Apple to use 970, confirmed by IBM



  • Reply 41 of 137
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Geez oh man! I need a laptop for school by September. I really hope we'll see some 970 laptops by then. I have never owned a laptop before...but this is going to be great.

    Keynote presentations with my computer. OmniOutliner to take notes in class. And NES, SNES emulation when I'm bored in class. Heck...with the 970, I should get perfectly fast PSX and N64 emulations with Mupen and Flarestorm.

    Combine this with 10.3 Panther which should continue to be optimized for speed and this package should blow away any Wintel offerings.

    And the 'expect more software from Apple' comment I heard earlier is great news too.

    Is 2003 going to be the turning point for Apple like 1997 was when the iMac was introduced?

    I'd have to say yes. And if Stevie doesn't back away from his comments, if this is to be trusted as 'the year of the laptop', I should be getting my PowerBook 970 Extreeeeme by September.

    We now have a great OS which will continue to make leaps and bounds at every release. And now we're getting a processor that doesn't suck to match the demanding software. HOT DAMN!!!!!!

    [ 03-13-2003: Message edited by: kim kap sol ]</p>
  • Reply 42 of 137
    os10geekos10geek Posts: 413member
    Panther? Oooohh, I like it! Sounds like some kinda super-deadly stealth jet, ready to bomb the Wintel world...
  • Reply 43 of 137
    gizzmonicgizzmonic Posts: 511member
    Hey, what's gonna happen when Apple runs out of 'big cat' names...what are they gonna use then? "Announcing OS X 10.7...'Margay!'"

    Could the G3 be adapted to the 970's bus architecture, or are the chips too different? Because if it could be adapted, then Apple could just use IBM G3s with real DDR support, fast FSB, and Altivec. They would no doubt perform better than the current G4s and possibly draw less power.
  • Reply 44 of 137
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    [quote]Could the G3 be adapted to the 970's bus architecture, or are the chips too different? Because if it could be adapted, then Apple could just use IBM G3s with real DDR support, fast FSB, and Altivec. They would no doubt perform better than the current G4s and possibly draw less power.


    Wouldn't be worth the effort. A PPC 970 1.1 Volt at 90nm woul only consumer probably 12watts or so @1.4Ghz. Why go through the effort to revamp the G3 or G4. They're pretty much history.

    [ 03-13-2003: Message edited by: hmurchison ]</p>
  • Reply 45 of 137
    os10geekos10geek Posts: 413member
    OS X 10.5, Codename: Ocelot. Hmmm....I don't think so. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> But the cat name is good until it comes to "Calico".
  • Reply 46 of 137
    Is it just me or IBM's roadmap with PPC 970 mass release should coincide with delivery of Panther ?

    It should be easy then for Apple to relaunch heavily armed Powermac and XServe in the midst of The Battle : 10.3 & 10.3 Server, X11 final, 970 64 bits computing and new enclosure generation : time to show what is aggressive marketing at Apple !
  • Reply 47 of 137
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    [quote]Originally posted by Stephane:

    <strong>Is it just me or IBM's roadmap with PPC 970 mass release should coincide with delivery of Panther ?

    </strong><hr></blockquote> kinda does.

    And while I always feel like beating the pulp out of people and their "It's snappier!" comments when new point releases of OS X are installed, I'm willing to cut a break to those that get Panther shipped on a 970 machine if they say "It's snappier!"
  • Reply 48 of 137
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,461member
    [quote]Originally posted by hmurchison:

    <strong>Wouldn't be worth the effort. A PPC 970 1.1 Volt at 90nm woul only consumer probably 12watts or so @1.4Ghz. Why go through the effort to revamp the G3 or G4. They're pretty much history.


    I disagree -- if the 7x0 core, or a decendent of it w/ VMX, is put into a 44x-style system-on-a-chip with I/O & memory controller plus a RapidIO bus and its power consumption is down in the 2-3W range then it makes a lot of sense. Trying to stretch a single processor design across the gamut of applications is what has gotten Apple into its current mess, its time to have "options".
  • Reply 49 of 137
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:


    I disagree -- if the 7x0 core, or a decendent of it w/ VMX, is put into a 44x-style system-on-a-chip with I/O & memory controller plus a RapidIO bus and its power consumption is down in the 2-3W range then it makes a lot of sense. Trying to stretch a single processor design across the gamut of applications is what has gotten Apple into its current mess, its time to have "options".</strong><hr></blockquote>

    In fact, IBM does have a design similar to this in planning. The unknown variable is if it will include VMX or not. By including it, it would make an ideal solution for Apple's portable low-end/consumer machines.
  • Reply 50 of 137
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:


    In fact, IBM does have a design similar to this in planning. The unknown variable is if it will include VMX or not. By including it, it would make an ideal solution for Apple's portable low-end/consumer machines.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yeah, so does moto's 7457.
  • Reply 51 of 137
    os10geekos10geek Posts: 413member
    Baah! Die, Moto, die! Heck, I don't know why I even bothered to capitalize moto!
  • Reply 52 of 137
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    [quote]Originally posted by gar:


    yeah, so does moto's 7457.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    When is that due again? With RapidIO and built in memory controller? Motorola hasn't even commited to the 7457-RM. And the 130nm 7457 (just a die shrunk 745X with 512K cache) is STILL not due until the late 3rd or 4th quarter of THIS year. God knows why. And it'll STILL have that lame MPX 166MHz bus; Motorola will be lucky if they could get it up to 200MHz even. With a roadmap like that, it's no wonder Apple would pin their hopes on IBM for the future.
  • Reply 53 of 137
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by os10geek:

    <strong>OS X 10.5, Codename: Ocelot. Hmmm....I don't think so. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> But the cat name is good until it comes to "Calico". </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Panther is OK, as long that don't color the X logo on the box pink.
  • Reply 54 of 137
    os10geekos10geek Posts: 413member
    How 'bout a Carbon fiber X on the box? That would be cool. And it would be a good metaphor. "Carbon" fiber? Get it? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 55 of 137
    [quote]Combine this with 10.3 Panther which should continue to be optimized for speed and this package should blow away any Wintel offerings.

    And the 'expect more software from Apple' comment I heard earlier is great news too.

    Is 2003 going to be the turning point for Apple like 1997 was when the iMac was introduced?



    Lemon Bon Bon

    capitalise moto'? when they can't get it up? nah. no captials for them in fact why give them any punctuationatallnadda
  • Reply 56 of 137
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    Panther is OK, as long that don't color the X logo on the box pink.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, but at least they'd have an excuse to use the tune in Switch ads

    If only Peter Sellers was alive...

    My name is Inspector Clueso, and I'm a switcher!

  • Reply 57 of 137
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:


    When is that due again? With RapidIO and built in memory controller? Motorola hasn't even commited to the 7457-RM. And the 130nm 7457 (just a die shrunk 745X with 512K cache) is STILL not due until the late 3rd or 4th quarter of THIS year. God knows why. And it'll STILL have that lame MPX 166MHz bus; Motorola will be lucky if they could get it up to 200MHz even. With a roadmap like that, it's no wonder Apple would pin their hopes on IBM for the future.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    sorry my fault, i didn't realise that the G3 has rapidIO already. <img src="embarrassed.gif" border="0">

    [quote]Originally posted by Barto:


    Yeah, but at least they'd have an excuse to use the tune in Switch ads

    If only Peter Sellers was alive...

    My name is Inspector Clueso, and I'm a switcher!


    well, that won't be a problem at all: let pixar render that anglosaksian dwarf... something like Weta Digital did with Gollem in Lord of the rings.
  • Reply 58 of 137
    Remember when we thought that the G5 would be out in january 2000?

  • Reply 59 of 137
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    [quote]Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch:

    <strong>Remember when we thought that the G5 would be out in january 2000?


    Yes, but that was all wild speculation that fed itself and ZERO concrete facts. I'm sure some of this is the rumor mill just feeding on itself but the FACT is that this chip DOES exsist.
  • Reply 60 of 137
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    [quote]Originally posted by gar:


    sorry my fault, i didn't realise that the G3 has rapidIO already. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    It doesn't. IBM has plans to do it though.
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