Retro gold rush: which emulators are on the App Store, and what's coming



  • Reply 21 of 27
    mpantone said: There is zero chance of Nintendo licensing their first-party IP to some emulator. They make money for Switch Online which has a bunch of games from older Nintendo platforms. And Switch Online only had a small handful of these old titles.
    Switch Online has an extensive list of retro games. 200+ to choose from.
  • Reply 22 of 27

    Thanks to @MalcolmOwen ; for updating your article to include my emulator, iMSX2, in the list. 

    A new version has been uploaded and is now available on the Apple Store. 

    Added compatibility with MX1 and MX2 files, along with the feature to save game states. 

    The design has also been optimized for iPad.

    Your support is greatly appreciated! I look forward to adding more new features soon.

    2 2.png 84.9K
  • Reply 23 of 27
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,561member
    Looks like the Sega Megadrive (Genesis, to the Yanks) is harder to emulate than the other platforms.

    I wonder why that is.
  • Reply 24 of 27
    I know I'm old, but what I've been waiting for all along is a good Apple ][e emulator. That would take care of the Infocom games someone mentioned earlier, plus all the others I remember from my childhood. I never had a console, just my beloved Apple ][e! Prolly still have my old programs printed out somewhere. (Before that I had a TRS-80 CoCo, but an emulator for that will prolly never happen.)
    edited August 10
  • Reply 25 of 27
    The red looks headache inducing for the virtual boy even the videos I have seen of it running on the VP makes me kinda sick (and i enjoy vr)
  • Reply 26 of 27
    I never played any of the gaming systems listed in the article, but it would be amazing to see a Mac game emulator with the ability to play games designed for Motorola 680x0 and PowerPC processors. 
    I still have disk images and installers of lots of games from that era in my archive.

    Probably never happen though.

    I’d be better off just digging out and booting up my old Titanium PowerBook.
    edited August 14 zeus423
  • Reply 27 of 27
    Has anyone been able to get UTM SE to work with macOS 9 on an iPad? If so, what are the exact settings you used? It says macOS 9 is supported on their site, but I’m not having any luck getting it to run.
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