Mark Zuckerberg says the Vision Pro doesn't present 'any breakthroughs'

in General Discussion edited June 2023
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says that Apple's newly announced Apple Vision Pro does not offer the future of computing he wants.

Days before the Vision Pro mixed-reality headset was announced, Meta chose to tease the Meta Quest 3 to steal back some of the spotlight from Apple.

Now, Zuckerberg is telling employees that Apple didn't bring anything to the table that his company hadn't "already explored."

"I think that their announcement really showcases the difference in the values and the vision that our companies bring to this in a way that I think is really important," Zuckerberg told employees in a meeting on Thursday, according to The Verge.

He claimed that the Apple Vision Pro debuted as a device that showcased "a person sitting on the couch by themself."

"I mean, that could be the vision of the future of computing, but like, it's not the one that I want," he added.

He maintains that, in contrast, the Quest is a device that helps people interact in new ways and get active. While he maintains that the Quest offers a better "future of computing," he has shown concern over Apple's sway over the virtual reality space -- at least at one point.

In October, he suggested that Apple's "closed ecosystem" and any virtual- or augmented-reality device it released could handicap Meta in the marketplace, financially and otherwise.

On Monday, Apple announced Vision Pro, a mixed-reality headset that marks Apple's official entrance into the AR/VR market. The device will cost $3,499 at launch, and will not be shipping until 2024.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 93
    winstoner71winstoner71 Posts: 117member
    That’s a perfect pic attached to this article 😂 
  • Reply 2 of 93
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,142member
    Maybe Apple can add an option to remove everyone's legs ?
  • Reply 3 of 93
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    roundaboutnowblastdoorrobin huberAnilu_777muthuk_vanalingamdk49argonautOfergrandact73jony0
  • Reply 4 of 93
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    The Mac wasn't the first home computer 
    The iPod wasn't the first portable music player 
    The iPad wasn't the first tablet computing device 

    It is not about being first, or groundbreaking or revolutionary but rather taking a nascent 
    concept and refining it to match the palette of consumers. 

    Zuck's one and only accomplishment was aping Myspace and removing the atrociously bad HTML pages 
    with a consistent user interface and experience. 

    Time will tell if Apple can lower costs and refine the experience for the masses but  I swear Zuck  is approaching 
    Bill Gates level in his ability to "miss the point". 
    edited June 2023 lolliverdewmeStrangeDaysAnilu_777roundaboutnowmike1argonautrob53Oferpscooter63
  • Reply 5 of 93
    avon b7 said:
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    That’s exactly what  has been doing for the past 20 years. Take an already existing idea/device and make it a lot better and they are bloody good at it. They’ve done this with the iPod, iPhone,  watch and now this. 
  • Reply 6 of 93
    avon b7 said:
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    Yes, if you ignore the was in which Vision Pro is better than the Quest products they are basically the same. Similarly, if you ignore when a motorcycle is better than my bicycle they are basically the same thing. 
  • Reply 7 of 93
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,466member
    Consumer products are not breakthroughs in general. They just rely on integrating and refining technology that was developed years and decades prior.
  • Reply 8 of 93
    So.... Zuckerburg just took time to let Meta employees know he has pooped himself over Vision Pro.
  • Reply 9 of 93
    Zuck is doomed!!! Videogame companies already had the Virtual reality in their hands, and Facebook wants to Build VR of something that May be done with Real Engine, Unity and others. Nothing new.
  • Reply 10 of 93
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,255member
    He is just downplaying a potential threat to his business. What else can he do?
    it isn’t as though he can say “that is an amazing headset with a paradigm shifting OS”.
    I think not. He said what he had to say.
  • Reply 11 of 93
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    He just took the Steve Ballmer route...we saw how that ended up for him. I don't care what space Apple just entered, if Apple just entered your space you damn well better sit up and pay attention. Maybe this revision won't take some marketshare away from them, but little by little if Apple keeps at it with this product they will start to seriously hurt its competition across the board just like it did with iPhone and iPod. It still baffles me how CEO's to this day still don't take Apple seriously when they release something new in their space. 

    Maybe it'll flop and maybe it won't but you better take Apple seriously. Apple doesn't just enter a space for the hell of it and it has almost unlimited cash and talent to make it right, even if it's 3-4yrs from now. 
    edited June 2023 lolliverDavidEsratiwilliamlondonbaconstangbonobobbadmonkAlex_VcoolfactorDBSyncpscooter63
  • Reply 12 of 93
    chutzpahchutzpah Posts: 392member
    Meh, I'm not sure what else you'd expect him to say. 
  • Reply 13 of 93
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,656member
    Well, I guess this confirms that Facebook will be copying every single aspect of the Vision Pro that they can get away with without running afoul of Apple's IP.
  • Reply 14 of 93
    ronnronn Posts: 675member

    Fregin & Lazaridis --> RIM --> BlackBerry downplays iPhone.

    Zuckerberg --> TheFacebook/Facebook --> Meta downplays Vision Pro.  :#

  • Reply 15 of 93
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,300member
    Whatever Zuck… just stfu and stick to rigging elections you putz. 
  • Reply 16 of 93
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,033member
    bahahahahah. Good one, zucker.
    edited June 2023 williamlondoneightzerobaconstangAlex_Vpscooter63watto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 17 of 93
    chutzpah said:
    Meh, I'm not sure what else you'd expect him to say. 

    He should have said he's glad Apple has entered the arena, years late, overpriced, and with nothing shipping.
    But- PR is a lost art.
  • Reply 18 of 93
    All I can say is that Vision Pro will provide the best user experience and also respect its user and not sell their data and always monitor what they are doing. 

    From what I heard the technology that went into Vision Pro is the best you can buy and works very well. 

    Mark knows who has the better system he just can’t publicly admin it. 
  • Reply 19 of 93
    So.... Zuckerburg just took time to let Meta employees know he has pooped himself over Vision Pro.
    Can hardly wait for Meta employees to stage Vision Pro's mock funeral, "Meta Quest buries the competition!" 
  • Reply 20 of 93
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Well, SOMEBODY had to play the role of “Monkey Boy” Balmer in this drama. 
    hcrefugeeradarthekatroundaboutnowAlex_Vmac daddy zeeDBSyncpscooter63watto_cobra
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