Drugs and YOU!



  • Reply 41 of 44

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    i feel sorry for you, man. really sorry. if you're really curious, there is a drug called 'Salvia Divinorum'.

    20 min max....

    then back to normal

  • Reply 42 of 44

    Originally posted by piwozniak

    20 min max....

    then back to normal

    Um... yes, but those twenty minutes are about the most intense hallucinogenic experience you can have without taking a good half-dozen tabs of acid.

    I've never been brave enough. You lie down like a log with the light of the divine in your eyes. Personally the thought of what I might uncover is sort of... scary, franchement.
  • Reply 43 of 44

    Originally posted by piwozniak

    20 min max....

    then back to normal

    thats actually not true. my experiences with salvia have varied from very short (5 minutes) through average (30 minutes) and up to an hour (noting, of course, only strong experiences. if you go at it right, you can get a weak experience however long u want).


    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    I've never been brave enough. You lie down like a log with the light of the divine in your eyes. Personally the thought of what I might uncover is sort of... scary, franchement.

    Its a lot of fun. I would strongly recommend it, particularly sublingually over smoke. The whole experience is very relaxing (well, meditation is almost a requirement to get the full effect, so its damned relaxing). While under, I met the lady diviner, and she opened my eyes in ways i didn't know they could be. And the lying down part, humorously, isn't optional for me. Once I get into it, i have no choice but to surrender to gravity. Not People, desks, chairs, tables, nor pain could get in my way. [all this talk about salvia makes me wanna do it right now]
  • Reply 44 of 44
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