Fox Sues Al Franken!



  • Reply 141 of 281
  • Reply 142 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    I'd rather boot them out of office next year.

    Bush will be another one-termer.
  • Reply 143 of 281

    Originally posted by JimDreamworx

    I just came into this conversation to point out a book called "Al Franken is a Buck Toothed Moron".

    Never heard of it. Is it as good as Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot? I really enjoyed Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot, I think it's one of the funniest books about Rush Limbaugh being a big fat idiot that I've ever read. I can't wait for Bill O'Reilly is a big fat liar, or whatever the hell it's called....
  • Reply 144 of 281

    Originally posted by kneelbeforezod

    Never heard of it. Is it as good as Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot? I really enjoyed Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot, I think it's one of the funniest books about Rush Limbaugh being a big fat idiot that I've ever read. I can't wait for Bill O'Reilly is a big fat liar, or whatever the hell it's called....

    Any book that takes the time to assassinate the puffed-up character of someone in the media is worth looking at. NO ONE IN THE MEDIA SHOULD EVER BE TRUSTED. Whether it is good depends on what you find entertaining. But finding it might be an issue, as the cover of the book is almost identical to the Al Franken book on Rush Limbaugh. And the book was printed by some tiny publisher - Payback Press, I believe - so you might have to look in a used bookstore, unless it is sitting in a remainder bin at Barnes and Noble.

    (And based on my original reply about no one confusing the two, they are very easy to confuse, unlike the covers of Franken's books which was way differnt than any cover of a Limbaugh book.)
  • Reply 145 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member

    It's no. 2 on the amazon bestseller's list today.

    I think it could of been great if Al Franken mocked the Ann Coulter book LIES... leaning forward in a tight black dress on a white background...

    But apparently taking aim at Fox was the way to go... he'll get great publicity as the case continues.
  • Reply 146 of 281
    thoth2thoth2 Posts: 277member
    Well, I hate to say I told (some people) so, but (from a Reuters report):

    "There are hard cases and there are easy cases. This is an easy case," said U.S. District Judge Denny Chin, who added that the motion for an injunction was "wholly without merit."

    He said it is highly unlikely that consumers would be misled to think that Fox is sponsoring the book. He also said the trademark is weak.

  • Reply 147 of 281

    Originally posted by Thoth2

    Well, I hate to say I told (some people) so, but (from a Reuters report):

    "There are hard cases and there are easy cases. This is an easy case," said U.S. District Judge Denny Chin, who added that the motion for an injunction was "wholly without merit."

    He said it is highly unlikely that consumers would be misled to think that Fox is sponsoring the book. He also said the trademark is weak.


    Hurray for common sense. But thank Fox for the sales boost, anyway.
  • Reply 148 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Aww yeah.

    where's SDW2001 when you need him to look silly?
  • Reply 149 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Well... if anyone wants to see Al Franken gloat next week...

    Al will be guest-hosting "Crossfire" next week Monday and Tuesday.

    August 25 - Today Show

    August 25 - Live from the Headlines with Paula Zahn, CNN @ 8pm EST

    August 26 - Newsnight with Aaron Brown, CNN @ 10pm

    August 26 - Extra! Syndicated.

    August 27 - Countdown with Keith Olberman, MSNBC @ 8pm

    August 28 - Capitol Report, CNBC @ 9pm

    Sept 2 - Crier Live, Court TV @ 5pm

    Sept 3 - Fresh Air, NPR
  • Reply 150 of 281
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by Thoth2

    He said it is highly unlikely that consumers would be misled to think that Fox is sponsoring the book.

    Thank god people who are to make desicions have more trust in the judgement of theamerican people than some of the right wingers here.
  • Reply 151 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Absolutely ****ing amazing!

    The point is folks, that if Franken is using a trademarked phrase to SELL something, he's going to lose...

    I am just amazed by the statements I am reading here. It's like some of you live on another planet.

    Franken has two problems. One, he used a trademarked phrase to sell his product. Two, he even mimicked the look and feel of the trademarks owner....which COULD, in fact, result in confusion. Look at the's even in the same FONT Fox uses. There is no question that this is infringement.

    I was just thinking about how amusing this is.

    I'm off to go giggle about his statement in the other thread that the US was founded by Christians.

    I love that each of his posts says SDW2001: The Stupidity is Amazing.

    (his words, not mine)
  • Reply 152 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    So what are the chances he'll show up in here again?

    Next week will be fun when Al is all over the newsmedia outlets.

    Oh and not only was he on the O'reilly show twice... he was on the FNC 8 other times too.

    I'd love for Joe Conason to be on O'Reilly's show...

    I wonder how soon the "Shut Up!!!"s would kick in.

    Ann Coulter chickened out and didn't appear on Kudlow&Cramer with him. And that's after they changed the schedule for her.
  • Reply 153 of 281
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Okay. Lets gloat away for the next hour and return to normal schedule and forget about this. It won´t be healthy for AO if we use this against certain people forever.

    Let me start

  • Reply 154 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Here Al's lawyer makes a point I didn't think of...

    Floyd Abrams, representing Franken, said that under the First Amendment, "a book is allowed to criticize a holder of a trademark and mock a trademark as well."

    Abrams said the big word "lies" over the photo was a signal that the cover was "obviously tongue-in-cheek."

    "There is no way a person not completely dense would be confused by this cover to think that Fox is accusing Bill O'Reilly of being a liar," he said. "There is nothing confusing about this."

    Sounds alot like what I was saying!
  • Reply 155 of 281
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Hip hip

  • Reply 156 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Okay. Lets gloat away for the next hour and return to normal schedule and forget about this. It won´t be healthy for AO if we use this against certain people forever.

    Of course, pointing out that someone with the sig "The Stupidity is Amazing" that is CONSISTENTLY wrong on every single topic he discusses (and spinkles with statements like "you live on another planet") never ceases to be enjoyable.

    Think about it for a second. Imagine what kind of mindset you would have to be in to put that as your sig. Seriously. Imagine what it would take for you to seriously have that as you signature. He even went to the trouble to make it bigger and bold.

    It really is too rediculous to ignore.
  • Reply 157 of 281
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by OBJRA10

    And what experience do you have that causes you to believe this? It's very likely that Fox will win.


    What did the judge say?

    Something about "completely without merit?"

    Our resident prosecutor fumbles another case.
  • Reply 158 of 281
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ


    What did the judge say?

    Something about "completely without merit?"

    Our resident prosecutor fumbles another case.

    Fumbles? Give me a break.

    With all signs pointing to a nine man overload blitz coming from the right side, our federal prosecuter ignores his lead blocker, his quarterback, and the rest of the team deciding to make a cutback to the right where he promptly has his neck broken by the most vicious triple hit from Ray Lewis, Terrel Suggs, and Peter Boulware.
  • Reply 159 of 281
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    From Reuters, originally posted by Thoth2

    "There are hard cases and there are easy cases. This is an easy case," said U.S. District Judge Denny Chin, who added that the motion for an injunction was "wholly without merit."

    Those damned liberal judges, legislating from the bench again and passing out favors to their <sneer froth="100%">luh...luh...LIBERAL</sneer> cronies! Wasn't there someone around to endlessly harp on the fact that Al's going to MAKE MONEY OFF THIS BOOK!!!, DAMN IT!!!? Someone in the courtroom to proclaim this point proud and true, as if he had a meaningful point to make? Someone to set this pinko commie homo vegan who dares to call himself a judge straight?
  • Reply 160 of 281
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Nice NYTimes article about the court case: In Courtroom, Laughter at Fox and Victory for Franken.

    Among the funnier quotes:


    A federal judge in Manhattan told Fox News yesterday that it had to learn how to take a joke.


    One round of laughter was prompted when Judge Chin asked, "Do you think that the reasonable consumer, seeing the word `lies' over Mr. O'Reilly's face would believe Mr. O'Reilly is endorsing this book?"

    The giggling continued as Dori Ann Hanswirth, a lawyer for Fox, replied, "To me, it's quite ambiguous as to what the message is here."


    Judge Chin said, "The president and the vice president are also on the cover. Is someone going to consider that they are affiliated with Fox?"

    The courtroom broke into laughter again.

    Ms. Hanswirth replied, "It's more blurring, your honor."


    The judge said, "Of course, it is ironic that a media company that should be fighting for the First Amendment is trying to undermine it."

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