Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 321 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by Spyky

    I think I might see two, but I have to look really really hard, and in the right light, and brightness and background. If it doesn't get any worse I will be happy with it as is. But I'm afraid it probably worsen.

    (sigh) I don't know what I'm going to do in that case. Wait for a repair, try to get an exchange for a different model...

    Damn Apple. Too bad I like this machine way too much. The 12" is too small and 17" too big. This one is just right.


    I'm glad I got to speak with my rep in person. He knows now I'm not a nut, knows that I like my PB, but also knows I use other machines, and I will give up G4s/G5s if it is cost-effective in either time or money. He also knows that we are interested in building a cluster here, and he has my ITO intersted in enterprise HW.... Our campus network has been brought to a crawl this month by unabated infestations of Win machines.

    He told me that in the G5 clusters they are setting up, they are using iPods to image the HDs, and the PIs get to keep an iPod or two (for these backup and imaging purposes only, of course). After dealing with the way Solaris "works" in the same situation, I couldn't help salivating.
  • Reply 322 of 588
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    According to the Apple after-saes rep I talked to a few hours ago, BTO products can be returned aswell within the 10-day period. In the UK at least. No questions asked.

    Don't know about the UK but here's what's what's on the US site


    Please note that Apple does not permit the return of or offer refunds for the following products:

    . #1 Product that is custom configured to your specifications

    . #2 Opened memory

    . #3 Opened software

    . #4 Electronic software downloads

  • Reply 323 of 588
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 568member
    I don't see how an option offered on their site can be considered "built to your specifications"... it's still THEIR specifications, your just choosing from a list of options.

    I bought the 5400 rpm drive, and so had to return the unit for repair twice. I resent the fact I boght a new machine 'off the shelf' - because it was offered as such, I didn't ask for anything that wasn't already represented as available by Apple.

    I also can't believe you have absolutely no recourse should you not be satisfied with your purchase. Surely consumer rights have something to say about this.
  • Reply 324 of 588
    Damn straight. MY "specifications" include a G5 and an LCD with NO WHITE SPOTS!!!
  • Reply 325 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member
    ...this is the thread that would not end... it just goes on and on, my friends....

    OK, clearly too much time spent with my kids.

    I had a couple interesting conversations today. I called Apple EDU again to log my reappearance of spots. I was expecting to have to send it in again for a repair, but I was going to wait until November (or whenever I hear the issue is permanently fixed). They offered me a replacement! Plus, I wouldn't have to send my current CPU back first. Much more convenient. I believe that the fact that my U officially owns the machine, along with the unsuccessful repair is responsible for this. I'll take them up on this, but I will wait until I can be assured that the production line has made the necessary changes.
  • Reply 326 of 588
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Well, my 15" showed up today.

    + No white spots! (Yet) Hooray!

    - 10.2.7??


    1 for 2...
  • Reply 327 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Why is that bad? Can't you update it to 10.2.8 via Software Update? What am I missing?

  • Reply 328 of 588
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Well, my 15" showed up today.

    + No white spots! (Yet) Hooray!

    - 10.2.7??


    1 for 2...

    Mine also arrived today, no white spots yet and thankfully no dead pixels that I can see.

    OS 10.2 also, Oh well $19.95 won't hurt to bad.
  • Reply 329 of 588

    Originally posted by rickag

    Don't know about the UK but here's what's what's on the US site

    Well, it must be different in the UK. Today I phoned up Apple After-Sales UK and organised for a replacement BTO (5400RPM) PB to be sent to me. There were no questions asked. I said there was a defect with the screen (bad pixels - not white spots), I gave them a number I had gotten from Apple Technical Support, and BAM!!! New BTO PB in the process of being sent to me - "top Priority" because it is in lieu of a defective machine (and was within the 10-day return period).

    It is all at no cost to myself. I might even be able to avoid being Macless for too long because I get to come to a separate agreement with TNT as to when they pick up my defective PB. This process, as the Rep kept saying, is independent of Apple UK and they do NOT demand that TNT get the defective PB from the customer within a certain time (though I assume you can't take the piss and leave it for weeks on end).

    Is this really an example of reasonable, responsible and clear customer service from Apple (UK)??!!!

    ... Hell really has frozen over.

  • Reply 330 of 588

    Originally posted by rickag

    Mine also arrived today, no white spots yet and thankfully no dead pixels that I can see.

    Give it a few days...not to worry you...but the white spots don't show up until 5-7 days after you turn her on. Sucks I know...but whatever.
  • Reply 331 of 588
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Why is that bad? Can't you update it to 10.2.8 via Software Update? What am I missing?


    It's out today.

    People have received retail boxed orders as of two days ago.

    My PB was shipped on Tuesday.

    It would have been nice to have had Panther already installed, you know?

    I'm not so concerned about the nickle-and-dime-us-to-death-you-greedy-bastards $20, but the time involved in migrating. :/
  • Reply 332 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Oh, I see. Yes, I KNOW "Panther is out today", but I thought you had some sort of 10.2.7 vs. 10.2.8 issue.

    I wasn't even thinking in terms of Panther.


  • Reply 333 of 588
    My PB came back last Friday and had spots again by Tuesday.

    I called AppleCare with the intent just to make sure they recorded that the spots are back, not with the intent to send it back in right away. Well, they put me on the phone with a "senior tech"/"second tier support" person who acted very concerned that they had reappeared. He assured me that they would get them fixed for certain this time. When I asked him how he knew they would fix it for sure, he said that they have a newer LCD to put in than what they had put in it last week. The tech told me that since I'm an higher ed customer and because this is the second time around, they would put a high priority code on the repair and I should get it back in 2-5 days (versus 5-7 days the last time). So, maybe I'm a sucker, but I agreed to send my PB back to them next week.

    The saga continues . . .
  • Reply 334 of 588
    Ooo. Sounds promising pour moi if they really do treat higher-ed ppl as a priority. I've started the process of getting my PB replaced...
  • Reply 335 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by Neandertal

    My PB came back last Friday and had spots again by Tuesday.

    I called AppleCare with the intent just to make sure they recorded that the spots are back, not with the intent to send it back in right away. Well, they put me on the phone with a "senior tech"/"second tier support" person who acted very concerned that they had reappeared. He assured me that they would get them fixed for certain this time. When I asked him how he knew they would fix it for sure, he said that they have a newer LCD to put in than what they had put in it last week. The tech told me that since I'm an higher ed customer and because this is the second time around, they would put a high priority code on the repair and I should get it back in 2-5 days (versus 5-7 days the last time). So, maybe I'm a sucker, but I agreed to send my PB back to them next week.

    The saga continues . . .

    Hey, they offered me a new machine. Also higher Ed, institutional purchase (was yours "for yourself"?). I'm waiting until things clear up for certain, though.
  • Reply 336 of 588

    Originally posted by machem

    Hey, they offered me a new machine. Also higher Ed, institutional purchase (was yours "for yourself"?). I'm waiting until things clear up for certain, though.

    Mine was a personal purchase, but I suspect that I could have pushed for a replacement since I made the original call within the 10 day return period. The Apple Tech was very apologetic was very assuring that the problem would be solved this time. But as I said in my last message, I'm probably a sucker.
  • Reply 337 of 588
    Oi! Keep this thread up-to-date. I want to know what's going on with the 15inchers! \
  • Reply 338 of 588
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 568member
    had my 15" back for nearly 2 weeks now. No sign of the spots, apart from a really subtle one to the left of the centre, but you have to concentrate to see it.

    Just installed Panther and my startup time has been slashed - 14 spins of the spokes instead of 54!

    Only thing annoying me now is the case seems to be a little sloppy on the right side above the CD slot. I can press down on the metal and it moves, unlike the left side.
  • Reply 339 of 588
    I did a little shopping on 5th Avenue today and popped into both DataVision and CompUSA to check out the 15" AlBook. Unfortunately, the 15" AlBook display models in BOTH stores had the white spots. Prior to today, I also checked out the Apple Stores in SoHo and Menlo NJ, and the same thing, they all had the white spots. Some were less obvious than others, but they were there.

    Another thing that annoyed the hell out of me was that almost all the PC Notebooks in DataVision and CompUSA had noticeably brighter and richer displays with well saturated colors and no 'clouding' or yellowing at the edges compared to the PowerBooks. The PC Notebooks were Sony, Toshiba, Compaq and Fujitsu. Their displays were positively amazing. Now I don't know about Toshiba and Fujitsu, but I know that Sony and Compaq do NOT make their own displays, so I am wondering why they are so different if Apple is using the same manufacturers?

    Ironically, an older TiBook (1GHz) had a better display than the current AlBooks (and there was a 900MHz iBook with a nicer 12" display as well). The 15" Al was nice (despite the spots), but not a jaw dropper, and the 17" was a bit washed out. Is Apple cutting corners in the wrong places? Or, maybe it's the drivers, or the lack of a higher resolution? The thing is, one wouldn't really know or notice until you see them side by side with other notebooks out there, including other (and sometimes older) Macs.
  • Reply 340 of 588
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    You should calibrate the LCD before you dismiss its quality. The defaults for the PowerBooks don't bring out the best of the LCDs until you change the font smoothing options (initially set for CRT, not LCD). You will also need to do the gamma adjust. I found the using the sRGB ColorSync profile brought out much richer colors in my display.
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