Why don't people realize that Macs are superior?



  • Reply 21 of 24
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    Point is, the Mac is not superior in each aspect.

    It is inferior:

    - if you are a hardcore gamer

    - if you work in a MS-dominated office environment

    - if you have to live on a tight budget

    - if you need to use lots of specialty software like for engineers

    It only goes head-to-head if you need the absolute most in CPU power, regardless of noise.

    It is completely possible to be productive working with Windows, and for many people its a tradeoff between price and comfort. As long as Apple keeps the prices high, their market share will not exceed 5%.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by dferigmu

    Enlighten me. What is the big problem? Is it marketing?

    Yes, I think. The lack of AND lameness of (when they actually decide to do something). Too vague, cutesy, too "preach to the choir", too lacking in substance or "meat 'n' taters". They don't show the hardware, they've never made an OS X campaign. They don't show people doing stuff with it (other than annoying someone on a plane), etc.

    Jobs demos this amazing stuff on stage (the OS, the iApps, the iPod, iSight, general ease of use and connecting to other gadgets like cameras, camcorders, etc. - the whole "digital hub" thing) but they can't somehow translate/distill that down into some really slick, persuasive and eye-opening 30 seconds spots so "the masses" (people who DON'T follow Apple, read rumor sites, visit maccentral.com 9 times a day, read Macworld, worship at the altar of Steve and all that is "i", etc.) get a sense of what the company - and their products - are all about.

    If I wasn't already a fan/believer, nothing I've seen from them in the past 3-4 years would make me want to investigate them further, to be completely honest.

    I'd think "hmmm, nice tower...so what?"

  • Reply 23 of 24
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    Originally in signature by Pscates:


    I am Mac-less for the next 2 weeks...take pity on me.

    First time in over 10 years I've not had a Mac...

    Shameful. You should be suspended for that.
  • Reply 24 of 24
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Don't worry, it's not for a bad reason (I didn't throw it out the window, it wasn't stolen and I'm certainly not on some sort of goofy, self-imposed "Mac hiatus").

    I simply sold my iMac last weekend - out of the blue and when I least expected it...but it was perfect timing, looking back - and will most likely be buying one on October 24 during the Panther rollout at the Atlanta Apple store.

    So just a brief, 2-week break from having one, that's all.

    Kinda nice in the evenings, I have to admit. My eyes are getting a nice break and I'm enjoying doing other things around the house. This whole Leage playoffs and World Series stuff couldn't have come at a better time! I've been watching every game, every night and digging it the most.

    Oh yeah: go Cubs!

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