You intolerant B*STARD!



  • Reply 21 of 52
    nebulousnebulous Posts: 193member

    Originally posted by Naderfan

    I just saw the possible new category of assisted suicide: Yes

    Congratulations! You're the only person to notice the category I added.
  • Reply 22 of 52
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Nebulous

    Congratulations! You're the only person to notice the category I added.

    Assisted suicides aren't that uncommon, so I have no problems with the way its handled right now. Still, I don't think it would be a good idea to draft a law that permits it.
  • Reply 23 of 52
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Assisted suicides aren't that uncommon, so I have no problems with the way its handled right now. Still, I don't think it would be a good idea to draft a law that permits it.

    Look at my sig. There ya go.
  • Reply 24 of 52
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Abortion: Not legal

    Drug Legalization: Yes

    Bedroom Sex Acts: Rock and Roll

    Drinking Age: 16

    Homosexual Rights: Same as others' rights, as long as the institutions here are secular.

    Trade: Free Trade is the only way for trade to actually be fair

    Taxes: No income tax.

    Religion: Fully separated from state. (i.e. No "In God We Trust"). Personally, I'm a pretty convinced Christian.

    Education: Not mandatory, but state school funding isn't a bad way to spend tax dollars.

    Family: Well gee. You can't choose it can you?
  • Reply 25 of 52
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member missed a few biggy's..



    HEALTH CARE - Free

    DRUG LEGALIZATION - No to dope etc etc...Imagine your dentist pulling your teeth...or a surgeon doing a line of coke first....!

    SEX - ADULT 2 ADULT YES, Children, Animals, etc NO

    DRINKING AGE - European model : Get rid of Pubs & introduce drinking with meals only from early drop per year...till adult.

    GAMBLING - Yes as long as it's not an addiction

    HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS - Yes with accrued responsibilities

    TRADE - As long as it isn't exploitation.

    TAXES - No Income TAX......But tax on Goods & services.

    RELIGION - No to any religion that demands civil disobedience or violent overthrow of democratically elected governments.

    EDUCATION - Free & equal to everyone regardless of class.

    FAMILY - Yes to love...No to hate...

    NATIONAL SERVICE....Yes, with Alternatives like Peace corp etc

    GOVERNMENT...Yes to democracy,

    No to communism, nazism, Fascism or any other form of dictatorship or totalatarian regime.

    W.O.M.Destruction....No one should have them.
  • Reply 26 of 52
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by aquafire missed a few biggy's..

    DRUG LEGALIZATION - No to dope etc etc...Imagine your dentist pulling your teeth...or a surgeon doing a line of coke first....!

    Oh come on...that's just retarded...the same thing could be said for alcohol then. What if your proctologist got drunk before giving you an exam and forgot to use lube!?!?!?

    Bah. Ridiculous.
  • Reply 27 of 52
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by BR

    Oh come on...that's just retarded...the same thing could be said for alcohol then. What if your proctologist got drunk before giving you an exam and forgot to use lube!?!?!?

    Bah. Ridiculous.

    I didn't say Yes to Alcohol either !

    maybe your Gynacologist does better work on you when he's juiced up...

    " Hey don't need those dangly bits..snip snip "
  • Reply 28 of 52
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member
    Abortion: yes

    Drug Legalization: no

    Bedroom Sex Acts: Anything goes

    Drinking Age: 18

    Homosexual Rights: marriage

    Trade: Fair

    Taxes: progressive

    Religion: personal

    Education: Free, available to all.

    Family: Not easy to define. Your near relatives obviously. Your wife and children. Dear friends.

    and finally Assisted suicide : No
  • Reply 29 of 52
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Abortion - Yes, but restrictions on late term abortion where after a certain time there must be certain conditions (risk to mother, etc). Total ban on partial birth abortion. Education regarding abstinence and responsibility.

    Drug Legalization -Yes, with strict laws on Driving under the inluence, etc. Allow employers to ban drug use. Minimum age of 18. Funding for prevention and treatment.

    Bedroom Sex Acts- None of the government's business.

    Drinking Age -18

    Homosexual Rights-No marriage. I still believe that hetero sex is "natural". But, people should be free to live however they want. Private organizations do have the right to discriminate, because they have the right to exclude certain groups (it's a seperate issue).

    Trade - Free

    Taxes - Flat Tax, no deductions. Cut spending on dependency creating social programs. Social Security funded with 1% national sales tax.

    Religion- Allow voluntary prayer in school. The seperation of church and state clause was not intended to remove religion from all public places.

    Education -More federal and state $ for education and more importantly: Equitable funding for schools (elimination of property tax system). I support vouchers, especially in poor school districts wher parents have no choice.

    Family -Not sure what to say here.

    Assisted Suicide: No.
  • Reply 30 of 52
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Gastrointestinal Health? Yes, I'm for it.

    Smell of my own fart? Strangely appealing.

    Smell of someone else's fart? disgusting.

    Smell of a breastfeeding mother's fart? Confusing.
  • Reply 31 of 52
    Abortion - No, except for rape and incest but as alcimedes already said, only because it would never be outlawed otherwise. (It won't be outlawed anyway, even with those exceptions.)

    Drug Legalization - Yes.

    Bedroom Sex Acts - I don't really care what you do as long as you're not preying on children. However, society really does have an interest in promoting two parent families.

    Drinking Age - 18.

    Homosexual Rights - Civil unions, yes. I don't really like calling it marriage, though.

    Trade - Free trade, yes.

    Taxes - I'd like to see a flat federal income tax.

    Religion - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... "

    Education - I support vouchers.

    Family - Every kid should have some adult who is absolutely, crazy in love with them - someone who'd lay down their life to make sure they grow up straight and true. Sadly, many children don't have such an adult in their lives. We need stronger families but that's a cultural problem more than a governmental one.

    Assisted suicide - No.
  • Reply 32 of 52

    Originally posted by biaachmonkie

    Education - State sponsored, from land taxes, until high-school graduation or age 20, which ever is first. More focus on impact, teach things that are relevant, no more poetry, story writing, music, etc... its nice, but not needed, and should be pursued on one's own... almost no one ever uses Shakespeare once out of school, its not needed in the "real world" its a waste of time better spent on fundamentals (basic logic, common sense) and math.

    Seriously? Have you read any research on higher education? I'm sure your "focus on the fundamentals" rhetoric could be good for some fields like engineering, but for others, Shakespeare, poetry, and creative writing are fundamentals.
  • Reply 33 of 52
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Abortion womae's choice though late term should have stipulations

    Drug Legalization Yes on weed . . . absolutely. With hard drugs with programs . . .take the money out of it

    Bedroom Sex Acts--Anything and everything goes . . .with consenting adults . . .and as often as possible

    Drinking Age I like the idea of 18 though not too sad at 21 either

    Homosexual Rights --all rights . . . they want to get married? that's fine . . . I know a married gay couple . . . its just not recognized by the state for some bizarre arse reason . . .all these pathetic morons that descry this kind of stuff as imoral and the end of civil institutions don't know what the hell they are saying . . .love is love is love

    Trade ---fair - local economies should be able to protect themselves against mega-corp government sunsidized etc

    Taxes -taxes - -we need infrastructure - -balance the taxes so no one goes poor . .. which they don't anyway . . .

    Religion --No government religion whatsoever!!!! Personal? what about it yes its personal between me, God, the universe and the people in my sphere of pampooolooopha . . . if you know what I mean!?!?!

    Education --Compulsory and compulsorilly public/private through qualifying institutions up to the age of 16 then it up to the individual though higher education should be state supported at least 50% . . .one benefit of taxes

    Family (What is a family? ---anything that you say it is . . . extended, group etc . . . as long as children get authorities, or authority and care . . .and hopefullly love . . . but can't legislate that
  • Reply 34 of 52
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    and i would just add to education that serious study in the humanities and history also be compulsory

    Shakespeare every year till 16!!!!!!!!!!

    If its good schoolin then you'll learn more from that then from "Logic"
  • Reply 35 of 52
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Mother with Child/Expecting Mother's Only Parking: AGAINST, it's bad enough the handicapped suck up all the good parking spots, and they're on wheels. If anyone supports a woman's "choice" (though that isn't ever what choice means, but anyway) then you have to be against this injustice of urban planning, who told the mother's to have babies or to bring 'em along.

    And yes to that last bit by pfflam. MORE Humanities makes for healthier populations and moreintelligent young people.
  • Reply 36 of 52
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Abortion - legalized for victims rape, incest or when pregnancy might be harmful or fatal to the woman involved.

    Drug Legalization - sure. Tax the shit out of it.

    Bedroom Sex Acts - anything, anywhere, anyhow, anytime as long as it's consentual and doesn't infringe on the rights (not 'morals') of others.

    Drinking Age - 18. Old enough to die, old enough to buy.

    Homosexual Rights - equal rights with heteros. Marriage tax and all.

    Trade - not informed enough to comment.

    Taxes - flat tax. 15% would be nice.

    Religion - believe what you want as long as you don't get any on me. Goverment should stay the hell out of religion and vice-versa. The word 'God' should be de-capitalized. Bibles should be barred from any government facility...and hotel rooms.

    Education - not informed enough to comment.

    Family - blood might be thicker, but water is far more useful.

    Assisted Suicide - for.

    Talking in Movie Theatres - against. KILL THEM ALL!!!

    And all farts are strangely appealing to me. \
  • Reply 37 of 52
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member


    Seriously? Have you read any research on higher education? I'm sure your "focus on the fundamentals" rhetoric could be good for some fields like engineering, but for others, Shakespeare, poetry, and creative writing are fundamentals.

    Well, at least we can agree on something. These are essential subjects and should be required. The research is staggering.

    Home Economics...that shouldn't be. I don't know a single person who learned a damn thing from that. And Phys-Ed? Isn?t Isn't it about time we stopped trying to get more fit than the Russians already? I am good friends with a Phys-Ed teacher at school, so it isn't personal.

    It's a cultural problem we have here: Sports are it, the arts are not. Too bad really.
  • Reply 38 of 52

    Originally posted by SDW2001


    The research is staggering.

    I know.

    Pascarella, Terenzini, and Astin.
  • Reply 39 of 52
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    Abortion - i still think of it as murder, but i can take it and accept it in the case of involuntary pregnancies [rape, incest], and when the mother and baby are both in danger. legally though, i dont think the federal government should have any say over it. it should be up ot the mother, father and doctors.

    Drug Legalization - complete and total legalization of all drugs. the government should make every effort to notify the public of legitimate public health concerns and dangers related to drugs, but not create or exaggerate health problems. it should be illegal to be tripping in the streets, working while high, and driving under any influence and other activities which could endager people or cause rtouble, but people shouldn't be legally withheld from enjoying the finer things in life in the safety and convenience of their homes. i dont think its the federal government's place or duty to enact a social agenda through the illegalization of drugs. of all the issues mentioned, this is the one i feel most strongly about.

    Bedroom Sex - i think people should be completely free to do whatever they want with willing partners. and the government has no right to step in and regulate things like that.

    Drinking Age - 18. if i can die for my country involuntary in the military, then i should be allowed to slowly kill myself voluntarily.

    Homosexual Rights - homosexuals (and bisexuals) should be given every right that heterosexuals have, because they are people just the same as you are.

    Taxes - i think taxes should only exist to pay for the specific things laid out in article 1 of the constitution. the government shouldn't use this tax power to influence or dissuade social trends.

    Religion - the separation of church and state is clearly defined in the constitution, and i dont think the government should ever tread where that distinction could be blurred. if there is any question about an act, i think the government should side with not promoting something whcih could be construed as religious.

    Education - i believe schooling should be required through age 18 or hs diploma.
  • Reply 40 of 52
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Over half way there... some of you are jumping the gun a little early. Let everyone actually get out what they believe before you start discussing/questioning on it please.

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