Best Buy to carry Apple computers
I work for a local Best Buy and I was looking up the iPod in the computer the other day and stumbled across a bunch of new apple SKUs. They are all existing machines but they are in the computer as of the 26th of June. I have pictures if someone can tell me how to post them I would be happy to. It says I am not allowed to post attachments.
Oh, and as far as posting pictures goes, you have to find your own webspace or email them to one of the administrators here. If everyone were allowed to post pictures onto AI's site, it would be down faster than you can say "but it's only 5KB"
I was a local Frye's and I was amazed how packed the Apple section was. The salespeople were pretty informed, but what was awesome were the Think Different ceiling hangings that lorded over the entire computer section. Also the aisle was packed and I overheard (in just 30 sec.) the conversations of at least 3 switchers who were looking at the PBooks and were already asking about the G5's.
It was great to see what kind of demand there will be once the intelligencia sees the backing of IBM behind Apple's future! One guy said he hadn't been on an Apple since the Mac Classic and was going to do whatever it took to get back on the platform. I'm sure he was a high tech. guy. Only problem is that he wanted the 17" "now!" and they had sold out the 3 they had recieved the day the first 6 hours!
We DO, however, have a nice, big Best Buy.
This would be wonderful.
I realize they won't carry the pro stuff, but I'd be happy with the iStuff around because that would mean they'd carry AirPort, various cables, perhaps some Mac books or magazines, more iPods, iSight, OS X and other Apple software, etc.
Not to mention, I'd run across fellow Mac-heads from time to time, and that would be nice.
Plus, who knows: perhaps even a "part-time evenings/occasional weekend" job opportunity for me? Just to make a little pocket change, but mainly to make sure the stuff is properly represented.
Hope this happens, happens soon and is staffed by people with a clue and has a nice, respectable display set-up and some of the staffers are of the "let's go get 'em, fellas!" type, into dispelling myths, doing cool demos, touting the platform in a professional - but exciting and hip - manner, etc.
If they're just going to stick two iBooks and a low-end eMac in there and neglect them and let them - and the entire Mac section - fall into Sears-like disrepair and neglect, then I say "don't'll do more harm than good".
Here's hoping it's done right...
If they're just going to stick two iBooks and a low-end eMac in there and neglect them and let them - and the entire Mac section - fall into Sears-like disrepair and neglect, then I say "don't'll do more harm than good".
We know that happened last time and there was really only one computer being sold, the original fruity iMacs. Can you change a leopard's spots? If they do have an Apple guy to take care of things then at least there's a chance... until he's run out of town by the other blue shirts.
Originally posted by ast3r3x
man i wish staples sold mac stuff, we have one near by and i could work there...i know enough to be of help more then any other person in the town (mac wise at least...haha and things i didnt know i'd post here)
Hey ast3r3x, I used to work at the Staples at the Golden Triangle (you know, where Lititz and Oregon Pike meet up? Chi-Chi's?), and there is absolutely no way Macs would survive in Staples. All the other employees there hated 'crapintoshes' with a passion (and several from my store moved into your store when it opened). Even the managers spoke openly of their distaste, and I had a discussion with the district manager where I mentioned that I used a mac, and he grimaced.
In fact Staples did carry Macs before the Jobsian era... I can remember looking at them (as a customer - it was before I worked there)... but they were in horrible disrepair.
Otherwise, Staples isn't that bad of a place to work... as long as you don't get stuck there for years on end
i can tell you right now that the regular employees were HORRIBLE in regards to Apple's computers/quality etc.
they were so concerned with selling their service plans they were willing to lie through their teeth in order to upsell whatever crap they were pushing that week.
i got hauled into the manager's office twice for telling people that Apple's computers were #2 behind IBM for quality and number of machines that were bad out of the box. (entirely true)
the blue shirts were telling people that the Macs came in broken more than any other machine, blah blah. they also wouldn't tell them about Apple's warrenty either. like if the computer were broken out of the box they wouldn't fix it. it was awful. hopefully they'll have figured something else out this time.
i wrote a fairly lengthy, detailed account of what was happening each day, and within two months apple had pulled out of Best Buy. i'm guessing i wasn't alone in my experiences.
Hope things have changed a bit.
Originally posted by bauman
Hey ast3r3x, I used to work at the Staples at the Golden Triangle (you know, where Lititz and Oregon Pike meet up? Chi-Chi's?), and there is absolutely no way Macs would survive in Staples. All the other employees there hated 'crapintoshes' with a passion (and several from my store moved into your store when it opened). Even the managers spoke openly of their distaste, and I had a discussion with the district manager where I mentioned that I used a mac, and he grimaced.
In fact Staples did carry Macs before the Jobsian era... I can remember looking at them (as a customer - it was before I worked there)... but they were in horrible disrepair.
Otherwise, Staples isn't that bad of a place to work... as long as you don't get stuck there for years on end
haha first how do you know about my store? (the Ephrata one?) second where do you live...that is very close to me...30 min or so (but i guess u'd know that)
what do you do now by the way?
Originally posted by ast3r3x
haha first how do you know about my store? (the Ephrata one?) second where do you live...that is very close to me...30 min or so (but i guess u'd know that)
what do you do now by the way?
I live less than a mile from the Golden Triangle store, just outside the city (Hence the attraction of working there). I worked there for 2 years while I was in high school... now I'm in good ole Goshen College, IN. I'm doing biophysics research here for the summer.
Enough about my life story, and back on topic, Macaddict16, I could host those pictures you have if you'd like. I'd post them inline on the forum then. Just email me at:
(email removed to prevent harvesting. If you still want to post them, PM me, and I'll give you my email address)
Originally posted by Macaddict16
The models that are going to be carried are 12" iBook 900, 12" PB, 15" PB, 15" iMac, 17" iMac, 1.42 Ghz PowerMac, 1 Ghz ($999) eMac, and 17" Apple display. The prices on the PowerBooks didn't reflect Apples recent drops though, but all of the rest were consistant with pricing.
Ouch, no G5s?
Originally posted by Macaddict16
but all of the rest were consistant with pricing.
wow. so there is actually a product best buy doesn't overcharge for?
Oh, this'll be good. I'll have an endless source of entertainment only a few miles away!
It'll be so much fun watching how those weenies react to having those computers in the store. Ewwwww!
I remember reading an article in MacWorld quite a ways back, mentioning the writer visiting BB (may have been CompUSA? not sure?) and interested in some Apple products, and all the salesman would do is refer him to the competitive line.
I say we ban all evil BB salesmen to Guatemala and revoke their citizenship.
I still say Apple needs to push their low-end products into the general market more.
They need to use those vaunted design skills to come up with a one-aisle solution crammed with Apple products and Mac software solutions.
Push the Consumer products only (eMac, iMac, iBook, iPod) along with 50 software packages and the most popular third party products (keyboard, mice etc.) All in ONE AISLE.
Make sure customers can't walk away with the "Mac has no software" idea. Leave printers and scanners out. The stores already have these. Deploy these "Apple Islands" in every Walmart, Costco, Staples and Best Buy in North America.
Then good things will start to happen with marketshare.
Originally posted by Amorph
Best Buy gets another shot, eh?
Oh, this'll be good. I'll have an endless source of entertainment only a few miles away!
It'll be so much fun watching how those weenies react to having those computers in the store. Ewwwww!
Given that many will be manned every day by people who actually work for Apple, I think it'll be great.