Drugs and YOU!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I know this is not NA but here we go...

My name is \\/\\/ickes, I am 17, and I spent $65(CDN) on drugs and $45 on booze last month.

The other day a friend asked me, in an interview fashion, "what is your life divided into?". I thought for a minute or two then replied with, in order of importance:

1. Family.

2. Friends.

3. School.

4. Computers (my hobby).

5. Music.

6. Food.

7. Illegal drugs and alcohol.

Number 7 was a joke... until I realized it was true.

This scared me, but I was glad it did not rank #3 or #1 like most addicts.

So today I have taken the first step in stomping out my problem. I plan to cut down. I know this sounds light, but I have attempted to go cold turkey before, it does not work for me.

The first cut I will make is in the alcohol department. Drinking is not as fun as it once was anyway. I will only drink socially, and not to get drunk. The second will be in the THC department. I will no longer smoke on weekdays. To be honest the third cut will not happen. I was going to stop taking mushrooms but I have only done them once, and well, I plan to do them again, which is NOT ok but I plan to do this in baby steps so something has to wait.

Anyway... what is your experience in this area? Anyone in the same boat as myself?


  • Reply 1 of 44
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    If you need help, send the stuff to me. I'm bored and have bad (OK, no) connections. \

    Anyway, I have been 21 for almost 6 months now, and although I have my favorite drink, (currently a white russian), I don't drink to get drunk. I decided to cut down after I realized buying alcohol in bulk at Costco is not the image I want to project to friends and family.

    Other than alcohol, I have never done other drugs.
  • Reply 2 of 44

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes

    I know this is not NA but here we go...

    My name is \\/\\/ickes, I am 17, and I spent $65(CDN) on drugs and $45 on booze last month.

    The other day a friend asked me, in an interview fashion, "what is your life divided into?". I thought for a minute or two then replied with, in order of importance:

    1. Family.

    2. Friends.

    3. School.

    4. Computers (my hobby).

    5. Music.

    6. Food.

    7. Illegal drugs and alcohol.

    Number 7 was a joke... until I realized it was true.

    This scared me, but I was glad it did not rank #3 or #1 like most addicts.

    So today I have taken the first step in stomping out my problem. I plan to cut down. I know this sounds light, but I have attempted to go cold turkey before, it does not work for me.

    The first cut I will make is in the alcohol department. Drinking is not as fun as it once was anyway. I will only drink socially, and not to get drunk. The second will be in the THC department. I will no longer smoke on weekdays. To be honest the third cut will not happen. I was going to stop taking mushrooms but I have only done them once, and well, I plan to do them again, which is NOT ok but I plan to do this in baby steps so something has to wait.

    Anyway... what is your experience in this area? Anyone in the same boat as myself?

    I admire that you see you could use a positive change so that you are on top of drugs instead of drugs being on top of you.

    I wish you the best. Remember.... "Be Serious" about it.

  • Reply 3 of 44
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Haven't bought weed since about 1993. I used to go through a quarter a week, but one day it turned on me. Made me stupid and slow. Thought it might have just been the strain...but nope, marijuana just plain didn't like me anymore. I try it once a year just to see if things have changed, but so far no go.

    I'll do a rail or two or three if the opportunity presents itself nowadays, but I don't crave it.

    Shrooms are usually quite fun. Haven't done them in a year or so though.

    LCD used to be my thing. I loved it. I've injested at least 3 vials and a dozen and a half sheets or so in my lifetime, but again, I haven't done that in many, many years.

    Never tried heroin. Needles scare the shit out of me.

    Only a handful of times each have I tasted Ecstacy, Mescalin, Opium, Vitamin K, Meth, etc. The only things I would strongly advise you from staying away from is Vitamin K and Meth. Horrible experiences both.

    Alcohol would be my drug of choice today, although I have cut down considerably and only allow myself 2 days a week to go to the pub. 3 if the gf joins me.

    Oh, and the evil pack+ a day, which I will remove from my life shortly.
  • Reply 4 of 44

    Originally posted by Ebby

    Other than alcohol, I have never done other drugs.

    i feel sorry for you, man. really sorry. if you're really curious, there is a drug called 'Salvia Divinorum' which is completely and totally legal in virtually every western country (i believe the sole exception being "Australia," if that counts as a country). If done right, its effects can be like a strong shroom or acid trip; more often its like a weird weed rip (and for some, its just a dud). You can find it at head shops (well, i guess if u dont use u dont know where to find one of those), or tobacconist shops (like a place that sells a lot of brands of cigars, and lots of cigarettes, and pipes/etc), also theres lots of great salvia available on the web.

    back to the originator: i find it kind of funny, and i don't mean to be totally disrespectful of your situation, that you think you have a problem at ~100/mo canadian. I've done a lot more than that over large stretches of time, and not considered it a problem; but to each his own I guess. I'm of the mind that youngsters like yourself shouldn't be using anyway, so I'll try to give you some advice.

    First off, the infamous 12-step program can help you a great deal, and if you don't want to commit to regular meetings and the whole rigamarole, you can mend the steps your own way. The first step, I think, is the most important (and you've already got that one), admitting you have a problem. Another common trait to recovery programs is the idea of baby steps. Thinking long term, like "I will never drink again" is tough, and may seem insurmountable. But, "I am not going to have a drink right now" is a bit easier. In the beginning it is probably best to avoid keggers and any parties commencing at 4:20. But, when you feel confident with yourself to get there, try to break the urges into small instances. Don't think of it as "I'm not goign to use/drink at this party." Instead, if they try to pass you a piece, turn it away; When your offered alcohol, say "no" and get yourself a soda or something. If your friends make a stink about it, leave. With time you'll learn to be in situations with heavy users/drinkers and not succumb to the pressure.

    It may seem kind of odd coming from a user, but I haven't quite gotten over the first step myself. The advice I'm giving is stuff I've heard given to my alcoholic and addicted brethren. And for the sake of us lost souls who continue to pollute our bodies, remember not every one is hurt by or has a problem with drugs and alcohol; So when you do get over it, don't go evangelizing to all your old stoner/drunk friends.
  • Reply 5 of 44
    i drink to make the pain go away.

    it's either booze or (perscribed) percodan, which had much worse side effects.

    i can now drink anyone i've ever met under the table.
  • Reply 6 of 44

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    i drink to make the pain go away.

    it's either booze or (perscribed) percodan, which had much worse side effects.

    i can now drink anyone i've ever met under the table.

    weed is a much better analgesic, imo. and has less side-effects too: night of drinking->hangover; night of smoking->euphoria.
  • Reply 7 of 44
    I used to party a lot and had quite a bit of fun. Now I only drink and I think that's actually worse. I'd never tell anyone else what to do except to say be carefull and that moderation isn't a bad idea.
  • Reply 8 of 44
    yeah, but there are real world legality issues (for now) with weeed.

    but yes, it is effective.
  • Reply 9 of 44

    Nice to hear... but are you not tempted?


    ... ummm... I am quivering in the shadow of your drug experience. I plan to keep it all natural. I will never try chemicals like LSD. Mushrooms were a big leap for me and well I like them. I plan to enjoy them again, but I will leave them behind in the end.

    thuh Freak

    It is a problem because I do not have a steady income, and I have more important things to worry about, like school.


    What is your pain?

    I am an easy drunk... well that is what you get for being 145lb and 6 foot 1.
  • Reply 10 of 44
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Well I have loads of addicts and alcoholics in my family. I seriously suspect that if I got around to using anything with any frequency, I'd probably become addicted to it.

    So basically I just never bought or tried. I've had plenty of opportunities. I've watched plenty of people smoke pot in front of me, drop acid, etc. I drink socially and probably drink enough to be called "buzzed" to drunk about 1-2 times a year.

    I can count the number of times I've gone to a store and bought alcohol on two hands. I'll drink at a party or if we go to a bar, but otherwise I just don't do it at home. To habit forming in my opinion.

    I don't mean it in a bragging sort of way. I seriously think I would have a problem if tried or did anything more. I don't say that I do these actions as a virtue, it is from a position of weakness. I think they would consume me.

  • Reply 11 of 44
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    First off, the infamous 12-step program can help you a great deal, and if you don't want to commit to regular meetings and the whole rigamarole, you can mend the steps your own way.

    Yup. I was going to mention this as well. I was on a bit of a bender a year or so ago, and when I came to I though I might have a wee problem. So, I joined AA. Didn't have a drop for a couple of months. Then they started going through the steps, that is, a meeting devoted to each step. Well, 1 and 2 went great, but when they got to 3 I flipped. I just couldn't subscribe to that sort of voodoo. Sorry boys...I'm out.

    But I have to say, I've never met a group of better people in my life. Good, solid people that would do anything to help you out. I'd recommend AA to anyone.
  • Reply 12 of 44
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes


    ... ummm... I am quivering in the shadow of your drug experience.

    Hey, I've got almost 20 years on you.

    Keeping it all natural is a very good idea.
  • Reply 13 of 44
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I don't drink anymore...but I don't drink any less either!
  • Reply 14 of 44

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes

    Anyway... what is your experience in this area? Anyone in the same boat as myself?

    Well, I have been down this road and it seems you have detected an issue(s) in your life early. That's good.

    Out of all the issues here...drinking is the hardest. Because of it's legality and overall exposure in almost everywhere you go and see.

    If any form of desire becomes a neccesity where it takes over all your other demands in life (job, relationships, etc.)...it's time to take that inventory.

    I've stopped drinking again. It reached that point again that it started to take over responsibilities and actions. So I stopped. One thing keeping me sane through it all are family, friends and weed. Without the latter I'd probably keep drinking. But there are also many other diversions I have available creatively to keep me occupied.

    As far as mushrooms? Don't be fooled. Those and other forms of "mind expanding" drugs do exactly the opposite. The more you do the less of a brain you will have. So they'd be tops on my list.

    It doesn't sound like you have a problem yet. It's a matter of choice I think for you right now. If they become demands over life's real choices and goals then you have a problem.

  • Reply 15 of 44

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    As far as mushrooms? Don't be fooled. Those and other forms of "mind expanding" drugs do exactly the opposite. The more you do the less of a brain you will have. So they'd be tops on my list.

    i dont think there's any evidence that infers that mushrooms cause brain damage. the closest i can think of is the debunked idea that lsd can lead to schizophrenia. mushrooms don't lead to a loss of brain matter. in fact, i'm pretty sure that there are no known long-term side-effects from mushrooms.
  • Reply 16 of 44
    I don?t think anyone should be that naïve, i.e. thuh Freak, about drugs (illegal or not). All drugs have some sort of consequence, hell Artman @_@ replace alcohol with weed.

    I?m not proclaiming that someone should not use them because I did, but my personal preferences were just that, my individual choices. If you want to do them, then fine, just understand the flip to the situation.
  • Reply 17 of 44
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by 709

    Never tried heroin. Needles scare the shit out of me.

    Glad to hear that. Heroin is the single most addictive substance known to man. Pot, crack, cocaine, nicotine, lsd, etc etc...with all of them you have a fighting chance of staying a "casual" user, or at least recovering later. With heroin, one hit can leave you an addict for life. Some people are genetically predisposed to alcoholism; everyone is predisposed to heroin addiction. Aside from the needles and the HIV and the HepC, stay the hell away from heroin.
  • Reply 18 of 44
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    i dont think there's any evidence that infers that mushrooms cause brain damage. the closest i can think of is the debunked idea that lsd can lead to schizophrenia.

    As I learned it, LSD doesn't cause schizophrenia, but it brings out schizophrenia in certain people with a subtle underlying predisposition. A mild schizphrenia, or at least the capacity to become schizophrenic, is already there, and LSD unmasks it. But that doesn't mean that those people would have necessarily become overtly schizophrenic without the LSD.

    No place like medical school to learn all you ever wanted to know about illegal mind-altering drugs.
  • Reply 19 of 44

    Originally posted by Towel

    Glad to hear that. Heroin is the single most addictive substance known to man. Pot, crack, cocaine, nicotine, lsd, etc etc...with all of them you have a fighting chance of staying a "casual" user, or at least recovering later. With heroin, one hit can leave you an addict for life. Some people are genetically predisposed to alcoholism; everyone is predisposed to heroin addiction. Aside from the needles and the HIV and the HepC, stay the hell away from heroin.

    that's not entirely true either. A number of addicts and users were asked to categorize their addictions. they marked nicotine as the most addictive substance. But don't worry, cigarettes are legal. \ (by the by, i'm not trying to be anti-tobacco [i'm a smoker], but rather pro-legalization)


    Originally posted by ac7860

    I don?t think anyone should be that naïve, i.e. thuh Freak, about drugs (illegal or not). All drugs have some sort of consequence, hell Artman @_@ replace alcohol with weed.

    i'm not trying to say there aren't detriments to using drugs or alcohol. There certainly are. I'm merely trying to wash out tired old lies we've heard about them. For me, the most damaging effects weren't physically hurtful, but rather in my relationship with my family they were (somewhat). Some drugs are quite physically damaging, but "magic mushrooms" ain't one of em. Nor is lsd, or weed.
  • Reply 20 of 44

    Originally posted by Towel

    As I learned it, LSD doesn't cause schizophrenia, but it brings out schizophrenia in certain people with a subtle underlying predisposition. A mild schizphrenia, or at least the capacity to become schizophrenic, is already there, and LSD unmasks it. But that doesn't mean that those people would have necessarily become overtly schizophrenic without the LSD.

    even this idea has been disputed. and i dont readily believe it. i'm inclined to believe that those who became schizophrenic after using already were, or that their increased psychosis was unrelated to their acid use.
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