Dual 1.8 G5



  • Reply 21 of 76

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Any chance that I'd be able to buy an extra processor?

    Not anytime soon, but probably in late 2004 or 2005.

    Powerlogix currently offers dual G4 upgrades for people who have single-processor or dual-processor G4 machines. I know Powerlogix and Sonnet Technologies are already working on getting their hands on G5s for a series of G5 upgrades ... so I suspect it's only a matter of time before we'll see dual G5 upgrades available.

    I'm just curious if Powerlogix or Sonnet will manage to fit one or more G5s into G4 PowerMacs, or if the G5 upgrades will only be available for G5 owners.
  • Reply 22 of 76
    This is great news for pros who need dual procs. I, however, don't. I was hoping the 1.8 single (with PCI-X mobo) would be moved into the low-end slot. Instead we have the 1.6 with PCI

    I may have to look more closely at an iMac when I get a new machine next year. ... I'm still coveting a G5 though since it would stay "current" longer than a G4.
  • Reply 23 of 76
    I'm curious, what if you had the option to buy a headless consumer machine for about $799 with the following specs?

    1.25GHz PowerPC G4

    NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra

    64MB DDR video memory

    256MB DDR333 SDRAM

    80GB Ultra ATA hard drive

    AirPort Extreme Ready

    Bluetooth Option

    4x Superdrive <edit>

    Is that appealing?



    Originally posted by rustedborg

    Yes! I am VERY happy about the changes to the G5 PowerMac line and it's nice to see a huge iMac monitor, but what's up with the price?

    I almost laughed out loud in the office this morning when I went to the Apple website and saw the price was $2199. What a JOKE. The iMacs were already considerably OVERPRICED, and now Apple has made the top of the line iMac even MORE expensive.

    I don't know what the folks in charge of pricing at Apple are smoking, but they need to get into rehab NOW. The MOST expensive iMac shouldn't break the $1,999 barrier ... and that's with the largest LCD, fully loaded with RAM, huge hard drive, and a great graphics/video card. $2199 for a top-level iMac G4 is bad, bad, bad. Shame on you, Apple.

  • Reply 24 of 76

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    You are right i am pissed , i just have my G5 1,8 from one month and is obsolete right now : he lost nearly 30 % of his price.

    Anywyay, i have complained many times here, that Apple should have shipped a dual 1,8 G5 instead a single. Yes the lineup is more balanced now.

    Reparing an error lately is better than no repair.

    The good point for me, is that my single 1,8 will become a collector \

    Powerdoc your signature says Dual G5?

    I thought this whole time you had the Dual 2ghz G5

    Did you realize you have the word "dual" in your signature?

  • Reply 25 of 76

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    Powerdoc your signature says Dual G5?

    I thought this whole time you had the Dual 2ghz G5

    Did you realize you have the word "dual" in your signature?


    He's trolling and you busted him.
  • Reply 26 of 76
    He bought more than one G5 for his office (dual for him, singles for the ladies).

    No trolling here, move along.

  • Reply 27 of 76

    Originally posted by concentricity

    I'm curious, what if you had the option to buy a headless consumer machine for about $799 with the following specs?

    1.25GHz PowerPC G4

    NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra

    64MB DDR video memory

    256MB DDR333 SDRAM

    80GB Ultra ATA hard drive

    AirPort Extreme Ready

    Bluetooth Option

    4x Superdrive <edit>

    Is that appealing?


    I just purchased my Dual 1.25GHz G4 PowerMac this year because a cheap but good g4 tower wasn't available. If the headless tower/cube you describe has a video/graphics card that can be REPLACED/UPGRADED, I would have gladly purchased that instead of my dual G4 PowerMac this year.

    I was about to purchase a stock $1,299 single-processor 1.25GHz G4 PowerMac from the Apple Store when another computer store was going out of business and has a dual with 512MB of RAM and 120GB hard drive for $1,550 ($1,899 at the time from Apple Store). I figured since I couldn't get a cheap PowerMac for less than $1,000 I might as well dig a little deeper in my pockets and buy the dual.

    Still, if I had a $799 tower/cube option at the time I would have gone with the $799 Mac instead of the $1,550 Mac.
  • Reply 28 of 76

    Originally posted by Curufinwe

    OOOOOH I bet people who bought the 1.8 are PISSED! 2 times the performance for EXACTLY the same price. I've never seen a difference so stark from one day to the next

    well, its been obvious an update was coming--shoot, i've bene holding out since august for g5 updates, cause i dont want a 2, i want a 2.5.... its their fault for being impatient
  • Reply 29 of 76
  • Reply 30 of 76
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    god DAMN it!

    between this new product, and my odl company FINALLY getting me some work, this WOULD have been perfect for me. but i had to buy several months ago so i could do work that was promised but never occurred.

    i'm not blaming apple... completely. i'm not blaming my old company... not completely. i'me not even blaming myself for my choice... well, not completely.

    i blame life.
  • Reply 31 of 76
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member

    Originally posted by Curufinwe

    OOOOOH I bet people who bought the 1.8 are PISSED! 2 times the performance for EXACTLY the same price. I've never seen a difference so stark from one day to the next

    I like to think that I feel envious rather than pissed

    Seriously though, I can appreciate how someone who needs maximum power might be irritated by this. But for me, my G5 1.8 has given me not one problem and I've used it every day since the day I brought it home. Very happy.
  • Reply 32 of 76

    Originally posted by Curufinwe

    This is off topic here. . . but in response to the above:

    The most underwhelming thing today was the lack of a price drop in the iMac line.

    Repeat after me: Apple is a luxury computer company. Their niche is luxury items. Luxury items = high prices.

    If you want a NICE, low priced Apple, buy an eMac. But don't whine about Apple prices. That's like whining about Lexus prices.

  • Reply 33 of 76
    This is the G5 line up that should have been there from day 1.

    A little nitpicking: the prices all across the line are still $200 too high. The dual G5 1.8 should have the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro video card.

    I'm guessing that starting the middle of next month rebates of from $100 to $200 will be offered on at least the two lower end models. These rebates will expire in January with the release of the faster G5s expected then.

    A question, can we expect to see a price drop now on the G4 towers? The single 1.25 GHz model at $999 and the dual at $1299 would seem to be reasonably priced. I guess, though, it won't happen as it might cut into the grossly overpriced iMac sales.
  • Reply 34 of 76
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Ernest eMac

    Sir, on the 6th of September you said:

    "I just got my G5 1.8 on September 4th, and I haven't been able to post because I have been looking at it for the last two days. I'm serious. I just can't pry my eyes off the thing. Literally. The keyboard is great, (Shut up about it, dammit!), and it is fast. I mean, fast . Scaling windows is very smooth, even in iTunes. And it boots very quickly.

    I just can't get over how cool it is."

    Your G5 is still fast. Fast even. Today's announcement hasn't changed that fact.

    The 30 gig iPod I bought was replaced by a 40 gig one in a matter of weeks. It happens \

    Thanks for bringing some sense and consolation into my world. You're right. My computer kicks ass, and will for months to come. I was stupid to be that ungrateful. It's iompossible to keep a computer up-to-date anyway, and that's just the way it goes.

    That said, I'll be buying a Dual 3.0 in August.
  • Reply 35 of 76
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by FormatC2

    Repeat after me: Apple is a luxury computer company. Their niche is luxury items. Luxury items = high prices.

    If you want a NICE, low priced Apple, buy an eMac. But don't whine about Apple prices. That's like whining about Lexus prices.

    there is nothing "lexus" about the iMac

    it's an ugly opaque white dome that gets dirty real quick with a pretty display and a price/performance ratio that is even sad for apple.
  • Reply 36 of 76
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by OldCodger73

    The dual G5 1.8 should have the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro video card.

    Definitely. From what I've heard the GeForce 5200 is terrible; it's annoying that an otherwise fantastic machine is crippled by it. Although from a business perspective this might be a good move by Apple; it encourages buyers to upgrade to the Radeon 9600, which can only be done at the Apple Store.
  • Reply 37 of 76

    Originally posted by OldCodger73

    This is the G5 line up that should have been there from day 1.

    A little nitpicking: the prices all across the line are still $200 too high. The dual G5 1.8 should have the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro video card.

    I'm guessing that starting the middle of next month rebates of from $100 to $200 will be offered on at least the two lower end models. These rebates will expire in January with the release of the faster G5s expected then.

    A question, can we expect to see a price drop now on the G4 towers? The single 1.25 GHz model at $999 and the dual at $1299 would seem to be reasonably priced. I guess, though, it won't happen as it might cut into the grossly overpriced iMac sales.

    A dual G4 PowerMac for LESS than a single G5? Although that's where the prices are in reality at several good Apple reseller stores, those prices aren't freak'n likely direct from Apple.

    Dual 1.25GHz G4s sell for $1,500-$1,900 depending on model and source. Since benchmarks indicate that a dual 1.25GHz g4 is actually FASTER than a single g5 in apps like Photoshop, I seriously doubt Apple would offer a dual g4 tower for $1,299 that would (in some cases) be faster than a more expensive G5.

    Yes, I'll say it again, iMac prices are a joke.
  • Reply 38 of 76
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member

    Originally posted by CaseCom

    This is great news for pros who need dual procs. I, however, don't. I was hoping the 1.8 single (with PCI-X mobo) would be moved into the low-end slot. Instead we have the 1.6 with PCI

    You're not a pro and dont need dual proc, but you want PCI-X? Tell me, exactly, which SCSI RAID card will be using? Or maybe Fibre Channel?

    PCI-X is so obscure its not funny. Handy for people making super computers, but not anything Id put money into.

    The future is PCI Express, which is quite different. I wouldnt be worried in the slightest by PCI-X, much more handy would be the extra 4 DIMM slots.
  • Reply 39 of 76
    this stinks... if i would have waited one more month i would have gotten a dual for the same money
  • Reply 40 of 76
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by MacUsers

    this stinks... if i would have waited one more month i would have gotten a dual for the same money

    Welcome in the club.

    However if it's a bad new for us, it's a good new for others customers (where is the crying smiley ?)
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