Obligatory Matrix Revolutions SPOILER THREAD



  • Reply 61 of 102

    Originally posted by rob

    He wasn't plugged into the Architect. The machines simply jacked him into the Matrix just like when he entered the Matrix while aboard one of the hovercrafts.

    more so even, they used all his jacks in the machine city, not just his neck/head jack
  • Reply 62 of 102
    jobjob Posts: 420member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    more so even, they used all his jacks in the machine city, not just his neck/head jack

    Very true. I had forgotten about that. I also found it fascinating to see the power source for the machines, the huge towers, slightly pulsating pink from all the pods. You have to wonder that that's where everyone was freed, including Neo, so the Neb in the first Movie must have flown the same route as Neo and Trinity did in Revolutions.

    Oh, and the blue sky and the electrical storms killing the machines was cool.
  • Reply 63 of 102
    Just for fun...


    Originally posted by Eugene

    I'm telling you humans that build hoverships and robot-suits should be able to knit better clothes.

    Consider the ultimate technologies we have today, yet not everybody walks around in $800 Armani suits. I'd presume that money and resources are expended according to priority in the Matrix world (not "in" the Matrix, just the world depicted in the movie).


    Chainguns shouldn't be the staple weaponry of a society that builds hoverships and massive underground cities.

    Mass and velocity is not too easy to beat when it comes to weaponized energy transfer and quick aiming functionality. Though, I do agree that they seemed quite overmatched for just bulletfire. Sort of like in Starship Troopers- if it takes that much to kill a bug with a machine gun, then obviously they should be walking around with something a bit better than machine guns. Otherwise, you get these ridiculous stand-offs that no sane person would hang around to finish.


    Zion wouldn't have lasted 1 minute in a real battle with those machines. One rather large thermonuclear explosion would have taken care of it nicely.

    Now if nuclear materials were available on the planet, wouldn't the machines just base their energy generation needs off of that? Since they chose humans as an energy source, instead, I would presume that all nuclear sources had been depleted long ago.


    Dialogue is good, but all that babbling grates on you after a while.

    Agreed. After a while, I just got tired of trying to figure out what they meant as they were saying it. I felt like I was missing out on stuff.


    Boy meets powerful captain. Captain shuns boy. Boy listens. Boy helps captain at just the right moment. Captain dies in front of boy. Boy listens to captain's dying words. Boy takes over for captain. Boy saves Zion. Cliché.

    C'mon, those were some wicked face slashes on the captain, no?


    This movie is like a sentinel. It has tentacles pointed in every direction hoping that one will please you, or another will please me. I've discussed this movie way too much already. Toodles.

    U R A Tarantino fanboy!
  • Reply 64 of 102
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member

    Originally posted by Gambit

    Actually, those are good points. But Zion, and everything in it from the chainguns, hoverships, tunnels, and everything, is a machine-construct. Zion was built by the machines as a place to put the humans who rejected the Matrix. The Architect explained that in Reloaded. Zion is just another system of control, and everything in it has been placed there to give the humans false sense of security. Even the attack in Revolutions seemed theatrical enough to allow the humans a chance to fight back and give Neo time to reach the Core. I think that's why the Architect (with the Oracle's help) inadvertantly set Neo up to save Trinity and break away from being like the other Ones.

    lol But I'm pretty sure you don't care.

    That is a good reminder, or notifier. I guess I just didn't understand what the architect was saying in reloaded because of all the fancy words. I never realized that zion was built by machines to put rejected people. It makes perfect sense, give some people hope, don't let the number grow too big, when it does, destroy it and start over. That ties some things up for me. Also, I didn't realize Neo was "jacked in" into every hole on his body, I thought they were just supports for him to sit back on. That could be something there as well, like the more ports that you are plugged into the more power you can have in the matrix. Another thing, I was disappointed to see Neo in the Matrix at the end vs. Smith. I wanted to see Neo wail on some more people hardcore, kind of like the opening scene of Reloaded, where he let the agents have it. ( I love that opening) Besides that, I like the fact that within all of the special effects, there is something to think about and discuss. It doesn't just make it another kung-fu flick. GREAT Trilogy!
  • Reply 65 of 102
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by cubs23

    GREAT Trilogy!

    Thank you.
  • Reply 67 of 102
    nwhyseenwhysee Posts: 151member
    Well Eugene the only reason i can give for the clothing is where would they get the raw materials? Whereas metal is lying around everywhere...
  • Reply 68 of 102
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member
    The part everyone forgets is that for the Matrix to continue existing Neo has to be reassimilated into the source. So the end sequence with Neo getting carried away is the machines carrying him back to the Source.

    Is this really the end of the Matrix war? No. The heavy use of theology in the movies leads me to this. Neo was the sixth, 7 is the number that comes to my mind. This leads me to Seiti, the little girl.

    Smith infected the girl, Smith had a little bit of Neo in him when he was destroyed in the 1st movie. Hence within the girl is a bit of Smith and Neo. A new anamoly.
  • Reply 69 of 102
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member
    In animatrix, "a kids's story" the main character, Michael Popper, is the same kid in Reloaded and Revolutions that is eager to help win the war. He is the one in Revolutions that joins the APU army and the captain doesn't want him to. I just thought that was cool how an animatrix character is actually in the movies.
  • Reply 70 of 102
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by LiquidR

    Is this really the end of the Matrix war? No. The heavy use of theology in the movies leads me to this. Neo was the sixth, 7 is the number that comes to my mind. This leads me to Seiti, the little girl.

    Smith infected the girl, Smith had a little bit of Neo in him when he was destroyed in the 1st movie. Hence within the girl is a bit of Smith and Neo. A new anamoly.

    Hmm... interesting. But I doubt it. Seiti was an older program that controlled the weather who was saved from deletion. I don't think she's going to be any more than that.

    Does anyone realize that it was the Oracle who told Neo to give up at the end? The Smith that had obsorbed the Oracle was the one fighting Neo at the end, and when Neo is lying down and Smith is saying how he had seen that in a vision, Smith says, "Everything that has a beginning has an end" and it freaks him out. He was saying, who said that?? Neo realized it was the Oracle speaking to him and then gave himself up. I thought that was an interesting, and possibly overlooked, little tidbit.
  • Reply 71 of 102
    neo is dead...

    I hear there was some stuff at the end of the credits huh? cuz if so I missed it is it true?

    anyways I actually liked the dialogue, in the second the most.

    And why can't the humans just EMP shield their electronics as well as the machines? I mean... they sell that stuff at home depot I hear, c'mon!

    as for cliches... kill bill was nothing but one to the fullest extent of... "cliche-ism" I liked the simple stories in the matrix embedded in there to add texture to the whole story. Though the whole trilogy is based upon exsistence and freedom.. the little sides stories add nothing but style. Also find me another movie where a general bears down upon a boy, and then the boy takes his place just go look... hehe i really can't recall any on the top of my head. sure it may sound cliche.. but maybe the right term would be trite...

    overall I really liked this move.
  • Reply 72 of 102
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member
    originally posted by Gambit


    Does anyone realize that it was the Oracle who told Neo to give up at the end? The Smith that had obsorbed the Oracle was the one fighting Neo at the end, and when Neo is lying down and Smith is saying how he had seen that in a vision, Smith says, "Everything that has a beginning has an end" and it freaks him out. He was saying, who said that?? Neo realized it was the Oracle speaking to him and then gave himself up. I thought that was an interesting, and possibly overlooked, little tidbit.

    That bit I thought was obvious, at least to me.

    I have to disagree with you on Seati being an older obsolete program. Remember in the Train Station the Father says that this is their child, he goes on to say she will be deleted because she has no purpose, not that she is obsolete.
  • Reply 73 of 102
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by LiquidR

    originally posted by Gambit

    That bit I thought was obvious, at least to me.

    I have to disagree with you on Seati being an older obsolete program. Remember in the Train Station the Father says that this is their child, he goes on to say she will be deleted because she has no purpose, not that she is obsolete.

    A program that is no longer needed, that has no purpose, is obsolete, right?
  • Reply 74 of 102
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Am I the only one who's heard rumours of a fourth film?

    They certainly left it wide open for a sequel. "Do you think we'll ever see Neo again?" "I think we just might, someday" etc.

    It's going to end up like Alien. Kill off the main characters only to pull them out the hat again, via some ridiculously contrived plot twist, so that you can cash-in all over again.

    God, I hope they don't do it!
  • Reply 75 of 102
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member

    Originally posted by Gambit

    A program that is no longer needed, that has no purpose, is obsolete, right?

    Try telling that to .
  • Reply 76 of 102

    Originally posted by Messiah

    They certainly left it wide open for a sequel. "Do you think we'll ever see Neo again?" "I think we just might, someday" etc.

    I'm sure the online game will see the story-arc continue, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a decent cartoon series at some point.
  • Reply 77 of 102
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by Messiah

    Am I the only one who's heard rumours of a fourth film?

    They certainly left it wide open for a sequel. "Do you think we'll ever see Neo again?" "I think we just might, someday" etc.

    Nah, I think the Oracle was implyiing that machines have souls, too.
  • Reply 78 of 102
    thttht Posts: 5,593member
    Saw the movie this afternoon. I loved it! Thought it was fantastic.

    My favorite scene is definitely the dock scene, including Niobe piloting the Hammer back to the dock. I loved the fact that they used guns and rocket launchers rather than the stereotypical scifi "laser blaster". If indeed these matrix escapees were raised in the late 20th century using AI built Zion with associated machinery and hover-ships, they really only have enough knowledge to build "simple" guns. Those APUs weren't even mechanized infantry with exo-suits, they were dock loader suits using big guns. And it looks like reverse engineering the EMPs and hover-ships weren't possible for them either.

    And yeah, I was really sad to see Trinity and Neo die.
  • Reply 79 of 102
    all during the dock fight, i was watching they way the sentinels were fighting. Did anyone else notice the strategy they were using? it was freakin brilliant. like the way the all huddled together and did that flying wrecking-ball thing. as they were advancing on the gun tower, the ones that were in front shielding the others would fly around to the back as they got hit so as not to take up too much damage as a whole.
  • Reply 80 of 102
    OK, I can understand how the machines would have built Zion, but why supply the humans with hovercrafts and EMP's? Did the hovercrafts come with all that "jack-in" hardware, or is that something the humans created and installed?
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