JFK: Genuine (naive) questions

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Don't laugh at me.

This is one of those odd areas you get (well I do anyway) where Everyone Knows Everything but I don't. Kind of like how I only saw Reservoir Dogs for the first time this year.

Anyway, don't call me a whacko, just fill in the gaps.

Yer man, he's in the Caddy, bowling down the boulevard in Texas with the Missus, and young master Oswald, he's in a building of some description. When Jack's passed him, on his way to that grassy knoll whatever, Lee blows his ing head off. From behind right?

Don't his brains go in the wrong direction or am I missing something?

I'm aware there has been some ... uh .. debate about this over the last 40 years, but I'm stumped on this. There's some Really Good Reason I'm missing?


  • Reply 1 of 64
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    His head was turned, he was looking at the crowd. The shot blew off the back of his head off from one side to the other...I'm not sure if the bullet that split open his coconut was the one that hit Connally.
  • Reply 2 of 64
    Well, I think, and I haven't seen the tape in a while, his brain matter actually did fall in line with Oswald's gun (right onto the first lady's lap). The first hit, I think, implied a front-right inbound; since he moved 'back and to the left.' But the first hit wasn't the kill shot. The goofed part was there were more wounds than bullets accounted for.

    Of course, the official investigation leaves a lot to be desired. I should also note that my only source of information was the JFK movie, which I hear fictionalized and mistold a lot about the situation.
  • Reply 3 of 64
    the head shot was probably not the shot that hit connelly, that slug was too pristine to have gone through a skull (kennedy's) a shoulder and a knee (connely's).

    if you ask the senator from pennsylvania (arlen "magic bullet" spector) he would tell you that one shot caused seven separate wounds in kennedy and connelly. spector was council to the warren commission and was the "brains" behind the warren report's "magic bullet theory".
  • Reply 4 of 64
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    When a rain drop falls into water does it only splash forward or does it splash back in the opposite direction the drop came from? Must be a conspiracy!
  • Reply 5 of 64
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Scott

    When a rain drop falls into water does it only splash forward or does it splash back in the opposite direction the drop came from? Must be a conspiracy!

    First post (mine) admits ignorance and asks for evidence.

    Second post offers concrete reason as requested.

    Third post offers conrecte reason as requested.

    Fourth post contains related facts. Facts.

    Fifth post reads WAAAAAAAY too much into the observable facts; the only sadness is that this staggering irony is entirely lost on its poster.
  • Reply 6 of 64

    Originally posted by Harald

    Fifth post reads WAAAAAAAY too much into the observable facts; the only sadness is that this staggering irony is entirely lost on its poster.

    i think scott was trying to point out the wide range of conspiracy theories that float around regarding this event. i mean just do a google search on the subject and you're going to hit on some crazy stuff.

    most of the theories from the movie J.F.K. come from jim garrison, a district attorney from new orleans who brought to trial a case against a new orleans businessman involved in a conspiracy to kill kennedy. many believe garrison to be crazy, and as many believe garrison to have brought to light many shortcomings in the warren report if nothing else. (the warren report was a blue ribbon panel headed by supreme court justice earl warren, and had then congressman, future president gerald ford, to investigate the assassination)

    i like the movie, but it's work of fiction.

    my favorite part in the movie is the part donald sutherland plays, a cia spook (who's character is an amalgamation of characters in garrison's story.) who reads a laundry list of items, that can be used to involve the government and "military industrial complex" in a conspiracy.

    what this all has to do with the trajectory or direction of the president's brain after being shot? well not much, but it's just one of the aspect's to the warren report's contention that there was only one gunman. if you don't agree with that (the last poll i saw, indicates more americans don't agree with it, than do.) then you have to open up the whole big kettle of stinky fish.
  • Reply 7 of 64
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Scott was a bit too trigger-happy there. You should've held on to that remark a few more hours, Scott, and you might have pulled it off.
  • Reply 8 of 64
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Couple of interesting points to consider.

    The Zapruder film, ( the one that clearly shows the shooting ) is the only one alleged to have been made.

    Yet live TV footage of the time (as well as the Zapruder film itself ) clearly shows at least another half a dozen or so people with movie cameras in their hands, as well as others taking still shots.

    Where has all that footage gone ?

    Secondly, with all the currently technology available to sharpen up film footage etc , why hasn't this been done with the Zapruder film to glean more imformation ?
  • Reply 9 of 64

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Couple of interesting points to consider.

    The Zapruder film, ( the one that clearly shows the shooting ) is the only one alleged to have been made.

    Yet live TV footage of the time (as well as the Zapruder film itself ) clearly shows at least another half a dozen or so people with movie cameras in their hands, as well as others taking still shots.

    Where has all that footage gone ?

    Secondly, with all the currently technology available to sharpen up film footage etc , why hasn't this been done with the Zapruder film to glean more imformation ?

    congress did reopen the investigation, during the clinton administration, and came up with no new conclusions. a dvd was released with the zapruder film magnified enhanced and what have you, a couple of years ago.

    there was other film but no one else caught the assassination, lately a new conspiracy theory has popped up that the zapruder film is fake!
  • Reply 10 of 64
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Well, despite what movies and TV pretend is possible, you cannot "improve" on original film or image detail. You can't divine out more detail when the device cannot capture more detail. The best you can do is play with the film's histogram to pull out more subtleties in value that the film may have captured but that our eyes couldn't otherwise pull out. You're restricted by the grain of the original film. No interpolation can be considered more than conjecture because anything finer than that is beyond the film's margin of error for accurate exposure. In other words, any additional "detail" is essentially an arbitrary pattern of the film's making, not the exposed image.

    Wouldn't the exit wound be the big wound? Or did Oswald use a hollow point bullet? The big question people raise is the direction the head jerks when he's hit. I can't remember how it goes at this point. I imagine the explosive force of the exit wound over a larger area would produce the force to throw his head around, equal and opposite. I imagine slim high-speed projectile would barely move a hair on his head. It's like the difference between an olympic diver and someone doing a belly flop. One displaces a lot more water.
  • Reply 11 of 64

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    Wouldn't the exit wound be the big wound? Or did Oswald use a hollow point bullet? The big question people raise is the direction the head jerks when he's hit. I can't remember how it goes at this point. I imagine the explosive force of the exit wound over a larger area would produce the force to throw his head around, equal and opposite. I imagine slim high-speed projectile would barely move a hair on his head. It's like the difference between an olympic diver and someone doing a belly flop. One displaces a lot more water.

    One other theory put forth a few years ago states that JFK's head goes backwards (at one point) due to the shock of the bullet entering the brain - an instinctive response - thus countering the idea of the bullet coming from a different direction.
  • Reply 12 of 64
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    This is a flaw in my example. Let's see of anyone can find it? I have a counter explanation ready though.
  • Reply 13 of 64
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Scott

    When a rain drop falls into water does it only splash forward or does it splash back in the opposite direction the drop came from? Must be a conspiracy!

    Actually, there is a recoil effect, but that is relative to the water drop being made of the same material that it is impacting.
  • Reply 14 of 64
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    No It's more due to gravity pulling the water surface back. The tension helps hold it together but gravity makes the water rush into the hole and pop the water back up.

    But even then when you have the first impact you do get a crown of water that flies up and out. Not in the direction of the drop.
  • Reply 15 of 64
    I think Hollywood is to blame in showing exaggerated movement from being shot. One of the countless documentaries I've seen over the years on this had a pathologist who got very cross about this head movement supposedly showing where the bullet had come from. A bullet passes through a human without causing any movement, what we see in Zapruder is the fact that we have to consciously hold our heavy heads up, when his brain is expoloded by that bullet that control is lost, hence his lolling head. I've seen too much footage of firing squads where the only movement is down to the ground by those poor souls, and that's at point blank range, to disagree with the pathologist.

    I feel the reall oddness lies in how Oswald was able to defect to the U.S.S.R and then back again- during the Cold War? Never seen that one explained. Time for the C-word? Patsy or trained Manchurian Killer? Lone nutter who just happened to have been taught Russian by the military, and then goes there??
  • Reply 16 of 64
    Alex is 100% correct. People fall down or go flying backwards after being shot because of what they have seen in the movies. The body has been trained to react that way after years of seeing it happen in films / TV. When people don't see it coming they don't react the same way - they just stand there and the bullet passes through them (or dosn't pass through them). Obviously though, if the wound is instantly fatal (head shot, etc..) the person will fall down - but the impact of the bullet itself does not cause movement.
  • Reply 17 of 64
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member
    The doctors and nurses at Parkland Hospital describe a set of wounds. Many of the witnesses around the limo apparently concur with the Parkland Medical Personnel's description.

    The Zapruder film shows a head wound that contradicts the above, but that does agree with the Warren Commission Report and what was seen at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

    There is a contradiction there. See "Best Evidence" by David Lifton for details.

    The Zapruder film reportedly has two splices in it. "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax: Deceit and Deception in the Death of JFK" (Edited by James H. Fetzer. Ph.D., Catfeet Press, 2003) has a great many other, far more important problems with the film. There are serious questions with the film that center, not on whether it is 'real', but whether it has been altered.

    Someone in the "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax" book asks the following question. If people see a film that depicts an event, and then hear witnesses to that event who describe something different from what is on film, who will most people believe? The event that *they see* captured on film, or the event as described by eyewitnesses?

    The film of course. BTW, the film agrees with the Warren Commision. Ahhhh, thanks. All is well. And life goes on.

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 18 of 64
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Your arguments back and forth about the physics of JFK's headshot reaction are based upon the Zapruder Film. The film may not be the gold standard of evidence that everyone for 40 years has thought....

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 19 of 64
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    It should be clear to all that Bu$h and AshKKKroft killed JFK along with Laci Peterson and sack full of fluffy puppies.
  • Reply 20 of 64
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    CNN airs a special story on JFK soon.

    Air times
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