Mac shipments collapse 40% year over year on declining demand



  • Reply 21 of 31
    How is this in relation to iPad sales? I chose an iPad Pro M2 over an Apple laptop,
  • Reply 22 of 31
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    lkrupp said:
    elijahg said:
    I suspect price is a factor. The base 14” MBP with M2 Pro for example is an amazing machine, but it is also expensive. RAM/SSD upgrades are also laughably overpriced. 

    The M1 iMac is 3 years old now, and still no sign of any updates. Who wants to pay the same price for a 3 year old machine as they would when it was introduced? And the Mac Pro? Yet again after promises of it not being abandoned and promises of the 2 year Apple Silicon transition, it’s been 4 years with zero updates and a year past the 2 year timeline - and the same same base price.  It’s not like Apple lacks the engineering resources to keep these up to date. 

    Macs are the best, but there’s only so far people will stretch to buy the best - and for that price, they don’t want something that’s got 3 years less lifetime.
    Oh please, just stop with the “overpriced” bullshit. Your ilk has been waving that flag for over forty years now. And just like the Sun rises in the East the prophets of doom crawl out of the woodwork whenever Apple sales allegedly stumble. All the memes are dusted off and trotted out... Steve is dead, Apple has lost its way. the law of large numbers, overpriced, no innovation, profit over customer, Apple is boring and uninteresting... and on and on and on.

    Give it rest, haters.
    Considering how many people here and elsewhere point out that price is a problem in their purchasing decision, it appears the one talking "bullshit" is you. But that's pretty standard Lkrupp behaviour.
  • Reply 24 of 31
    elijahg said:
    lkrupp said:
    elijahg said:
    I suspect price is a factor. The base 14” MBP with M2 Pro for example is an amazing machine, but it is also expensive. RAM/SSD upgrades are also laughably overpriced. 

    The M1 iMac is 3 years old now, and still no sign of any updates. Who wants to pay the same price for a 3 year old machine as they would when it was introduced? And the Mac Pro? Yet again after promises of it not being abandoned and promises of the 2 year Apple Silicon transition, it’s been 4 years with zero updates and a year past the 2 year timeline - and the same same base price.  It’s not like Apple lacks the engineering resources to keep these up to date. 

    Macs are the best, but there’s only so far people will stretch to buy the best - and for that price, they don’t want something that’s got 3 years less lifetime.
    Oh please, just stop with the “overpriced” bullshit. Your ilk has been waving that flag for over forty years now. And just like the Sun rises in the East the prophets of doom crawl out of the woodwork whenever Apple sales allegedly stumble. All the memes are dusted off and trotted out... Steve is dead, Apple has lost its way. the law of large numbers, overpriced, no innovation, profit over customer, Apple is boring and uninteresting... and on and on and on.

    Give it rest, haters.
    Considering how many people here and elsewhere point out that price is a problem in their purchasing decision, it appears the one talking "bullshit" is you. But that's pretty standard Lkrupp behaviour.
    The truth is when price is a problem people choose cheap PCs and entry level Android phones. Historically Apple was suppressed by the Wintel camps. They advise newbies on PC choices as if the world is made of IBM PC only. Apple thus lost sales to high income people like lawyers, medical doctors, bankers, etc. They are computer idiots and prefer not to be bothered with managing computers. Then Jobs returned to Apple introducing Apple Stores that let interested people freely have hands on experience with Macs. This is pre-history. The rest is history everybody now knows. 
  • Reply 25 of 31
    zeus423 said:
    Hedware said:
    Apple would sell lots of 27” iMacs Silicon if someone in Apple had the brains to order their manufacture.
    I’m waiting. 
    seems like apple is running into problems making the options people want.  

    Also the over charging for RAM and SSD is a bit much.     no 27" iMac, no monitor for the same which is mid level priced. 

    lets face it, apple needs to do more for Mac market, more models and etc... then it will sell more.
  • Reply 26 of 31
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    elijahg said:
    lkrupp said:
    elijahg said:
    I suspect price is a factor. The base 14” MBP with M2 Pro for example is an amazing machine, but it is also expensive. RAM/SSD upgrades are also laughably overpriced. 

    The M1 iMac is 3 years old now, and still no sign of any updates. Who wants to pay the same price for a 3 year old machine as they would when it was introduced? And the Mac Pro? Yet again after promises of it not being abandoned and promises of the 2 year Apple Silicon transition, it’s been 4 years with zero updates and a year past the 2 year timeline - and the same same base price.  It’s not like Apple lacks the engineering resources to keep these up to date. 

    Macs are the best, but there’s only so far people will stretch to buy the best - and for that price, they don’t want something that’s got 3 years less lifetime.
    Oh please, just stop with the “overpriced” bullshit. Your ilk has been waving that flag for over forty years now. And just like the Sun rises in the East the prophets of doom crawl out of the woodwork whenever Apple sales allegedly stumble. All the memes are dusted off and trotted out... Steve is dead, Apple has lost its way. the law of large numbers, overpriced, no innovation, profit over customer, Apple is boring and uninteresting... and on and on and on.

    Give it rest, haters.
    Considering how many people here and elsewhere point out that price is a problem in their purchasing decision, it appears the one talking "bullshit" is you. But that's pretty standard Lkrupp behaviour.
    The truth is when price is a problem people choose cheap PCs and entry level Android phones. Historically Apple was suppressed by the Wintel camps. They advise newbies on PC choices as if the world is made of IBM PC only. Apple thus lost sales to high income people like lawyers, medical doctors, bankers, etc. They are computer idiots and prefer not to be bothered with managing computers. Then Jobs returned to Apple introducing Apple Stores that let interested people freely have hands on experience with Macs. This is pre-history. The rest is history everybody now knows. 
    Absolutely, and whilst people are willing to pay a premium for Apple stuff, that willingness only stretches so far. Eventually the cost of the inconvenience of using Windows outweighs the cost of the convenience of the Mac. Especially when Apple nickel and dimes on such things as the 96w adapter for the MBP - a £10 upgrade on the 67w one on a £2149 machine - which also means you can't pick it up at the Apple store right away because it's a custom build. Why?! How is it worth having that extra SKU just for that Macbook's charger alone?? No doubt lkrupp will come back and defend how it's all for the greater good of Apple's customers or some such drivel as usual.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    zeus423 said:
    Hedware said:
    Apple would sell lots of 27” iMacs Silicon if someone in Apple had the brains to order their manufacture.
    I’m waiting. 
    seems like apple is running into problems making the options people want.  

    Also the over charging for RAM and SSD is a bit much.     no 27" iMac, no monitor for the same which is mid level priced. 

    lets face it, apple needs to do more for Mac market, more models and etc... then it will sell more.
    They have too many distinctly different laptops with confusing specs (M1/M2, M2 Pro, M2 Max depending on chassis) and too few desktops, especially if they introduce more MBAs as rumoured. There are 2 MBAs, one with the old design, 3 MBPs including the 13" one with the old design from 2015 (which for some reason got the M2 way before the new 2021 chassis got the M2 Pro), plus all the variations of colours of each of these. There is just one iMac with one old CPU, one Mac Studio (with either the fairly old M1 pro or M1 ultra) and one Mac Mini (M2 or M2 pro). The Mac Pro is too outdated to count.

    They could ditch the M1 MBA for the M2, drop the price to $999 and be done with it. Similarly they could drop the M2 MBP with the 2015 design, and put the M2 into the 2021 design, saving costs on the chassis.

    Apple has let similar confusion happen to the iPad line. No one has any idea what the difference between all the iPads is now. It's getting toward as confusing as the Performa days.

    And yes, £400 for 16GB RAM is absolutely absurd. 16GB DDR5 is about £60 retail. 600% more expensive is just insanity.
    edited April 2023 zeus423mitchelljddanoxdocno42
  • Reply 28 of 31
    thadecthadec Posts: 97member
    Yeah ... this never gets old. When IDC, Canalys and Gartner report record-breaking and market leading sales, everyone loves them. When they were reporting massive sales for Apple Silicon Macs the past 2 years, as well as increasing sales of iPads, iPhones and Apple Watch no one questioned their veracity. But the first bit of bad news, the same people who had no issue with all the good news want to claim "well these guys always get it wrong and their biased towards Windows and Android anyway." Can we get some consistency please?

    In any event, this tracks with what was already being reported. Apple's reported drop in PC revenue. (If sales figures were large enough to be notable, Apple would provide them.) Apple's suppliers reporting drops and lower revenue, including big ones like Samsung and TSMC. And the reports that Apple halted M2 production that a lot of people mocked are a lot more believable now. 

    Right now you have a ton of evidence that Mac sales have fallen off, much - though not all - of it due to circumstances beyond Apple's control. And you have no evidence otherwise beyond fanboy conjecture based on this idea that ARM-based Macs are this massive paradigm shift in technology that is going to destroy Wintel once and for all. Sure ... except that even when Apple was reporting record sales and profits, market share never actually exceeded 11%. And claims that ARM Macs destroying Wintel followed the same claims of how the iPhone and iPad meant the inevitable end of Wintel from 10 years ago. 

    But the bottom line: the pandemic and recession issues are likely temporary. Things are going to level out. But when they do, Macs are going to go back to their 5% to 8% market share as before. A lot of the market share increase the past 2 years was x86 Mac owners upgrading a few years earlier than usual to get Apple Silicon. But all that is done with now and the results are fundamentally unchanged: the vast majority of personal, professional and enterprise purchases will be Windows and the rest will be split between macOS and ChromeOS.
    edited April 2023 muthuk_vanalingamdewmeelijahgmacike
  • Reply 29 of 31
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    Very predictable response to another negative story about Apple.

    Any public hint, forecast (regardless of credibility), or actual report of anything negative surrounding Apple always results in those who have a captive personal grievance about anything Apple in their lives or psyche to not only release their personal grievance from its captivity, but to also draw causation between their personal grievance and Apple’s reported or predicted downfall, big or small.

    People who feel slighted by the demise of the 27” iMac - yep, this predicted sales shortfall is proof that Apple screwed up by not offering up what was obviously a product in very high demand. No Apple Silicon Mac Pro availability, this is what Apple should have anticipated would happen due to their inability to deliver on-time. Macs are too expensive, memory and storage upgrades are ridiculously overpriced, no chargers shipped with iPhones, etc.

    Take your pick. Now is your time to let Apple know what they should have done to avoid the inevitable punishment that they will suffer by virtue of them not doing what you thought they should have done. Better get your shots in while you can. 
  • Reply 30 of 31
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    elijahg said:
     It's getting toward as confusing as the Performa days.

    It's certainly starting to feel like that is creeping back in.  I miss the days of the square grid with the first iMac's and MacBooks.  There is power in simplicity.
  • Reply 31 of 31
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    I think the economy is a factor...

    id buy a new Mac in two heartbeats if I could afford it. 
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