How long have you had your main computer?



  • Reply 41 of 43
    I've had mine (my first modern Mac!) since June... and I plan on staying for 3-4 years, preferably 4. And we've had our Athlon 1Ghz (Windoze) since 2001.
  • Reply 42 of 43
    1996-1998 Performa 6320CD (gone)

    1997-1999 PowerMac 4400 (gone)

    1998 - 2001 Bondi Rev. A iMac (still there)

    2001-2003 PowerMac G4 533MHz (still there)

    2003 - ??? PowerBook 1 GHz 17"

    Mac User all my life
  • Reply 43 of 43
    resres Posts: 711member
    1983 Apple ][e (family)

    1986 Apple ][gs (family)

    1989 Macintosh IIci

    1991 Macintosh Quadra 700

    1993 Macintosh Centris 650

    1993 Macintosh Quadra 800

    1994 PowerBook 520c

    1995 Power Macintosh 7500

    1997 Power Macintosh 8600

    1998 Powerbook G3 Series (Wall Street)

    2000 Home built 700MHz Althlon

    2002 Home built Athlon 2100XP

    2002 Powerbook G4 (800MHz DVI)

    I bought my Powerbook in July of 2002 so my baby is 16 months old. I'm not going to buy another G4 computer, so I'm waiting for the G5s to mature a little and move throughout the lines.
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