apple Reston store. In August, Apple Market Leaders visited the outlet and used the closure of Starbucks stores that had recently unionized as negative examples.
Elsewhere in the empire, Apple had previously circulated anti-union talking points to store managers in May, while in April, it hired lawyers known for busting unions.
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let the employees decide. Why are Peo union types afraid of any anti union talk if they think their idea is so great?
the union side is actually pretty bad in terms of strong arming people to go with them, so much 2 of my sons friends quit.
The only union talk that should be happening is anti-union talk.
Apple heard the collective dissatisfaction and upped the game tremendously, offering MUCH higher wages and benefits.
The. only people benefitting from the union - is those running the union.
What people. don't realize is that companies learn to adapt to these mob tactics. They will keep you until you are supposed to get a raise and then lay you off while hiring a noob from a job fair. Things like that. Unions are just criminal and bullying-style tactics with a lot of jank going as part of the "negotiations."
Please keep these crap unions away from Apple.
Next thing you know, you can't get in the Apple store during the holidays because the union employees decided they are worth $30/hour and are on strike.
It happens to auto workers and telecoms. No thanks.
Work an honest job, get paid and honest wage. Don't. game the system and ruin it for everyone.
The only problem with that is the people that would listen to a Reagan aren't the people pushing for unions to begin with. Especially since her husband Ronald Reagan. purposely hired anti-union people, having an insider take on unions, being a former union leader.
Maybe a Michelle Obama deepfake would be more effective.
Allowing pro-union liars to control a narrative isn't helpful to anyone.
Gotta be proactive when folks with agendas start doing their little spiel.
Apple knows this and has repeated this lie in other states where workers can't be forced to join if the unionization effort is successful.
The common goal should be the success of the commercial enterprise to the prosperity of all involved. Funding, planning and execution are all vital, yet the pervasive argument is that these three groups should not have an equal share of the bounty.
"I mean, that's what we do at Apple, we keep our secrets, but you little people? No."
In some countries those tactics are illegal. It is very difficult to successfully prosecute such a case, but it's not impossible. In some industries where the training requirements are low it can be an economically viable approach, but as work becomes more and more reliant on skills and creativity it would be actively harmful to operate such a policy: lower wages for younger workers is a trade-off reflecting the higher level of training the company needs to provide; the pay-off for the company is that a well-trained worker familiar with the company's needs is much more productive than a fresh recruit.
That is simplistic and wrong. Even in the rare cases where union representatives engage in unlawful and/or unreasonable behaviour, unions always offer substantive assistance to their members in the form of educational materials and subsidies, counselling services and other benefits that rarely receive attention.
Now that we can all agree on.