Next Framemaker release



  • Reply 21 of 60

    Originally posted by othello

    while i would love this to happen, i just can't see it...

    what is going to screw things up is if you work in a mixed platform environment (as i do). do you upgrade to 7.1 on the pcs (we do a lot of xml work, so 7.1 appeals a lot), but then have mac versions of 7 that can't deal with the new files?


    On the face of it, it should be OK to upgrade to 7.1 where you can: see the following remarks from the Adobe rep on frameusers. (I've also included the preceding paragraph, which rules out a late arrival of 7.1 for the Mac, alas.)


    FrameMaker 7.1 will only be available on the platforms listed.

    FrameMaker 7.0 will continue to be the current version for all

    other platforms for which FrameMaker 7.0 was released.

    The file format of FrameMaker 7.1 does not differ at all from

    that of FrameMaker 7.0 such that there is full file interoperability

    between users of FrameMaker 7.1 and users of FrameMaker 7.0.

  • Reply 22 of 60
    resres Posts: 711member
    This more then sucks. The only reason I have that damn classic environment on my computer is to run FM, I just cannot work without it.

    There is no other application that I can use to replace FrameMaker on the Mac. If Adobe drops Mac support what can I do? I'm going to be forced to switch to PCs.
  • Reply 23 of 60
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    i agree. the only reason i even start up classic is to use frame...
  • Reply 24 of 60
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    and i've just heard this...


    PS. Adobe India are still supposed to be working on FM8 which is supposedly going to be a major re-write!

    ever in hope...

  • Reply 25 of 60

    Originally posted by othello

    and i've just heard this...

    ever in hope...


    Yes, this was reported in the Times of India some time ago. (No pun intended.) To the best of my knowledge though there has been no specific confirmation that FM8 would support OSX: I've always just assumed it would....

  • Reply 26 of 60
    The saga continues: one of the regular members of the frameusers group writes,


    >I agree. No amount of whining will change the fact that Adobe has,

    >apparently, abandoned the Mac platform for FrameMaker development.

    Not just the Mac, apparently...

    I have received offlist a report on internal Adobe information that confirms that Adobe has decided to end FrameMaker development and migrate users to InDesign. The nature of the information suggests that this may happen earlier than two years hence.

    (Note: There is no way for me to check this information. So please treat it as a rumor, although I have no reason to doubt it's accuracy.)

    This is an experienced and level-headed respondent with a long track record on this list, not just some fly-by-night troll.

    This is very depressing, if it's true.

    So: what would it take for InDesign to catch up to Framemaker's features? An off-list respondent compiled the following list:


    WebWorks for InDesign

    RoboHelp for InDesign

    Documentum Integration for InDesign


    InDesign Developers Kit (IDK)

    InDesign Server

    MIF for InDesign

    InDesign with EDDs for context-based formatting rules

    InDesign with valid XML Round trip (as opposed to well-formed XML round trip)

    Conditional text



    Cross-Reference formats

    Import formats

    Import element definitions

    XML Namespaces

    Robust Table Editor

    Book-level Find/Change, Spell Check, XREF & Structure Validation

    Apply Master Pages based on paragraph tags/elements in context

    Reference pages

    Obviously, several of these features could be substituted by equivalents, e.g. substituting Webworks with GoLive integration. Nonetheless, this is a rather daunting list.

  • Reply 27 of 60
    resres Posts: 711member
    Lovely, if they kill FM I don't know what I'll do.

    Is there any other program that will give me these Frame Maker features: Paragraph designer, character designer, master pages. indexing, table of contents generation, auto updating of cross references, tables, spell checker, thesaurus, flow text around images, link several files together to form a book.

    Off the top of my head those are the features that I use daily... is there another program out there that I can use instead of FM?
  • Reply 28 of 60
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    i can't see indesign ever having all the FM features...

    ...unless its a FM add-on to InDesign. the masses wouldn't need the extra features. but the FM users would pay an extra 750+ for their frame features.

    InDesign+FM anyone?
  • Reply 28 of 60
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    [edit: double post]
  • Reply 30 of 60

    Originally posted by othello

    i can't see indesign ever having all the FM features...

    ...unless its a FM add-on to InDesign. the masses wouldn't need the extra features. but the FM users would pay an extra 750+ for their frame features.

    InDesign+FM anyone?

    Well, yes, that's what I've always had in mind when I spout glibly about ID supplanting FM. I'd imagine that it might be marketed as something like "InDesign TS" (technical suite). The InDesign engine would be thrown in with a potpourri of Adobe libraries, presumably consisting of:

    -- Most or all of InDesign as we know it

    -- InCopy

    -- Fat slabs of Acrobat and GoLive

    -- A whole bunch of specialised extra bits for long documents

    I've got no doubt whatsoever that Adobe will make us pay through the nose for all this, so I'm sure that your prediction of paying an extra 750 smackeroos is (sadly) not too far wide of the mark.
  • Reply 31 of 60
    This is one thing I didn't expect: someone has come up with Frame: The Musical...


    Adobe, look at me

    And tell me what you see

    You ain't seen the best of me yet

    Give me time, and make me as good as "the rest".

    I got more in me

    And you can set it free

    Now Warnock's gone I'm still in your hands

    Don't you know who I am?

    Remember my name? (Frame)

    I'm gonna live forever

    I'm gonna learn how to fly (high)

    CS and I work together

    Framers will buy me and cry (Frame)

    I'm gonna make it past seven

    Letting me die is a shame (Frame)

    I'm gonna live forever

    Adobe remember my name.

    Adobe, hold on tight

    'Cause you will see that I'm right

    You will see I'm not for the chop

    Give me love and take all I got to give

    Adobe, I'll be tough

    Too much is never enough

    XML just makes my heart quake

    Ooh, I got what it takes

    Remember my name (Frame)

    I'm gonna live forever

    Well, I'm gonna give it a try (sigh)

    You and I should stick together

    Framers will buy me and cry (Frame)

    I'm gonna make it past seven

    Messing with me's not a game (Frame)

    I'm gonna live forever

    Adobe remember my name.

    (Remember, remember, remember, remember ...)


  • Reply 32 of 60
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member

    Well, yes, that's what I've always had in mind when I spout glibly about ID supplanting FM. I'd imagine that it might be marketed as something like "InDesign TS" (technical suite).

    The only problem with this scenario is that Frame is actually FAST and stable.
  • Reply 33 of 60
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by cowerd

    The only problem with this scenario is that Frame is actually FAST and stable.

    this reminds me of something which happened at the place i work last week.

    a new junior designer, trained on indesign. she is using frame for the first time.

    well frame crashed, and she told someone in the office 'that it just crashed', because thats what indesign does all the time. ended up with everyone rushing through to actually see a frame crash...

    you had to be there!
  • Reply 34 of 60
    Well, it's finally official:


    Adobe FrameMaker End-of-Life for Macintosh Platform

    On April 21, 2004 Adobe will discontinue Adobe(r) FrameMaker(r)

    software for the Apple Macintosh operating system. Adobe FrameMaker 7.1

    will continue to be available on Microsoft(r) Windows(r) and Sun(tm)

    Solaris(tm) platforms. Complimentary and fee-based technical support

    for FrameMaker for Macintosh will be available for approximately one

    year running through April 21, 2005.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Why is Adobe discontinuing Macintosh support for FrameMaker


    A. The decision to discontinue FrameMaker on the Macintosh operating

    systems was based on the market conditions for FrameMaker. The majority

    of our customers use FrameMaker on Microsoft Windows and Sun Solaris


    Adobe is continuing Macintosh development for flagship print and web

    publishing solutions such as Adobe Creative Suite including InDesign(r)

    CS, Photoshop(r) CS, Illustrator(r) CS, GoLive(r) CS, and Acrobat(r).

    Q. How much of your FrameMaker base is currently using Macintosh?

    A. It is our policy to not comment on the size of our user base.

    However, sales of FrameMaker licenses have been greater on the Windows

    and Solaris platforms for a number of years.

    Q. How much longer will FrameMaker 7.0 for Macintosh be available?

    A. Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 for Macintosh will be available to distributors

    and licensing customers and through the Adobe Store, until April 21, 2004.

    Q. Will Adobe release another version of FrameMaker for Solaris and


    A. It?s our policy not to disclose future product plans but moving

    forward, Adobe's planned development efforts for FrameMaker will focus on

    the Windows and Solaris platforms.

    Q. Will Macintosh users continue to get support from Adobe on FrameMaker?

    A. Adobe will continue to provide complimentary support for FrameMaker 7.0

    for Macintosh until April 21, 2005, approximately one year. Adobe will

    honor fee-based technical support contracts for the Mac version until they

    expire. Adobe Open Option (AOO) maintenance contracts can no longer be

    ordered. For North America customers, please contact Adobe Customer Service

    at (800) 833-6687. For customers in other regions, please visit

    <http://> to contact your local

    customer service team.

  • Reply 35 of 60
    Frame was one of the most useful programs a few years back for me. Too bad they couldn't release a OS X Frame based on the old NEXTSTEP version.
  • Reply 36 of 60
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    I've never had reason to use a program like Framemaker with long document features. So I don't know much about the category.

    But I know Apple must use this category to prepare manuals and technical documents.

    With Framemaker now gone, does this open up a chance for Apple to intro a Word Processor with long document features (a la Keynote) and still not "directly" compete with Microsoft?
  • Reply 37 of 60
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by nguyenhm16

    Frame was one of the most useful programs a few years back for me. Too bad they couldn't release a OS X Frame based on the old NEXTSTEP version.

    FrameMaker is my mission-critical application. Frame, Inc. ported FrameMaker from UNIX to the Mac and Windows. It was a bit un-Maclike, but it more than held its own as a wordprocessor and was without peer for developing long documents. It was used by Apple Computer and by many others to develop their user manuals. However, I always had the sense that Adobe's purchase of Frame was the beginning of the end for FrameMaker. I appreciate the fact that FM 5, 6, and 7 were released by Adobe. However, I was never able to shake the sense that Adobe treated the product like a redheaded stepchild. The Mac leg of the stepchild has been amputated. If you use the Windows or Solaris version, however, I think that you too should be looking for alternatives.
  • Reply 38 of 60
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    With Framemaker now gone, does this open up a chance for Apple to intro a Word Processor with long document features (a la Keynote) and still not "directly" compete with Microsoft?

    Ahhhh Frank777 I too noticed the huge gap that Apple could take advantage of. "We're not trying to compete with Microsoft, Mac users need Long Document support and that's what we're giving" says Steve in the future. Teeehee. Maybe this is a good thing

    I feel for Mac Framemaker users. Adobe is a company I would not trust for the long haul. Well and eye for and eye. Develope Shake light and snuff AE out. There are plenty of people ready to leave AE if the right product comes along.
  • Reply 39 of 60
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    i am stunned.

    this was not what i had heard from the people i know in adobe.

    as someone said, frame is mission critical for me too.

  • Reply 40 of 60
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I can't say I'm stunned at all when I look at the big picture. I expect InDesign, Go Live and Acrobat for Macs to be orphaned soon enough. I don't expect any new products to come out for Macs either, only updates to current ones, and those to drop off as well in the next 3-5 years.

    At some point a lot of us are going to have to choose between Macs or Adobe products once and for all.
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