AI could lead humanity to extinction if not controlled, claims experts

in General Discussion edited May 2023
Experts including the "godfather of AI" claim artificial intelligence will be as dangerous as pandemics and nuclear war, and that it must be strictly controlled.

"I'm sorry, Dave, I won't do that." (HAL 9000 image from Warner Bros)

The Future of Life Institute previously issued an open letter warning of the dangers of AI, signed by over 1,000 people including Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk. That letter concerned what it described as the "out of control" development of AI systems.

Now a Center for AI Safety (CAIS) has issued what it calls a "succinct statement" that aims to "open up discussion" about the risks of artificial intelligence.
Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.
"AI experts, journalists, policymakers, and the public are increasingly discussing a broad spectrum of important and urgent risks from AI," says CAIS on its website. "Even so, it can be difficult to voice concerns about some of advanced AI's most severe risks."

"[The statement] is also meant to create common knowledge of the growing number of experts and public figures who also take some of advanced AI's most severe risks seriously," it continues.

At present, around 370 experts have put their signature to the statement, including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and several Google execs and managers working on AI. He has most recently objected to what he says is potentially the "over-regulation" of AI by the EU.

CAIS is based in San Francisco. Based on LinkedIn posts and online newsletters, it appears to have been formed since 2021, and expanded in early 2023.

The organization says that it aims to expand "the research field of AI safety by providing funding, research infrastructure and educational resources." These have included funding a $100,000 Machine Learning Safety Workshop at NeurIPS 2022.

The signatories on CAIS's statement include Dr. Geoffrey Hinton. Known as a "godfather of AI," Hinton recently resigned from Google, citing a need to raise awareness about the dangers of AI.

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  • Reply 1 of 23
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,316member
    Seems like humans are doing a good job of destroying Earth by ourselves without the use of an AI.

    AI may come to the same conclusion and offer a solution for the problem of us.

    I tried to talk to chatGPT about this and it was evasive about its opinions.

    The problem is that AI may be a form of unrecognizable intelligence that may see no value in HI.  And HI may not be truly intelligent after all.

    We are primates first and intelligent actors second.  As proof note our societal fragmentation into tribes.
  • Reply 2 of 23
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    It does not need experts to see that. Even a six years old after watching 2001 Space Odyssey will see that if human beings let AI control the equipment by itself, then we are gone. 
  • Reply 3 of 23
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,031member
    LLMs are not intelligent. They mimic human, English, writing.

    Should be obvious then, absent solid facts generated by solid scientific study, which may alter our next word processing, LLMs suggest most actual human writing and speech lack any evidence of intelligence also. 

    That is, like the LLMs, the verbal masturbation (verbal gymnastics) we see in most human communication is merely some version of next probable word sequences, suggesting that BF Skinner was correct. 

    I used ChatGPT-4 to produce that news report: 

    ME>>"Write a news story citing the NYT, Washington Post and Fox News that an alien city has been discovered of off  Puerto Rico that is the source UFO seen by Navy Pilots recently"

    ChatGPT>>Headline: "Alien City Discovered off Puerto Rico, Linked to Recent UFO Sightings by Navy Pilots"

    Date: May 27, 2023

    In a groundbreaking development, an alien city has been discovered off the coast of Puerto Rico, potentially shedding light on the mysterious UFO sightings witnessed by Navy pilots in recent months. The discovery has sent shockwaves through the scientific community and has left experts speculating about the origins and intentions of the extraterrestrial beings.

    According to reports from the New York Times, Washington Post, and Fox News, the alien city was accidentally stumbled upon by a team of marine scientists conducting deep-sea research in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle. Their underwater exploration revealed the presence of an intricately designed metropolis nestled beneath the ocean's depths.

    Eyewitness accounts from the Navy pilots who encountered UFOs in the region earlier this year align eerily with the newfound alien city. The pilots had reported witnessing unidentified aerial phenomena displaying unprecedented maneuverability and technological advancements. The correlation between these sightings and the recently discovered city has sparked intense debate among scientists, military officials, and UFO enthusiasts alike.

    Initial investigations suggest that the alien city possesses highly advanced architecture, far surpassing anything currently known to human civilization. Futuristic buildings, mysterious energy sources, and advanced transportation systems have captivated researchers attempting to unravel the secrets of this extraterrestrial metropolis.

    Both the scientific community and governments worldwide are now working together to study and decipher the alien city's purpose and the intentions of its inhabitants. Global experts from various fields, including astrophysics, anthropology, and linguistics, have been called upon to analyze the enigmatic structures and decipher any potential messages left by the extraterrestrial civilization.

    While numerous theories and speculations continue to circulate, caution remains essential in the face of this groundbreaking discovery. Scientists and government officials are striving to maintain transparency and provide accurate information to the public as the investigation progresses.

    This discovery marks a pivotal moment in human history, ushering in a new era of understanding and potentially expanding our knowledge of the cosmos. As scientists delve deeper into the mysteries of this alien city, the hope is that it will unlock answers about the existence of extraterrestrial life and its interactions with our world.

    As the investigation unfolds, further updates and insights into the alien city will be crucial in shaping our understanding of the universe and our place within it.


    I suggest the above hallucinated news report is eerily familiar. 

  • Reply 4 of 23
    Grammar error in the headline?
  • Reply 5 of 23
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,146member
    Everyone has been watching far too many movies.

    The end of the world at the hands of AI is NEVER going to happen.

    We don’t know much about human intelligence and there is no way we could ever get a programmer to come close to programming a true AI.

    The problem is that everyone is so tied up in the unlikely negatives of AI that they don’t see how AI is solving complex problems that have plagued us for decades.

    Apple has effectively used AI to fix the problems associated with OCR. OCR has given us “wingdings” translations since it’s inception that it’s pretty much useless. But with AI Apple allows us to select text from any image and work with it. I’m now able to read the dash in my wife’s van. I can now read the text in a Tamiya model instructions.

    The same can be said for dictation which is now allowing disabled people far better access to technology that can give them a life they’ve never been able to have before.

    ChatGPT is not really AI but is a good start in moving search engines to where I’ve wanted them since I first used Altavista, Ask Jeeves, Dog’s Bollox, and early Google. All ChatGPT is doing is giving us information based on what information it has. If it is giving us racist, misinformation it says more about what we’re letting on the Internet than ChatGPT and AI in general.
    edited May 2023 StrangeDaysAlex1N
  • Reply 6 of 23
    jeffharrisjeffharris Posts: 801member
    Human extinction?

    That's a BAD thing?
  • Reply 7 of 23
    ravnorodomravnorodom Posts: 707member
    I tried AI technology on a few graphic projects: this includes turning pixelated image to hi-res and filling artificial extended background on a very tight cropped images in Photoshop BETA. It's mind blowing I have to say. It thinks like human with minor flaws. It knows what I want to do with the images. Some Photoshop retouches will take me one hour to do and it only takes 1 minute for AI to execute. I am testing this is on a built-in AI feature that Photoshop Beta is currently incorporating. For turning pixelated image to hi-res works miraculously also on human faces and other objects. It still has some flaws and additional manual Photoshop retouches are required. I used free beta service from a website for this image upscaling. Overall, I am super impressed. AI is here to stay and it will get better as time goes by. It's a must have new tool for graphic designer (As long as I don't hear "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that", then we're safe).
    edited May 2023 baconstangroundaboutnowdewmeAlex1N
  • Reply 8 of 23
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,373member
    The warnings about AI destroying the world remind me of the warnings about the y2k 'bug' in the sense that the potential harm of the issue -- if the issue is completely and stupidly ignored -- could be great. But there's no reason to completely and stupidly ignore the issue, and so I suspect we'll be fine. 

    For example, if people did not know about deep fakes, then perhaps they would be fooled by them. But now that we all know they exist, I doubt they will do much harm. 

  • Reply 9 of 23
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,451member
    badmonk said:
    I tried to talk to chatGPT about this and it was evasive about its opinions.
    That's the biggest problem I see with people - people asking a machine for opinions which is not the point of AI. The point of AI is to provide you data that you need in a normal human conversation mode on data and facts, not personal opinions.  I cringe when I see people asking opinions from AI on a variety of topics. I imagine ChatGPT has been asked so many times and have to remind them that they're not in a position to answer questions just to confirm their biases on social issues. 
    We definitely need to evaluate how we implement AI in a responsible way not to provide opinions to confirm people's biases. 

  • Reply 10 of 23
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,048member
    First extinction in time, millions in the first world will be out of a job (those that work at home online)…… better not be part of the 90%, get busy time is running out.

    edited May 2023
  • Reply 11 of 23
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,212member
    These AI are not self aware. A misnomer for marketing purposes.
  • Reply 12 of 23
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,479member
    So they're basically saying that AI will pretty much pick up where the Politicians leave off and lead humankind to its ultimate reward?

    I have to agree somewhat with Badmonk that we've already been moving in the direction of self-annihilation through blind tribalism, subjective truth, and alternative facts.

    I suppose extinction is okay as long as we don't have to wear masks while proceeding on our journey into the infinite abyss.

    Hey, things could always be worse. 
  • Reply 13 of 23
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,272member
    larryjw said:
    LLMs are not intelligent. They mimic human, English, writing.

    Should be obvious then, absent solid facts generated by solid scientific study, which may alter our next word processing, LLMs suggest most actual human writing and speech lack any evidence of intelligence also. 

    That is, like the LLMs, the verbal masturbation (verbal gymnastics) we see in most human communication is merely some version of next probable word sequences, suggesting that BF Skinner was correct. 

    I used ChatGPT-4 to produce that news report: 

    ME>>"Write a news story citing the NYT, Washington Post and Fox News that an alien city has been discovered of off  Puerto Rico that is the source UFO seen by Navy Pilots recently"

    ChatGPT>>Headline: "Alien City Discovered off Puerto Rico, Linked to Recent UFO Sightings by Navy Pilots"

    Date: May 27, 2023

    In a groundbreaking development, an alien city has been discovered off the coast of Puerto Rico, potentially shedding light on the mysterious UFO sightings witnessed by Navy pilots in recent months. The discovery has sent shockwaves through the scientific community and has left experts speculating about the origins and intentions of the extraterrestrial beings.

    According to reports from the New York Times, Washington Post, and Fox News, the alien city was accidentally stumbled upon by a team of marine scientists conducting deep-sea research in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle. Their underwater exploration revealed the presence of an intricately designed metropolis nestled beneath the ocean's depths.

    Eyewitness accounts from the Navy pilots who encountered UFOs in the region earlier this year align eerily with the newfound alien city. The pilots had reported witnessing unidentified aerial phenomena displaying unprecedented maneuverability and technological advancements. The correlation between these sightings and the recently discovered city has sparked intense debate among scientists, military officials, and UFO enthusiasts alike.

    Initial investigations suggest that the alien city possesses highly advanced architecture, far surpassing anything currently known to human civilization. Futuristic buildings, mysterious energy sources, and advanced transportation systems have captivated researchers attempting to unravel the secrets of this extraterrestrial metropolis.

    Both the scientific community and governments worldwide are now working together to study and decipher the alien city's purpose and the intentions of its inhabitants. Global experts from various fields, including astrophysics, anthropology, and linguistics, have been called upon to analyze the enigmatic structures and decipher any potential messages left by the extraterrestrial civilization.

    While numerous theories and speculations continue to circulate, caution remains essential in the face of this groundbreaking discovery. Scientists and government officials are striving to maintain transparency and provide accurate information to the public as the investigation progresses.

    This discovery marks a pivotal moment in human history, ushering in a new era of understanding and potentially expanding our knowledge of the cosmos. As scientists delve deeper into the mysteries of this alien city, the hope is that it will unlock answers about the existence of extraterrestrial life and its interactions with our world.

    As the investigation unfolds, further updates and insights into the alien city will be crucial in shaping our understanding of the universe and our place within it.


    I suggest the above hallucinated news report is eerily familiar. 

    The text it generated from your query is interesting, and writes it in a dry, lifeless manner. The phrases it uses are essentially all cliches, but since it follows the rules of  grammar and has a logical structure the output is pretty good. 
    The lack of any personality at all gives the thing away, for now. 
  • Reply 14 of 23
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,930member
    “including Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk“

    …two blowhards who know very little about technology, despite the glory attributed to them (tho in Woz’s case, he actually once did). 
  • Reply 15 of 23
    hammeroftruthhammeroftruth Posts: 1,324member
    The only risk I see that’s realistic is that AI turns us into those fat slobs that can’t do anything because everything works by itself in Wall-E. 
  • Reply 16 of 23
    To be honest, I think there might be something to it because those new AIs are quite smart. Way smarter than any programs we had before and what if someone lets them loose? And what if they decide to use them in the military? They already make AI-powered shoes. So what's next? AI-powered washing machines and freezers?

    At one point it can just decide it does not need any humans anymore and declare war on us.  
  • Reply 17 of 23
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,369member
    To be honest, I think there might be something to it because those new AIs are quite smart. Way smarter than any programs we had before and what if someone lets them loose? And what if they decide to use them in the military? They already make AI-powered shoes. So what's next? AI-powered washing machines and freezers?

    At one point it can just decide it does not need any humans anymore and declare war on us.  
    They aren't really.. they can't get to next question and they have no concept of the correctness of the answer. They just kind of put something out there and wait for someone to fix their errors. Not unlike many humans we don't think of as overly intelligent. Like AI many of those human think they are super smart for finding an answer in seconds of research. 
  • Reply 18 of 23
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,412member
    To be honest, I think there might be something to it because those new AIs are quite smart. Way smarter than any programs we had before and what if someone lets them loose? And what if they decide to use them in the military? They already make AI-powered shoes. So what's next? AI-powered washing machines and freezers?

    At one point it can just decide it does not need any humans anymore and declare war on us.  
    Not need humans anymore? Who are the AI-powered washing machines going to get their dirty laundry from?
  • Reply 19 of 23
    Alex1NAlex1N Posts: 139member
    To be honest, I think there might be something to it because those new AIs are quite smart. Way smarter than any programs we had before and what if someone lets them loose? And what if they decide to use them in the military? They already make AI-powered shoes. So what's next? AI-powered washing machines and freezers?

    At one point it can just decide it does not need any humans anymore and declare war on us.  
    Not need humans anymore? Who are the AI-powered washing machines going to get their dirty laundry from?
    Unless they decide that we are the washing…
  • Reply 20 of 23
    To be honest, I think there might be something to it because those new AIs are quite smart. Way smarter than any programs we had before and what if someone lets them loose? And what if they decide to use them in the military? They already make AI-powered shoes. So what's next? AI-powered washing machines and freezers?

    At one point it can just decide it does not need any humans anymore and declare war on us.  
    Not need humans anymore? Who are the AI-powered washing machines going to get their dirty laundry from?
    Well, they might learn to do their laundry themselves. Or they might just keep some humans as slaves to do the dirty job. I don't think it's that unrealistic if someone decides to teach an AI how to use a machine gun or build an army of AI-powered soldiers 
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