Mac OS X Panther ONLY Hidden Features/Hacks/Hints/Tips/Tricks



  • Reply 21 of 66
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by Spaztik

    TextEdit: New "Complete" feature. While typing a word press option-esc and a list of possiblities comes up with guesses as to what word you are trying to type. Yes, it's small, but it's new to Panther.

    Now why can´t I get this to work?
  • Reply 22 of 66

    Originally posted by Anders

    Now why can´t I get this to work?

    Seems only to work in english. I tried typing Hau<option-esc> and hoped to find "Haus" (german for house) in the pop-up list. Instead I got a list starting with "Hauberk" and ending with "Hauteur's". The only german word I found in that list was "Hausfrau". \
  • Reply 23 of 66
    I just found another thing cool about Panther. Everyone knows that you can minize every window from a running Application at once with the option key right? (hold option and double-click one window).

    Well, all those windows go into the dock. To get them ALL BACK at once just option click on window in the dock and *WOOOSH!* they all come flying up onto the desktop again.
  • Reply 24 of 66

    Originally posted by Spaztik

    I just found another thing cool about Panther. Everyone knows that you can minize every window from a running Application at once with the option key right? (hold option and double-click one window).

    Well, all those windows go into the dock. To get them ALL BACK at once just option click on window in the dock and *WOOOSH!* they all come flying up onto the desktop again.

    doesn't work with iTunes but seems to work with other apps
  • Reply 25 of 66
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i forgot to tell apple to include one simple thing for dock minimizing, and, as has been metioned before, some apple developers do read these threads and use ideas, so here goes...

    allow a checkbox under the "Dock..." system preference to lock the dock size to be PROPORTIONAL to the magnification size. that way, you can make sure that as you scale the dock smaller, the magnification will scale down with it behind the scenes, and avoid having the strange "16x16 icon dock magnifies to 128x128 heart attack inducing shock" effect. of course, if you like it the old way, you could just uncheck the "maginification propotional to dock size" checkbox.

    i guarantee, if you don't see this feature in a minor panther update, you will in 10.4.

    seriously, apple, when am i getting my job offer??? i live for this stuff!

    p.s. why don't they have icon pixel size int he dock system preference, when they DO have it in the get info panel? just seems logical to me.

    p.p.s. to take a cue from a-dock, i also don't understand why there can't be a way to toggle a small pixel bar along whatever edge the dock is for when it is set to auto-hide. i can't tell you how maddening it is whenever i sat down at a co-worker's desk to troubleshoot a file, and they had their dock set to "auto-hide," and i had to scrub three different screen sides to find the bloody thing, because everyone wanted their in a different place. if i had some visual cue, like a few pixels of it still visible along the edge where it is hidden, it would save a lot of scrounging around.

    p.p.p.s. anyone know where to send feedback and suggestions like this?
  • Reply 26 of 66
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member

    Originally posted by Spaztik

    I just found another thing cool about Panther. Everyone knows that you can minize every window from a running Application at once with the option key right? (hold option and double-click one window).

    Well, all those windows go into the dock. To get them ALL BACK at once just option click on window in the dock and *WOOOSH!* they all come flying up onto the desktop again.

    Very cool.
  • Reply 27 of 66

    Originally posted by Barto

    Brad is going to wet himself.

    I already knew about this, actually, and am still quite dry, thanks.

    not new to Panther, 10.3:


    Originally posted by Spaztik

    I have my dock set up with 32x32 size icons and Magnify at 64x64. How did I get the icons at exactly 64x64 without going nuts? Simple. Terminal.

    You need the BSD System installed to do this.

    No, you don't. You can simply change that number in any text editor of the file ~/Preferences/


    Originally posted by rok

    p.p.p.s. anyone know where to send feedback and suggestions like this?, but it appears to still not have been updated for the retail version of 10.3.
  • Reply 28 of 66
    By the way, there are several posts here that don't belong since they don't follow the thread's topic of tricks/features that are *new* to Mac OS X Panther ONLY.

    I'm weeding through the posts and am tagging the ones that are old so we can have a good list of strictly *new* tricks. If you post a reply for something that you know is not new to Panther but is nice to have anyway, please include this line at the top of your post:

    not new to Panther, 10.3:

    coded as this without the extra spaces:

    [ color=blue][ b]not new to Panther, 10.3:[/b][/COLOR]

    I'll also weed all the posts out of people correcting each other as to what is not new. If you see a feature posted that's not new that isn't tagged as old, though, please do post so it can be corrected.

  • Reply 29 of 66

    Originally posted by iBrowse

    I really like the tab in expose, that's awesome.

    Thanks, I just discovered that, and it is awesome. As is the Command-Tab Application Switcher.
  • Reply 30 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    EDIT: I actually READ what you wrote, the second time but i'll leave the tip here anyway...

    not new to Panther, 10.3:

    Option-drag the Dock's resize bar. This snaps it to exact pixel sizes for all the icon sizes.
  • Reply 31 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by rok

    p.p.s. to take a cue from a-dock, i also don't understand why there can't be a way to toggle a small pixel bar along whatever edge the dock is for when it is set to auto-hide. i can't tell you how maddening it is whenever i sat down at a co-worker's desk to troubleshoot a file, and they had their dock set to "auto-hide," and i had to scrub three different screen sides to find the bloody thing, because everyone wanted their in a different place. if i had some visual cue, like a few pixels of it still visible along the edge where it is hidden, it would save a lot of scrounging around.

    p.p.p.s. anyone know where to send feedback and suggestions like this?

    not new to Panther, 10.3:

    All you need to do is merely type option-command-d. This shows/hides the Dock, wherever it happens to be.
  • Reply 32 of 66
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    It would be nice if the dock had a clickable minimize/maximize tab when hidden, like A-Dock or the control strip. That way you always get it when you want it, and you never get it when you don't.
  • Reply 33 of 66
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by johnq

    not new to Panther, 10.3:

    All you need to do is merely type option-command-d. This shows/hides the Dock, wherever it happens to be.

    son of a gun. THANKS! (though i kinda like my idea as an option, too.)
  • Reply 34 of 66
    I found the Special Characters... tool under the Edit menu to be a nice addition.
  • Reply 35 of 66
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member
    Sort of new to Panther, 10.3

    Keyboard Viewer replaces Key Caps (input menu, turn on in keyboard prefpane,) and Date & Time "display in window" clock option replaces*

    *Actually it's inferior. You can't put it in the Dock and I don't now how to get my pretty third-party "Aqua" clock style to work, so I recovered from the trash.
  • Reply 36 of 66
    rara Posts: 623member
    Try this one. The blob:


    defaults write wvous-floater -bool true; killall Dock

  • Reply 37 of 66

    Originally posted by Ra

    The blob:

    Sweet sassy molassy! What in the hell?

    A shortcut for Exposé's "application windows" option... interesting.
  • Reply 38 of 66
    rara Posts: 623member
    Hold option when you click and it does all windows.
  • Reply 39 of 66

    Originally posted by Ra

    Try this one. The blob:


    defaults write wvous-floater -bool true; killall Dock

    What does it do? I'm a little scared to try it out because I don't understand what it says.
  • Reply 40 of 66
    rara Posts: 623member
    Try it out... it's harmless. If you want to get rid of it, do the same command but type 'false' instead of 'true.'
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