Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 381 of 588
    spykyspyky Posts: 55member

    Originally posted by pscates

    What?!?! Are you saying all these screen problems are present ONLY in the 15" Combo Drive (1GHz) PowerBook?

    I think a lot of people here having problems had the 1.25GHz SuperDrive model, right?

    filmmaker? machem? Others? Hello?

    Yep, problems with my 1.25 too. I had the original screen replaced, and it is much better now, but not perfect. I plan to have it fixed again during my winter break when I won't need my computer so much.

  • Reply 382 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by pscates

    What?!?! Are you saying all these screen problems are present ONLY in the 15" Combo Drive (1GHz) PowerBook?

    I think a lot of people here having problems had the 1.25GHz SuperDrive model, right?

    filmmaker? machem? Others? Hello?

    Mine is a 1.25GHz SD, 1x512, stock 80G HD.
  • Reply 383 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member
    I personally haven't heard from anyone I know at Apple say the problem is officially resolved (and these are people who would/should know), and I won't call for my replacement machine until I hear from them.

    These are not people with particularly profound knowledge of the inner workings of Apple, but simply people who will know. When I tell y'all that I've called for my replacement machine, you'll know that (at least I think) it's safe.
  • Reply 384 of 588
    bigbluebigblue Posts: 341member

    Originally posted by pscates

    What?!?! Are you saying all these screen problems are present ONLY in the 15" Combo Drive (1GHz) PowerBook?

    I think a lot of people here having problems had the 1.25GHz SuperDrive model, right?

    filmmaker? machem? Others? Hello?

    I have a 1.25 Superdrive BTO (5400 rpm drive). Ordered oct. 2, received oct. 16. No problems whatsoever. Mint condition. Good clear screen, no spots, good battery live (some claim less then 2 hours, I have 2 1/2 hours with Airport on). So I'm a happy camper...

    But I was wondering: are there different manufactering plants ? In Europe, where I live, they come from Cork, Ireland. Maybe they're made in Taiwan as well, but QA can be somewhere else. Maybe the Irish have better eyes ...
  • Reply 385 of 588
    cj3209cj3209 Posts: 158member

    Originally posted by walrus

    I am having a serious QC problem with Apple and my PB/800.

    The combodrive just went out on it and it is not repairable...

    it has to be replaced. Apple refuses to replace it because the warranty is two months past!!!!!

    Is this poor customer care, or what!!!??? and as someone else said

    here, Apple customer care has never heard of this problem. Very interesting! Not only has Apple decided to deride their customers, but also lie to them.

    I have seen many posts on the web about this particular problem and have asked people to respond to me via email. I have almost 20 replies so far and everyone would like to deal with Apple and this problem. We all feel we have been taken for a ride!!! We are possibly considering a lawsuit. We are all researching this at the moment.

    Apple is currently dealing with a serious problem for their new models of PBs and G5s. The new 17" has the same issue with the superdrive and Apple is having to replace all of these since they are still under warranty.

    The G5 desktops appear to all have faulty fans in them and some people are having problems with the drives.

    Apple's quality has definitely fallen to the wayside.

    If anyone here would like to join in the action against Apple, please email me: [email protected]

    If I understand you correctly, your warranty EXPIRED and you expect APPLE to fix your combo drive for FREE? Why don't you just buy one and install it yourself since you're OUT OF WARRANTY.

  • Reply 386 of 588
    That's what extended warranties are for...and that is also why you should ALWAYS buy Apple Care on a Powerbook or iBook.
  • Reply 387 of 588
    The issue is that many people have had the same problem just one to three months out of warranty. If Apple is highly suggestive of buying the extended warranty for their products, does this mean that Apple products are not worth the already exaggerated cost?

    My Sony VAIO was 6months out of warranty when a small problem occurred, a spring in the CD drive snapped....they repaired it w/o any cost to me.

    That is customer care!!!!
  • Reply 388 of 588
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    That's phenomenal and very very uncommon for any company. (And you're comparing replacing a broken spring to a completely new ComboDrive? Uh...)

    A warranty has a set expiration date that you know of in advance. If you want continued coverage, there is a procedure for purchasing it. It's totally within your control. Obviously, you didn't think it was worth it before the warranty was over. But now it is.

    Tell me, do you bother with insurance past the legally required minimum, then expect the insurance company to cover any and all costs you might incur? That's what AppleCare, or any warranty is, after all, merely insurance.
  • Reply 389 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member
    Apple has covered me more than once when HW went south a week or so out-of-warranty. I feel that was the right thing to do in both cases, and obviously so did they. I wouldn't have squawked if either problem had happened 30 days out and they had said "no"; more than that I wouldn't have even expected it.

    Note, both of these were days out of AppleCare, so three years out of purchase. AppleCare has paid for itself for my machines.
  • Reply 390 of 588

    Originally posted by Joecool

    Hmmm.....let me put it to you this way.


    Send it back and get a unit that is worth the $$ you paid for!! ...

    Exactly! Thats why i send back my FIRST PB12" 1gighz back, just because it was -->


    hear me--> DOA!

    I was so pissed i can tell you.

    The second one i recieved instead of the doa one works perfectly right, but the batterie live i complaint in another thread. well ...

    btw now, its an awesome machine, i'll keep it up;-)

  • Reply 391 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    This just in from the "No Shit!" desk:

  • Reply 392 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by pscates


    This just in from the "No Shit!" desk:


    Actually there is some new info there:


    "The new 15-inch PowerBook has been a big hit with customers since its introduction last month," Apple said in a statement released on Thursday. "However, some customers are reporting the appearance of faint, white spots on their displays after using the system for a short period of time, and Apple is investigating these reports right now. Any customers experiencing this problem should contact AppleCare."

    (that was wierd, I couldn't copy/paste that!)

    I hadn't heard Apple publicly mentioning this anywhere.

    Still waiting to hear of a permanent fix.
  • Reply 393 of 588
    good find!!!!

    I am contacting the reporter to alert him to the other problems with the PBs.

  • Reply 395 of 588
  • Reply 396 of 588
    Well, I've joined the club. My 15" 1.25GHz PB is about five weeks old and just today three white spots appeared.

    More seriously, the keyboard illumination stopped working. I have seen a few references to this on Apple's discussion boards. I tried resetting the power manager and zapping PRAM to no effect. Sometimes a restart will fix it but it goes off after the first time it sleeps.

    When I press F10 to increase illumination I get the usual on-screen display but at the bottom is a circle with a diagonal slash indicating it somehow isnt't functioning.

    I also have the creaking sound coming from the region of the CD slot but it is pretty mild. I can't force it to happen but once in a while I hear it while typing.

    I'll call Apple tomorrow.
  • Reply 397 of 588
    Welcome...fees are due within a week of joining...
  • Reply 398 of 588
    Hey fimmaker,

    your next film should be done on the Apple

    Century theaters cinema screens......sungalsses

  • Reply 399 of 588
    I ordered my 15" on the 28th. It says it will ship on or before 11/20. I am not that excited about it anymore, it will be my first mac purchase. I am considering calling and changing my order to a 12" with the superdrive (i got the combo) and going ahead and ordering my airport stuff with the extra money.
  • Reply 400 of 588

    if you want the superdrive, you can buy a Panasonic UJ-815.

    No need to get it from MCE tech!!! The generic UJ-815 works!!!

    It costs almost $100 less than the one from MCE at a cost

    of about $270-$280

    A friend of mine changed his Matsushita(which is Panasonic!)

    Combo drive to the generic UJ-815. You can look on pricewatch.com

    for reference.

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