Pogue on Bluetooth: Something New Soon
Speaking at the O'Reily OS X conference, industy columnist and longtime Mac-advocate David Pogue said today "I can't say what, but in the next two weeks, one of the major makers of something important in your life will start making something that has Bluetooth standard."
Kinda cryptic. I haven't really followed Bluetooth technology as well as I should have, I guess. So now I'm wondering, would this necessarily be a hardware thing?
Kinda cryptic. I haven't really followed Bluetooth technology as well as I should have, I guess. So now I'm wondering, would this necessarily be a hardware thing?
"I am getting you all excited by suggesting that Apple are about to release a Powerbook with build in BT but in reality I have no clue and thus have covered my ass by this cryptic sentence so I can always point at Nokia, some PDA manufactorer or some other company that surely WILL introduce something BT related within the next couple of weeks"
Online translation has gotten pretty good lately :eek:
New iPod, bluetooth standard.
More likely to be the Powerbook, since Apple uses Expos to market the iPod.
so, i am guessing standard bluetooth for powerbooks and ibooks with the rest coming in january
so, i am guessing standard bluetooth for powerbooks and ibooks with the rest coming in january
<strong>I say Bluetooth Palm...yawn..I did hear a rumor of a strange laptop sighting in one of his slides on another thread but the link is not working.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Bluetooth Palm is already confirmed. The new Tungsten Palm has BT built in.
The upcoming Sony Clie's have Bluetooth optional with a Sony card.
So that's Palm info for you ..
Is this the so-called picture? Doesn't look any different to me...
That picture does look just like the current tibook, damn these rumors.
Got it yet?
IBM is announcing a new chip. The cat will be out of the bag... hmmm.
Is this the so-called picture? Doesn't look any different to me...</strong><hr></blockquote>
Can't you see its wildly different, instead of typing on the keyboard you use magic to input text and move the cursor. Well done Apple
and its not something that we already have in bluetooth
could be an attachment to your stereo (yeah iTunes on real speakers)
could be a TV or a toaster. but, i would bet it is something new for the consumer market.
I assume that if it were an Apple device they would have more control over the situation and could hold off on the Beta till it was ready for primetime with this product, so I would speculate that its a third party product.
Either that or the release of this product very soon is necessary for the market its aimed at, perhaps it needs to be released now to ramp up Christmas sales but iSync isn't quite there yet so was released as Beta.
Anyway pure speculation. I'd love it to be an Apple phone but the whole rumor could be complete BS. iSync must be around for a reason though huh?