PowerBook G5



  • Reply 361 of 375
    thttht Posts: 5,605member

    Originally posted by johnsonwax

    The new Xserve is then using a cooler processor than my G4 Xserve, but they needed to yank a drive bay in order to increase cooling? Something isn't adding up here.

    The change from 4 drives to 3 drives probably has more to do with product marketing and design than heating problems. Apple has made a choice to engineer the G5 products with a nice cooling system and has made the decision to reduce the expansion capabilities of the G5 systems (both PowerMac G5 and Xserve G5). It's not like they haven't done it before.

    So, I think you guys are going down the wrong path in trying to determine what's up with a Powerbook G5 from the Xserve G5.


    2) There's something else in the G5 Xserve that is eating up tons of power - and I think it's the memory controller. That same controller will need to be on the Powerbook, and I think that's what's interrupting Apple's plans here.

    Apple jumped clean up to a 1GHz FSB, well past Intel, and I think they have incurred a huge hit on the controller. My guess is that a G5 powerbook is more like a dual G4 powerbook to engineer around.

    How can you determine that is what is holding up Apple's plans, or even say something is holding Apple up in the 1st place. The current Powerbook G4 is in mid-cycle, merely 4 months into release, and it'll take another 2 months alone to wean out the channel. So, we won't be seeing a new pro-laptop release until Spring at the earliest. Maybe after April, we can say something is holding up Apple, but not now.
  • Reply 362 of 375
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    We should rename this thread and call it "Mercury rising )" because believe me, if you put a G5 in a notebook the mercury will definitely be rising!
  • Reply 363 of 375
    philbyphilby Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by Aphelion

    And we may see a dual G4 Powerbook if that happens.

    Doubtful, as a DP 1.25 GHz G4 would probably be faster for many tasks than a single 1.6 GHz G5. The G5 is not that much faster than a G4 MHz for Mhz, unlike a Pentium-M vs P4.
  • Reply 364 of 375
    Ok but how would it be to see a G4 DUAL 1,25 PowerBook and later this year a PowerBook G5 with 2GHz not only 1,6 ...

    But I think we will see:

    A: A Speed Bumped G4 PB with up to max. 1,5


    B: A G5 PB but not now ! Maybe April

    Because only introduce a G5 PowerBook with a G5 chip would be no Generation 5 Laptop !

    There must be a new enclosure, Graphic Chip (there are no new at the moment), and exspecially a new Battery Technology. I think we will see a G5 Laptop later this year with new Graphic chip / G5 chip / enclosure / Fuel Cell tech.
  • Reply 365 of 375

    Originally posted by macmunch

    There must be a new Graphic Chip (there are no new at the moment)

    Hmmm... Radeon 9800 Mobility with 128 Mb VRAM?
  • Reply 366 of 375
    No ...

    Show me the link !

    I saw it on no roadmap and no announcment
  • Reply 367 of 375
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    Hmmm... Radeon 9800 Mobility with 128 Mb VRAM?

    There is already a Radeon 9600 Mobility with 128 MB VRAM. I bet this will be the next graphics chip in the Powerbooks, unless something else appears until then.
  • Reply 368 of 375
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by macmunch

    No ...

    Show me the link !

    The title at least in this page says Mobility Radeon 9800. It is in japanese, so I don't know what it is in the article .
  • Reply 369 of 375

    The title at least in this page says Mobility Radeon 9800. It is in japanese, so I don't know what it is in the article .

    My wife, who is Japanese, says it is just asking the question will the 9800 appear in the future. Not a confirmation of its existence.
  • Reply 370 of 375
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by craiger77

    My wife, who is Japanese, says it is just asking the question will the 9800 appear in the future. Not a confirmation of its existence.

    Oh, thanks! So, nothing to see there. Nevertheless, it could be a Radeon Mobility 9700 before the Radeon Mobility 9800, if the later is going ever to appear, no?
  • Reply 371 of 375
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by macmunch

    B: A G5 PB but not now ! Maybe April

    probally later...


    Because only introduce a G5 PowerBook with a G5 chip would be no Generation 5 Laptop !

    what is a "Generation 5 Laptop" ?

    i don't think someone who buy's a pb G5 care's what generation laptop he bought. he cares about the fact it's a mac, it's portable and it has a G5 in it.

    at least i do.


    There must be a new enclosure,


    if it can fit in the same box it would be great


    Graphic Chip (there are no new at the moment), and exspecially a new Battery Technology. I think we will see a G5 Laptop later this year with new Graphic chip / G5 chip / enclosure / Fuel Cell tech.

    i don't believe in fuel cells on my lap.

    anyway, there is no must, there is a wish.

    and, as someone on these boards said once, wishing is for suckers
  • Reply 372 of 375

    Originally posted by THT

    The change from 4 drives to 3 drives probably has more to do with product marketing and design than heating problems. Apple has made a choice to engineer the G5 products with a nice cooling system and has made the decision to reduce the expansion capabilities of the G5 systems (both PowerMac G5 and Xserve G5). It's not like they haven't done it before.

    No, moving from 4 to 3 bays is a huge downgrade. With 4 you can get a much better RAID 5 setup or you can do 1+0, which is what almost everybody I know does. 4 bays is a wonderful thing if you can boot off of a mirrored drive, which the Xserve happily does.


    How can you determine that is what is holding up Apple's plans, or even say something is holding Apple up in the 1st place. The current Powerbook G4 is in mid-cycle, merely 4 months into release, and it'll take another 2 months alone to wean out the channel. So, we won't be seeing a new pro-laptop release until Spring at the earliest. Maybe after April, we can say something is holding up Apple, but not now.

    Well, I would posit that since the 90nm G5s don't put out any more heat than a G4, and if the memory controller or some other G5 specific part is not significantly energy hungry than the G4 parts, then you should be able to drop a G5 or two directly into a G4 system. The Xserves were wonderful before and don't benefit from losing a drive bay. They gain nothing by that move. In the process they picked up substantially more fans than they had before, which weren't needed with the G4. So, why take away functionality and add fans if the G5 puts out no more heat than the G4? My suggestion is that it's not the G5, it's the only other part that has changed substantially - the memory controller.
  • Reply 373 of 375

    Originally posted by philby

    Doubtful, as a DP 1.25 GHz G4 would probably be faster for many tasks than a single 1.6 GHz G5. The G5 is not that much faster than a G4 MHz for Mhz, unlike a Pentium-M vs P4.

    Why dual 1.25, if you look at the wattage and the heat issues you'll see that (if ever) a dual 1GHz would way more feasible ... still very fast ...

    I want a dual 1GHZ 17" PowerBook!
  • Reply 374 of 375
    Any thoughts on this one...?
  • Reply 375 of 375
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Gah! Thread necromancy!

    The general consensus of the thread was "not gonna happen," and it's an old, old thread, so I'm going to lock it.
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