Amazon replaces MacBook Pro order with dog food

in Current Mac Hardware edited December 2022
A man who ordered a MacBook Pro from Amazon was shocked to find he was sent five pounds of dog food instead.

2022 M2 13-inch MacBook Pro
2022 M2 13-inch MacBook Pro

Alan Wood of Derbyshire, UK, ordered a MacBook Pro from Amazon's UK store for 1,200 pounds ($1,460) on November 29, as a computer for his daughter. However, instead of receiving Apple's hardware the next day, he instead received something completely different.

The package from Amazon instead contained two boxes of Pedigree dog food, consisting of 24 packets of "Mixed Selection in Jelly" flavors, reports Yahoo.

"You can imagine the look on my face when I opened dog food instead of a MacBook Pro," said Wood. He then explained that Amazon's support wasn't as helpful as it could've been.

"At first I was confident the mix-up could be resolved, but after speaking to Amazon customer service, they said they couldn't help me," said Wood. "That was unless I returned the laptop, which I never received, and even when I sent the dog food back to the warehouse, that made no difference."

The customer says he spent over 15 hours in calls to Amazon, including escalations to managers and transfers to other departments, "but every conversation ended the same way and they refused to listen to me."

An Amazon spokesperson said they have been in touch with the customer, apologized, and processed a full refund.

"I've been an Amazon customer for two decades and never had a problem with them before," Wood adds. "But this has been an extremely stressful situation, especially in my circumstance, and the way I've been treated has put me off ordering from them ever again."

It is probable that a combination of the physical size of the orders, Amazon's use of standardized box sizes, fairly similar shipping weights, and the strain of the Amazon shipping load since Black Friday led to a mix-up at the warehouse.

The dog food boxes each contain 1.2kg (2.6 pounds) of dog food excluding packaging, 2.4 kg (5.3 pounds) for the two. The remaining packaging are the pouches and two cardboard boxes, which don't add much to the overall weight.

At the quoted price, the man will have bought a 13-inch MacBook Pro, which weighs in at a much lighter 3.0 pounds, without any packaging. However, including everything in the MacBook Pro box, the box itself, the shipping box, and the packing materials, the weight can easily reach 5 pounds.

We can only speculate as to what happened at the warehouse, as Amazon has a famously sophisticated network and system for handling stock control and dispatch. However, it's entirely plausible that the two similar-sized and weighted boxes could've been accidentally switched before the label was applied, and sent out to the customer.

Presumably, the person that ordered the dog food and got a MacBook Pro has kept quiet about the whole ordeal.

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  • Reply 1 of 22
    The other week (and this is absolutely not a joke), we ordered an HDHomeRun as a christmas gift for my mother-in-law, and received a rifle scope. Amazon was incredibly gracious and apologetic. But this seems like hired help for the holiday rush being under-trained and overworked, which leads to mistakes.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    ranson said:
    The other week (and this is absolutely not a joke), we ordered an HDHomeRun as a christmas gift for my mother-in-law, and received a rifle scope. Amazon was incredibly gracious and apologetic. But this seems like hired help for the holiday rush being under-trained and overworked, which leads to mistakes.
    I hope that was a mistake. If you get a shirt from her with a bullseye on the back don’t put it on! 
  • Reply 3 of 22
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    Amazon is great until it is not.  I have had a similar experience as this article in the past, though not with a high value item as a MacBook.

    It can be incredibly bureaucratic when things go wrong and Amazon delivery people don’t have the same capabilities as UPS, DHL, FedEx etc etc if items are lost.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    adbeadbe Posts: 29member
    JP234 said:
    The customer's experience was an outlier. I've never encountered a more customer-friendly service than Amazon. If my order is delivered to the wrong address, Amazon immediately issues a refund, and takes on the shipper, unlike so many other companies, who leave that to the customer. Returns are way easy. They provide a prepaid return label, or let me drop it off at the local Whole Foods or Amazon Fresh store (we have both within 3 miles of our house).

    When you consider the almost impossible logistics of managing the millions of orders Amazon processes every day, it's shocking that there aren't more mistakes.
    I use both Amazon US and Amazon UK.  Amazon UK are nowhere near as helpful as Amazon US, and even the latter is slipping from what it was a decade back.

    edited December 2022 FileMakerFellerwatto_cobra
  • Reply 5 of 22
    If I can't find it locally I've been using Amazon from time to time, but now getting ready to go to dedicated sites/stores.

    Especially since many places are making it easier to shop there by supporting Apple Pay in their checkout process.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    Another reason not to buy the 13” MBP
  • Reply 7 of 22
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    I order dog food from Amazon. I order a MacBook Pro from Apple.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    omasouomasou Posts: 610member
    Sounds like a scam to me.

    The receipt should have the device's serial number, call Apple and have them track it.
    edited December 2022 danoxFileMakerFellerDAalsethmacpluspluswatto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 22
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,951member
    At least he got real dog food, probably.
    I stopped buying from Amazon after a number of items that either were not the quality as advertised, not the brand it said, or were just knock-offs with bogus brans name decals. I just don’t trust them.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,229member
    omasou said:
    Sounds like a scam to me.

    The receipt should have the device's serial number, call Apple and have them track it.
    Inside job someone at Amazon pulled a switch…….That person will be caught eventually because of greed.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    So... Amazon made a dog's breakfast out of the order? :wink:
  • Reply 12 of 22
    So... Amazon made a dog's breakfast out of the order? :wink:

    Oh yes. 😁🤣😂

  • Reply 13 of 22
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,644member
    Interesting story, but ultimately it was resolved.

    "An Amazon spokesperson said they have been in touch with the customer, apologized, and processed a full refund."

    I can't imagine why Amazon would subject a customer to the kind of grief outlined in this story, especially considering the amount of money they write-off by virtue of auctioning off pallets of returns at very steep discounts. Boo.

    I've been dealing with Amazon for 24 years and their customer service has always done the right thing by me. The worst experience I've ever had with Amazon is that they once sent me an item that was obviously very damaged in its manufacturer/retail packaging, like the guts of the product were hanging out of the box like it had been stabbed by a forklift truck. But somehow the disemboweled product, guts and all, was thrown into a squeaky clean Amazon box and sent to me anyway. Got a full refund. Other than that there's been a couple of things that were delayed multiple times until I gave up and just bought the product locally, from a different source, or settled for an alternative product.

    I've also gotten the wrong item a couple of times, which Amazon told me to keep and they sent me the right item as quickly as they could. The DogBook Pro guy probably should have been allowed to keep the dog food. No dog? Donate it to an animal shelter. 

    I've generally had better luck with disputes when the seller and the shipper are both identified as "Amazon." 

    On one of my recent Amazon orders I made the mistake of checking the option of having all of my order combined into a "single delivery." Sounded reasonable. In response, Amazon put a 27" monitor, heavy duty VESA monitor mounting arm, an A/V receiver, and a few cables all in their retail packaging into ONE huge single box about the size of a human casket. My wife watched as the poor delivery person struggled to carry it ... first to the neighbor's house no less, before realizing he'd gone to the wrong address and had to carry it back down the street to my house. In case you don't know, A/V receivers and VESA mounting arms are very heavy and probably should not be packed in the same box as a flat panel monitor, especially with little padding. Anyway, all of my stuff was fully intact and undamaged. I had to open the massive box on the porch and carry each item into the house separately. The delivery person survived too. But had he not, at least I had something to place him into until Amazon sent out another driver to retrieve his earthly remains and put a replacement driver in his truck.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    JP234 said:
    danox said:
    omasou said:
    Sounds like a scam to me.

    The receipt should have the device's serial number, call Apple and have them track it.
    Inside job someone at Amazon pulled a switch…….That person will be caught eventually because of greed.
    I worked for Apple for 12 years, and at that time it was official policy NOT to provide this information. Not even to law enforcement.
    It wasn’t just ignored, though. I’d wager that employees caught stealing from Apple don’t remain employees for much longer, even if the theft(s) isn’t reported outside of Apple. 
    edited December 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 15 of 22
    Amazon probably misread Apple for Azus, and the dog food was the closest thing.
  • Reply 16 of 22
    Multiple problems over the years, but better record than delivery folks Kroger uses.  

    Has anyone else noticed that if you click the post as button from the main article page after keying in a comment, the comment is trashed, and you cannot copy the contents?  
    Looks like the comment window should be removed from the main article page to avoid folks being irritated by spending time keying an entry, then having their time wasted keying something that is not copied or retained (and maybe never returning to apple insider).  Looks like the post comment or post as button with text entry box should ONLY be on the discussions page, not the page with about 5 or so initial comments.  Maybe a "see full discussion" button?  (Bigger error than problems with Amazon, Kroger or any online delivery outfit.)  Perhaps it is a good thing Apple Insider is not running a online fulfillment center.     o:) 
    edited December 2022 bonobob
  • Reply 17 of 22
      Perhaps it is a good thing Apple Insider is not running a online fulfillment center.     o:) 
    Well, they are fulfilling my need to get Apple news online...
  • Reply 18 of 22
    croprcropr Posts: 1,139member
    I put an old Macbook Pro (2012) in my dog's feeder but he did not want to eat it.    What am I doing wrong?
  • Reply 19 of 22
    Dog breaks tooth on MacBook!
  • Reply 20 of 22
    So... Amazon made a dog's breakfast out of the order? :wink:

    OMFG!  Thanks for the belly laugh!  I needed that this morning.

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