Apple Fellow Phil Schiller quits Twitter



  • Reply 41 of 72
    All this hoopla over Twitter is hilarious. Virtue quitting left and right by people who *gasp* might actually have to see opinions outside of their echo chamber and group think. The horror! Oh well, it's these same people that made Twitter the shit show it is so I say good riddance.
    What “outside of the echo chamber opinions” are you referring to? Low taxes?


    Small government?


    then what?

    oh, you know…
  • Reply 42 of 72
    Some of the posts here assume Phil quit on principle or to send out some kind of a message. I'd wait to see if there are any actual updates from him. 

    Maybe he's making the transition from quasi-retired to semi-retired and won't be posting Apple updates anymore, so he doesn't see the reason to continue using Twitter.
  • Reply 43 of 72
    LeoMCLeoMC Posts: 102member
    If more Apple execs leave Twitter, I'm leaving, too. The only reason I've been on there since 2011, other than to keep up to date with various Apple execs, was to stay on top of Apple tech content and writers, a handful of tech journalists and news sites and a few various other accounts. There was usually no other useful content on there. Most of my personal friends left many, many years ago LOL I'm talking if you look at their account, their last post was in 2013!! They always ask why I'm still on there. It was bearable, but things have certainly taken a turn for the worse since Elon's takeover.
    Yeah, the freedom of speech is deafening... Who needs a platform that respects the right of the people to express their opinions?!
    I've heard there is a large migration on Facebook, because everybody knows it protects the users rights.
    [the entire message is an irony]
  • Reply 44 of 72
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,267member
    Back to Phil… kind of a slap in the face to everyone that followed him on Twitter. 

    When a grown man throws that kind of baby tantrum over nothing, it’s just sad to see. 

    Phil’s always been classy (well, except for his “can’t innovate anymore…” comment back in the day. Hopefully he regains some composure and gets back to respecting his followers like a grown up. 
    I wonder how many Twitter accounts he has…
  • Reply 45 of 72
    A lot of people assuming this is political, but maybe Phil just doesn't want to be on a platform that will be run by engineers who are treated like expendable serfs, the way Musk has treated Twitter's staff so far he's driving their most crucial talent away. Phil was in charge of improving the App Store experience for developers (shorter app review times and modifications to revenue split, better communication) so it makes sense for him to support the talented developers who realise Twitter under Musk has no respect for them. 
  • Reply 46 of 72
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,267member
    That pic of the engineers still there floating around the intertubes would indicate they seemed pretty happy Oseame (classic stereotypes in that pic btw, I laughed).

    No doubt they are fantasising that they will no longer be burdened by all the meaningless twaddle the mass exiting professional botherers in corporate daily inflicted on them. You can see the vision of “Freedom” in their faces. I wonder how long it will last?

  • Reply 47 of 72
    davdav Posts: 119member
    …one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists.
    That's your characterisation of two-party politics? Conservatives and Socialists? Wild.
    Yeah, that's silly.  We all know the two parties are Terrorists and Liberals.
  • Reply 48 of 72

    Why can't Apple spin-up and spin-off some Twitter/Mastodon/Post equivalent?   
    Apple wants nothing to do with social media. That decision has served them well for a long, long time. Anything related to user generated content is extremely narrow (Music and App Reviews), kept at arms length (Podcasts) and often passed on to third parties (Maps/Yelp).
  • Reply 49 of 72
    Many don’t understand. There is no guarantee of free speech on privately owned social platforms. Many say quit crying about Trumpian lies and just don’t read them. But Schiller did one better. He exercised his right not to stay on a platform that is a forum for propaganda. As did I. If I don’t agree with the NYT’s editorial choices, I can stop reading individual articles or the paper altogether. Free speech doesn’t compel me to stay on a platform that circulates harmful lies. I for one am not okay with “believing” lies and manipulation of the ignorant. 
    edited November 2022 foregoneconclusionronndavdanox
  • Reply 50 of 72
    …one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists.
    That's your characterisation of two-party politics? Conservatives and Socialists? Wild.
    Unfortunately this is what was happening last years. Let's not forget cancel culture that influenced social media directions. You can listen and read Dennis Maher who is liberal and talks about this stupidity.
  • Reply 51 of 72
    On the good news CBS News is back... after 48 hours of their stupidity.
  • Reply 52 of 72
    Now seriously, I left social media two years ago. Never been part of pointless Twitter with shallow ways of flashy twits. Facebook was when opinions could be expressed deeper... until cancel culture shadow banning and banning for weak reasons or no reasons came.

    Never felt better without social media at all after 12 years using it. Recognizing real friends and adversaries face-to-face is much better and being pressured to became socail media start reaching millions sounds like personal insecurity and search for approval. Perhaps that is some disorder. Decided to check if I have it too. No more. Perhaps this was reason for Shiller as well.
    edited November 2022 williamlondon
  • Reply 53 of 72
    LeoMCLeoMC Posts: 102member
    rammorris said:
    Free speech doesn’t compel me to stay on a platform that circulates harmful lies.
    You do know that - hopefully - in every single democratic city when you get out of your house you meet people that exercise their right to free speech?! You are saying that you would rather live in a dictatorship instead of living in a place where even the stupidest peoples are allowed (I'm not saying encouraged, I just say protected) to speak freely?
  • Reply 54 of 72
    Madbum said: I will say it’s likely way more than half agree with Musk when it comes to free speech, I do and many of my friends who vote Democrat do as well.
    "Free speech" doesn't have anything to do with private companies. That's why Musk fired Twitter employees who had criticized him internally on Slack. 
  • Reply 55 of 72
    LeoMC said: You do know that - hopefully - in every single democratic city when you get out of your house you meet people that exercise their right to free speech?! You are saying that you would rather live in a dictatorship instead of living in a place where even the stupidest peoples are allowed (I'm not saying encouraged, I just say protected) to speak freely?
    Here's the thing: racists aren't satisfied with simply stating a personal opinion that they're superior. Historically racists are always going to try and force the people that they think are inferior into some type of oppressive system. It's not like Musk doesn't know this coming from South Africa. Apartheid? That wasn't just black people and white people having a difference of personal opinion. 
    edited November 2022 ronndavmuthuk_vanalingamdanoxwilliamlondon
  • Reply 56 of 72
    LeoMCLeoMC Posts: 102member
    LeoMC said: You do know that - hopefully - in every single democratic city when you get out of your house you meet people that exercise their right to free speech?! You are saying that you would rather live in a dictatorship instead of living in a place where even the stupidest peoples are allowed (I'm not saying encouraged, I just say protected) to speak freely?
    Here's the thing: racists aren't satisfied with simply stating a personal opinion that they're superior. Historically racists are always going to try and force the people that they think are inferior into some type of oppressive system. It's not like Musk doesn't know this coming from South Africa. Apartheid? That wasn't just black people and white people having a difference of personal opinion. 
    racism - free speech; what's the connection?
    That dude was saying he would rather live and interact in a non-free speech environment than interact with liars and I am trying to understand the level of imbecility one must be having in order to say such a blatant idiocy.
  • Reply 57 of 72
    LeoMC said:
    rammorris said:
    Free speech doesn’t compel me to stay on a platform that circulates harmful lies.
    You do know that - hopefully - in every single democratic city when you get out of your house you meet people that exercise their right to free speech?! You are saying that you would rather live in a dictatorship instead of living in a place where even the stupidest peoples are allowed (I'm not saying encouraged, I just say protected) to speak freely?
    What a choice!  Live in a dictatorship where one cannot speak the truth or live like we live now where there are organized and allowed efforts to flood social media with lies and misinformation that the "stupidest people" would rather believe than the truth.  Isn't there a middle ground like before 2016?
    edited November 2022 davmuthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 58 of 72
    Maybe the future of social media is one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists. Companies with a political agenda will use only one of these two engines, and they won't even advertise on the engine that doesn't suit their own political agenda. Neutral companies may never be allowed to advertise on either platform because they will be banned by each platform if they advertise on the other platform.

    Basically, you have to pick your side before you can interact with anyone on the Internet. Ultimately, socialists will have their own nationwide VPN and conservatives will be forced to have their own too. This will finally bring peace to the Internet. At least nobody will argue about politics anymore because everyone will be on their own political VPN.
    socialists.  thanks... labelling is fun!
  • Reply 59 of 72
    LeoMC said:
    rammorris said:
    Free speech doesn’t compel me to stay on a platform that circulates harmful lies.
    You do know that - hopefully - in every single democratic city when you get out of your house you meet people that exercise their right to free speech?! You are saying that you would rather live in a dictatorship instead of living in a place where even the stupidest peoples are allowed (I'm not saying encouraged, I just say protected) to speak freely?
    like yelling Fire! in a crowded movie theater?  uh huh.
  • Reply 60 of 72
    Phil Schiller is an Apple Fellow, which basically means he's still an employee but one without much responsibility. He's quasi-retired but is still allowed to walk the halls at Apple. I certainly wouldn't call him an "Apple Exec."
    Phil Schiller's not an apple exec?  ok... let's just check the apple website.

    thanks for playing!
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