Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... up for grabs 40GB 2.5" HD...



  • Reply 101 of 112
    Congrats der Kopf! I am sure it will serve you well! And to those of us whom did not win, we are happy for ya! Make good use of it, as for me, I am going down to get a new pb HD. ciao for now!
  • Reply 102 of 112
    photo of thegelding as he finds that his name was not picked from the hat:

    kidding...congrats to der k and thanks to pi for giving out the HD...


    ps..i like your current post count
  • Reply 103 of 112

    Originally posted by thegelding


    ps..i like your current post count

    i don't think it will continue for too long....
  • Reply 104 of 112

    Originally posted by piwozniak

    i don't think it will continue for too long....


    OMG i can see the future!!!
  • Reply 105 of 112
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Congrats to der Kopf. piwozniak doesn't need another, his gf looks fine.
  • Reply 106 of 112
    oh by current you meant my whooping 23... i see,

    Sorry, have to go dig some more.... it's gonna be loooooong winter
  • Reply 107 of 112
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    piwozniak doesn't need another, his gf looks fine.

    Sure does. No chance of you slipping her into the package?
  • Reply 108 of 112
    I'll ask her...

    Thanks for changing my title yet again

  • Reply 109 of 112
    I call for another raffle (a piwozniak's girlfriend raffle)!
  • Reply 110 of 112
    i don't know, shipping would be expensive.. and all that, taxes, import duties, etc..

    Ah, what the heck, let's do it!

    (i think i will be sleeping on the sofa for next few days)

  • Reply 111 of 112
    Besides, even though she looks 'cute"

    sometimes her real character...

    really shows up

    just so u know what you're getting yourself into.

  • Reply 112 of 112
    Geez, do you have to pinch yourself at least once a day to acknowledge that you met a girl that looks like this, through the Internet?! (alternately, she cleans up rather nicely for the camera, no? )

    [imagines sequence of funny expression pictures of piwozniak's girl holding FedEx envelope, climbing into envelope, sealing top of envelope]
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