G5 "fastest computer" ad banned in UK; deemed false advertising



  • Reply 41 of 60
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    This is the point, we dont want french,germans, italians etc telling us how we should live our lifes.

    Again: nothing is agreed upon unless it can be done unanimously, so don't come crying afterwards. Your leaders agreed with every last one of those regulations!

    You are completely free to leave the union. But apparently plenty of your fellow Britons or plenty of your government don't want that. Your beef is with them, not with that abstract entity in the sky, "the Union". Do you not see that you're the brainwashed product of frustrated drek authors like that Guardian prick? Pipe, pipe, pipe, I'm a Briton and I don't want to belong. "Leave me alone." That story has gotten old a long time ago, m8. Europe is evil, the UK is good.

    And for the record: even outside of the union, the UK is deeply European. It's culture, Anglo-Saxon, is part of the large Germanic family which, to this day, dominates: Scandinavia entirely, Germany-Austria-Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg. So unless you start leeching off all your blood and replace it by something artificial, and you start speaking some concocted gobbledygook, you are blood and cultural brethren to at least half (?) of Europe.

    Open your eyes, you poor sod!
  • Reply 42 of 60

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    It's early and not all brits have degree's in english. As for frelling its a lot more civil than ing and bypasses the . As for trolling, well i guess your trolling by being pedantic

  • Reply 43 of 60

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    And for the record: even outside of the union, the UK is deeply European. It's culture, Anglo-Saxon, is part of the large Germanic family which, to this day, dominates: Scandinavia entirely, Germany-Austria-Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg. So unless you start leeching off all your blood and replace it by something artificial, and you start speaking some concocted gobbledygook, you are blood and cultural brethren to at least half (?) of Europe.

    Open your eyes, you poor sod!

    Actually it was the celts from norway/sweden that our ancestory stems from which is where the celts of germany came from.

    Our step into the EU was not voted upon thus no-one really had a say in the matter, if it was put to a referendum where we could all have a say then fair enough. If you want a superstate that strips your rights away from you left, right and centre then go ahead.
  • Reply 44 of 60
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    Actually it was the celts from norway/sweden that our ancestory stems from which is where the celts of germany came from.

    You should read up on history. The celts were the ones inhabiting your isles when the Germanic tribes came from the rest of Europe (mostly around 800 A.D.). Native 'Britons' would be celtic, such as Scottish, Irish, Welsh and Cornish (as well as Brittons from French Brittanny). You know, all those that still have a funny language of their own. The rest of you lot are children of the Germanic slaying machine, for you may rest assured that the Celts have suffered under the Germanic sword. Anglo-Saxons is the compound name for Germanic tribes from Anglia and Saxonia (the latter in Germany, the former in Scandinavia -?-). You make a big mistake there.

    This, I reckon, would be history as taught in British elementary schools, so I'm a bit baffled as to why you


    Our step into the EU was not voted upon thus no-one really had a say in the matter, if it was put to a referendum where we could all have a say then fair enough. If you want a superstate that strips your rights away from you left, right and centre then go ahead.

    Uh, last time I checked you had an elected government. You know how your and my democracy works, don't you? People vote every couple of years, and do, with that simple act, hand over all their claims on governing to the one they vote for. That's your vote right there. You had your say. A majority lays their fate in some or other leader, and thus give that leader(s) the power to decide on their behalf. The idea of a referendum sure is nice, but it is, in its most basic form, a machina for cowardly politicians afraid to make unpopular choices. Since when do things HAVE TO be decided by general vote or referendum? You want to be bothered every couple of hours to vote on the necessity of new asfalt on regional road 34bis?

    I can't tell you enough: every 'right' that is taken away from you (I'd love to see some examples) is taken away by YOUR government.
  • Reply 45 of 60
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Oh gee, do I wish I paid more attention in my History of the English Language requirement. However, Der Kopf makes a generally valid claim about the endigenous Briton -- in whatever form, he comes from the mainland of Europe, celt or anglo-saxon, it's still some guys who got on a boat and crossed the cold water from "Europe" to the "Isles." It is the same blood (inbred a few generations too long in places, but still the same blood). To argue that any one of the settlers of Great Britain constitutes the true British blood-line and all other settlers past a certain date are pollutions of British purity... this seems silly to me, especially if you set the date before 1066 and I would say as far as 13th-15th century, when you can start to speak of a distinctly british people with some historical cohesion. Everything prior is yet another part of the gene pool and just as "British" as any other part, if you take a long (and fair) view of history, and not one nationalistic slant or another.
  • Reply 46 of 60
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    TWAT means cunt powerdoc.

    Thanks, it was not the first time i saw this word, but he was not referenced in my dictionnary.

    A quick Google search led me to this :

    I feel that the word vagina sounds too scientific, pussy sounds too hairy and degrading and twat sounds too, well, wet. But cunt makes me smile.

    BTW the dual G5 rocks

  • Reply 47 of 60
    You need to go a bit further back in history, the celts were travelers and travelled all over the place even america (ok one boat was found but you get the point). On their travels they made settlements and over time came more disedent forming places like germania etc. Though you could argue we're more roman as they made a massive impact on the gene pool or you could also argue that were from africa as that is where we all originated before the continents parted. There is then the issue of the homosapian and the neanderthals being 2 different spieces but thats an appleoutsider issue.

    Your argument about the EU is how it is at the present state. But the future of the EU is that it wants to be it's own parliment with the member countries goverment becoming more like councils than a democratic government. This is the deeper issue of the EU and is why it's a bad thing for all democratic nations. Yes we elected the government, which were elected to deal with issues and people of this land. When it comes to EU MP's, they aren't elected by the people in the form of a poll like local MP's are, which considering there representing a country among other UNION countries is damn right out of order. When it comes to election times most people don't know about the said parties EU objectives and as with all polititicians we all get railroaded somewhere down the line.

    So, we have unelected EU MP's tinkering around brussells comming up with bullshit rules and regulations, which may benefit one country but is out right absurd for another. yes, our countries government has the right to block any laws, but in the process it will be accussed of trying to derail the EU movement. You can hardly call a governemt that's 3,4,10 whatever, years into it's rule that it stands for the majority of the people, cos they've no doubt mislead and bullshitted its way into power then when re-elected, changed their tune, and then back again when its time for re-election.

    So, when EU pro's like you pop up and shout "EU is good for you" and "Your being misled by the press" You make it all pretty and fluffy but dont talk about what the EU has plans for in the future which is brussels being the big decission maker and government of the whole of europe.

    I know your going to have the last say der kopf, and make out your superior cos you cant contain your over arrogant self, so this is a wrap for me on this thread.
  • Reply 48 of 60
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    As to that link: who reads tabloids anyway? If it's that bad, you had better put all Belgians on a train and gas them dead. There are few excuses for belligerent nationalism.

    The Guardian is a tabloid rag???? Well, I guess that we can't all be Saddam's whore. The Guardian is probably the largest left of center daily newspaper in the UK. The Guardian shed tears when the Iraq war started because "they couldn't stop it". The Guardian is one of the more pro EU newspapers in the UK (from what I can tell). The Guardian is saying that hell is Belgian governmental regulation.

    But then again, why would the minnion of hell be honest about how things are?

    <blatant_troll>Wow, I guess one advantage of the EU is that I no longer have to remember where all those pesky European nations are since they are now just one big happy increasingly federalist entity. Of course, I didn't know where some of them were anyways because they didn't matter as nations in the first place. Don't worry, I am sure that one day you will be as cool as the US or China. Probably once you get all those Galileo satellites in orbit.</blatant_troll>

    I really am a nice guy, I just have alot of pressure from work lately. I blame society.
  • Reply 49 of 60
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Just you wait. the guys at Va Tech are starting to uncork the G5, and it seems as though it's manhandling similar-sized clusters of Xeons.

    64bit programs + compiler that doesn't bite ass = huge performance gains.

    I don't think Intel is a threat. It's the Athlon64 that is.
  • Reply 50 of 60
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Yevgeny has a cool name.
  • Reply 51 of 60
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Yevgeny has a cool name.

    Did I say you that Eugene is a typical french name ?

    It come from Saint eugenius (wich means coming from a good family in Greek) bishop and martyr of Paris in the third century.

    Anyway in your case , it has more chance to come from the town of Eugene in the US
  • Reply 52 of 60
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Uh, I'd just like to say that my earlier comment wasn't meant to be extrapolated as Euro-bashing or anything. God knows, we have our own outrageous laws on this side of the pond too. \
  • Reply 53 of 60
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    So, when EU pro's like you pop up and shout "EU is good for you" and "Your being misled by the press" You make it all pretty and fluffy but dont talk about what the EU has plans for in the future which is brussels being the big decission maker and government of the whole of europe.

    Don't worry, Giscard d'Estaing isn't proposing a federalist EU constitution either. Don't listen to those who say that you are not going to have as much sovereignty as you had- they are narrow minded people who are trying to stand in the way of the inevitable march of history (just like that one guy stood in the way of the tanks in Tiananmen square).

    Honestly though, I can understand why the French and Italians want to cuddle up to each other in a union. If I lived in nations like those, I would also do anything to boost my own self esteem. The UK on the other hand is a nation which has reasons to respect itself. I mean you actually fought Hitler and all that.

    My goodness, I am in a sour mood today. You would think that somebody killed my cat. I don't think that I really mean any of what I am saying (by this I mean that I don't hate Europeans, but that I do think that the EU is going to be a horrorific mess).
  • Reply 54 of 60
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I don't think Intel is a threat. It's the Athlon64 that is.

    I agree. Intel can't compete on price/performance for large suptercomputers, and certainly not for large 64bit supercomputers because of the absurdly high price of the Itanium. The real competition is from AMD and the Opteron CPU. If we are to believe all that was written, then Apple was able to beat out an AMD solution. Things are looking very good for Apple.
  • Reply 55 of 60

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    Yes we elected the government, which were elected to deal with issues and people of this land. When it comes to EU MP's, they aren't elected by the people in the form of a poll like local MP's are ... So, we have unelected EU MP's tinkering around brussells comming up with bullshit rules and regulations

    Members of the European Parliment are elected and have been since 1979. I take it you didn't vote then?
  • Reply 56 of 60
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Yevgeny


    Honestly though, I can understand why the French and Italians want to cuddle up to each other in a union. If I lived in nations like those, I would also do anything to boost my own self esteem. The UK on the other hand is a nation which has reasons to respect itself. I mean you actually fought Hitler and all that.

    . [/B]

    I am french, and i don't see the necessity to boost my own self esteem : not because i am particulary proud to be french, but because my nationality is not a choice. I bornt french, end of the story.

    And for the Hitler thing, i will recall that some parts of the recent russian history is really dark. But i don't suppose that russian people should boost their self esteem : they have a great culture and should be proud of it.
  • Reply 57 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Jim Paradise

    They just need to B~xxxxxxxx~P 'em with the Virgina Tech supercomputer cluster.

    Enough with the rude sexist "B P vulgarities.
  • Reply 58 of 60
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    I am french, and i don't see the necessity to boost my own self esteem : not because i am particulary proud to be french, but because my nationality is not a choice. I bornt french, end of the story.

    And for the Hitler thing, i will recall that some parts of the recent russian history is really dark. But i don't suppose that russian people should boost their self esteem : they have a great culture and should be proud of it.

    My Russian coworkers are have no need of bosting their self esteem. Having self esttem/a non fatalistic outlook on life immediately disqualifies you from being Russian. Documenting your code also disqualifies you from being Russian as well.
  • Reply 59 of 60
    As soon as the G5 was released and I saw Apple's marketing claim that it was the "World's fastest" I knew it would spark controversy and backlash from the Windblows world and others, but this is not necessarily to Apple's disadvantage because it get's people talking about the G5 and for people to be even using the words G5 and "world's fastest" in the same sentence is a boon for Apple! It is a common perception among PC folk that Apple computers are slow. For years now Apple has struggled performance wise and now they have the G5 they wanted as hard-hitting ad campaign as possible.
  • Reply 60 of 60
    So anyway these Apple Computers are quite good really, I mean they come with loads of different languages installed, kind of uniting the whole world in a brother-hood-of-man type of way. Cool!

    If Calsberg made G5,s they would probably be the fastest computers in the world.
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