LMAO with the CA debate



  • Reply 41 of 93
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    Agreed. I loved that too.

    Lol..that might actually come back to haunt Ahhnold. Implying he'd love to shove her head down a toilet won't go very well with female voters. Ahhnold was so defensive(and aggressive) towards Huffington that it makes you wonder if the things they say about him being so "backasswards" towards women are true.

    "Nooo, you can't go out wearing pants you dumb b*tch!"

    Yeah, maybe Davis will benefit the most from this debate. Ahhnold has absolutely no substance. He's like a robot repeating the same crap over and over agan sprinkled with some "Terminator humor".

    Within a space of 30 minutes he had repeated his 8th grade theory of economics verbatim twice( the debate and then on CNN right after that). And he keeps going on about special interest money while raising over $11 million
  • Reply 42 of 93
    Can someone find an audio rebroadcast of the whole thing? (or a video stream). I would like to watch it again.

    EDIT: Damn, I wish I could live in CA and vote in this maddness.
  • Reply 43 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Lol..that might actually come back to haunt Ahhnold. Implying he'd love to shove her head down a toilet won't go very well with female voters. Ahhnold was so defensive(and aggressive) towards Huffington that it makes you wonder if the things they say about him being so "backasswards" towards women are true.

    You should recall that he said that after Huffington launched some off-topic tirade about "how he treats women in his movies". WTF does that have to do with anything?! She completely set herself up for that. He didn't imply any specific act at all, unless you have some secret priviledges to the T4 script that we don't know about.

    I think we already know you don't like him very much. You have been sure to sprinkle virtually every single one of your posts with some observation of his incompetence. We get your message, already. Anymore and you will just take on the impression of a broken record. Move on, already. (Don't take this as a defense on his part. It's just an observation.)
  • Reply 44 of 93
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Lol..that might actually come back to haunt Ahhnold. Implying he'd love to shove her head down a toilet won't go very well with female voters.

    I think I didn't get the joke. What's this about a head in the toilet? Something from Terminator 3 (I haven't seen it).
  • Reply 45 of 93

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I think I didn't get the joke. What's this about a head in the toilet? Something from Terminator 3 (I haven't seen it).

    A scene like that did happen in T3. It wasn't just "a woman", either. It was a "female" terminator that was SOTA (so yeah, given the situation, you would want to bash her/it into any and all things possible because if you don't it's going to kill you), whereas Arnold's character was the obsolete terminator (barely being able to fend off the "newer" terminator). In the debate, there wasn't even mention of the "toilet scene". Somebody of erratic and emotional mind, evidently, saw fit to make that connection and then assume that was the context of the exchange. Evidently, Huffington has saw fit to take this as an opportunity to pull the "gender" card (as if Ahhhnold would really consider shoving her head into a toilet? Get a freakin' grip lady! You're not helping out the "woman image" with this folly.). Makes you raise an eyebrow at Huffington.
  • Reply 46 of 93
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Please. Take Ahhnold's script away and he's like a deer in the headlights. He speaks in generalities. No substance at all. At least we know what McClintock is about. We don't know where Ahhnold stands on anything yet, so how can you say you like him better than McClintock right NOW?

    I don't know what the "illegal immigrant lobby" is, so I can't comment on it. Does anyone know if Ahhnold was ever an illegal alien (overstaying his visa etc)?

    I don't know why you say that. There was heavy banter back and forth between all of them and mostly directed at Arnold and he didnt bat an eyelash. i though he did very well, although you're right that he could have fleshed out his positions more, which he did at the news conference afterward. Funny how Cruz runs away before every news conference. It doesnt make him look good and he was the most wishy washy of the candidates IMHO................................
  • Reply 47 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    He's [Schwarzeneggar] like a robot repeating the same crap over and over agan sprinkled with some "Terminator humor".

    Within a space of 30 minutes he had repeated his 8th grade theory of economics verbatim twice( the debate and then on CNN right after that). And he keeps going on about special interest money while raising over $11 million

    Sounds like the 2000 Presidential election -- Gore and Bush.
  • Reply 48 of 93
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    ]You should recall that he said that after Huffington launched some off-topic tirade about "how he treats women in his movies". WTF does that have to do with anything?! She completely set herself up for that. He didn't imply any specific act at all, unless you have some secret priviledges to the T4 script that we don't know about.

    Wrong. If you're gonna make something up at least keep it inside the ballpark. Arianna said something about Ahhnold who reacted immediately by interrupting her and talking louder than her. Arianna kept talking (it was her turn) and Ahhnold just continued to talk louder drowning her voice. Arianna gave up and then said something like "well we know that's how you treat women". I heard the exchange on the radio twice today. Nice try.

    No wise guy, I don't have any insider info. about T4.I think you need a clue here. There had been some talk about a scene in one of Ahhnold's movies.It was obvious that Ahhnold said what he said about the T4 part to Arianna in reference to that scene in which Ahhnold shoves a woman's(or a robot;s) head into a toilet or something. I don't know how the scene went because I don't pay to watch those movies anymore. I know Ahhnold is your hero, but at last you should try to get the facts straight before trying to defend him. What other scene do you think Ahhnold might have been alluding to?


    Originally posted by Randycat99

    I think we already know you don't like him very much. You have been sure to sprinkle virtually every single one of your posts with some observation of his incompetence. We get your message, already. Anymore and you will just take on the impression of a broken record. Move on, already. (Don't take this as a defense on his part. It's just an observation.)

    I seem to have touched a nerve eh Randy?lol At least we both agree that he is incompetent. Funny, your "observations" sound very defensive.

    I don't mind Ahhnold the person, but I do take issue with the fact that he's willingly being a puppet(actor) in a grand show that has everything to do with the 2004 Pres. Elections and nothing to do with the state(not the State) of California. I'm a Californian and I hate the little charade they're putting together at the expense of my home state.

    If the state is in such dire straights to merit a Recall, the least the Rep. party should've done(to not make it so obvious it's all about 2004) would have been to support a legitimate candidate with ideas like McClintock or Ueberroth or Riordan.


    Originally posted by Steve666 don't know why you say that. There was heavy banter back and forth between all of them and mostly directed at Arnold and he didnt bat an eyelash. i though he did very well, although you're right that he could have fleshed out his positions more, which he did at the news conference afterward. Funny how Cruz runs away before every news conference. It doesnt make him look good and he was the most wishy washy of the candidates IMHO................................

    He may not have batted an eyelash, but even though they knew what the questions were going to be(the only reason Ahhnold showed up by the way), he said, in my estimation, nothing of substance and only things that he had probably memorized. I saw the post debate conference on CNN and he repeated somethings he had said in the debate almost verbatim.

    Yeah, Bustamante didn't do the conference afterwards, but at least he showed up at the other debates which is more than we can say about no-show Ahhnold. At this point I would take Bustamante over Ahhnold...and that's not easy to admit.
  • Reply 49 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    I don't mind Ahhnold the person, but I do take issue with the fact that he's willingly being a puppet(actor) in a grand show that has everything to do with the 2004 Pres. Elections and nothing to do with the state(not the State) of California.

    I really can't believe you think this is about the 2004 elections..

    Let me guess,,, some democrats fed you that line???

    I mean really.

  • Reply 50 of 93
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    I really can't believe you think this is about the 2004 elections..

    Let me guess,,, some democrats fed you that line???

    I mean really.


    Lol...no, no democrats have fed me the line. What else would it be about? Why wasn't he recalled last year? just months after he won the election fair and square we want to recall him? I'll give you some arguments why I think that...can you give us more than "some democrats fed you that line" or "I mean really"?

    1) The Dems will have to spend money NOW that they won't have for the 2004 Elections.(there was an article about it in USA Today maybe 2 weeks ago).

    2) Ahhnold will bring out young fans er voters who would otherwise not have been interested in voting. I think we have already seen signs of that all over the news. Brand new and fresh Rep voters.

    3) Don't you think it's advantageous to have a Rep Governor during an election year? Remember Florida?

    4)The fact that a Democratic Governor is being recalled for the first time in a bazillion years is very favourable for us Republicans. It could swing many votes to the Rep side.

    Again, if the State is so important to merit a recall, why back a candidate that is even worse(less qualified)than the incunbent? Why do you think they picked a popular movie star? Because winning the office is important at any cost and Arnold is the only one who can deliver it thanks to his action hero status/popularity. Your turn.
  • Reply 51 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Lol...no, no democrats have fed me the line. What else would it be about? Why wasn't he recalled last year? just months after he won the election fair and square we want to recall him? I'll give you some arguments why I think that...can you give us more than "some democrats fed you that line" or "I mean really"?

    1) The Dems will have to spend money NOW that they won't have for the 2004 Elections.(there was an article about it in USA Today maybe 2 weeks ago).

    2) Ahhnold will bring out young fans er voters who would otherwise not have been interested in voting. I think we have already seen signs of that all over the news. Brand new and fresh Rep voters.

    3) Don't you think it's advantageous to have a Rep Governor during an election year? Remember Florida?

    4)The fact that a Democratic Governor is being recalled for the first time in a bazillion years is very favourable for us Republicans. It could swing many votes to the Rep side.

    Again, if the State is so important to merit a recall, why back a candidate that is even worse(less qualified)than the incunbent? Why do you think they picked a popular movie star? Because winning the office is important at any cost and Arnold is the only one who can deliver it thanks to his action hero status/popularity. Your turn.

    I respect your reply first off.

    I am a republican and I can say I am not happy with how Bush has done things in many regards. I have just heard so much speculation about how Bush started the Iraq war because it would get the economy going again and that would get him re-elected. It could be that he does indeed get re-elected but as a person who has voted for him several times both for Gov of Texas and for president I do not see myself voting for him next time around. Then I hear this about the california recall being about the 2004 election and again I just don't seem to believe the same things about the California recall. I actually think Bush has a good chance of losing the next election no matter who is Gov of CA. I think it is strange how many democrats say nothing about Hillary as Senator in NY as being what you claim Ahhhnold is doing in CA. Has not Hillary not placed herself in a good position to run for president? I don't care one way or the other if she wins or loses. That is what the voters are for. If voters vote for Hillary or Davis or Ahhhnold it is really no use getting into all kinds of theories about national politics. Sure it could be the case that Ahhnold is doing something for Republicans but again maybe not.

    Thanks again for your reply.

  • Reply 52 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Wrong. If you're gonna make something up at least keep it inside the ballpark. Arianna said something about Ahhnold who reacted immediately by interrupting her and talking louder than her. Arianna kept talking (it was her turn) and Ahhnold just continued to talk louder drowning her voice. Arianna gave up and then said something like "well we know that's how you treat women". I heard the exchange on the radio twice today. Nice try.

    I guess the interpretation is highly reliant on the observer. Of course, he was talking over her. He also talked over the other men. This had nothing to do with sex. Arianna's subsequential outburst (which was clearly pointed out as a personal attack, if you recall) was patently out of left field. She pulled the gender card, plain and simple. Then ole Arnie issued an exquisitely witty retort. Dem's the facts, I'm afraid. I don't view that as some sort of victory. It was just a highpoint for me on the entertainment trace. For Arianna, it was certainly a lowpoint in her initial outburst and where she was finally stuffed.


    No wise guy, I don't have any insider info. about T4.

    Neither do you have a full grasp that 2 movies are in reference here. One came out this year, and the other does not yet even exist.


    I think you need a clue here. There had been some talk about a scene in one of Ahhnold's movies.It was obvious that Ahhnold said what he said about the T4 part to Arianna in reference to that scene in which Ahhnold shoves a woman's(or a robot;s) head into a toilet or something.

    Right there, you have your wires crossed. Arianna supposedly made a reference to T3. Where is the toilet scene mentioned specifically? If there was any context there at all, it had to be from Arianna. I don't think she even specified a movie. She could have been talking about an old Conan movie, for all we know. At any rate, she was attempting to project some sort "character in a movie" violence to "man in real life" behavior, which is pretty pointless as anything other than a joke. The notion that she has yet to come out with a statement that her remark was a joke should certainly concern you on whether she truly has a firm grasp in reality to be serious with such an absurd association (or more likely, she suffered a momentary lapse in temper).

    What Ahhhnold replied with was a reference to T4, a movie that hasn't even been written, yet! So nobody can conclude any sort of intent within Ahhhnold's remark. The scene doesn't exist. We can only guess...but I'm sure the fervid imaginations of some (shall we say feminine disposition) will come up with any number of extreme scenarios and conclude that is exactly what Ahhhnold had in mind when he uttered those words.

    To recant, Arianna's remark should raise all sorts of eyebrows as to what in the world she had in mind with a commment like that. Ahhhnold's remark is in reference to a movie that does not yet even exist. So it's anybody's guess. Does that mean you can fill in the blank at your leisure and then judge him over what you came up with? ...not if you are any sort of rational, sane, and objective person.


    I don't know how the scene went because I don't pay to watch those movies anymore.

    That much is clear, which makes it all the more bewildering how you can be so sure what Arnie meant.


    I know Ahhnold is your hero,...

    As an action movie actor, sure! As a political figure, ha, no. I don't have any position whatsoever on that. Your assuming so really calls to question how quick you are to judge people as "enemy" or "friend".


    ...but at last you should try to get the facts straight before trying to defend him.

    ...and you likewise. Didn't I already say this was not a defense on his part? Reading...it helps everybody!


    What other scene do you think Ahhnold might have been alluding to?

    He was alluding to a scene in a movie THAT DOESN'T FREAKIN EXIST! The most you can assume is the theme of the movie (the stuggle of the human race for survival against the machines, not cruelty to woman involving porcelain style facilities), but why bother? The movie doesn't exist, in the first place.


    I seem to have touched a nerve eh Randy?lol At least we both agree that he is incompetent. Funny, your "observations" sound very defensive.

    Take a look at your own post. Very accusing. Very confrontational. What exactly would you expect in return? Surely, you should be empathic enough to figure it out.

    My post was simply of clarification, and somewhat in humorous observation that this incident was actually something some people are getting upset over.


    I don't mind Ahhnold the person, but I do take issue with the fact that he's willingly being a puppet(actor) in a grand show that has everything to do with the 2004 Pres. Elections and nothing to do with the state(not the State) of California. I'm a Californian and I hate the little charade they're putting together at the expense of my home state.

    Perhaps so, but you seem a bit too eager to drive that point home in every single post you enter. We heard you. Anymore and it will just be grating. If you had walked into a room full of Ahhhnold fans, maybe your efforts would be more understandable. ...but you have not (and if you think so, you seriously need to check yourself). Everybody deserves a leg up just as much as a leg down. I don't know what you hope to accomplish by attempting to proactively ensure that one candidate is beat down ruthlessly whenever possible.


    If the state is in such dire straights to merit a Recall, the least the Rep. party should've done(to not make it so obvious it's all about 2004) would have been to support a legitimate candidate with ideas like McClintock or Ueberroth or Riordan.

    You are very miffed over this, it seems. Why not direct your ire directly at the party then, instead of attacking "a man" that is seemingly being used as a puppet? Political strategy, right?... Direct defamation of character is very cost effective, right? Well, can't say there is much class in anything political.


    He may not have batted an eyelash, but even though they knew what the questions were going to be(the only reason Ahhnold showed up by the way), he said, in my estimation, nothing of substance and only things that he had probably memorized. I saw the post debate conference on CNN and he repeated somethings he had said in the debate almost verbatim.

    Yeah, Bustamante didn't do the conference afterwards, but at least he showed up at the other debates which is more than we can say about no-show Ahhnold. At this point I would take Bustamante over Ahhnold...and that's not easy to admit.

    Yes, we heard you the 1st through 4th time. Has anybody here remotely implied that you are wrong and Arnie is indisputably the man for the job? Seriously, who are you preaching to?
  • Reply 53 of 93
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    That was easily the longest post I've seen recently.
  • Reply 54 of 93
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Lol, ok Randy, one more time. There was much talk about the toilet bowl scene before the debate. Still with me? Then Ahhnold, annoyed tells Arianna that he has a scene in his next movie for her. Yes, the scene does not exist. Do you think he's jokingly offering her the female leading role or do you think he was offering her a scene in which he would kick her ass somehow? I hope you get it this time.

    I don't know if people are getting upset over it, but it was close to being a low blow. "You didn't like me shoving some woman's head in the toilet? well, I'll have a scene in the next movie just for you." We know she was a robot...but a lot of people didn't see the movie and maybe that's why the toilet bowl scene talk took a controversial tone.


    Originally posted by RandyPerhaps so, but you seem a bit too eager to drive that point home in every single post you enter. We heard you. Anymore and it will just be grating. If you had walked into a room full of Ahhhnold fans, maybe your efforts would be more understandable. ...but you have not (and if you think so, you seriously need to check yourself). Everybody deserves a leg up just as much as a leg down. I don't know what you hope to accomplish by attempting to proactively ensure that one candidate is beat down ruthlessly whenever possible.

    Ok, no you're just whining. Every time I said something about Ahhnold it has been a reply to someone. So I say negative stuff about Ahhnold the politican....that's what you're whining about?Boohoo.


    Randy said:You are very miffed over this, it seems. Why not direct your ire directly at the party then, instead of attacking "a man" that is seemingly being used as a puppet? Political strategy, right?... Direct defamation of character is very cost effective, right? Well, can't say there is much class in anything political.

    LOL, now you're just being silly. Talk about overreacting lol. I didn't know you were so sensitive towards your hero. I'm sorry he isn't mine. Seriously. He's just a regular guy.


    Randy said:Yes, we heard you the 1st through 4th time. Has anybody here remotely implied that you are wrong and Arnie is indisputably the man for the job? Seriously, who are you preaching to?

    LMAO....that post was not even directed at you but you had to butt in to defend him. You really are fanatical about "Arnie".

    Fellowship: No problem. I did not imply that Ahhnold would be running for President. Am I reading you wrong on that one? Although there is still some time I think Hillary will wait until 2008. I based my opinions on the Recall from a little research that I've been doing.

    By the way, I too will NOT be voting for Bush in 2004. Wesley Clark may just be the man who gets my vote.
  • Reply 55 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Fellowship: No problem. I did not imply that Ahhnold would be running for President. Am I reading you wrong on that one? Although there is still some time I think Hillary will wait until 2008. I based my opinions on the Recall from a little research that I've been doing.

    By the way, I too will NOT be voting for Bush in 2004. Wesley Clark may just be the man who gets my vote.

    I understand he can not run for president even if he wished. My point was only that so many have these ideas that the republicans are trying to win CA as if that would ensure Bush a victory in the next election and to that I only suggest that both Republicans, Democrats, Green and Ind. for that matter are all in a competition for power. Nothing new there. I only argue that it is a bit over the top to worry about if a Republican was to win as Gov in CA that such equals being a leg up to ensure a Bush victory. I am not so sure Bush will have an easy time. Time will tell and to close it all comes back to the voters in the end.

  • Reply 56 of 93

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Lol, ok Randy, one more time. There was much talk about the toilet bowl scene before the debate.

    So you are to connect 2 completely unrelated discussions that occurred in entirely separate locations? That is very weak. Who was talking about the toilet bowl scene? Who?


    Then Ahhnold, annoyed tells Arianna that he has a scene in his next movie for her.

    He was just personally attacked in a professional debate. What else do you want? She made the first dig, and is undeserving of some playful return fire? Your ignoring that is pretty sobering.


    Yes, the scene does not exist. Do you think he's jokingly offering her the female leading role or do you think he was offering her a scene in which he would kick her ass somehow?

    It was a joke in return for what seems to have been a serious, personal attack launched by Arianna (still no public statement citing her true intent behind such a remark). As explained before, you still can't fill in the blanks for a movie that does not exist and then judge him on what you come up with. It was expressly left vague to convey a playful swipe w/o being specifically menacing. It was the high road out for Ahhhhnold, as opposed to the low road that Arianna took which escalated the whole matter.


    I don't know if people are getting upset over it, but it was close to being a low blow.

    You appear to be quite proactive to point it out in a far more negative light than is appropriate.


    "You didn't like me shoving some woman's head in the toilet? well, I'll have a scene in the next movie just for you." We know she was a robot...but a lot of people didn't see the movie and maybe that's why the toilet bowl scene talk took a controversial tone.

    You completely filled in the blanks, and then run with the notion that is exactly what he was thinking. YOU HAVE NO WAY OF TELLING, period. That's just plain irrational.


    Ok, no you're just whining. Every time I said something about Ahhnold it has been a reply to someone. So I say negative stuff about Ahhnold the politican....that's what you're whining about?Boohoo.

    It's just an observation for your benefit. Your welcome to dismiss it. I will comment no further because, contrary to your insinuation, it doesn't matter to me either way. I was just observing that you were acting a bit quirky over him.


    LOL, now you're just being silly. Talk about overreacting lol. I didn't know you were so sensitive towards your hero. I'm sorry he isn't mine. Seriously. He's just a regular guy.

    Evidently not. You just got done telling us how he is the pawn of some sinister Republican party plan. Go back and read your comments. It's right there.


    LMAO....that post was not even directed at you but you had to butt in to defend him. You really are fanatical about "Arnie".

    As cited numerous times already- not a defense, just a clarification.
  • Reply 57 of 93
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    I understand he can not run for president even if he wished. My point was only that so many have these ideas that the republicans are trying to win CA as if that would ensure Bush a victory in the next election and to that I only suggest that both Republicans, Democrats, Green and Ind. for that matter are all in a competition for power. Nothing new there. I only argue that it is a bit over the top to worry about if a Republican was to win as Gov in CA that such equals being a leg up to ensure a Bush victory. I am not so sure Bush will have an easy time. Time will tell and to close it all comes back to the voters in the end.


    You're correct. He wasn't born in the US so he couldn't run for Prez. I don't think the Reps. are thinking along the lines of "if we get CA it's a done deal". I think they're just putting themselves in a position to more aggressively pursue winning CA. I think the Recall circus is a "can't lose" situation for Reps. The worst that could happen is that Davis or Bustamante win but:

    -Dems. burn cash.

    -Ahhnold energizes the party in CA and gets new new (younger) voters.

    -If the situation doesn't improve next year, they can blame Davis/Bustamante again further energizing he Party's standing in CA towards the elections.

    To me it's just common sense, thinking along the lines of a Karl Rove. Planning ahead.
  • Reply 58 of 93
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    So you are to connect 2 completely unrelated discussions that occurred in entirely separate locations? That is very weak. Who was talking about the toilet bowl scene? Who?

    LMAO..what are you talking about?? I was explaining to you where all the confusion(yours mainly) was coming from. Yes, it all started on a different day, on a different location. SO WHAT? One thing LEAD to the other.It lead to what was IMPLIED by Ahhnold at the debate. Don't you read/hear the news? Honestly, if you don't get it, you're ....I'll leave it at that.


    He was just personally attacked in a professional debate. What else do you want? She made the first dig, and is undeserving of some playful return fire? Your ignoring that is pretty sobering.

    I don't care why he said it. I don't want to excuse him for saying it, or Arianna for that matter.The point was establishing WHAT what he said could've meant. Seriously dude.


    It was a joke in return for what seems to have been a serious, personal attack launched by Arianna (still no public statement citing her true intent behind such a remark). As explained before, you still can't fill in the blanks for a movie that does not exist and then judge him on what you come up with. It was expressly left vague to convey a playful swipe w/o being specifically menacing. It was the high road out for Ahhhhnold, as opposed to the low road that Arianna took which escalated the whole matter.

    Who cares??!!! So what if the movie does not exist?What does that have to do with anything?? lol. It appears I'm not the only one "filling the blanks".Again, turn the radio on, turn the TV on. A "playful" swipe it may very well have been. I don't know about you, but I was taught to respect women, and saying something like that, that even though "unspecifically menacing" MAY HAVE IMPLIED physical violence towards a woman albeit IN A MOVIE, was not very gentlemanly. Defend your "Arnie" all you want, but Arianna was wrong to attack him personally, and "Arnie" was wrong for what could be portrayed as low class.


    You appear to be quite proactive to point it out in a far more negative light than is appropriate.

    Just enough so that you got it. I obviously failed at that.

    [QUOTE]You completely filled in the blanks, and then run with the notion that is exactly what he was thinking. YOU HAVE NO WAY OF TELLING, period. That's just plain irrational.{/QUOTE] LMAO. I was just explaining to you what happened! And how do YOU know he wasn't thinking that? I asked you once, I ask you again....WHAT ELSE DO YOU THINK,UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES,HE COULD'VE MEANT??? Did you hear the reaction of the crowd? How is it that people on the TV, on the radio discussed what I'm saying? I think you're just being way too sensitive about your hero here.


    It's just an observation for your benefit. Your welcome to dismiss it. I will comment no further because, contrary to your insinuation, it doesn't matter to me either way. I was just observing that you were acting a bit quirky over him.

    I am so grateful for your "observations" If it didn't matter to you either way I doubt you would've bothered to type those huge posts and even reply to a post that was CLEARLY -NOT- addressed to you.


    Evidently not. You just got done telling us how he is the pawn of some sinister Republican party plan. Go back and read your comments. It's right there.

    Why does it have to be "sinister"? I see it as common sense. He's a Republican who wants to help his Republican president get re-elected. Ooooooh, how "sinister". Come back when you can logically refute my points about how all this benefits the 2004 Election or don't comment on it at all. Quick to call anything a conspiracy. Rush Limbaugh fan?


    As cited numerous times already- not a defense, just a clarification.

    I think you need to check the meaning of the word clarification. You seem to have some definitions backwards. I appreciate your time DEFENDING "Arnie".

    Hasta la vista baby.
  • Reply 59 of 93
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    He was just personally attacked in a professional debate. What else do you want? She made the first dig, and is undeserving of some playful return fire? Your ignoring that is pretty sobering.

    Wouldn't Arnold interrupting her and overspeaking her be considered the first attack in this situation? The fist dig?
  • Reply 60 of 93
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Wouldn't Arnold interrupting her and overspeaking her be considered the first attack in this situation? The fist dig?

    she was interrupting everyone all night long. She had interrupted arnold many times without him resorting to a personal attack. He could have ripped her alot more severely than he did. She;s a nobody with 2% of the vote and wanted to hog as much time as she could. Send the beatch back to the TV booth, although I dont know who she had to blow to get that job either.
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