Apple Tablet Set For 2003?



  • Reply 41 of 59
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matthew Rothenberg:

    <strong>I'm going to try something unorthodox here (and I hope not too intrusive).

    I actually know a lot more about Apple's next pen-computing play than I'm comfortable broadcasting -- at least until I've got more confirmation.

    I'm also betting a couple of AppleInsider's visitors have gotten a look at what's on tap.

    I would like to extend this offer: If you've got a line on Apple's forthcoming moves in this space, I'd like to compare notes.

    Please drop me an e-mail so I can try you out on a bit of what I already know; if we're on the same digital page, I'd be very interested in synching up.

    Oh, and I promise to come back here and field some questions once we've got this thing nailed!

    We now return you to your regular broadcast ...

    Matthew Rothenberg

    Online editor

    Ziff Davis Media

    [email protected]

    [ 11-25-2002: Message edited by: Matthew Rothenberg ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nothing to add but I just didn't wanna see this post get lost (last post on a page tends to get unread)...

  • Reply 42 of 59
    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    fryke, is this your work?

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

  • Reply 43 of 59
    [quote]Originally posted by biggy234:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    Heh! Not even close.

    Matthew Rothenberg

    Online editor

    Ziff Davis Media
  • Reply 44 of 59
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    i don't care what anyone says i'm up for this concept and will get one for sure.

    i just want to know when...

  • Reply 45 of 59
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Here is my wish list...

    - 9.5" apx screen

    - 1Ghz G3 CPU

    - 512MB ram

    - Wifi + BlueTooth (via Blue802 card)

    - USB

    - Firewire

    - 8 Hour Battery life

    - No CD or DVD

    - No Keyboard or Mouse

  • Reply 46 of 59
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member
    Shouldn't Matsu be complaining that it can't play the small cd's?

    Actually, I agree that if the a Mac tablet can't play CD's that it is DOA. Of course, I am perfectly fine with having a detached CD drive since as I said in a past topic, that many users don't need a CD drive, especially when it is a tablet and they have to lug it around in their arms.

    This idea is exciting and I would only hope that it would do well. Working my way through college, I sold alot of Newton's, so I can only hope that such a tablet would fare better than all those newtons I sold to people.
  • Reply 47 of 59
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:

    <strong>Here is my wish list...

    - 9.5" apx screen

    - 1Ghz G3 CPU

    - 512MB ram

    - Wifi + BlueTooth (via Blue802 card)

    - USB

    - Firewire

    - 8 Hour Battery life

    - No CD or DVD

    - No Keyboard or Mouse


    I agree, no CD needed. It would just add to the cost and weight. You have FireWire, so you can hook it up as a FireWire disk to a desktop or laptop for transfering files fast, and 802/Bluetooth for standard networking to your Mac. It would be nice to get ride of the FireWire as well, but it is just to convienient for reformating the HD, and installing software.

    A 1 Ghz G3 might would make the cost a lot higher than I would want to see it enter the market at. I think that Apple would want to keep the entry level below the iBook by at least $200, and they cant do that with a top of the line G3. They might move to a high end ARM processor which would help with battery life and heat (dual config? Dreaming arnt I) . Also 512 MB is a good top end, but cut it back to 128 for the entry model. Start around $699 and top out the systems at $1299 and Apple has a winner. Much more and it is just another high end gadget.
  • Reply 48 of 59
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    one reason you would think it would need a cd drive is for playing music cd's. but...

    if its got an airport card, the new rendevous enabled itunes then why would you? the more i think of it, the more *that* would be a cool feature! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 49 of 59
    It's interesting to note that AppleInsider called Rothenberg's article "speculative" and he filled it with a lot of "I'm bettings," "It is my strong beliefs," and "If I'm rights." Is he pulling our leg? He is anxious to write about this, but hiding how much he truly knows! With his post first post here, he admits "I actually know a lot more about Apple's next pen-computing play than I'm comfortable broadcasting -- at least until I've got more confirmation."

    So, Matt, why not come clean and give us little more. You've already tipped your hand, as it were. Why not lay your cards down on the table?
  • Reply 50 of 59
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    yeah, like he's going to do that... <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 51 of 59
    [quote]Originally posted by BobtheTomato:


    Well, Telbat isn't far from Teyman which is Hebrew for south, so then perhaps they will make these Tablets in Southern Israel!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    At the risk of of sounding more annoying than I already am, Teyman means Yemen, which is related to the word Yamin=right (in front of Yemen there's Somalia, realted to Smol=left).

    The low-powered (well, relatively for x86) Intel CPUs for those tablets are likely to owe much to Israeli R&D (and probably fabrication too, in a factory situated in the south, as you noted), which lately is even using local code-names such as ?Banias?.

    IBM and Motorola also have their Israeli R&D facilities which contribute to the PowerPC, although they're more discreet about theirs than Intel.

    I've seen those tablets, the idea has potential, but the current crop is quite lame.
  • Reply 52 of 59
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by clonenode:

    <strong>So, Matt, why not come clean and give us little more. You've already tipped your hand, as it were. Why not lay your cards down on the table?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Rule #1 - Never screw a source.

    If what Matt has now is based on a single account (informant) then he'd be NUTS to put it in print.

    Quite similar to what I had to deal with over the past year. I had known of the codename GPUL for quite a long time - long before Moki made mention of it here at AI.

    Why didn't I say anything about it?

    Well 1st I didn't really know too much - apart from the code name but also I'd never screw someone who trusted me with the info. When Moki finally came out with that name I was SO happy...

    "Finally it's PUBLIC"

    I then felt much safer talking about it...

    Anyway, I'm betting this is one of the reasons Matt isn't just doing a full out 'knowledge dump' on any tablet info...

    Second sourcing: Good for confirmation as well as protecting sources.

  • Reply 53 of 59
    Why do you think in terms of just another scaled down PC? With Apple's Digital Hub policy and Inkwell around it could be a digital pen peripheral. Have a look at <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 54 of 59
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    Rule #1 - Never screw a source.

    If what Matt has now is based on a single account (informant) then he'd be NUTS to put it in print. ...

    Second sourcing: Good for confirmation as well as protecting sources.


    What Dave said! I really want to proceed very carefully with what I've heard.

    Since around 1993, I've talked to folks who've told me about their periodic contacts with pen-driven tablet Macs, and we all know what's come of those efforts thus far.

    I think that without the proper context, simply throwing out some specs about a whole new breed of device -- even if I feel pretty good about those specs -- wouldn't serve Apple or the Mac community particularly well. Even worse if I've got the wrong end of the stick, or I've been misled, or the stuff I'm hearing about is stillborn.

    I'm very happy to say I've never burned a source, and I don't intend to start now -- and it'd be doubly awful if I got someone in trouble over something that turned out to be misinformation.

    I agree that makes me sound a little Fox Mulder for the short term, but I'd rather take the risk of looking silly now (won't be the first time) than running something damaging and wrong!


    [email protected]

    [ 11-29-2002: Message edited by: Matthew Rothenberg ]

    [ 11-29-2002: Message edited by: Matthew Rothenberg ]

    [ 11-29-2002: Message edited by: Matthew Rothenberg ]</p>
  • Reply 55 of 59
    Just speculation here, but, you know, the low-end iBook ($999) seems like a fine platform on which to build an iPad, iTablet, iWhatever.

    Drop the CD-ROM. Upgrade the battery technology a skosh. Thinner. Lighter. Built-in Airport. Built-in Bluetooth.


    But...Apple is more likely to sell this as an ADDITIONAL device in your toolbox. Another device in the "digital hub" where iMac or PowerMac is the center.
  • Reply 56 of 59
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Don't worry; there are always people here who want insiders to spill everything and damn the consequences, because none of the consequences redound on them.

    I hope your search here proves fruitful.
  • Reply 57 of 59
    Hmm...don't forget the Bluetooth!

    I think they maybe will release a scale down version of Mac Tablet (Or shall I call "PC Tablet"?!) - affordably 12" inch screen, no CD, add a Bluetooth and a very simple momery card e.g USB 128 or 256Mb slot rather than CD-RW, because the CD RW will need a flat surface to burn the CD without any faulty etc.

    Bluetooth - reason I suggested is becuase of cost, space, etc. Maybe there will be Bluetooth keyboards etc and we can place the MacTablet upright and we can type by use the Bluetooth keyboards or use the iMac/laptops to interactive between these and MacTablet e.g downloading the files from iMac/laptops to the MactTablet via the bluetooth?

    I really don't think we will be watch the DVDs from the MacTablet becuase of CD spinning. But downloading the large files of DVD from iMac /laptops to the MacTablet via bluetooth or firewire cable?

    And PDA - I really don't think Apple will reintrucde the PDA becuase there are lots of PDAs models on the market. Nah, forget that.

    I think they maybe will show a moblie with mini-PDA in?

    What do you think?
  • Reply 58 of 59
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member
    Good morning all:

    I've been looking for a Palm OS program that will allow me to sketch on my Palm and then transfer the sketch to a Mac.

    These options exist for Windows. I have not found a sketch program that allows you to create a graphic on a Palm and transfer it to Mac.

    In actuality, there's probably a program that lets you transfer an image created on a Palm from a Palm to a Mac. I have probably forgotten about such a program. In fact, it was probably mentioned by one of you!

    But does it strike no one else as 'interesting' that such software is not at Forefront of the Digital Hub?

    Aries 1B

    [ 12-01-2002: Message edited by: Aries 1B ]</p>
  • Reply 59 of 59
    macluvmacluv Posts: 261member

    [ 12-08-2002: Message edited by: MacLuv ]</p>
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