I doubt this conversation took place. First Cook is smart enough to know that Trump is a nut job and can't be trusted.
Every post or speech the convicted felon makes contains lies with are constantly refuted with actual fact. Trumpp makes claims that can't be documented beyond "I'm told..." or "I hear..." which dead-ends. High level RNC members are leaving the SS Trumptanic on practically a daily basis.
He's been demonstrating on the same daily basis that TDS doesn't mean what the RNC wants it to mean. Cook knows this goofball won't really help him unless it's good for Trump.
No doubt Cook would ask for help from someone who might actually be able to provide some, but that's not the Grifter in Chief. Trump wants people to believe that everyone comes to him because he is the guy that gets things done. Like building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. So I'm not surprised he's making that claim.
Here's a man who admires dictators, has basically said he'll be a dictator if elected, and will go after Jimmy Kimmel and others who've "wronged" him.
So I find it hard to believe Cook would waste his time trying to talk some sense into him. Further it's been well documented that a reasonable person can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. So it will take Cook saying it's true before I accept this as even a possibility.
I always find it absolutely hilarious when the leftists indirectly out themselves by making statements about Trump being a "confirmed liar" when all that is based on their watching the news (i.e., America's propaganda outlets).
No, "the leftists" — and every other sane human being — come to that conclusion from reading the court transcripts and judgements.
We also watch his "speeches" and can read scientific studies, official statistics, and historic documents, that directly contradict things he is saying, on camera.
In addition to the situations where HE HIMSELF has admitted to lying or directly contradicts himself — he has publicly admitted to having lost the election in 2020 "by a hair's breadth". So he knows he is LYING when he claims he won in 2020. As does everybody else claiming that.
So while there are things he lies about where we have to base that assumption upon watching the news, there are many, many other things where we KNOW he is lying from countless other sources.
That’s the leader we need to protect American companies from abuses overseas.
The guy isn’t right all the time. But he is most of the time snd that’s better than the competition.
Just needs a congress and senate to support his vision instead of trying to divide.
Feel horrible for apple. They’ve really made such effort to produce the best products in the world and safeguard their customers. Then corrupt entities like the EU SEEK to straight up steal for them by changing goalposts whenever they want more cash. Apple and others need someone who will go to bat for them.
Trump is unfit for office and the EU does not 'steal' anything.
If anything, many Europeans could feel that Apple was 'stealing' from them by shifting earnings out of the EU and only making a miniscule fraction available for taxation.
The EU cannot 'move the goalposts'. The European Court of Justice is there to set things straight when it comes to the final interpretation of EU law and has ruled in favor of many US Big Tech companies.
That’s the leader we need to protect American companies from abuses overseas.
The guy isn’t right all the time. But he is most of the time snd that’s better than the competition.
Just needs a congress and senate to support his vision instead of trying to divide.
Feel horrible for apple. They’ve really made such effort to produce the best products in the world and safeguard their customers. Then corrupt entities like the EU SEEK to straight up steal for them by changing goalposts whenever they want more cash. Apple and others need someone who will go to bat for them.
Trump is unfit for office and the EU does not 'steal' anything.
If anything, many Europeans could feel that Apple was 'stealing' from them by shifting earnings out of the EU and only making a miniscule fraction available for taxation.
The EU cannot 'move the goalposts'. The European Court of Justice is there to set things straight when it comes to the final interpretation of EU law and has ruled in favor of many US Big Tech companies.
Bruh. That’s all they’ve done is move the goalposts. Apple went from doing everything right to all of a sudden being “wrong” just because the EU decided to make new rules aimed squarely at their business model. That’s the definition of moving the goalposts.
And they’re all unfit. But he’s the best of the bunch. He’s got competence, leadership, and ability to do what he says. Versus people who sometimes say nice things but can’t accomplish it. But most of the time they don’t say nice things. They’re too busy crushing girls’ hopes in sports, confusing men and women, getting out people killed while enabling terrorism to grow at the same time with their management of territory departures, unclear on hie string they will be with foreign adversarial bullies, and lying their butts off during debates. Or more recently, not answering any questions, but responding only with “but…but… other guy bad!” Nobody wants some ex run of the mill prosecutor known for sending good people to jail, letting criminals go free, and laughing it off running things. Heck no. In 2020 Kamala Harris ram for president and was the first one to drop out because no one could stand it. If there was an actual primary this year, the same thing would happen. Instead, she gets forced onto the country in the most non-democratic way. The people never got to choose their candidate. There was no vetting or critical comparisons to more deserving candidates. It was just throw the guy who’s not looking so great under the bus and install the vp, who’s been hiding from the spotlight in order to hide from her four years of complete incompetent disaster. How that’s not entirely illegal in something so important as the United States presidential election, is beyond insanity. The democrats calling themselves democratic but this shows they don’t care about respecting democracy one bit. Voting for the other, more normal side seems the only logical snd responsible option. I know this forum is a bit of a liberal echo chamber, but Some of you don’t sound like you are actually pro-Harris. You just want anyone other than trump. The problem is, she’s much worse in reality than he would ever be in your worst TDS nightmares.
irelsnd had the right to offer apple a tax break. Apple had the right to accept. If anyone was guilty, it was Ireland. But they did nothing wrong. Some folks at the EU just needed more funding for their next yacht and castle purchase.
If California offered your business a huge state tax break, it’s not the IRS job to come after you for taking the offer. The authority over you made it ok. So you did the ok thing. Apple was beholden to Ireland and did what any responsible company would do in accepting a helpful offer. They’d it. There is no way to spin thst no matter how hard you try.
No goalposts were moved.
In fact, the original investigation couldn't even encompass all of Apple's activities simply because the law didn't allow for it. There was a cut off point in time.
What happened was that Apple simply fell under the radar for many years and got away with it. Size matters and it has nothing to do with where a company is from. When you start looking into these things you start with the biggest fish first.
When the investigation was finally up and running, the EU could start to check on what was happening.
Ireland definitely didn't have the right to do as it pleased and in the end it was down to Ireland to re-claim the billions. There are treaties in place and yes, sometimes there are disputes about interpretation/implementation which need to be escalated to higher courts. It happens all the time. And the fines aren't reserved for non-EU companies as a way to top up the EU coffers.
Country of origin isn't a consideration. Sometimes a ruling will come down on your side. Sometimes it won't. Sometimes an appeal will prosper sometimes it won't.
EU companies get fined for all manner of reasons, just like non-EU companies. EU countries and regional governments also get fined.
I think it could be mostly true. CEOs are kind of like dictators so dealing with real dictators is often more comfortable for them than dealing with democratic governments, even if they might not like the dictator personally or agree with all of their policies.
Sure, you can speculate anyway you like. But since Trump is such a confirmed liar, there's no credible evidence that it happened.
No one seems to agree but the whole “Tim Apple” dust up was a giant misunderstanding of how Trump talks and thinks. He does so by association. The proper reading of his comment is “Tim, Apple” or “Tim….Apple.” Now the whole way this thing has basically been memed is pretty funny. But it always struck me as odd that people made a thing out of it. When I heard the clip, it didn’t even register. I will say I think it’s a bit misleading to suggest that he called him “Tim Apple.” In reality I don’t think he did.
My expectation would be that this isn’t true. Cook does t seem to love dealing with Trump. He may go to places like Davos which I don’t like. But Trump would be much more exhausting to talk to. Someone like Trump doesn’t shut up. I could see him accepting the call, but Cook is much more private than Trump. He’s not one to complain to someone with as loose of lips as Trump.
Of course it’s true.
Cook has four years of experience dealing with trump. Those were great days for Apple.
Cook also has four years of dealing with Harris and Biden. Those are some of the worst days for Apple.
Who do we really see willing and able to go to bat for American companies like Apple with foreign powers? Biden? Nope. Just handed Afghanistan to the taliban and gave them 80 billion in weapons grade military equipment and mechanized power to top it off. In denial about China, and has no record of pushing back in foreign abuse of American interests. Kamala? Whose main task was the border? Yet she couldn’t be bothered to even visit said border until it was time to plug a gaping campaign leak? The one who laughs off hee own prosecutorial misconduct? She has zero record other than criticizing others. This includes her term as vice president. Any homeless person off the street can do that. Time to turn the page.
Cook has seen Apple get run through the wringer with Harris. He’s seen Apple have favor with Trump. He’s going to call the one he has 1) the best beneficial experience with, 2) the trusted choice to follow through on what he says, and 3) the one who actually cares about American standing and has proven it time and again.
It’s logic:
phone call to Kamala = wade through 10 minutes of cackles and word salads about global communities and the power of communities being communities, using her husband as an example of how cook should be leading according to the new “masculine” and sharing the YouTube link to her men for Harris ad (which may or may not feature an entire cast of actual men) and the importance of the world economic forum agenda and taking away ownership from people just to hear “I’ve never been to Europe” and ending the call.
Phone call to Trump: “hey Tim App… um, Cook!” How are things at the orchard my guy? Things still working well from my last negotiation? Great. Great. You know we’re getting ready to make America great again. These last four years have been terrible. Terrible. But we’re gonna do it. And America is going to win. Bigly. So how can I help you today. What’s that? The EU? yeah I’ve heard a bit about that. We’ll have to take a deeper look into what they’re doing. If there’s something we can do, you bet we’ll do it. That’s a ridiculous amount of money they’re trying to get out of you. Can you even pay that? Crazy amount. Let’s revisit in February, when we know the extent of our options, OK?
The funny thing is, even though these are fictional scenarios, everyone one on this board can hear those scenarios in each candidates voices. Because that’s the likely gist of each.
Yeah, it’s pretty clear Tim called Trump with reasonable expectation that he’ll get the help he needs. And then he likely turned in an early ballot.
The likelihood of Trump helping someone in Cook’s position: very high and likely.
The same likelihood of getting Harris’ help: slim to none. But with a nice publicized statement to justify it and ease the pain.
I think it could be mostly true. CEOs are kind of like dictators so dealing with real dictators is often more comfortable for them than dealing with democratic governments, even if they might not like the dictator personally or agree with all of their policies.
Sure, you can speculate anyway you like. But since Trump is such a confirmed liar, there's no credible evidence that it happened.
Trump doesn’t lie about anything important.
He‘s lied about everything important. He’s even admitted, on camera, that he knows he lost the 2020 election — so he‘s been lying about what is arguably the single most important thing to American democracy.
That was my first thought, Why believe him at all?.
I think it could be mostly true. CEOs are kind of like dictators so dealing with real dictators is often more comfortable for them than dealing with democratic governments, even if they might not like the dictator personally or agree with all of their policies.
Of course it's a lie. Because why? Because I have more credibility than Trump. Because why? Because I have zero track record of lying and Trump lied on record 30,000+ times while being POTUS. Can't compare definitive liar to unknown quantity? Sure you can. Because why? Because I said so.
Having read some of the last several posts I see that once again the leftists pop out and defend the tired and yawn-triggering "Trump lies!" narrative. It's basically a matter of them "casting the first stone" at Trump because they themselves somehow NEVER LIE. The bad guy is always the other guy. And of course, neither the leftists nor their beloved leftist candidates lie either. Kamala Harris? "Never lied in her precious life!" Or so the leftists would want us all to believe by focusing exclusively on one candidates alleged lies and not the lies of their own preferred candidate.
Sorry, but everybody lies, including you and me. To say you've never lied makes you a liar.
Some lie more than others, that is true. But I don't think Trump is special in that regard. Leftist friends, let's put a camera on you 24/7 and see how many of your lies come to light. I think if all of us were under the same scrutiny as candidates running for high office, that would shut a lot of our self-righteous, accusatory, "he's a liar!" mouths REAL FAST. Of course, all these "he's the liar to worry about, not me!" nuts do is just say, "yeah, but I'm not running for office!" As if such statements make their lies of no consequence. Crazy. But a lot of that insanity is driven by the media.
The fact is, most of our American news is "propaganda" precisely because it chooses to focus on key things about candidates the media as chosen to dislike FOR THE REASON of promoting their own thinking and values. It also helps news media ratings because controversy and bad news sells. And news media companies are FOR PROFIT MACHINES, let me tell you!
The US media plays the greatest role in manipulating the minds of American voters. Take the alleged Russian election interference and multiple it by 10, and you still haven't scratched the surface of what most American media "propaganda" outlets do all day long every single day to the minds of American voters. And this truth in no way seeks to defend Russia, Putin or their horrid actions against the Ukraine.
As for Tim Cook, he cares about none of the "Trump lies!" insanity in terms of Tim wanting to keep Apple going strong. Tim works with the Chinese government too, even though he doesn't sanction the horrors they commit on a daily basis. He strives to make great products, yet works with governments globally to ensure Apple is treated fairly.
Fair treatment is what Tim Cook is after, and I applaud him for it.
Tim most likely called Trump and Kamala. He did the right thing. And let's face it. The person elected to the White House has the power to make a big difference good or bad. Because if Tim Cook communicates with the White House on a weekly basis and ultimately the White House does pretty much nothing for Apple, all Tim's efforts are in vain. The individual who sits in that Presidential seat of power is the one who stands to help (by actively doing something) or hurt (by doing nothing) Apple. Which of the two candidates would actively bust their fanny to help Apple? While that's certainly not the only issue in this election, it is nevertheless a key question to answer when casting your vote this election, regardless of what your emotions or the American media tell you. Both left and right probably have a pretty good idea of who would help Apple the most over the next 4 years.
Having read some of the last several posts I see that once again the leftists pop out and defend the tired and yawn-triggering "Trump lies!" narrative. Sorry, but everybody lies, including you and me.
The fact is, most of our American news is "propaganda" precisely because it chooses to focus on key things about candidates the media as chosen to dislike FOR THE REASON of promoting their own thinking and values.
The person elected to the White House has the power to make a big difference good or bad... Which of the two candidates would actively bust their fanny to help Apple? While that's certainly not the only issue in this election, it is nevertheless a key question to answer when casting your vote this election, regardless of what your emotions or the American media tell you. Both left and right probably have a pretty good idea of who would help Apple the most over the next 4 years.
No matter how much you might applaud the MAGA policies, and I agree with some of them, Trump disqualifies himself by the threats he is making, which are getting progressively worse.
Announcing his intent to unleash the military on the "Pelosi's" and those like them, who he believes are part of the "enemy within". Plans for day-one retribution against those he believes have not been fair to him. His total and complete intolerance of personal criticism and obsession with revenge. Those are enough proof he is unfit to hold the office of President. He'd make an OK CEO perhaps, or a billionaire investor too, where his ability to cause harm to millions of us would be limited. Would Trump be the right person trusted to with represent and protecting all US citizens as President of the United States, whether you agree with him or not? That's a hard no from me. I just don't understand how anyone can choose to ignore the threats and his very likely follow through, no matter what good points or ideas he may have.
Perhaps you're assuming those threats are things he is lying about doing, but all the other promises he's been making lately are true? Bad assumption based on his public stances.
No matter how much you might applaud the MAGA policies, and I agree with some of them, Trump disqualifies himself by the threats he is making, which are getting progressively worse.
As I've said before, it's time to put the emotionally triggered reactions in check here. Trump does NOT disqualify himself by his words, primarily because the same sort of thing was done by him in 2016. Remember "Lock her up!"? You surely do. But did he do that when elected? You surely know he did not. And that's all I really need to say. But I will say one more thing about that. Even though he didn't lock her up, nobody who has supported him past or present really cares or calls that out as being some kind of lie. Most people really don't care. Because when election rhetoric is only rhetoric and doesn't become some sort of horrific reality, nobody cares.
Perhaps you're assuming those threats are things he is lying about doing, but all the other promises he's been making lately are true? Bad assumption based on his public stances.
I am not assuming. I am knowing based on what happened in the past, as I just said.
Trump is a showman and is fanning the flames of his base to get those who otherwise wouldn't vote to actually come out in vote. He probably knows a lot more about that than you and I do.
I was watching some YouTube videos recently about a young guy doing street interviews around the nation asking folks who they will vote for. One of the videos was done in San Francisco. Being from California originally myself, I was curious and watched to the end. A shocking number of people who replied to that question said they supported Trump, but then they said they were not voting! The guy who interviewed them was dumbfounded and asked them why not. And most didn't say why.
That's the thing about voters, you can't figure them out sometimes. And so, by being the showman that he is, Trump is saying things to trigger people into voting. This isn't your typical "boring" and "it won't affect me" election of the past. Some will vote for him and some against. But more people will likely vote this go 'round than ever before primarily BECAUSE of what Trump says, good or bad.
If many more Americans vote, it's fabulous. It's when most people couldn't care less that the country is then run by a tiny few, and that's not good for anyone in the end.
Sorry, but my vote isn't going for a candidate that supports biological males in women's sports, males acting like females in women's bathrooms, and all this gender madness we have allowed in the US in the past couple decades. To me, that is far more insane than Trump's rhetoric. He may be off the cuff and brash, but what other President would have done things like move the US Embassy to Jerusalem? He did it because he didn't care about the opposition given to him my his own advisors. And I applaud that. Most Presidents only do in part what they themselves believe, relying on their experts and advisors for most matters. Trump does too on some level, no doubt, but based on the number of turnover among his own people, it's clear it doesn't listen to a lot of them, and then there's a falling out. That doesn't actually scare me. I think rather highly of him telling people he disagrees with them and getting rid of them if he sees they refuse to support his positions.
With that said, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I perceived Trump as a semi-unstable politcal-unknown at the time, and that year's October surprise was just too much for me. But he got elected anyway, and proved during his first term that he wasn't going to push that big red Launch Nukes button and fry us all. He actually did some pretty good things in spite of the opposition and COVID too. And let's face it, anyone who says they are hugely better off today than 4 years ago is kidding themselves.
No, I see more insanity in the leftist side of things. Democrats! The champions of WOMEN's RIGHTS! Now they trample real women so as to allow this nutty fad to take hold of the US — gender madness.
Trump does a lot of questionable things and he ought to keep his mouth more tightly zipped at times, but who am I to really criticize a man who was both President before and achieved more than I have in life? It's so easy to criticized. It's much harder to praise. I've chosen to give the man the benefit of the doubt. Let's see what happens.
No matter how much you might applaud the MAGA policies, and I agree with some of them, Trump disqualifies himself by the threats he is making, which are getting progressively worse.
...who am I to really criticize a man who was both President before and achieved more than I have in life? ...
I am not
assuming. I am knowing based on what happened in the past
The Donald Trump of 2016 is gone. The Trump of 2024 is fast approaching 80, and showing verifiable evidence of cognitive decline. Proof? Ignore the clinical psychologists, or his reluctance to release his psychological and physical health records if you wish. Simply compare the early Presidential speeches of 2017 and 2018 to those of today.
He didn't struggle then with making his arguments, forming cohesive and complete sentences, or staying on topic. His thoughts didn't wander, nor did he DJ for 30 minutes seemingly zoning, instead of answering questions. Now he does. Connected with that, some of those things, coupled with his reactions to criticism, are linked to early signs of dementia, and that's according to medical experts. He may have passed a quick screening point-in-time MoCA test in 2018 (the detailed results never released), but there's no evidence he's taken one since, or if he has the results are hidden. There's also never been a mention of him sitting for a full neuropsychological test, which is the recommendation for a man of his age, especially running for the office of President. The questionable mental fitness of an 80-year old man is the primary reason I would have voted Trump as the lesser of two evils had Biden still been running. But Biden is not running. This is not the man you remember as President, and IMO Mr. Trump cannot be trusted to react the same now as he did nearly a decade ago. He's now a more bitter and angry old man, frequently living in the past, who seems irrational far more often than he did 8 years ago. At the end of his term, should he win, he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe is now. I surely hope your unwavering faith in the man you remember is not given a chance to be tested.
Why would Tim Cook call someone with absolutely no ability to fix the issue, instead of for example the current president or leaders of Congress?
Yeah, this is more Trump (Hot) Air.
Why? You said it your self. No ability to fix the issue. So he never called Biden or Harris.
Or maybe he did. And found out there was no willingness or competence to help. And that’s why he called trump. Who may very likely soon have the authority to do something about overseas corruption.
You (and the 4 people who clicked Like and the 1 who clicked Informative on your post) know full well that half of America, who either has or will vote for the man, doesn't feel the same as you. It's a leftist talking point.
But even if we ignore politics and analyze your words generally, as they would apply to anyone, I would certainly hope he isn't 100% the same because I am not 100% the same as I was in 2016. People who never change are unusual. The norm is when people change over the course of their lives, both physically and in how they think. Being attacked constantly does change you, and often not for the better. Does that impair one or prevent one from being President? 50% of America will answer yes, while the other 50 will answer no.
gatorguy said: ...compare the early Presidential speeches of 2017 and 2018 to those of today.
I have. He doesn't act like he's 20, which is good on many levels. Sorry but you fail to compare the man to Joe Biden.
To help refresh your own memory, watch the Trump Biden debate. "We finally beat Medicare!"
Now ponder your preferred candidate (Mrs. Harris) knew full well, along with the rest of us, even back in 2020 that Biden was far worse off back then than even the worst of what we see in Trump today. No question AT ALL. But of course, Mrs. Harris denies covering up anything, as if Biden was A-OK until the very moment he did the last debate with Trump. Even after that debate she said, "he had a BAD NIGHT." In other words, "It was a one-off." Crazy. That's a flat out fabrication. There's no denying it.
I myself knew back in 2020 that Biden had lost it mentally. I scratched my head in wonder about why Democrats would continue to support him. Oh, that's right! Biden isn't Trump, and we have to stop Trump at all costs, even if Biden isn't mentally up to the task. This doesn't speak well for leftists or Democrats. Those people have lost all credibility regarding the mental state of candidates for President.
Yeah, not after the silent coup by the Democrat party who installed Mrs. Harris without voters pitting her against anyone else in a new primary. And even back when she did run in the primaries, how much support did she receive versus other candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, or Michael Bloomberg? She came in behind all of these. So much for democracy.
gatorguy said: This is not the man you remember as President, and IMO Mr. Trump cannot be trusted to react the same now as he did nearly a decade ago. He's now a more bitter and angry old man, frequently living in the past, who seems irrational far more often than he did 8 years ago. At the end of his term, should he win, he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe is now. I surely hope your unwavering faith in the man you remember is not given a chance to be tested.
Indeed he is not. Not after having been attacked legally predominantly by people who are Democrats. Then he is shot in an assassination attempt, and a second attempt on his life was thwarted. Yeah, that would leave you 100% the same. Oh sure.
gatorguy said: At the end of his term, should he win, he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe is now. I surely hope your unwavering faith in the man you remember is not given a chance to be tested.
Statements like "he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe" is nothing more than Age Descrimination. Not every 20 year old is the same as every other, nor is that true of those in their 80s or even 90s.
Compare the mental state of Biden in the 2020 election to Trump now. Sorry, friend, but it's not even close. Only someone on the Left who dislikes Trump and who is heavily influenced by Left learning media outlets (which are most US media outlets now) would feel that way. 50% of Americans who support Trump tend not to feel that way as per their willingness to "enthusiastically" vote for the man. Oh sure, some 20-year-old hot shots on the Republican side say they would love a younger candidate, but most younger people talk that way because they want somebody who, in their mind, more identifies with them. That will always be the case to the end of time. But that doesn't make one mentally unfit for office.
Again, Democrats have shown that even the most mentally unfit can be President. Democrats set the precedent for that, friend. And sadly, his mental state was far worse off 4 years ago than some contend Trump is today. In fact, I would say Trump has a lot more intelligent things to say that even "younger" (as if 60 is "young" ha!) Mrs. Harris, who continually dodges answering questions in the form of Word Salads. You know this to be true. It's harder to argue "cognitive decline" for Harris due to her age, and as such, her Word Salads must stem from impaired intelligence or lack of eloquence or something else undesirable. In any case, it is just as worrying as anything the Left may say about Trump's words and mental state.
At the end of the day, none of our dialog in this forum matters insofar as I won't convince you or the folks who clicked Like or Informative on your post. And you clearly haven't convinced me. Therein lies the trouble: will a house so divided really stand, in the long term? I have serious fears about that. When a husband and wife can't get along, in the worst case, they divorce and sometimes find happiness. But when an entire nation is 50-50 divided, the end result of that is not good for anyone. That divide must somehow be rectified before we can say the nation has a bright future ahead of it. The American people have the core problem, not Trump or Harris.
You (and the 4 people who clicked Like and the 1 who clicked Informative on your post) know full well that half of America, who either has or will vote for the man, doesn't feel the same as you. It's a leftist talking point.
But even if we ignore politics and analyze your words generally, as they would apply to anyone, I would certainly hope he isn't 100% the same because I am not 100% the same as I was in 2016. People who never change are unusual. The norm is when people change over the course of their lives, both physically and in how they think. Being attacked constantly does change you, and often not for the better. Does that impair one or prevent one from being President? 50% of America will answer yes, while the other 50 will answer no.
gatorguy said: ...compare the early Presidential speeches of 2017 and 2018 to those of today.
I have. He doesn't act like he's 20, which is good on many levels. Sorry but you fail to compare the man to Joe Biden.
To help refresh your own memory, watch the Trump Biden debate. "We finally beat Medicare!"
Now ponder your preferred candidate (Mrs. Harris) knew full well, along with the rest of us, even back in 2020 that Biden was far worse off back then than even the worst of what we see in Trump today. No question AT ALL. But of course, Mrs. Harris denies covering up anything, as if Biden was A-OK until the very moment he did the last debate with Trump. Even after that debate she said, "he had a BAD NIGHT." In other words, "It was a one-off." Crazy. That's a flat out fabrication. There's no denying it.
I myself knew back in 2020 that Biden had lost it mentally. I scratched my head in wonder about why Democrats would continue to support him. Oh, that's right! Biden isn't Trump, and we have to stop Trump at all costs, even if Biden isn't mentally up to the task. This doesn't speak well for leftists or Democrats. Those people have lost all credibility regarding the mental state of candidates for President.
Yeah, not after the silent coup by the Democrat party who installed Mrs. Harris without voters pitting her against anyone else in a new primary. And even back when she did run in the primaries, how much support did she receive versus other candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, or Michael Bloomberg? She came in behind all of these. So much for democracy.
gatorguy said: This is not the man you remember as President, and IMO Mr. Trump cannot be trusted to react the same now as he did nearly a decade ago. He's now a more bitter and angry old man, frequently living in the past, who seems irrational far more often than he did 8 years ago. At the end of his term, should he win, he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe is now. I surely hope your unwavering faith in the man you remember is not given a chance to be tested.
Indeed he is not. Not after having been attacked legally predominantly by people who are Democrats. Then he is shot in an assassination attempt, and a second attempt on his life was thwarted. Yeah, that would leave you 100% the same. Oh sure.
gatorguy said: At the end of his term, should he win, he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe is now. I surely hope your unwavering faith in the man you remember is not given a chance to be tested.
Statements like "he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe" is nothing more than Age Descrimination. Not every 20 year old is the same as every other, nor is that true of those in their 80s or even 90s.
Compare the mental state of Biden in the 2020 election to Trump now. Sorry, friend, but it's not even close. Only someone on the Left who dislikes Trump and who is heavily influenced by Left learning media outlets (which are most US media outlets now) would feel that way. 50% of Americans who support Trump tend not to feel that way as per their willingness to "enthusiastically" vote for the man. Oh sure, some 20-year-old hot shots on the Republican side say they would love a younger candidate, but most younger people talk that way because they want somebody who, in their mind, more identifies with them. That will always be the case to the end of time. But that doesn't make one mentally unfit for office.
Again, Democrats have shown that even the most mentally unfit can be President. Democrats set the precedent for that, friend. And sadly, his mental state was far worse off 4 years ago than some contend Trump is today. In fact, I would say Trump has a lot more intelligent things to say that even "younger" (as if 60 is "young" ha!) Mrs. Harris, who continually dodges answering questions in the form of Word Salads. You know this to be true. It's harder to argue "cognitive decline" for Harris due to her age, and as such, her Word Salads must stem from impaired intelligence or lack of eloquence or something else undesirable. In any case, it is just as worrying as anything the Left may say about Trump's words and mental state.
At the end of the day, none of our dialog in this forum matters insofar as I won't convince you or the folks who clicked Like or Informative on your post. And you clearly haven't convinced me. Therein lies the trouble: will a house so divided really stand, in the long term? I have serious fears about that. When a husband and wife can't get along, in the worst case, they divorce and sometimes find happiness. But when an entire nation is 50-50 divided, the end result of that is not good for anyone. That divide must somehow be rectified before we can say the nation has a bright future ahead of it. The American people have the core problem, not Trump or Harris.
Wow.. 9 days of an unverified claim. A lot of words, yet still no evidence the call happened at all let alone as claimed. There is not a lot of actual journalism anywhere on the web. No one seems to have even asked Apple or Tim Cook to comment. Just take the easy path and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Every post or speech the convicted felon makes contains lies with are constantly refuted with actual fact. Trumpp makes claims that can't be documented beyond "I'm told..." or "I hear..." which dead-ends. High level RNC members are leaving the SS Trumptanic on practically a daily basis.
He's been demonstrating on the same daily basis that TDS doesn't mean what the RNC wants it to mean. Cook knows this goofball won't really help him unless it's good for Trump.
No doubt Cook would ask for help from someone who might actually be able to provide some, but that's not the Grifter in Chief. Trump wants people to believe that everyone comes to him because he is the guy that gets things done. Like building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. So I'm not surprised he's making that claim.
Here's a man who admires dictators, has basically said he'll be a dictator if elected, and will go after Jimmy Kimmel and others who've "wronged" him.
So I find it hard to believe Cook would waste his time trying to talk some sense into him. Further it's been well documented that a reasonable person can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. So it will take Cook saying it's true before I accept this as even a possibility.
In addition to the situations where HE HIMSELF has admitted to lying or directly contradicts himself — he has publicly admitted to having lost the election in 2020 "by a hair's breadth". So he knows he is LYING when he claims he won in 2020. As does everybody else claiming that.
So while there are things he lies about where we have to base that assumption upon watching the news, there are many, many other things where we KNOW he is lying from countless other sources.
No goalposts were moved.
In fact, the original investigation couldn't even encompass all of Apple's activities simply because the law didn't allow for it. There was a cut off point in time.
What happened was that Apple simply fell under the radar for many years and got away with it. Size matters and it has nothing to do with where a company is from. When you start looking into these things you start with the biggest fish first.
When the investigation was finally up and running, the EU could start to check on what was happening.
Ireland definitely didn't have the right to do as it pleased and in the end it was down to Ireland to re-claim the billions. There are treaties in place and yes, sometimes there are disputes about interpretation/implementation which need to be escalated to higher courts. It happens all the time. And the fines aren't reserved for non-EU companies as a way to top up the EU coffers.
Country of origin isn't a consideration. Sometimes a ruling will come down on your side. Sometimes it won't. Sometimes an appeal will prosper sometimes it won't.
EU companies get fined for all manner of reasons, just like non-EU companies. EU countries and regional governments also get fined.phone call to Kamala = wade through 10 minutes of cackles and word salads about global communities and the power of communities being communities, using her husband as an example of how cook should be leading according to the new “masculine” and sharing the YouTube link to her men for Harris ad (which may or may not feature an entire cast of actual men) and the importance of the world economic forum agenda and taking away ownership from people just to hear “I’ve never been to Europe” and ending the call.
Of course it's a lie. Because why? Because I have more credibility than Trump. Because why? Because I have zero track record of lying and Trump lied on record 30,000+ times while being POTUS. Can't compare definitive liar to unknown quantity? Sure you can. Because why? Because I said so.
Sorry, but everybody lies, including you and me. To say you've never lied makes you a liar.
Some lie more than others, that is true. But I don't think Trump is special in that regard. Leftist friends, let's put a camera on you 24/7 and see how many of your lies come to light. I think if all of us were under the same scrutiny as candidates running for high office, that would shut a lot of our self-righteous, accusatory, "he's a liar!" mouths REAL FAST. Of course, all these "he's the liar to worry about, not me!" nuts do is just say, "yeah, but I'm not running for office!" As if such statements make their lies of no consequence. Crazy. But a lot of that insanity is driven by the media.
The fact is, most of our American news is "propaganda" precisely because it chooses to focus on key things about candidates the media as chosen to dislike FOR THE REASON of promoting their own thinking and values. It also helps news media ratings because controversy and bad news sells. And news media companies are FOR PROFIT MACHINES, let me tell you!
The US media plays the greatest role in manipulating the minds of American voters. Take the alleged Russian election interference and multiple it by 10, and you still haven't scratched the surface of what most American media "propaganda" outlets do all day long every single day to the minds of American voters. And this truth in no way seeks to defend Russia, Putin or their horrid actions against the Ukraine.
As for Tim Cook, he cares about none of the "Trump lies!" insanity in terms of Tim wanting to keep Apple going strong. Tim works with the Chinese government too, even though he doesn't sanction the horrors they commit on a daily basis. He strives to make great products, yet works with governments globally to ensure Apple is treated fairly.
Fair treatment is what Tim Cook is after, and I applaud him for it.
Tim most likely called Trump and Kamala. He did the right thing. And let's face it. The person elected to the White House has the power to make a big difference good or bad. Because if Tim Cook communicates with the White House on a weekly basis and ultimately the White House does pretty much nothing for Apple, all Tim's efforts are in vain. The individual who sits in that Presidential seat of power is the one who stands to help (by actively doing something) or hurt (by doing nothing) Apple. Which of the two candidates would actively bust their fanny to help Apple? While that's certainly not the only issue in this election, it is nevertheless a key question to answer when casting your vote this election, regardless of what your emotions or the American media tell you. Both left and right probably have a pretty good idea of who would help Apple the most over the next 4 years.Announcing his intent to unleash the military on the "Pelosi's" and those like them, who he believes are part of the "enemy within". Plans for day-one retribution against those he believes have not been fair to him. His total and complete intolerance of personal criticism and obsession with revenge. Those are enough proof he is unfit to hold the office of President. He'd make an OK CEO perhaps, or a billionaire investor too, where his ability to cause harm to millions of us would be limited. Would Trump be the right person trusted to with represent and protecting all US citizens as President of the United States, whether you agree with him or not? That's a hard no from me. I just don't understand how anyone can choose to ignore the threats and his very likely follow through, no matter what good points or ideas he may have.
Perhaps you're assuming those threats are things he is lying about doing, but all the other promises he's been making lately are true? Bad assumption based on his public stances.
As I've said before, it's time to put the emotionally triggered reactions in check here. Trump does NOT disqualify himself by his words, primarily because the same sort of thing was done by him in 2016. Remember "Lock her up!"? You surely do. But did he do that when elected? You surely know he did not. And that's all I really need to say. But I will say one more thing about that. Even though he didn't lock her up, nobody who has supported him past or present really cares or calls that out as being some kind of lie. Most people really don't care. Because when election rhetoric is only rhetoric and doesn't become some sort of horrific reality, nobody cares.
I am not assuming. I am knowing based on what happened in the past, as I just said.
I was watching some YouTube videos recently about a young guy doing street interviews around the nation asking folks who they will vote for. One of the videos was done in San Francisco. Being from California originally myself, I was curious and watched to the end. A shocking number of people who replied to that question said they supported Trump, but then they said they were not voting! The guy who interviewed them was dumbfounded and asked them why not. And most didn't say why.
That's the thing about voters, you can't figure them out sometimes. And so, by being the showman that he is, Trump is saying things to trigger people into voting. This isn't your typical "boring" and "it won't affect me" election of the past. Some will vote for him and some against. But more people will likely vote this go 'round than ever before primarily BECAUSE of what Trump says, good or bad.
If many more Americans vote, it's fabulous. It's when most people couldn't care less that the country is then run by a tiny few, and that's not good for anyone in the end.
Sorry, but my vote isn't going for a candidate that supports biological males in women's sports, males acting like females in women's bathrooms, and all this gender madness we have allowed in the US in the past couple decades. To me, that is far more insane than Trump's rhetoric. He may be off the cuff and brash, but what other President would have done things like move the US Embassy to Jerusalem? He did it because he didn't care about the opposition given to him my his own advisors. And I applaud that. Most Presidents only do in part what they themselves believe, relying on their experts and advisors for most matters. Trump does too on some level, no doubt, but based on the number of turnover among his own people, it's clear it doesn't listen to a lot of them, and then there's a falling out. That doesn't actually scare me. I think rather highly of him telling people he disagrees with them and getting rid of them if he sees they refuse to support his positions.
With that said, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I perceived Trump as a semi-unstable politcal-unknown at the time, and that year's October surprise was just too much for me. But he got elected anyway, and proved during his first term that he wasn't going to push that big red Launch Nukes button and fry us all. He actually did some pretty good things in spite of the opposition and COVID too. And let's face it, anyone who says they are hugely better off today than 4 years ago is kidding themselves.
No, I see more insanity in the leftist side of things. Democrats! The champions of WOMEN's RIGHTS! Now they trample real women so as to allow this nutty fad to take hold of the US — gender madness.
He didn't struggle then with making his arguments, forming cohesive and complete sentences, or staying on topic. His thoughts didn't wander, nor did he DJ for 30 minutes seemingly zoning, instead of answering questions. Now he does. Connected with that, some of those things, coupled with his reactions to criticism, are linked to early signs of dementia, and that's according to medical experts. He may have passed a quick screening point-in-time MoCA test in 2018 (the detailed results never released), but there's no evidence he's taken one since, or if he has the results are hidden. There's also never been a mention of him sitting for a full neuropsychological test, which is the recommendation for a man of his age, especially running for the office of President. The questionable mental fitness of an 80-year old man is the primary reason I would have voted Trump as the lesser of two evils had Biden still been running. But Biden is not running.
This is not the man you remember as President, and IMO Mr. Trump cannot be trusted to react the same now as he did nearly a decade ago. He's now a more bitter and angry old man, frequently living in the past, who seems irrational far more often than he did 8 years ago. At the end of his term, should he win, he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe is now. I surely hope your unwavering faith in the man you remember is not given a chance to be tested.
But even if we ignore politics and analyze your words generally, as they would apply to anyone, I would certainly hope he isn't 100% the same because I am not 100% the same as I was in 2016. People who never change are unusual. The norm is when people change over the course of their lives, both physically and in how they think. Being attacked constantly does change you, and often not for the better. Does that impair one or prevent one from being President? 50% of America will answer yes, while the other 50 will answer no.
I have. He doesn't act like he's 20, which is good on many levels. Sorry but you fail to compare the man to Joe Biden.
To help refresh your own memory, watch the Trump Biden debate. "We finally beat Medicare!"
Now ponder your preferred candidate (Mrs. Harris) knew full well, along with the rest of us, even back in 2020 that Biden was far worse off back then than even the worst of what we see in Trump today. No question AT ALL. But of course, Mrs. Harris denies covering up anything, as if Biden was A-OK until the very moment he did the last debate with Trump. Even after that debate she said, "he had a BAD NIGHT." In other words, "It was a one-off." Crazy. That's a flat out fabrication. There's no denying it.
I myself knew back in 2020 that Biden had lost it mentally. I scratched my head in wonder about why Democrats would continue to support him. Oh, that's right! Biden isn't Trump, and we have to stop Trump at all costs, even if Biden isn't mentally up to the task. This doesn't speak well for leftists or Democrats. Those people have lost all credibility regarding the mental state of candidates for President.
Yeah, not after the silent coup by the Democrat party who installed Mrs. Harris without voters pitting her against anyone else in a new primary. And even back when she did run in the primaries, how much support did she receive versus other candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, or Michael Bloomberg? She came in behind all of these. So much for democracy.
Indeed he is not. Not after having been attacked legally predominantly by people who are Democrats. Then he is shot in an assassination attempt, and a second attempt on his life was thwarted. Yeah, that would leave you 100% the same. Oh sure.
Statements like "he will be more elderly than Sleepy Joe" is nothing more than Age Descrimination. Not every 20 year old is the same as every other, nor is that true of those in their 80s or even 90s.
Compare the mental state of Biden in the 2020 election to Trump now. Sorry, friend, but it's not even close. Only someone on the Left who dislikes Trump and who is heavily influenced by Left learning media outlets (which are most US media outlets now) would feel that way. 50% of Americans who support Trump tend not to feel that way as per their willingness to "enthusiastically" vote for the man. Oh sure, some 20-year-old hot shots on the Republican side say they would love a younger candidate, but most younger people talk that way because they want somebody who, in their mind, more identifies with them. That will always be the case to the end of time. But that doesn't make one mentally unfit for office.
Again, Democrats have shown that even the most mentally unfit can be President. Democrats set the precedent for that, friend. And sadly, his mental state was far worse off 4 years ago than some contend Trump is today. In fact, I would say Trump has a lot more intelligent things to say that even "younger" (as if 60 is "young" ha!) Mrs. Harris, who continually dodges answering questions in the form of Word Salads. You know this to be true. It's harder to argue "cognitive decline" for Harris due to her age, and as such, her Word Salads must stem from impaired intelligence or lack of eloquence or something else undesirable. In any case, it is just as worrying as anything the Left may say about Trump's words and mental state.
At the end of the day, none of our dialog in this forum matters insofar as I won't convince you or the folks who clicked Like or Informative on your post. And you clearly haven't convinced me. Therein lies the trouble: will a house so divided really stand, in the long term? I have serious fears about that. When a husband and wife can't get along, in the worst case, they divorce and sometimes find happiness. But when an entire nation is 50-50 divided, the end result of that is not good for anyone. That divide must somehow be rectified before we can say the nation has a bright future ahead of it. The American people have the core problem, not Trump or Harris.
9 days of an unverified claim.
A lot of words, yet still no evidence the call happened at all let alone as claimed.
There is not a lot of actual journalism anywhere on the web.
No one seems to have even asked Apple or Tim Cook to comment.
Just take the easy path and repeat, repeat, repeat.