Most of this week's iPhone 15 Pro & iOS 17 rumors are lies & fabrications

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2023
A prolific "leaker" hammered out missives about the iPhone 15 and iOS 17 -- but the only problem is, it's all fake and speculation from a known fraud. Here's what we're going to do about it.

Steve Jobs Theater, where the magic actually happens
Steve Jobs Theater, where the magic actually happens

Every site that deals in rumors has a list of who's right, who's wrong, and who just makes stuff up. A series of rumors and fabrications on Wednesday and Thursday all sprung from the same leaker, who is on everybody's list of completely unreliable sources.

At least, they're on the list of folks that pay attention.

The "leaker" in question, "LeaksApplePro" has an incredibly long track record of fakes, and outright lies.

No clear origin story, but a clear motivation

At this point, we've lost track of what the "leaker's" originating event was. However, it came to a head when they said that they were inside Apple Park during a recording of the iPhone 12 event in the height of the pandemic.

To prove that they were there, they tweeted out an image of Apple Park. Unfortunately, it was easily reverse Google-searched as somebody else's image.

As if by magic, very shortly after getting busted, they claimed that Tim Cook then threw everybody out of the building because they, specifically, were leaking everything.

And, they got 100% of everything they "leaked" during the recording, wrong. Not a single point was right.

We're not the only ones who know that LeaksApplePro is bogus. I've spoken with folks at other Apple-centric venues, and I know that 9to5Mac and MacRumors both think the guy is a phony. And, Stephen Warwick at iMore published his thoughts on "LeaksApplePro" earlier on Friday.

Adding to the pile, Mark Gurman has twice hammered on the leaker. Most recently, he took a second shot on Thursday evening.

Beware of any stories you read today about iOS 17. Entirely based on a troll account known to make up fake information. Very surprised at reputable sites covering it.

-- Mark Gurman (@markgurman)

But there's still a problem. Much larger venues than AppleInsider or similar sites, aren't very discriminatory about it. We've seen this character's guess-work pop up on mainstream media, and put forth as fact.

The business and fun of leaks and rumors

People like conceptualizing, theorizing, and so forth -- but that's not who we're talking about. These folks don't put out their predictions based on historical trends as gospel, or release conceptual art as fact.

Apple leakers come and go. Over the last decade, the half-life of the leaker community is about 18 months. They burn out, they fade away, they get exposed, sources get burned, you name it.

There is at least one entire online community that we're aware of that fabricates things, and takes joy in fooling sites with bogus leaks. And then, there's folks like LeaksApplePro, who shills Apple Watch bands from their Twitter account from a questionable company that appears to have defrauded many.

Some folks have legitimate sources. Mark Gurman, for instance, has made a name for himself in the field and was hired by Bloomberg for his prowess. Ming-Chi Kuo takes what he gleans from the supply chain, and does better than most with what's read in the tea leaves.

Katy Huberty did very well with assessing what she had, but she's out of the Apple game now.

It gets a little shakier after that. DigiTimes has good sources within the supply chain, but has been completely wrong about timetables or plans for the last five years. For example, for about a year, they called what popped out as the Pro Display XDR, a new iMac Pro -- likely because it had a processor in the chassis.

Other sources like ETNews and Jeff Pu don't seem to have a good handle on what info that they may have. And, most stock analysts chime in after the fact with rumors that they've heard elsewhere, and include them in notes to investors which starts the cycle anew.

And, speaking of, less Apple-focused giant tech media sites like Cnet buy completely into everything that floats down the river, including from LeaksApplePro and shakier folks.

What are you going to do about it, AppleInsider?

We haven't published anything from LeaksApplePro in a while, nor have most of the sites in a similar space as AppleInsider. But, the problem lies in the other venues that bite onto the hook that aren't challenged on the validity of the rumor.

This week's total fabrications should have been blindingly apparent to these other venues, nearly all of which have 15 times the amount of resources that we have, and powerful corporations behind them.

After all, the leaker in question was wrong about everything they said about the iPhone 14 in the summer, had an October of claiming that the Mac Pro was launching in November, and claimed in January that the MacBook Pro was coming in March one day before Apple debuted it with a press release.

And, those errors are just in the last half-year.

As I've said frequently in the past, part of AppleInsider's mission is to tell you when something is true. It's also to tell readers beyond our regulars when something that's caught some traction elsewhere is total crap -- and that's where we've fallen down as of late as it pertains to rumors.

In the coming weeks, we're implementing what we're internally calling the "BS Meter." We're going to be clearer in headlines and introductory paragraphs where we stand on the matter.

What these things will do, is label clearly what we think about the rumor in question before the click-through. That way, if you want to read it and why we think it's garbage, you can.

If you just want to skip the nonsense, you can easily do that too.

This all said, we're going to get fooled sometimes. Beyond the internal assessment that happens every day, as part of our end-of-year roundups, we're going to try to assess what we got right and what we got wrong, as it pertains to the rumor-mill and our editorials.

More on all of this to come.

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  • Reply 1 of 22
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,100member
    There is a reason Apple does not give interviews to Bloomberg.   They ply in the stealing of confidential company information.    

    It is a matter of time before Gurman sources are outed.   And when they are,  boy is the hammer going to come down hard.   On the employees and Bloomberg.  

    Lawyer up! 

  • Reply 2 of 22
    Thank you guys!  Most of us know how hard it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, so we appreciate having you putting in the work to do just that and then giving us your very informed opinion on the results.  I’ve always considered AppleInsider to be a reliable resource and this just solidifies that.  Keep up the good work!
  • Reply 3 of 22
    Thanks, Mike. Speculation is fun among people who are honest with one another, especially when it comes to Apple, with its long history of making magical things appear in the real world. This stuff you’re calling out, though, is just what you’ve called it: crap. It poisons the fun, and it’s disrespectful to the people who put in long hours to make the magic, and to tell us all about it when it appears.
    edited January 2023 watto_cobraFileMakerFellerradarthekatAlex1Nchasm
  • Reply 4 of 22
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    red oak said:
    There is a reason Apple does not give interviews to Bloomberg.   They ply in the stealing of confidential company information.    

    It is a matter of time before Gurman sources are outed.   And when they are,  boy is the hammer going to come down hard.   On the employees and Bloomberg.  

    Lawyer up! 

    The hammer won’t come down on then, assuming that Apple actually minds what he’s doing. The hammer would come down on the sources. The media is pretty much immune by law.
  • Reply 5 of 22
    I hope that means no titles like "What We Know About XX" when talking about an unannounced product when the only thing actually known is just based on RUMORS. Nothing is Actually known about a product until Apple says it. 
    Here's looking at you, MacWorld, Mac Observer, iMore. and others. 

    Thats just a false and misleading title for an article. 
  • Reply 6 of 22
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,872member
    This supports my reasoning from a year ago. I used to follow a bunch of Mac news sites, but they mostly had the same stories. I decided to cut them down to one. I chose AI because you seem to care about things like source reliability and facts, more than just site hit counts. 
  • Reply 7 of 22
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,122member
    Thanks for this. As Jodywoodcock noted, it’s very common and frustrating to see all of the news articles that conflate rumors with fact with sloppy or intentionally misleading wording. Rumor websites like AI probably deserve a little more leeway in that respect than sites that claim to be primarily focused on news, but it’s always preferable to have the material presented as it is, with as much detail and analysis as possible, and let the reader decide what to do with it. 
  • Reply 8 of 22
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,320member
    Thanks Mike, and count me in as someone that only uses AI.
  • Reply 9 of 22
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,926member
    Along with a BS meter, it might be good to specifically call out/debunk "rumors" from entirely unreliable sources like this LeaksApplePro. I mean, saying, "Most of this week's iPhone 15 Pro & iOS 17 rumors are lies & fabrications," is fine, but it might be better to say which ones are likely lies and fabrications and which ones are more reliable so that readers can separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,900administrator
    Along with a BS meter, it might be good to specifically call out/debunk "rumors" from entirely unreliable sources like this LeaksApplePro. I mean, saying, "Most of this week's iPhone 15 Pro & iOS 17 rumors are lies & fabrications," is fine, but it might be better to say which ones are likely lies and fabrications and which ones are more reliable so that readers can separate the wheat from the chaff.
    That's the plan.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    jSnivelyjSnively Posts: 431administrator
    Mike out here leaking our development plans forcing me to mark this article with the in-progress meter >: { 
  • Reply 12 of 22
    Cool. I usually don’t take rumors seriously but it was absolutely entertaining to read. Life, what else is new. I had been lied and duped so many times but life goes on. 
  • Reply 13 of 22
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,872member
    jSnively said:
    Mike out here leaking our development plans forcing me to mark this article with the in-progress meter >: { 
    Couldn’t help but notice that the BS o’Meter on the article rated it rather low. Does this mean that it’s not true and you won’t be adding a BS o’Meter to articles?
  • Reply 14 of 22
    jSnivelyjSnively Posts: 431administrator
    DAalseth said:
    jSnively said:
    Mike out here leaking our development plans forcing me to mark this article with the in-progress meter >: { 
    Couldn’t help but notice that the BS o’Meter on the article rated it rather low. Does this mean that it’s not true and you won’t be adding a BS o’Meter to articles?
    BS O'Meter is our internal name for it, but it was overly negative to start from the posisiton of "everything is some degree of bad." I already swapped it from quantifying how bad something is, to our confidence level in it. I put the level low on this article to troll Mike for announcing it too soon without asking anybody. You should start seeing editors use it on rumors soon, and it will show up in news rivers and the mobile apps over the next week or so, when it's actually done. I would expect it to change a bunch of times between now and then, since we weren't actually ready to talk about it yet, but here we are 😀
  • Reply 15 of 22
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,900administrator
    jSnively said:
    DAalseth said:
    jSnively said:
    Mike out here leaking our development plans forcing me to mark this article with the in-progress meter >: { 
    Couldn’t help but notice that the BS o’Meter on the article rated it rather low. Does this mean that it’s not true and you won’t be adding a BS o’Meter to articles?
    BS O'Meter is our internal name for it, but it was overly negative to start from the posisiton of "everything is some degree of bad." I already swapped it from quantifying how bad something is, to our confidence level in it. I put the level low on this article to troll Mike for announcing it too soon without asking anybody. You should start seeing editors use it on rumors soon, and it will show up in news rivers and the mobile apps over the next week or so, when it's actually done. I would expect it to change a bunch of times between now and then, since we weren't actually ready to talk about it yet, but here we are 😀
    To be clear, what I said in the post was that's what we were calling the whole initiative, I said nothing about stamping pieces with graphics. :D

  • Reply 16 of 22
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,872member
    jSnively said:
    LOL Mostly I was being facetious. However I really don’t mind the term. Though perhaps a bit blunt, it does get the point across. 
  • Reply 17 of 22
    Along with a BS meter, it might be good to specifically call out/debunk "rumors" from entirely unreliable sources like this LeaksApplePro. I mean, saying, "Most of this week's iPhone 15 Pro & iOS 17 rumors are lies & fabrications," is fine, but it might be better to say which ones are likely lies and fabrications and which ones are more reliable so that readers can separate the wheat from the chaff.
    That's the plan.
    Well, I literally meant which of this week's rumors, but going forward is good too
  • Reply 18 of 22
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,900administrator
    Along with a BS meter, it might be good to specifically call out/debunk "rumors" from entirely unreliable sources like this LeaksApplePro. I mean, saying, "Most of this week's iPhone 15 Pro & iOS 17 rumors are lies & fabrications," is fine, but it might be better to say which ones are likely lies and fabrications and which ones are more reliable so that readers can separate the wheat from the chaff.
    That's the plan.
    Well, I literally meant which of this week's rumors, but going forward is good too
    We didn't cover any of LAP's rumors this week, at all. The point is, we should have, and called them junk -- and why -- from the start.

    The first stage of this discussion and execution about discussing sources was in the most recent DigiTimes leak about M3 before the end of the year.
  • Reply 19 of 22
    I see some die-hards refusing to believe that we now live in a "post-truth" society. :wink: 
  • Reply 20 of 22
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,926member
    Along with a BS meter, it might be good to specifically call out/debunk "rumors" from entirely unreliable sources like this LeaksApplePro. I mean, saying, "Most of this week's iPhone 15 Pro & iOS 17 rumors are lies & fabrications," is fine, but it might be better to say which ones are likely lies and fabrications and which ones are more reliable so that readers can separate the wheat from the chaff.
    That's the plan.
    Well, I literally meant which of this week's rumors, but going forward is good too
    We didn't cover any of LAP's rumors this week, at all. The point is, we should have, and called them junk -- and why -- from the start.

    The first stage of this discussion and execution about discussing sources was in the most recent DigiTimes leak about M3 before the end of the year.
    Yes, perfect!
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