MacBidouille posts PPC 970 benchmarks



  • Reply 661 of 665
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    new macbippyboupy post today. can anyone translate?


    Voci des rumeurs que rapporte Apple Insider:

    Apple va annoncer le G5 Ã* la WWDC. La machine embarquera des PPC 970 allant de 1,4 Ã* 1,8 GHz avec des modèles bipro en haut de gamme. La carte mère aura l'Hypertransport, le Firewire 800...

    Je ne continue pas, car tout ce qu'il y a dans l'article a déjÃ* fait l'objet de rumeurs dans Macbidouille. Nous considérons ça comme une confirmation de nos informations dèjÃ* vielles de 2 mois pour certaines.

    Reste toujours le débat sur les benchmarks; vrais ou faux. Sachez juste qu'ils sont issus de la même source que les informations qu'a "confirmé" Apple Insider. Mais bon, jusqu'au 23, ce ne seront que des rumeurs. Après ce seront des réalités, ou la fin d'un rêve, le rêve de voir Apple nous refaire rêver.

  • Reply 662 of 665
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    new macbippyboupy post today. can anyone translate?

    They seem to tell what is posted here at AI (the front page).

    "Apple will announce the G5 at WWDC. The machine will feature a PPC 970 at 1.4 to 1.8 GHz with Duals in the top model. The mother board will have Hypertransport, Firewire 800...

    I won't continue, since all that there is in the article is the same as the rumours at Macbidouille. We regard that as a confirmation of our information from 2 months ago.

    The benchmarks continues to be argued; truth or false. The results come from the same source as Apple Insider have their information from. But until June 23 they will be nothing but rumors. After that they will become reality, or the end of a dream, the dream to see Apple making us dream."
  • Reply 663 of 665
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    new macbippyboupy post today. can anyone translate?

    Here is a shot:

    Recap of the rumors which AppleInsider reports:

    Apple will announce the G5 at WWDC. The machine will be using the PPC 970 from 1.4 to 1.8 GHz with dual models in the top of the line. The motherboard will have Hypertransport, Firewire 800...

    I will not continue, because all the rest of that article was already the subject of rumors at Macbidouille. We regard this as a confirmation of our information from 2 month ago.

    The debate on our benchmarks still remains; truth or lie. We know just that they result from the same source of information as "confirmed" AppleInsider sources. But until the 23rd, they will be only rumors. After that they will be reality, or the end of a dream.


    So it sounds like what they are saying is that their source (Macbidouille's source) is the same source as AppleInsder? Could that be true?
  • Reply 664 of 665
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member


    the end of a dream.

    dang. kinda dramatic wouldn't you say?
  • Reply 665 of 665
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by JLL

    They seem to tell what is posted here at AI (the front page).

    Yep, that is it exactly! But here is the quick and dirty Google translation anyway.


    [ Rumour ] G5 with the WWDC - Lionel - 15:03:41

    Source: Apple Insider

    Voci of the rumours which APPLE Insider reports:

    APPLE will announce G5 with the WWDC. The machine will embark going PPC 970 from 1,4 to 1,8 GHz with models bipro into top-of-the-range. The mother chart will have Hypertransport, Firewire 800...

    I do not continue, because all that there is in the article already was the subject of rumours in Macbidouille. We regard that as a confirmation of our information dèjÃ* hurdy-gurdies 2 month old for some.

    Remain always the debate on the benchmarks; truths or forgery. Will know just that they result from the same source as information as "confirmed" APPLE Insider. But good, until the 23, they will be only rumours. After they will be realities, or the end of a dream, the dream to see APPLE remaking us to dream.

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